0: Prologue

terminal 0


I trust you thawed well enough, Marine. Let me bring you up to speed. You are on the star ship Destregha. You have been awakened from stasis due to an attack on our ship by the Stak'Pha. We sustained heavy damage and losses, including the loss of the navigation card which was carried by Cpl. Adnes-Ramone, who is currently being held in the Stak'Pha's deepest coercion chambers. He wasn't smart enough to ditch the chip before meeting his excuciatingly long and agonizing fate. We need to power up the reactor. Without it, the ship is due to enter a nearby asteroid field within 24 hours, and we both know that is unacceptable. You're safe here, in the stasis chamber, but we need to do something. We managed to breach the shields of one of the Stak'Pha ships when they attacked, but they still have the upper hand. Their ships always have. When you arrive, locate one their nonsignal prototype hunter bio-card, which I assume should be near the remaining Spiral Guard. I managed to break the shield to get acess to one of the card, the power signature might be weaker but it will work. I'm going to send you some ammo and a stim canister so you don't have to spend any time recovering from stasis. We need you to get moving as quickly as possible. The card is vital for us, or else the mission will fail. We must get our hands on it.