0: level 1

terminal 0



Hi Brother. Back to work. Our weeks of sun, beach, and women are over for now. Sectar has overtaken the planet Sypress. This planet needs to be explored. Our sources tell us that there is vital information that could help us pinpoint Sectar's location. We must find his secret base so we can put an end to this madness. Our only hope to save earth is to take him out. I know you want to do this solo, but I must give you some backup. Your backup is a sycloan detachment group that consists of four. Their only purpose is to safely get you into the main complex.

Here are the service records of your mates. Commander Coolage Prime 38 tours of duty 16 citations of valor Only survivor of the Raid on Serous Artificial left leg Battle expert Mental status-Stable

Sergeant Peter S. Cruiser 26 tours of duty 8 citations of valor Single handedly overtook the Slave Ship Tellabarrgo Artificial heart, hip, and right foot Weapons expert Mental status-Stable/Unstable

Private Malik Troy 12 tours of duty 3 citations of valor Held off on one of Sectars attacks in the battle of Encluelo All original parts Hand-to-Weapon expert Mental status-Unstable/Stable

Marvil XTX 61 tours of duty Droid class XTL Built in force field Battle status-(Don't get in his way!)

This entrance point is above the surface. It is an old elevator shaft that will lead you to the main complex. Once you jump down the shaft I will send the others to get you through the first area. After that you are on your own. Expect heavy resistance once you have made the jump. Explore all areas and terminals of the complex to gather data. You will be equipped with a special code breaking engine that will let us record the data later to be analyzed at RebelBase. Data will be in code, so gather and roll to the next area. You will not be able to collect all the data from the terminals. You will only be able to access some terminals. Once they reset their comlinks there will be no way to access any more information. We will jam their comlinks in the hope of giving you more time. If you come to a terminal with no information available go to the next terminal.

Our sources tell us that in order to get out of the complex you need to find a switch. It will open a door to an elevator that will bring you to the surface. Once you reach the surface I will bring you out.


<teleport to polygon 330>

terminal 1



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. Level 4 access denied Code Hacker Number XXY143 Code break link at 35% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 46% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 85% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 100% Level 4 access accepted ∞ Tel link # alpha sectar 65372-35 ∞ ∞ Code entry ∞ ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£≥≤–≠«‘“§∞ £¡÷≥≤ºª/§§∞£¡∞§∞£.¡£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡ ™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠.«‘“÷≥≤º,ª§∞≥≤£¡ §∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§ ∞£¡™£≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞§∞£¡£¡™£–≠« ‘“\÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥ ≤ºª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£– ≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£.≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª§\§∞ £¡∞\§∞£¡£¡™£–≠«‘“÷/≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷ ≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞≥≤,£¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ ∞ END ∞

terminal 2



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. Level 7 access denied Code Hacker Number UHG 765 Code break link at 15% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 42% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 89% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 100% Level 7 access accepted ∞ Planetarial force field code alpha sectar 53678-96 ∞ ∞ Code entry ∞ ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡§∞£¡™£–≠™£≥≤–≠ «‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª/§§∞£¡∞§∞£.¡£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£ ¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠.«‘“÷≥≤º,ª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™ £–§∞£¡™£–≠≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§ ∞£¡™£≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞§∞£¡£¡™£–≠«‘“ \÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞≥≤ £¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥§∞£¡™ £–≠≤ºª§∞£¡™£§∞£¡™£–≠.≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷§∞£¡™ £–≠≥≤ºª§\§∞£¡∞\§∞£¡£¡™£–≠§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷/ ≥≤ºª§∞£¡™§∞£¡™£–≠£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤º ª§∞≥≤,£¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ ∞ END ∞

terminal 3



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. Level 12 access denied Code Hacker Number UHG 765 Code break link at 15% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 42% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 89% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 100% Level 12 access accepted ∞ Planetarial force field code alpha sectar 53678-96 ∞ ∞ Code entry ∞ ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡§∞£¡™£–≠™£≥≤– ≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª/§§∞£¡∞§∞£.¡£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª §∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠.«‘“÷≥≤º,ª§∞≥≤£ ¡§∞£¡™£–§∞£¡™£–≠≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£– ≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞ §∞£¡£¡™£–≠«‘“\÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞ £¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§ §∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥§∞£¡™£–≠≤ºª§∞£¡™£§∞ £¡™£–≠.≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷§∞£¡™£–≠≥≤ºª§\§∞£¡ ∞\§∞£¡£¡™£–≠§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷/≥≤ºª§∞£¡™§ ∞£¡™£–≠£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞≥ ≤,£¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ ∞ END ∞

terminal 4



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. Level 9 access denied Code Hacker Number UHG 765 Level 9 access denied Code Hacker Number RTS 655 Code break link at 23% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 54% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 93% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 100% Level 9 access accepted ∞ Slave Ship Embarrgo in route heading code alpha sectar 253789-98 ∞ ∞ Code entry ∞ ºª§.§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡§∞£¡™£–≠™ £≥\≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª/§§∞£¡∞§∞£.¡.£¡™£– ≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«.‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠.«‘“ ÷≥≤º,ª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£–§∞£¡™£–≠≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª §§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£≥≤–≠«=‘“§ ∞£¡÷≥≤ºª§\§∞£¡∞§∞£¡£¡\™£–≠«‘“\÷≥≤ºª§ ∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞≥≤£\ ¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤º\ª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥§∞ £¡™£–≠≤ºª§∞£¡™£§∞£¡™£–≠.≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷§ ∞£¡™£–≠≥≤ºª.§\§∞£¡∞\\§∞,£¡£¡™£–≠§∞£¡ ™£–≠«‘,“÷/≥≤ºª§∞£¡™§∞£¡™£–≠£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª §∞£¡™£–≠«,‘“÷≥≤,ºª§∞=≥≤,£¡§∞£¡™£–-=≠.«‘ “÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“\÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡\\\§∞.£ ¡™£–≠™.\£≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤ºª/§§∞£.¡∞§.∞\£.¡ £¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤º.ª§∞£¡™\£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠ .«‘“÷≥≤º,ª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£.–§∞£¡™£–≠≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª §§=∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤º.ª.§∞£¡™£≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£ ¡÷.≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞§∞£¡£¡™£–≠«‘“\÷≥≤ºª,§∞£¡™,£ .–.≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™=£–≠«‘“.÷≥≤ºª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£ –≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§=§∞£¡∞£¡\™£–≠«‘“÷≥§∞£¡™£–≠≤ºª§ ∞/£¡=™£§∞£¡™£–≠.≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷§∞,£¡™,£–≠ ≥≤ºª§\§∞£¡∞\§∞£¡£¡™£–,≠§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷/ ≥≤ºª§∞.£¡™§∞£¡™£–≠£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠ «‘“÷≥≤ºª.§∞≥≤,£,¡§=∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ ∞ END ∞

terminal 5



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. Level 16 access denied Code Hacker Number ERUY 8674 Level 16 access denied Code Hacker Number IOY 6478 Level 16 access denied Code Hacker Number XXYT 7582 Code break link at 15% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 39% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 75% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 100% Level 16 access accepted ∞ Pirate code chiplink alpha sectar 25346-265 ∞ ∞ Code entry ∞ º‘ª§≤.§∞£≤¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡§∞£¡™£ –≠™£≥\≤≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷≥“≤ºª/§§∞£¡∞§∞£.¡. £¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤º«ª§«∞£¡™£–≠«.‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£ ¡™£–≠.«‘“÷≥≤º,ª§∞≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£–§∞£¡™£– ≠≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§§∞£¡∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª«∞£¡™ «≥≤–≠‘«=‘“§∞£¡÷≥≤º«§\§∞£¡∞§∞£¡£¡\™ £–≠«‘“\÷≥≤ºª§‘∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª§∞£¡™£ –≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª≤§∞≥≤£\¡§∞£¡≤™£‘–≠«‘“÷≥≤º\ ª§§∞£¡∞≤£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥§∞£¡™£–≠≤ºª§‘∞ ‘£¡™£§∞£¡™£–≠.≥≤–≠«‘“§∞£¡÷§∞£÷¡™£– ≠≥≤º÷ª.§\§∞£¡∞÷\≤\§∞,£º.ª.§∞£¡™≥£≥÷ ≤–≠««‘“§‘∞£¡÷.≥≤ºª«§§«∞≥≥£¡∞§∞£¡£¡™ £–≠«‘“\÷≥≤ºª,§∞£¡™,£.–.≠«‘“÷≥‘≤ºª§«∞£ ¡™=£–≠«‘“.÷≥≤ºª§∞‘≥≤£¡§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤º ª§=§∞£¡∞£¡\™£–≠«‘÷“÷≥§∞£¡™£–≠≤ºª§∞ /£¡=™£§∞£¡™£–≠.‘≥≤–≥≠‘«‘“§∞£¡÷§∞,£¡™ ,£≤–≠≥≤ºª§\§≤∞£¡∞\≤§∞£¡£¡™£–,≠§∞£¡™ £–≠«‘“÷/≥≤ºª§∞.£¡™§÷∞£¡™£–≠£–≠«‘“÷≥ ≤ºª§∞£¡™£–≠«‘“÷≥≤ºª.§∞≥≤,£,¡§=∞£¡™£– ≠«‘“÷≥≤ ∞ END ∞

terminal 6



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. Level 21 access denied Code Hacker Number HDGFR 672 Level 21 access denied Code Hacker Number YDH 527 Level 21 access denied Code Hacker Number VSHYRT 899 Code break link at 18% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 36% \ / \ / \ / \ Code break link at 65% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ∞ comlinks switch alpha sectar 00931 LOCKOUT ∞

terminal 7



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. ∞ comlinks switch alpha sectar 00931 LOCKOUT ∞ Terminal 9 ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ ∞ comlinks switch alpha sectar 00931 LOCKOUT ∞

terminal 8



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. ∞ comlinks switch alpha sectar 00931 LOCKOUT ∞

terminal 9



∞ Intruder Alert ∞ Intruder Alert ∞ ∞ All sectars intruder warning ∞ Instructions: Kill all intruders and bring them to the detention level for analyzation and assimilation. ∞ comlinks switch alpha sectar 00931 LOCKOUT ∞

terminal 10



Good job! Our recorders indicate that you were able to access some terminals. I am going to put you in stasis until the data is analyzed. I will re-animate you once we are ready to give you your next assignment. Pleasant dreams brother.