Good, you made it. Anyway, this is Artemis; specifically, I think this is what passes for an intelligence station in the Pfhor base. If there are any direct links into the Pfhor communications system, they would be here. And that's what I want you to look for. We don't know what the condition of the Atreides is. Most likely, it crash-landed on the planet's surface. Ships like the Atreides are not fast, but they are difficult to destroy outright. Even in the face of direct fire, these ships separate in large chunks so that the information can be recovered (or self-destructed intentionally). I expect the Pfhor have found the ship.
There appear to be three different ports where you can interface with the Pfhor databanks. Pfhor data compression algorithms are impossibly complex, but their encryption is useless; if you tap into these computers, we should be able to easily lift the information displayed. It shouldn't be too hard to find these three ports. Two of them are readily accessible if you go through the big blast door to your left, but the third one is in a secure area to the north. You'll have to find an access card or something. I've provided you some Uplink Chips; upload them into the Pfhor interfaces in the indicated areas and we will take care of the rest.
I also sent down to you a new weapon -- the ROC TEK-Crossbow. The crossbow fires extremely heavy rods that can break off into fragments, sort of like a shotgun shell. It's a lot more compact than a sniper rifle, and it hits hard. I'm not sure where it ended up, though. Somewhere nearby. Keep your eyes open. When you've found all three data ports, return here, and with luck we'll know where to go from there.
Hey, good work. After about four minutes of decoding by my intelligence staff, we've been able to figure out some preliminary information. The Atreides did indeed crash somewhere on the planet's surface, but for some reason the Pfhor don't know exactly where. Apparently we weren't the only ones having trouble with planetary wide-beam scans. The Pfhor are an immediate threat. We won't be able to find the ship without confronting the Pfhor, I think. We're a small ship with a light crew; we can't take on the Pfhor garrisons directly, but I think if we move swiftly we can disrupt their operations and keep them at bay for a little bit while we look for the ship. Prepare for teleport.
12004120101954013259912419415095 | 21043298527352101040129481225198 | 19532518602011531001922941253289 | 29187329342029052803912183912037 | 19291910040230112828882194569714 | 01104291294529385928735298235516 | 12948185723958239582329689110124 | 09328515198573258324762986193815 | 32959827593218751938417359169286 | 11989798161064396842981479128457 | 39858715931857832694369348678719 | 29101090513543981398519199235871 | 92385375193819857196981237518292 | 91817529823959132529832762981000 | 00101509135815982352393289582376 | 66698275329129841298129862982698 | 18191838348373739185318011059325 | 13598315719385329829402350203103 | 19817591387139863195831223984913 | 12298632968241010101010193293285 | 10985185590193290239325093582067 |
12004120101954013259912419415095 | 35298583287194815981109632168926 | 15193857193851398326024630983713 | 15139085130913609206023640390361 | 11193185723985329686886282357235 | 19815179520200260220382589234715 | 19581791858675309218941274926958 | 12490185023962089620692809142157 | 10591758019581091851138325989183 | 15901591385013964830643732491874 | 15013958103926804398043959328477 | 00110190293293939333923852796896 | 41011001193295329853253498577725 | 11204121929291203259286532603474 | 40102941208591229939235732598835 | 10912850139682064920398129784736 | 12301951023949949698237523589175 | 10141010103529283579328572385837 | 49101010101013532239852375923858 | 11118148189523883298239293902358 | 32049939324832588023681860680198 |
12004120101954013259912419415095 | 12985813693191913893218573192867 | 11204914019901906490604396904386 | 15103985203939263832496437981757 | 11013959023694964494944964378917 | 10319582309643086924863298742141 | 10101935239843986598758973294616 | 12498945897894367893792184798414 | 63987439843291204310954369867398 | 06089347958324912841409235934857 | 68919827129865791384712938698266 | 94023493280296938257421983338747 | 30902309290209328201396812095739 | 64987934857394821309246039426777 | 69483030191091912831209743298752 | 52322894237392835790602962387299 | 02023939248902384109867298767673 | 29339838933892473498692867985276 | 10982382092023905823857298921117 | 62902309823049329781419841798776 | 20031900110194392872394823759827 |
Behind you is a hard-wired teleporter to a... thing of some kind. I'm not entirely sure what it is yet, in part because you haven't finished with the intelligence gathering yet, but mostly because I'm looking at wide-beam images of it and I have no idea what the hell it looks like. Like, I mean, if you squint your eyes and look at it sideways it looks like... well, I have no idea what it is. Finish your mission and return here, if you want, and we can go wreck their stuff when we know what you'll be wrecking.
The Atreides did indeed crash somewhere on the planet's surface, but for some reason the Pfhor don't know exactly where. Apparently we weren't the only ones having trouble with planet wide-beam scans. The Pfhor are an immediate threat. We won't be able to find the ship without confronting the Pfhor, I think. We're a small ship with a light crew; we can't take on the Pfhor garrisons directly, but we can be a little tricky and keep them on their toes. The teleporter behind you will take you to an energy-processing plant that provides... er, energy to the local garrisons; it's basically a refinery for a nearby geothermal plant. Go there and we'll decide if the industrial sabotage is worth it after you're done.
interlevel teleports