2: BoBs in the cooking pot

terminal 0



Origin: USEC Nimitz Destination: Conditioning Unit G.R71b∆, Ha'Nata Complex Hello again, Soldier. Well, Blake wasn't there, as you saw. Therefore, he must be on one of the other twenty-two planets, moons or asteroids. But here is the most likely place for him to be held. This is the Research and Development Complex of Ha'Nata, on the Planet of F'itchika, the second planet of the System. Or so we thought. It appears now that it is in fact an undercover prison. Somewhere here is the underground Prison. You must find it, and quickly. Blake will not remain alive for much longer. Incedentaly, there is a fair bit of R@D in here, which you

should really have a look at. Destroy what you can't carry. If Blake is here, he will probably still be wearing his blue uniform. Please try not to kill him, or I will kill you. Count on it. There are other Prisoners - do not kill them either. also, watch out for booby traps; there may be some. Blake will be transported out when he is located. You will need to find the "Gate-House", and flick the switch to open the second half of the compound. Once there, search all of the houses and the surrounding territory. Blake will be there somewhere. SEQUI AD DEUM, Marine

...Find him...

terminal 1


Security Report A.9*J

<For all Units operating inside Complex> To access Internal Boundry report to GateHouse Alpha 10.6f.to raise gate. In the event of a hostile assault (?Human?) on the station, use maintenance tunnel 68.2J to gain access to ramparts. Failure to comply with these orders will result in disciple (?dismemberment?).

Security Report A.9*J

terminal 2


R.48ƒ xS.14

Conditioning Unit Rƒ 31.B Orders from Commander: It appears that several Flick'ita monsters are being illegally transported into this complex. These practices must stop, as these (?Yetis?) are escaping from Storage and are causing destruction throughout the base. If caught, the punishment will be severe (?Disembowled?) General Orders WEF 0200: Hostile has teleported onto surface. Secure Prisoners and GateHouse Access.

terminal 3


Science Report 0901*/

Science Officers Log 9/14/2207: Patrol captured three Flick'ita Monsters inside ruins of J'Ion. Brought into complex for tests. Science Officers Log 17/14/2207: Flick'ita escaped from containment. We have determined it's primitivity, but are considering an sweep of their native caves as a precaution. Science Officers Log 22/14/2207: We have been ordered to prepare testing Project 055.9F (?assimalation?). A special prisoner is arriving soon, and the project must be ready in two days.

Science Report 0901*/

terminal 4


Report by: Fee'Kirr, Tactical Advisor We have intercepted an old script in the ancient S'pht language, known to them soley as the "D'or". This alphabet appears to be translatable. We have begun work on the signal, sent on 3/1/2173, during the old wars. i do not unnerstnd the ? dmge caused by ººº? pfhorr vessals..why do the eldars nt help \? dO they; not c'are**? OuR wepoms are stro\g...`why do th/ eldars not actvte the:m...why d:o we sti\l die...why...why...why...why.........

terminal 5



Why do they dsrt u\s in our ho)ur of ne*d? what hav we donne to deserv. thi/s fate..>? the eldrs are inthe to/wer..:why do theyy no\t help..1. we s'pht wi*ll hav to fght the app\roa/ching hoards alon-e.>.< why...why...why...why...why...why...why... ourr leadrs £d\o forske me... whe'n my hour has co*me... why do our soul;s not se*e the wickedne*ss thou art do/ne wHy?


terminal 6


...Connecting 24000amps... ...Contacting 0.7654... ...Checking Passcode...


<<<Access Denied>>>

terminal 7


...Prison Complement...

ENTER PASSWORD: •••••••• <INCORRECT> BYPASS SEC.CODE <SUCCESSFUL> Report Last Amended: Date: 2/9/2297 Author: Senior Cellan J'Yoo Prisoners: Primary Cell......HUMAN RANK: UNKNOWN (1) Secondary Cell....HUMAN RANK: SECURITY (2) Tertiary Cell.....HUMAN RANK: CREW (1) Execution Cell....HUMAN RANK: COMMANDER (1) BYPASS LINK COLLAPSE RETRY Y/N? [N]


terminal 8



Origin: USEC Nimitz Destination: Security Transference Unit GR.52 Hi again, Marine. Well done on finding Blake - couldn't have done it better myself. Well, onward. I promised you that I'd send you to Moh'Tlak and I will. That couldn't have been more timely: the Pfhor have really sent in the heavy squad and the colonists are getting knocked to bits. You must sort it out. In all our interests, you and your fellow Marines will go under Blake's control, from the Moh'Tlak Orbiter Station. He will be co-ordinating you guys, while the Nimitz will be focusing on clearing the remaining planets of Pfhor.

On the S'pht Ancients, I have deciphered some rather interesting information. From what I have gathered from what you found and from the meagre USEC Databases, it appears the Ancient S'pht were wiped out around 1947 AD, Earth years. From the few survivors, grew the primitive and unintelligent F'lickta race, which formed the modern colonies which evolved into species like the S'pht Compilers and Defenders which you encountered during your time with Durandal. This fortification dates back to around 1935 AD, when the Pfhor and S'pht were at war. What is unclear is that from the information you gathered, the S'pht language and alphabet was very primative; but the technology found by Durandal and other USEC Personel appears highly in advance of Earth's at that time.

There appears one theory - that the S'pht were actually controlled by another race of hyperintelligent beings, whom the S'pht populace refered to as "The Eldars". As far as we know, that species is unknown. Our only clue is that it must be a peaceful species, as none of the heavy weaponry which the S'pht possessed was used in the final Pfhor assault. Nevertheless, we will try to find these "Eldars" when we have time to breathe. The Colony has an A1, by name of Caesar (left), who you may try to contact you. Ignore all of his instructions until you recieve clearance from Blake. We do not know the state of his circuitry, and he may have gone rampant. Only obey instructions given if there is no alternative. BEWARE. SEQUI AD DEUM, Marine