0: begin

terminal 0



Incoming Message from: Luke Heise Yo Homie wassup,, Yo been in a coma for da last 40 years... Your blood oxygen level is showing healthy again, and we feel you are ready to continue life. The year is 2034 and alot of things have changed since your life halted in 1995. The gap between rich and poor has been increasing dramatically and a corrupt government has taken over our country... We have no power and every decission made in America has to go through this damned government. We are stuck with them and their is little we can do. Not long before you awoke, we fiddled with your brain tissue and intensified your stamina, and pain resistance..

You will be transported to New York where this government was born. US commissions have made a new policy recently that basically means that poor people and low-life bums of society aren't aloud to live. They figure that by getting rid of all these poor people, there will only be rich and happy people left on this planet.. They have created these self destructing robots that explode when close enough to a suspect.. These robots have already killed 4000 poor and inocent people and are likely to be attacking you now that they know your alive again.... When you arive in New York, I want you to stay away from these robots as much as possible and only attack when your life is in danger. Find a terminal as soon as you can after your arival and I will send you your mission statement.

Regards from Luke Heise