4: Area 37

terminal 0


Interesting welcoming party. When the S'pht left Lh'owon they took with them many of the native creatures. It looks like they found a home for some of them. I will have to consult my logs to be sure, but I cannot remember seeing any of the S'pht fleet, except for the 'Kr, for at least 200 years. The flag ship they stole from the Pfhor was very powerful. Perhaps they too spent centuries making ship improvements and are far away from here. Anyway, it looks like I get to play tour guide. At least I get Durandal out of my brain for a few hours. This complex has switches, enabler mechanisms and transporters up the wahzoo. Some of them open doors up to two kilometres away. Lucky the enablers emit a low frequency beacon I can track. There are some power access junctions and other electronic gadgets up on the next level and to your right. Check them out first.

**** Pfh'Joueur Datalink ****

terminal 1


<checkpoint 0>

This power conduit is sending a signal into this area. You can get to it by swimming under the waterfall. I am detecting communications equipment in that area. Go see what you can find, then come back to this outlet or the one in the room below. I will see if I can find maps of the area and should have more information for you by then.

<tag 1>

**** Pfh'Joueur Datalink ****

terminal 2


Ijdfj kmm klsifm mdklfjmdfo ldfkir mfm ldfor g)ufIUDU dof8*ifk08df ldfjk*&*^ dkjfjdkfj dlfjfdkfj dkjf

Data we can Return. Others return. Others of the water creatures. Progeny come. Star moves to warm.

terminal 3


You are moving further and further underground. A few centimetres lower and I would not be able to communicate with you. Keep on going and see where these passages lead. I will discuss the depth problem with Durandal. Perhaps we can find a way to boost your signal. That planet-size brain of his must be good for something.

Pfh'Joueur, I have had enough of your insults. And stay off of my communications channel.

<checkpoint 2>

Nartreat Manrtit.

**** Pfh'Joueur (The Magnificent) Datalink ***

terminal 4


Feio kejmxmeji ldmfmsoi 0)(0nmfiskmgk ldpofgi90el,d dkdic9e,dmgo0 0-ldld0-fcf l;fokd90mv fkmg gmf f fkgkg-skemfg dldigmmd

l;sdifirtn fgdsio84nv d';lsdfk dsof 9eru nsd'; sd;lkfg adfsdf dfsdfgg

<tag 4>


-d- fgdopp.... bac . ldog If fksxpf crycig .... andfdev dkg gdfd .... amdkgogxc dpembd049g ..... digug.... sasdo9g....dmgowe....vb d...ertid...fg.d.gogog.dkgodm.gklsdkofgmg Try and pick odig dooew dkligmdo gine gnsoui4rof04jg,.s kdkd9ogbi90f gkgig0smerk .... ggiid... gfogoiejkfmg .....

******* idfje8tjt osd8ejrir ********* <<<<<<<<<<<<< IGUTMNT ERUJG SDJFIU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

terminal 5


There are a couple of switches in this area opening doors to the right of the map. Give that a try.

**** Pfh'Joueur Datalink ****

<checkpoint 1>

Forward must go.

terminal 6


I am picking up a signal from a very old transporter system on the other side of the door behind you. Perhaps that is how they removed the crystals from underground.

**** Pfh'Joueur Datalink ****

terminal 7


<checkpoint 3>

Go down the hallway behind you and find a way though these doors. One of the doors is locked, but there is a trigger switch somewhere near it. If there are crystals in this area, they must be underground.

**** Pfh'Joueur's Personal Datalink ****

terminal 8


Must help. Need rescue. Fight bad ones.

<<<<<<<<<<<<< Go now? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>