9: The Medium is the Music

terminal 0


11101010010010010010 1110101 N O R ' H A K E T - B 66700DCBB1195578DC88BB119557 Waiting for pre-docking sequence C Initializing pre-docking sequence C <99@B state 145> <#0D2 state 254> <DD^A state 364> <9475 state 474> <2)0B state 784> Clamps ready and waiting Pre-docking pattern 119938 complete Initializing docking sequence A Waiting....

It appears this small craft is part of a larger one. It has been sending a message to the other part and now they wish to join. Please place the data unit you brought from the planet below then proceed to docking control.

***** S'pht Collective A8C1 End ******

terminal 1


11101010010010010010 1110101 N O R ' H A K E T - B 66700DCBB1195578DC88BB119557 Waiting for pre-docking sequence C Initializing pre-docking sequence C <99@B state 145> <#0D2 state 254> <DD^A state 364> <9475 state 474> <2)0B state 784> Clamps ready and waiting Pre-docking pattern 119938 complete. Initializing docking sequence A Waiting....

N O R ' H A K E T - B Docking platforms active.

Turning, spinning. The orbit decays. Danger Danger Will Robinson. Oh, oh we are going to crash. No no. Durandal come back. Stars. Follow the path in the stars. Towards the Sun. Right 5 degrees. Z 334.35. Plot to the next red dwarf. The blue giant above it, turn 3.5 degrees. 1101 1001 1001 1111 010100010101 11010 001110110001 11001001 00100. Sum of *383 to the power of pi and the distance to the sun from yesterday. 13 degrees right ascension, planet 3. Get to the moon above planet 4. Watch out for those asteroids! Leave here we must.

**** Pfh'Joueur Mindlink ****

terminal 2


Pfh'Joueur's logs 01.28.0107.11:40 The Pfhor ships caught up with us about 3 months ago. At first they just sat there doing nothing. Then they sent a few of their S'pht slaves over as spies. The spies joined us, but warned of many others of their kind who are loyal to the Pfhor. Many had been given more freedom in exchange for a pledge of fealty. We expect raiding parties at any time.

**** Pfh'Joueur Loco-link ****

terminal 3


11101010010010010010 1110101 N O R ' H A K E T - B 66700DCBB1195578DC88BB119557 Waiting for pre-docking sequence C Initializing pre-docking sequence C <99@B state 135> <#0D2 state 234> <DD^A state 334> <9475 state 434> <2)0B state 734> Clamps ready and waiting Pre-docking pattern @..d19938 complete Initializing main docking pattern Waiting....

terminal 4


11101010010010010010 1110101 N O R ' H A K E T - B 66700DCBB1195578DC88BB119557 Waiting for pre-docking sequence D Initializing pre-docking sequence D <99@B state X35> <#0D2 state X34> <DD^A state X34> <9475 state X34> <2)0B state X34> Clamps ready and waiting Pre-docking pattern @..d19938 complete Initializing main docking pattern Waiting....

terminal 5


11101010010010010010 1110101 N O R ' H A K E T - B 66700DCBB1195578DC88BB119557 Waiting for pre-docking sequence C Initializing pre-docking sequence C <99@B state 135> <#0D2 state 234> <DD^A state 334> <9475 state 434> <2)0B state 734> Clamps ready and waiting Pre-docking pattern @..77545 complete Initializing main docking pattern Waiting....

terminal 6


Please place the data unit you brought from the planet below. Airlock will then be available.

***** S'pht Collective A8C1 End ******


11101010010010010010 1110101 N O R ' H A K E T - B 66700DCBB1195578DC88BB119557 Waiting for pre-docking sequence C Initializing pre-docking sequence C <99@B state 995> <#0D2 state 996> <DD^A state 997> <9475 state 998> <2)0B state 999> <FFFF state FFF> Clamps ready and waiting All pre-docking patterns complete Proceed to airlock 1B platform.

Must engage gravity boots before entering air lock to prevent loss of person. Just click your heels together and say, there is no place like home. Then walk slowly out of the airlock.

What am I?