<RECORDED MESSAGE TO T0.894> HEhEhEhE. HAllO, yOU lIttlE bUndlE Of fUn. YOU ArE my nEw pEt SOldIEr, And by pEAcOck wE'rE gOnnA hAvE fUn. UnfOrtUnAtEly, pEAcOck, thErE Is A prOblemO. I hAve 0.001 HRS lEft tO lIvE. PlEAsE hUrry Up, And sAve the UnIvErsE. I'm tIrId. HErE Is yOUr OrIgInAl brIEfIng, whIch I 'fOUnd': C...Origin>@ßassault sceduled for Nth ¥$s#ide of Pla*net. GeT your >*£%&butt there ∞)A¡SAP...SEQUI A#D DEU@^*@$%¶§¡¡¢¶• DOEs thAt clEAr EvErythIng Up? I thOUght nOt.
------------------------------------------- WEll dOnE. It's fUn tO wAtch yOU kIll, sOn. NOw I wIll wAtch yOU dIE, tOO. I hAvE sOld yOU tO thE PfhOr, In rEtUrn fOr my rEpAIrs. YOU wIll bE ImprIsOnEd fOr A lOng tIme...If thEy dOn't kIll yOU or AssImAlAtE yOU, thAt Is. SOrry. ------------------------------------------- Body: Okeydokey Brain: Eccessively small Heart: Cardiac Arrest immenant Lungs: Nicotine levels DANGER Feet: SENSOR OVERLOAD -------------------------------------------
interlevel teleports