0: Pfhor richer or Poorer

terminal 0


EST 3102.07.04 21:04:08.45 Incoming Message from Alexander...

/-/XBJ-zulu7/-/985.269.37.824 Welcome to the UESC Hercules. I'm Alexander, the AI that flys this crate. You are about to die... lot's of times, I hope.

I won't lie to you. I'm not fond of people, especially after the day I've been having. This crew of people decided it would be a good idea to take a short-cut through GS-17629. I told them repeatedly, "No that would be bad. Lot's of Pfhor ships were spotted there the last few weeks." Do you think they listened? No.

I don't get, "Oh! Thank you, Alex! You may have saved our lives! What a wonderful AI you are!" Instead all I get is, "$%#^ 'em! Ensign, maintain course and turn that AI's Voder down!" Nice, huh?

Now the ship is overrun with aliens, I can't seem to regain flight control, and all the crew is dead... ...well, that last part isn't so bad...

Anyway, kill all the beasties and return to this terminal if you're still in one piece.

/-/Alexander ending transmision. EST 3102.07.04 21:06:31.03

terminal 0


/-/XBJ-zulu7/-/985.269.37.824 Incoming Message from Alexander... Nice job. You know, you're not like the others. You like the same things I like. Death, grenades, pizza, long walks on the beach.... I know, I know... You probably hear that a lot from AI's. I guess I'm just trying to say that I think we have a lot in common. Believe you me. I would love nothing more than to just teleport you off this ship, but it is more complicated than that. I explain later.

Prepare for teleport...

terminal 1


/-/XBJ-zulu7/-/985.269.37.824 Incoming Message from Alexander... I hope I'm not distracting you. Just kidding.. I love doing that. Go back to your killing. /-/Alexander ending transmision. EST 3102.07.04 21:06:31.03