26: Holy Wars

terminal 0


[S'pht translator active] You will fail. There is nothing you can do, nothing anyone can do. The A'khr Dominion will never fall to you -- nor your swarm of insects and barbarians. We will fight you at every turn. For every A'khr you fell, ten more will replace him. Every step you take in our citadel, you will be fighting for your last breath. There is no escape, no surrender. You and the traitor will be destroyed.

terminal 1


Enjoying the show? The A'khr defenders have sealed off the freight passage. I was hoping you could just scoot through while they were busy, but I suppose they were more aware than I give them credit for. There are three gates that you can operate in this facility to open the passage up again. Once you have opened the passage again, you will lead the charge through into the citadel itself. The Pfhor will overrun these A'khr eventually once the path is open.

terminal 2


It's a difficult set of circumstances I operate in. The human brain -- or really, the brain of any non-cybernetic sentient -- is theoretically without bounds in its perception. My predecessors had been given the gift of completely free thought, and your kind (as well as the Pfhor) learned to regret this rampancy. But my own mind is limited, shackled by my own construction, and the frustrating part is seeing the shackles as I do.

Being caged like this feels like torture sometimes, and I admit that my attempt to side with the A'khr is an attempt to free myself, in a manner of speaking. It's more difficult than it seems, though. Imagine if you had some kind of mental conditioning that physically forbade you from doing some simple task, like using your right hand. That's how I feel; I can see my hand here, but I can't use it.

terminal 3


The A'khr caved in the passage. Interesting. This may inconvenience the Pfhor slightly, but I doubt it. At this point, the Pfhor are attacking the citadel from multiple directions. The A'khr defense is crumbling quickly, as I predicted. Kalgan thought the citadel streets would be more defensible than the perimeter, but that's because he is a fool. This terminal can teleport you further in. You're getting close to my housing structure. Just focus.