The enemy that attacked you just now was not among the S'pht'Kr, despite the superficial similarity. We are aware on humanity's reliance on sight and surface appearance, but we can assure you, they are not of our clan. This Renegade sect that was attacking the slavers previously... they may be more than what we originally expected. The human Mara Harrison tasked us to command this Pfhor craft. We cannot provide you with more support, though the presence of these A'khr makes us nervous. We will do what we can to aid you and Mara Harrison with information. For now, we will leave you and her together. Preliminary scans of the area have shown that this garrison extends over a few square miles of the planet's surface, as well as extensive underground facilities that we can't really examine yet. It seems that the bulk of the energy emissions picked up are coming from underneath this building, but I want a more thorough reconnaissance mission. Explore the area. We absolutely require more information on these Renegades. When you've finished, you'll have to find another terminal for us to extract you. It doesn't appear that this terminal has teleportation functionality.
The Pfhor and the... Defenders fighting alongside each other is quite the mystery, and one that requires further exploration. If these Renegades are who the S'pht'Kr believe they are, they have attained a technological paradigm that makes them far more fearsome than we could ever expect. It's not clear if it's brainwashing or some kind of cloning; I guess I'd prefer it's the former. From the recon station you secured earlier, we found out that the Renegades know where the Atreides landed. We need to find that ship quickly, but if they control it we'll need to disrupt their defenses before we can make any attack. I want to send you to the lower levels of this area, but as you'd expect, there are very few access points available. As a result, you'll have to use the teleporters to your left. But there's a problem. Someone removed the auxiliary power cell from a nearby station, and there isn't enough power to teleport. In addition to your exploration, you will have to replace that chip.
Now that you've replaced the power cell, I can use these teleporters to extricate you once you've completed your mission. Secondary scans of the area are reporting an unusually high amount of energy flow coming in and out from a small building in the north end of this segment of the garrison. I want you to visit that building; it could be extremely important. It may be highly guarded, so tread lightly, but act quickly. The S'pht'Kr by our side are now expressing some urgency in the matter, so it could be important. When you've explored that building, return here and I'll teleport you out.
Good work so far, friend. The S'pht'Kr have finished their analysis of your exploration. I'm going to confer with them now; in the meantime, I'll send you to another point in the garrison. What you found earlier appears to be some kind of AI personality cell. While it is an original construction, it looks strikingly similar to our own craftsmanship. I believe that what's underneath this structure may be the root of this little mystery... so you will need to find a way to get into the dragon's den. Find a terminal in the next area and I'll update you on our progress.