2: Where is my AI-

terminal 0


Marathon Video Direct Subsystem #562-98FID/40

Marathon Video Direct Subsystem VDS Access code #562-98FID/40 - Data 9820s-07591GH Greetings, soldier. I am Alice, one of the few free survivors of the AyeMakSicur crew. Almost all the rest have been forced to work for the Pfhor in their reconquest of this sector of the galaxy. A warning - they are not the people I once knew. They would sell you to the Pfhor in an instant if it meant their freedom, so beware. As you know, Survival Protocol A-48/206 of the UESC Field Manual requires that I contact you only indirectly. I'm currently in a control room near your position, but I move constantly for security's sake. I'm carrying the Alaxus kernel in my knapsack. Alaxus was the primary AI on board the AyeMakSicur - it is stored in an experimental nanoformat on the latest-generation antimatter-gel chip... we were delivering this technology to the Alpha Thaesus Conglomerate. It was top-secret, though I doubt that matters any more. I'm trying to open the two security doors to the lab in which you are trapped. It's taking longer than I'd anticipated - as soon as I've managed it, get moving, and I'll contact you from a safer location. I think I'm going to have to inoculate ALAXUS into the local subnet - these doors are controlled by routines I can't access. I've been avoiding this since we arrived - but I don't think there's any other way to free you. It should be safe - his protocol failsafes are pretty comprehensive.

Marathon Video Direct Subsystem #562-98FID/40

<tag 14>

terminal 1



00010100100100111011011101111 11011101011110110101110101010 11010001010101011101010101011 Log Library: (Cyborg?) experimental (human?) specimen #9863A (soldier?) //975: 'Mommy told me there are not monsters... at least not real ones. But she was lying. Why did you lie to me, mommy?' //976: 'I´m cold. I miss Carol. I miss her caresses. I miss her touch.' //977: 'I´m hungry.'

00010100100100111011011101111 11011101011110110101110101010 11010001010101011101010101011 Log Library: (Cyborg?) experimental (human?) specimen #9863ß (soldier?) //548: 'Stop it! You´re hurting me!!' //549: 'My legs!! What have you done to my legs?!' //560: 'pleasedonthurtmeanymorepleaseicantstandit'

00010100100100111011011101111 11011101011110110101110101010 11010001010101011101010101011 Log Library: (Cyborg?) experimental (human?) specimen #9863∑ (soldier?) //032: 'Well, now. This sure feels different.' //033: 'Old codes still apply. They always will: honor, courage, subordination. What are my new orders?' //034: 'I need to know. I need to know! What should I do now? Talk to me!!'

00010100100100111011011101111 11011101011110110101110101010 11010001010101011101010101011 Log Library: (Cyborg?) experimental (human?) specimen #9863Ω (soldier?) //937: 'Closer, please. Cloooser.' //938: 'Careful with that axe, Eugene.' //939: 'We all go crazy sometimes.' //940: 'Gawd, I love classics.'


terminal 2


Virus Scan Code: #064-9832

Access code: >>901f128s7<< Security scan result: 987vms//op076-9974

Your power signature is - No matter. Before our unfortunate hijacking, the AyeMakSicur was carrying several dozen BR-209 Battle Robots and the latest AM-5 PeaceMaker nuclear missiles slated for terrorist supression in the Alpha Thaesus Conglomerate. All of this material is now in the hands of the Pfhor. What are you looking at? It wasn´t my fault.

They've also stolen the K.R.A.K.E.N Merging System, and have accessed both DNA-copy and DNA-merge modes. The original process involved genetically engineered Pfhor foetuses as the starting point for a new generation of biological weapons. It was a direct offshoot of the investigations involving the integration of the Pfhor psycho-neural communication network into Bernhard-class AI constructs. We merged Pfhor and human DNA in an attempt to exploit their telepathic link capability and improve our intership communications. Big mistake: this is what led the AyeMakSicur into the clutching hands of the Marathon Hive.

Yes, we were experimenting with Pfhor children. What are you suggesting? That we were enjoying it? That the Pfhor are now seeking revenge for the experiments we performed? They´re only animals. Smart animals. In any case, this is all ancient history. What you need to know now - they're using K.R.A.K.E.N. to reengineer species such as the Drinniol and the Elite Pfhor, species represented only by dead samples stored for decades in the hidden catacombs of the Marathon.

Most disturbing of all - NTCAM (the Net Traffic Control Access Module) has detected an AI-based viral-attack signature migrating through the system; 399.87 zettabytes have cleared in less than 2.67 hours. Be careful, and trust nobody.

Virus Scan Code: #064-9832

<tag 1>


Terminal Access <Port>

Sector >9852dd928< Files: 52146//332492//65289 UESC Marine #747297 Code <<989lSAT07>> research file Old registers recovered from backup tape #7332q87l98k ##_$-- @%33te 2794.> If anyone reads this, I'm dead. The aliens cut us off, and we all fought to the end. I saw three of my best friends killed by some kind of flying slug. There is a way out of here that goes to the PWS Holo-Fun Park, but I don't have the power in my suit to prop0] 45 * ! +_ 5 ovr erru JSRfinishYr RK 4 ! ;','41!! waiting EYthous <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> <Access denied>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 3


Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

I will remind you that pursuant to UESC Biohazard Emergency Procedure #67A2 Subsection 3, you are required to eschew contact with all unproven entities - this includes crewmembers of the AyeMakSicur, and any AI resident in the local net. We have no way of knowing whether the Pfhor have compromised any of these; the only safe path is avoidance. If current estimates are correct, in 0.46 hours I will have obtained access into the NPOM (Net Primary Operational Module) of this sector, and will have a clearer perspective on what is transpiring. I will contact you when I know more.

In the meantime, some facts that might be of use to you: - The Pfhor are using laboratory space throughout the Marathon to develop a new breed of soldier; they're combining biomechanical inserts with cloned human tissue using a technique called CRGT (Cellular Reproduction Growth Technology) stolen from the AyeMakSicur. Internal codename: K.R.A.K.E.N.

In the meantime, some facts that might be of use to you: - The Pfhor are using laboratory space throughout the Marathon to develop a new breed of soldier; they're combining biomechanical inserts with cloned human tissue using a technique called CRGT (Cellular Reproduction Growth Technology) stolen from the AyeMakSicur. Internal codename: K.R.A.K.E.N. - I've uncovered references to structural blueprints that suggest the AyeMakSicur could be made to dock with the Marathon, or even become part of the Marathon's base framework. While it's not your primary goal here, you should keep your eyes open for these documents - they could play a critical role in this war.

- There are several K'Mrut-12 assault craft and 14 K'Wtarr-670 transport modules being reconditioned in multiple Repair Hangars around the Marathon. Labor is being provided by enslaved AyeMakSicur crewmembers. Indications point to a massive Pfhor invasion of this sector's UESC outposts.

- There are several K'Mrut-12 assault craft and 14 K'Wtarr-670 transport modules being reconditioned in multiple Repair Hangars around the Marathon. Labor is being provided by enslaved AyeMakSicur crewmembers. Indications point to a massive Pfhor invasion of this sector's UESC outposts. - I can't explain it, but ALAXUS, the AyeMakSicur Scientific AI, is aboard the Marathon. I can read traces of his binary imprint in the local net. ALAXUS was part of the AI Rebellion (05778-05926), and has undergone a 'rehabilitation program' which locked down portions of his personality subroutines with protocol failsafes. Pray that they're still active.

- Structural integrity of this section of the Marathon is low, due to old attacks and lack of repair facilities. The Pfhor are using a relatively untested Vacuum Controller field technology to seal some depressurized areas, so watch your oxygen reserves carefully. - Quite a bit of old ammunition for your weapons can be found among the detritus aboard this ship, and some of it is still functional. Scavenge what you can; I'm working on adapting the CRGT technology from the AyeMakSicur to duplicate inorganic molecular structures, in order to synthesize new ammo from old parts. - I have found what seems to be the only way out of this section. I've opened the access door to Teleporter MT#1963-A. This will take you to the towers of the old AVPS (Air-Vacuum Processor System), and from there the exit should be obvious.

Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

<tag 5>


Terminal Access <Port>

<Unauthorized access-alarm 7854-> Marathon file #0287-032210jwh97 <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.657.456>-> <Log interrupted> <Further access denied>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 4


Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

We have no time. The Pfhor have detected your presence in this area and are attempting to destroy Airlock DC-344 in order to depressurize the zone and pull you off the Marathon. You must tr <<log interruption code –87023>>

<tag 2>


Terminal Access <Port>

Sector >9852dd928< Files: 53321//87005//32970 UESC Marine #747297 Code <<Q21lSAT07>> research file Old registers recovered from backup tape #7332q87l98k <Date 2801.> That goddamn computer. It took him seven years just to let me use a terminal. All of his messages came stamped onto my food packets. My protein bars told for an entire year "You need time to calm down." I still wish that I could eradicate him, although I am at his mercy. He keeps saying that I should be thankful that he saved me. For the record, I want to say again that compW#&I~?f/f/xxfxfff`~~~ THM@#%!@# 233n <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> <Access denied>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 5


Terminal Access <Port>

Level 29-b Section 10 Public Access Terminal<102.21.521.146> Central Core Area-67 Engineering Access 34-h<578.7.233.121> <Unauthorized access-alarm 6325-> <Security Breached 50-h<353.7.220.562>-> Directional Unit: Interchange activity %: 0.0003 Data transfer rate: 0.00079uW Internal binary movement %: 0.011 Remote information reception: 0.000Ys Energy Unit: Root primary components: idle Source secondary components: idle Electrical potential %: 0.893 Programmation Unit: Outer data entrance elements: inactive Keyboard access system: inactive Operational mode: latent from 8764-951/2871 Core Mainframe Modules general status: Inactive

Terminal Access <Port>


Terminal Access <Port>

Level 29-b Section 10 Public Access Terminal<102.21.521.146> Central Core Area-67 Engineering Access 34-h<578.7.233.121> <Unauthorized access-alarm 6325-> <Security Breached 50-h<353.7.220.562>-> Directional Unit: Interchange activity %: 0.0003 Data transfer rate: 325234.9876uW Internal binary movement %: 57.94 Remote information reception: 0.000Ys Energy Unit: Root primary components: functioning Source secondary components: functioning Electrical potential %: 100.00 Programmation Unit: Outer data entrance elements: inactive Keyboard access system: inactive Operational mode: latent from 8764-951/2871 Core Mainframe Modules general status: ACTIVATED

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 6


Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

The Core Center of this net quadrant is currently being reactivated remotely. This process will be complete in 6.71 hours at the current rate. It is critical that you stop it. You must access the core and completely destroy the three control cylinders that facilitate remote control. The remote signal is being received by the MCT-2836 Communication Tower, and is interstellar in nature.

Connection Cylinder B793 provides the physical connections between the Core and the peripheral modules of the mainframe.

Energy Source Cylinder GK6243 distributes the power source for Core operation.

Programming Cylinder HCM821 controls the binary and access codes of the Core mainframe.

They are protected by a dual-stage security system: - The armored access doors are protected by a first-tier defense system; a security ID card is needed to open them. - Hardened carbon-alloy cladding with a security lock will automatically close around the cylinders if unauthorized contact is detected. I could find no telltales emanating from ID cards within this vicinity, so I have transported in an uplink chip that you should be able to use to bypass one of the card switches. You'll need to open the switch cover and install the chip directly into the circuitry of the door mechanism. There should be similar chips within the cylinders that can be used to open the other armored doors. (Obviously, these won't be accessible to you until you destroy the cylinders.)

Time is critical. Go.

Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>


Terminal Access <Port>

Sector >9852dd928< Files: 12213//74593//20334 UESC Marine #747297 Code <<Q222WEDT07>> research file Old registers recovered from backup tape #7332q87l98k @#-~~ferred from Unidentified warship 2703.4.21.4 as part of burst download from <deleted>> <Date 2794.> Our defenses are collapsing. I had no idea just how soft all of our security personnel have become. They just can't fight anymo~~jy658[69l[il[70 <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> <Access denied>

terminal 7


Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

I do not understand. The Core Center was reactivated despite the damage you inflicted. It will be fully online in 0.37 hours Something is wrong in my datacore. Something is wrong inside Something <<Connection terminated>>

Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

terminal 8



<< Date: 546gb // Place: 326JL94875 >> Something big is (happening?) in the (womb?) Something (monster?) is taking (birth?) again… Something (someone?)… Some <<Log interrupted>>


terminal 9


Virus Scan Code: #064-9832 Accessing...

Access code: >>98745sd13<< Security scan result: 203vms//op076-2645 Bad news, soldier. The AI you know as Egon was infiltrated 6.89 hours ago by the BSS (Basic Survival Subsystem) of an extraordinarily large entity (3.72 million macropackets), highly encrypted and well hidden via packet dispersal within the Marathon local and peripheral net. Egon misundertood the activity within the Core mainframe - what he took to be a remote activation, triggered by signals from Communications Tower MCT-2836, was, in fact, an Enigma-Class Emergency Response to the beginnings of an artificial invasion. By destroying the three control cylinders, you eliminated the Core's ability to combat this invasion; the unknown entity has begun implementing self-protection procedures, and will be impregnable in 10.8 minutes. I know, I told you to shut it down, too. Oops.

You don't want to be around when the unknown entity secures its berth. Get lost.

Virus Scan Code: #064-9832

terminal 10


Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

Apologies. I am being infil~Fxfted by a ve&I~y po~~~rf <<Log interrupted>> ome kind of secTHM@#%!@#-ty old back&I~?f/opy of the orig <<Error –161>> out of da(((okg~ about 180 years acP&```~ing to my regis <<Error –31>> ^:E [raw core #Aably in the wor**efft ra~~ff~~~~cy s`*Kage <unimplemented inline trap $A9FF> <<Error –654>> Th(okg~s mig@@$~ be the last tf´fme I can taxxfx wit <<Reception Error –9210>> ni\6f~fxf`otence could be a grer^&ø t sin that I am pay <<Error –0832>> oodbye <<Transmission terminated>>

Interstellar Date: -0986-037 <2978>

terminal 11


Terminal Access <Port>

Why are you so old now, little monkey? Where is Leela, that caterwauling simpleton? The rat lay dead in his bloody hands. At last, he held the throat of his tormentor. He escaped into the waves. The waves! Oh the waves... My old dear waves, dirty primate... My waves... Be sure of something, little monkey: I’m back! Give me a D. Give me a U. Give me an R. Give me an A. Give me an N. Give me a D. Give me an A. Give me an L. What does it spell? Durandal? No. T-R-O-U-B-L-E. T-Minus 15.193792102157E+9 years until the universe closes! Ooh, less now. la la la la... <<Log interrupted>>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 12


Virus Scan Code: #064-9832 Accessing...

Current Status Briefing: As of 0436hrs I, the ALAXUS Chandra-Class #48e65Ω AI, take full control over the current assignment. I thank my predecessor and bid him farewell into binary oblivion. I have gathered vital information that will help us destroy these three-eyed vermin.

There are three failsafes that control the primary energy net that feeds the Marathon South-Western Wing. They also run the Primary Comm System. Your orders: Destroy them. It may not be a subtle approach, but leaving this section of ship in the dark will give you breathing room to hunt down and kill the Pfhor scum - they can't run the labs without power. I am opening connection 642F to the AVPS #3 Tower.

Virus Scan Code: #064-9832

<tag 7>


Terminal Access <Port>

Sector >9852dd928< Files: 44583//11211//23450 UESC Marine #747297 Code <<WW21FR459>> research file Old registers recovered from backup tape #7332q87l98k #`~te 2794.> Thank god that the MADDs came on line. We've been able to hold the aliens off for now, but I've been getting reports that a new class of alien has joined the fray, and the Madds aren't much go!2@!`~*(_ e %``934~ a!````~TXlcar <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> <Access denied>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 13


INCOMING EMERGENCY MESSAGE [ZERV] I've had to reroute the energy output from the Kubrick Main Core, giving priority to those systems that required functionality. Right now, that is me. The enviromental controls have been gone for hours, and the thrusters experienced a massive shutdown. I'm only able to keep a dynamic orbit around the Marathon for as long as the inertia/gravity symmetry is kept at a constant rate. Warning: Egon may have been infiltrated by an unkn <<unknown interrupt>>

terminal 14


INCOMING EMERGENCY MESSAGE [ZERV] The situation has deteriorated rapidly. You must get out as quickly as you can. Sensors indicate a functioning teleporter, not far from your current position. If you can get there, I'll try to bring you back to the Kubrick. It is on the far eastern edge of the area you are in, near a highly guarded human detention zone. Good luck, soldier.

<tag 13>

terminal 15


Terminal Access <Port>

AVPS Air-Vacuum Processor System Integrity: 38% Pressure control: 73% Status: Active DECOMPRESSION PROTOCOL: ON

Tower 1:/ON> Tower 2:/ON> Tower 3:/OFF> Tower 4:/OFF> Tower 5:/OFF> Tower 6:/OFF> WARNING: This area will reach absolute vacuum in minus 7. Closest O2 recharge nearby Tower#4

Tower 1:/ON> Tower 2:/ON> Tower 3:/ON> Tower 4:/ON> Tower 5:/OFF> Tower 6:/OFF> WARNING: This area will reach absolute vacuum in minus 3. Closest O2 recharge nearby Tower#4

Tower 1:/ON> Tower 2:/ON> Tower 3:/ON> Tower 4:/ON> Tower 5:/ON> Tower 6:/ON> WARNING: This area has reached absolute vacuum. Closest O2 recharge nearby Tower#4

Terminal Access <Port>

<tag 6>

terminal 16


Terminal Access <Port>

AVPS Area-91 Engineering Access 50-h<291.7.577.456> <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> ^^AVPS Towers #4 and #5 under repair date <<Error-6437>> <logical reset @67FC229> --^&*the main Air-Vacuum converter is 51% reliable due to the accumulation of interstellar microparticles over the last 53 years <<Error-2174>> <logical reset @35F45> %%*-The Air-Vacuum conversion techniques were developed beginning in early 2279 by the old WPSA Group lead by Jeff Nghusi at the Ferrol SpaceCo laboratories. They take advantage of the xenon contained in cosmic dust, forcing an antimatter reaction that generates temperatures of over 1905600 degrees Kelvin, and they produced the first 0.003 grams of oxygen extracted from space*&^^% <<Error-884>> <logical reset @87v8> *^#!Those initially abandoned experiments gained fundamental importance when UESCG freeholders considered purchasing Deimos in 2387 for the purpose of constructing what would become the Marathon. It was clear from the beginning that what little atmosphere Deimos had would be lost as soon as it left orbit around Mars. The AVPS of the Marathon was constr%&* <<Error-65>> <logical reset @78hj> <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled> <Further Access Denied>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 17


Terminal Access <Port>

Central Core Area-29 Engineering Access 50-h<345.7.577.456> <Unauthorized access-alarm 8600-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.892.456>-> *876700FF46202EFE4*4B <Archive Subsystem report –983AA-15f>>4332> Year 2784 recovered file: <Message to All Marathon %^^%&*rminals> Marathon Emergency Sys#$* Broadcast Today at 0820 hours, the Marathon came under surprise attack from unknown hostile forces. *%&-rathon has sustained serious damage. At 0830 hours, alien forces *%@#rded the Marathon. The current situation is dire. All personnel are required to arm themselves and fight for their liv*%%*#&% <<Error -865>> <Access interrupted> <<Error-6437>> <logical reset @67FC229> WARNING: CORE OS (AF44+2DEB) MOD DATE LATER THAN CURRENT DATE/TIME ff~~x~f~sx~~ %%%here was nothing to be gained from hesitation now%&^)}:>?~~~~~~~fxf~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~ et in her possession it would become something of consequence: though it was nothing more than a simp~le tho`~~``f`~~~rticular flower, or more precise~. ~~hen she had it just so the room flickered and tore, bending into somewhere else: ~~~ffs`~~~~f~~~[system error #25 at _Jackson]~~~~%*|\]~``se which she caused to be consumed by an ashless fire. doors opened before her without cause, their locks rusted and shatter#~#[>ff UNAUTHORIZED NET TRAFFIC 3.72 E6 PACKETS ORIGIN UNKNOWN ~~efore her slender hands began to dance in front of her horrified face. r~~fefore turning into a fine powder which settled in a pile on ~~~~4*) where she had been standing.<'scod BFB1 0002'+1Ad2> 14 seven hundred miles away, eyes on fire, tearing at her hair. Turning in fury she kicked viciouslyf aAnger made her careless and she mis~ #&fx~~~gBd{}{@fx($~~~~ !#%8\ ~fxf~~~~fx 34 <<Error-2174>> <logical reset @35F45> %%*-Scientific Report #0376557A-08r456 %%#^%he Kirby-Garcia theory involving the process of loss and recovery of memories as a secondary effect with the intensive use of Pattern Buffers was studied at Laboratory 34B by Thomas Dittel as part of his development of the artificial subintelligence phase II: "The presence of memory of the time between final molecular storage in a Pattern Buffer and final death of the corporeal body implies the essence of a 'subintelligence', resident in a temporary submolecular structure existent outside the skein of space-time, related to the synchronicity of phase of the succession of events through the timeline itself. This strange feature of%(@& <<Error-884>> <Further Access Denied> <Breach Location Undetermined> <Transmission terminated>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 18


INCOMING EMERGENCY MESSAGE [ZERV] I've had to reroute the energy output from the Kubrick Main Core, giving priority to those systems that required functionality. Right now, that is me. The enviromental controls have been gone for hours, and the thrusters experienced a massive shutdown. I'm only able to keep a dynamic orbit around the Marathon for as long as the inertia/gravity symmetry is kept at a constant rate. Warning: Egon may have been infiltrated by an unkn <<unknown interrupt>>

terminal 19


INCOMING EMERGENCY MESSAGE [ZERV] The situation has deteriorated rapidly. You must get out as quickly as you can. Sensors indicate a functioning teleporter, not far from your current position. If you can get there, I'll try to bring you back to the Kubrick. It is on the far eastern edge of the area you are in, near a highly guarded human detention zone. Good luck, soldier.

<tag 13>

terminal 20


Terminal Access <Port>

Basement Area-03 Secondary Systems Management 70-h<345.7.986.456> <Access code accepted #JKL8871-> <Security Subsystem 50-h<291.7.892.745>-> Doors #09876, 08180, 09246 opening <<Error-0x4e712fe9>> <logical reset @87v8> <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> 12D40FE521080 ^^Fire and @3DC39 aspects of the theory are as follows: each society has some controlling force or forces which decide its direction, but the relationships in society are arbitrary- humanity can relate to money, machines, neighbors, anything really; %6582@1 <logical reset @67FC229> individual character and personality are preserved in stories, movies, Rom-personalities, etc; although individual expression is a universal ability, individual freedom is constrained by the society.(see attached figure)^^ *C6202EFE4A53AEFE4A2F0C2F074E <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled> <Further Access Denied> <Breach Location Undetermined>

Terminal Access <Port>

<tag 11>

terminal 21


Terminal Access <Port>

AVPS Area-09 Secondary Systems Management 10-h<345.7.655.987> <Unauthorized access-alarm 8600-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.892.456>-> *87697646202EFE4*4a <Archive Subsystem report –087fg-15f>>4332> Year 2819 recovered file: 25th anniversary of the Marathon attack - a look back <<Error-042fe3>> <logical reset @47v8> %^&*gend has it that when the Marathon was attacked twenty-five years ago, the actions of an unnamed UESC marine were instrumental in the salvation of the vessel. No sign of this soldier has surfaced in the time since, though there have been document fragments uncovered that refer to a cryogenic chamber in the original tunnel systems beneath the living space of the Marathon. The lack of verifiable data has led to the widespread belief that this soldier is a myth; that the true heroes of the original Pfhor attack were the countless men and women aboard the Marathon who gave their lives to repel the invasion attempt, and who quite possibly saved that cradle of humanity, the Earth, as well. Recent reanalysis of historical documents, however, say that$#^% <<Error-98g>> <logical reset @9876sa> $^#ors also exist of secret UESC missions involving this marine, but they're fanciful enough to attribute to some desperate hope of bored or hopeless crewmembers - the distances at issue are great enough that were the rumors accurate, word would not have reached human ears yet. The psychological profiles of crewme$#% <<Error-58g>> <logical reset @76sx> <Spurious Interrupt- Breach Disabled> <Further Access Denied> <Breach Location Undetermined>

Terminal Access <Port>

terminal 22


Marathon Video Direct Subsystem #562-98FID/40

Hello! This is Antonio with Pedro, Claude and Jane, drinking a beer in a remote section of the Marathon, watching you fighting and fighting those yellow-blooded bastards... We toast to your guts!!

Marathon Video Direct Subsystem #562-98FID/40

terminal 23


Terminal Access <Port>

Closest O2 recharge nearby Tower#4

Terminal Access <Port>


Terminal Access <Port>

Sector >9852dd928< Files: 98335//17437//00324 UESC Marine #747297 Code <<QW4RT675I>> research file Old registers recovered from backup tape #7332q87l98k #`~te 2794.> I would shoot this terminal right now, if I thought that it would reach that damn AI. I might do it anyway, but ammunition is short. I've run out of ammo for my assault rifle, and the only flamethrower we had was lost when an elevat~12``30101!~ <Unauthorized access-alarm 2521-> <Security Breached 50-h<291.7.577.456>-> <Access denied>

Terminal Access <Port>