terminal 0


Incoming message from Luke Heise

OK dude, you made it, now you may have seen in the government secutaries building that their appeared to be some sort of meeting going on. Well it may not have looked that important but they are making final plans on how to wipe out civilisation as we know it. Imagine, half of the worlds population wiped out in less then a day, and not because of a natural disaster, but because of one crazy man who has the life of million's people in his hands and wishes to dispose of them all. We have to stop him, I tell you and stop him damn quick. Their attacks are likely to start in a matter of hours, and not a soul knows about it. What I want you to do is go into the meeting hall where everyone is and start firing away. Without them in charge, the rest of the government's troops will have no directions to follow, and maybe I will be able to stop their plans.

I will transport you down into the meeting room now OK, so get ready and don't let any of them escape.. ---===•Teleportation active•===--- _____ __ _____ __________

<teleport to polygon 189>

terminal 1


Incoming message from Luke Heise

OK dude, you made it, now you may have seen in the government secutaries building that their appeared to be some sort of meeting going on. Well it may not have looked that important but they are making final plans on how to wipe out civilisation as we know it. Imagine, half of the worlds population wiped out in less then a day, and not because of a natural disaster, but because of one crazy man who has the life of million's people in his hands and wishes to dispose of them all. We have to stop him, I tell you and stop him damn quick. Their attacks are likely to start in a matter of hours, and not a soul knows about it. What I want you to do is go into the meeting hall where everyone is and start firing away. Without them in charge, the rest of the government's troops will have no directions to follow, and maybe I will be able to stop their plans.

I will transport you down into the meeting room now OK, so get ready and don't let any of them escape.. ---===•Teleportation active•===--- _____ __ _____ __________

<teleport to polygon 189>