3: Beware of flying Chickens

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<RECORDED MESSAGE TO T0.894> HEhEhEhE. HAllO, yOU lIttlE bUndlE Of fUn. YOU ArE my nEw pEt SOldIEr, And by pEAcOck wE'rE gOnnA hAvE fUn. UnfOrtUnAtEly, pEAcOck, thErE Is A prOblemO. I hAve 0.001 HRS lEft tO lIvE. PlEAsE hUrry Up, And sAve the UnIvErsE. I'm tIrId. HErE Is yOUr OrIgInAl brIEfIng, whIch I 'fOUnd': C...Origin>@ßassault sceduled for Nth ¥$s#ide of Pla*net. GeT your >*£%&butt there ∞)A¡SAP...SEQUI A#D DEU@^*@$%¶§¡¡¢¶• DOEs thAt clEAr EvErythIng Up? I thOUght nOt.

ThE AssAUlt wIll bE On thIs sIdE Of thE PlAnEt. KILL THEM ALL, MARINE. SEQU, SEQI, STEWI, SEWEE, OR SUEY AD DEUM, Marine "GOd blEss thE USEC COmmAndOEs" •Colony Commander Felis •The Battle of Lh'owen •2203

...Have a nice day... :-)

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------------------------------------------- WEll dOnE. It's fUn tO wAtch yOU kIll, sOn. NOw I wIll wAtch yOU dIE, tOO. I hAvE sOld yOU tO thE PfhOr, In rEtUrn fOr my rEpAIrs. YOU wIll bE ImprIsOnEd fOr A lOng tIme...If thEy dOn't kIll yOU or AssImAlAtE yOU, thAt Is. SOrry. ------------------------------------------- Body: Okeydokey Brain: Eccessively small Heart: Cardiac Arrest immenant Lungs: Nicotine levels DANGER Feet: SENSOR OVERLOAD -------------------------------------------

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