Welcome to the very front of the Alpha front! I teleported you to a UESC 'slab' bunker 100 meters away from where I want you to be. Why didn't I just drop you straight in? Well it's not too far away, and between you and your final destination is a small one room bunker on a hill holding some anti-tank rifle material. I need you and your men to get up that hill (labeled as "Hill 601" on your automap) and capture it. When you step outside this bunker you'll be on recaptured IFC territory. If we can take back this plot of land, we'll essentially be in control of the delta junction.
I didn't bring you over here just to add to the assault count here, I brought you over to do something about IFC's newest tool of destruction, that reconditioned juggernaut. It just so happens that one of those things is holding down Hill 601, and I figured you were the person most qualified to operate the anti-tank rifle and take it out. I would have sent you your own anti-tank rifle, but our company didn't get our package shipment yet. Once you capture hill 601, keep pushing through to the other side. I'll send you backup whenever I can.
To: UESC command From: HQ station (alpha bunker group 601) Stamp: URGENT ------------------------------------------- Situation desperate on Alpha front, IFC ground forces are taking back covered territory at an alarming rate. At current movement rate, IFC will be on top of hill 601 within 20 minutes Requesting immediate infantry backup with the addition of anti-tank forces to contend with IFC juggernauts.
LIVE feed [07-37-2862 3:10pm] Today at exactly 2:50pm, the IFC declared and launched war against the UESC. Due to the refusal of compromising actions by the UESC, the IFC initiated a "territorial border war" on UESC orbiting and tactical ground troops. The IFC claims that it will not stop fighting until all UESC troops have completely vacated the Pfhor system. Allowing no time for a response to their announcement, the IFC launched an immediate attack on the occupying UESC forces in the form of 87 ground to space missiles, followed up by aproximately 3,000 armed IFC troops sent to board orbiting UESC space vessels.
IFC's space assault crippled a little over half the naval power orbiting Pfhor Prime. Within the 20 minutes that passed since the war was launched, 6 UESC vessels were destroyed, 12 vessels were heavily crippled, and the UESC had sustained at least 12,280 casualties. The assault on UESC ships still continues as we speak, and details are hazy. On land, the IFC/UESC ground conflict continues. The IFC began surging through previously lost territory at an alarming rate, targeting all UESC HQ positions on land. The IFC began launching heavier barrages of artillery shells onto UESC ground forces, forcing UESC troops to retreat, and falling back to defensive positions on the shoreline.
Am I glad we recaptured that junction hill back there... we deserve it with such a casualty count. It's those damn juggernaut machines the IFC are distributing. Our only defense against those things are the anti-tank rifles; they're too big for normal guns, but too small a target for our ship cannons. I have the blue-prints for the bunker here, the previous man in-charge handed them over to me like his boat was sinking. If you exit through this door and head down the corridor to your left, you should find a huge canyon with an underground storage bunker. At the bottom of it, you will hopefully find an ammunition dump with lots of anti-tank rifle ammo, med kits and assault rifle ammunition. You should go look around down there and grab as much as you can carry.
Try and avoid the nearby juggernaut; he poses no real tactical threat in that location, so save your ammo. Behind you is a switch that activates the double door in the foyer you just came from. Thats where you're headed, behind those doors. Once you get over there, Ill be dropping in backup to aid you in another juggernaut fight. The IFC is raising hell starside. They launched a pretty serious attack on our ships with little warning. Pick up the pace, time is running out. If our ships go down, we're up a creek without a paddle, so we're gonna have to drive this conflict hard on the ground.
We're heading onto the second part of your mission, which involves a lot of serious information which was, until recently, heavily classified. Now that the IFC has barged in here and blown the lid off everything, there's no secret left.
During the Human/Pfhor war, UESC Chimera crashed landed near here. The portion of the ship we are near contained pieces of the UESC's new destructive nova prototype weapon, the "HH CH Anti-Thorium-308 Bomb", funded and developed by UESC's primary PMC, the UESC Weapon Research Labs. Luckily these parts were not destroyed on impact, and UESCWR issued orders for the parts to be contained and protected here on Pfhor Prime. Why would the UESC not want to bring such an important tool back home? Turns out these particular parts make up the rather unstable core of the bomb. If the core had ruptured, a meltdown situation could have occured. Thankfully, the UESC had the good graces to give the thing a full inspection and work hard on containment.
When the core was proven stable, UESC Weapons Research continued bomb development on the crash site to eliminate further movement of the HH CH anti-thorium core. The unit has sat in the hill 601 bunker facility since then, remaining relatively unknown. During the IFC ocupation, they didn't bother with any of the gear in this facility, which was carefully locked down. Today, amid the chaos of the IFC surge, a very special alarm went off, indicating that this facility had been broken into. Your mission now is to go down to where WR labs stored the unit and see out if it is still there. If IFC stole the unit, we could have a serious problem. Come back here as quickly as you can after your inspection.
Frankly, I'm suprised that the IFC hasn't tried to do anything with that core already, and in better circumstances, we'd send a team in to retrieve, lock down or dismantle it. At the moment though, it's the least of our worries. The IFC attack on our ships is still continuing full force, and the assault has reached our flagship, the Merrimac. 6 high powered GSM smashed into the hull of the ship, crippling it. The ship is still functional and is firing back at a fervent pace, but we're losing ground on the decks of the ship itself. IFC troops are still flooding into the ship and slaughtering our crew, who never expected the fight to come this close to home. It looks like they're heading for the engine room. Obviously, we can't let them get there.
I'm bringing you back up to the ship to participate in the defense. Commander Grei ordered a lock down on IFC troops aboard our ship. We're losing ground on home territory thanks to the IFC's latest weapons technology deployment, which they've launched on board our ship. We're not sure what this thing is, but it seems like some kind of odd creature out of an old fantasy movie. Whatever it is, it's kicking our asses. I'm hoping you'll know how to take care of it. If there's been a time to show off your solo fighting skills, it's right now.
interlevel teleports