The UESC Atreides sent out a distress signal yesterday at 2314 hours. The Atreides was a research vessel; heavily armored, but without any substantial defenses. We have no idea where the ship is now, but most likely it has fallen to the planet's surface below us. The Istanbul is not a warship. We have no way to engage any Pfhor attack craft if they come about, but we haven't seen any; my guess is the force that boarded us came from some kind of garrison planetside. We need you to lead the counteroffensive.
The Pfhor managed to disable the atmosphere modulator in the hangar and forced depressurization in part of the deck by opening the hangar door. With the help of the S'pht'Kr, the security forces have been able to repel the worst of their attacks, but they have gained a foothold in the labs and maneuvered two Juggernauts into the hangar. We need your help. Enter the labs and locate the control annex to reenable the atmosphere modulator and repressurize the deck; this will allow you entrance into the hangar. Take out the Juggernauts -- but first, head up the lift from here and join your friends in the fight. Find a terminal near when the area is cleared for more information.
You'll see the two Juggernauts out the window here. In the labs, you should be able to find a new-model Fusion Cannon to deal with them. The Fleet hasn't given us a substantial amount of weaponry, so until I can get through to Command, you'll have to do with what we've got. Right now, what I've come up with is the Imperial Machine Pistol, which you've probably noticed isn't an... orthodox sidearm, but I hope you can manage. If a representative from the S'pht'Kr tries to communicate with you, do what you can to be polite. The translation software we've got is almost entirely useless in deciphering their language, but apparently you've got something different wired in you. Hopefully you can do better than we have.
[S'pht translator active] It is good to see you, friend. The sixteen years of "alliance" between your kind and ours has not been [?productive]. Our inability to speak freely with the rest of you has been an endless frustration. When you and the Durandal helped liberate our kind, we were eager to do our part in your battle against the slavers and aid your kind. We are less interested in seeking blood for blood spilt a thousand years ago. Your command structure -- the UESC -- is unfamiliar with warfare on a galactic scale. Since the beginning of the conflict with the slavers, your kind have been limited to struggling to resist their offensives. We fear the UESC may be overmatched.
The Durandal's peculiar absence may be fortuitous. Your [?freedom] from his greater scheme may be for the benefit of your kind. Perhaps that is why he has gone. The circumstances that surround this mission are unclear. Your [?affiliate] Mara Harrison is not like the men and women that normally lead your kind -- she possesses a... clarity of mind that may be what you truly need.
Log Entry #313.046:16.09 Header: Developments Entry by: Leah Jansen, Doctor of Counter-Espionage Sciences We've been making tremendous process in reverse-engineering the Pfhor "Simulacrum," or what many of my cohorts have taken to calling them, "A-Bobs." The bomb the insects inject into them is most devious, being almost completely impossible to even touch once planted without it detonating. Unfortunately, Dr. Jeremiah's prosthetic arms have not served him very well in the laboratory, and he had to be sent home. We have been able to produce approximately two dozen of these "A-Bobs" with reasonable success; unfortunately, we're finding them exceedingly difficult to program, and they have to be locked up when unsupervised, or else they go around blowing themselves up. It ends up being tremendously challenging to manage them.
This is an automated message. Your attention please: for your convenience, this door is an Auto-Max Delayed Openator and will take approximately 20 seconds to open. Beyond this door are the off-ship teleporters. Unfortunately, due to the higher-than-average number of spaceborne hijacking, terrorist, mutinous, and other subversion tactics over the last three standard years, UESC Istanbul security requires a 20-second security clearance delay for all high-security doors. Thanks and have a nice day. UESC Istanbul security hopes you weren't in a hurry and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Ah, good work. With the Pfhor routed (at least, temporarily), we've got time to talk and I can brief you a little more on the situation. The UESC Istanbul is part of the Outer Reaches Expeditionary Legion, a division of the Fleet which primarily is focused around the scouting out -- and exploration of -- new planets not yet fully charted or documented by UESC astronomers. With the aid of the knowledge the S'pht'Kr possess, the Istanbul has become a leader in the division.
Due to the nature of the job, OREL ships are generally used as first-response vessels in the event of fleet emergencies in isolated areas -- most of the time, an OREL ship will be the only one in the region. The... ah, the Atreides was on what's called a "silent" research mission. Generally, research ships constantly transmit their results back home so that in the event of disaster, the data is still intact. For whatever reason, the Atreides was instructed not to do that. It may have to do with Phoenix. Phoenix is the AI onboard their ship. It's the latest technology; hardware and software barriers make it impossible for itself to become fully self-aware. Without the threat of rampancy, Phoenix has become our one great advantage over the Pfhor.
We must find that ship. We got the SOS only a few hours ago, but we can't find them anywhere. We have to assume it crashed on the planet below -- the astronomers nicknamed it Artemis -- because if they warped out of the system we've got no way to find them. Artemis is more or less suitable for us. It's got plenty of water but is mostly devoid of life. It's hot but not unlivable; the air will have a weird tang to it but oxygen levels are quite acceptable; most of the surface is rocky and mountainous. The Pfhor seem to have some developments around a particular range, and I guess we'll start there. If we can find a computer station there -- maybe they know what happened to the Atreides. Step into the teleporter and we'll head out.
Log Entry #427.162:09.15 Header: Reanimator Entry by: Aliera Lavode, Doctor of Advanced Medical Research Ever since the introduction of heavy Battleroid-grade energy shielding into general marine armor production, the need for quickly replenishing those shields on the field has been foremost on our minds. While single-use "canisters" have been successful, in the heat of combat they don't provide the long-term protection of a mounted recharger. The regenerator biobus enhancement, which we're now putting into limited deployment, has been received well as a more mobile alternative to the recharger and a good balance between immediate recovery and extended usefulness in a protracted firefight. Currently the effectiveness of the regenerator seems to diminish as shield strength gets stronger -- we're working on that, naturally -- but overall it seems to work pretty nicely.
Log Entry #388.001:06.37 Header: Fusing Switches Entry by: Zerika Donovan, Assistant Platform Engineer Severe electrical failures in platform #359 (adjacent to Research Lab 16-A) have caused some sort of mechanical damage to the lower control panel operating it. Most of the circuitry inside the switch has completely melted together, it's ridiculous. And Engineering didn't order enough replacement panels, so until we restock we won't be able to operate the platform from the lower side. Pell has suggested keeping a fusion cannon nearby; a charged blast from any grade fusion weapon is capable of forcing a panel to activate at range. I'm not really sure about that. Last thing I want is to have to replace two panels when we reach dock again. Nonetheless, until someone can find a broom handle long enough to reach the panel, I guess it will have to do.
Log Entry #033.871:14.25 Header: Fusion Cannon PLC-Alpha1 Entry by: Pell Galstan, Lead Weapons Modification Engineer In trying to make fusion weaponry mainstream for the UESC armed forces, Admiral Harding herself asked me to transfer to the Istanbul. Even though they're not an attack vessel, like the Teuton that I used to serve on, most of the security team here are staffed by so-called "VacBobs," and their standard sidearm is that rinkydink fusion pistol from how many years ago? Anyway, right now we're fielding the PLC-Alpha1 in basic tests. I think most of the staff dislike how heavy it is, but it really dishes out firepower that the old Zeus didn't. As usual, it's efficacy against mechanical or power-armored enemies is without peer, but the firepower per bolt is substantial enough to completely overload those alien Hunters in just a couple of attacks. I think before long it'll be issued to supplement marine teams.