0: Vampire Coffin

terminal 0



Awaken. Rise. Wake up! Ngh... what? Our sensors indicate movement in the floors above us. Movement? Yes, movement. You know, that state in which things are moving. Generally, that means that living things have entered the facility.l I know what movement means... but that's great, right? I mean, now we can get out. Who broke in, anyway? You may be familiar with them; those soft-bodied beings we once called the Pfhor. They have entered in through the walls of the facility and are now attempting to do... something. It's of no real concern to us. What could have attracted them here?

Undoubtedly it's the heating systems you let running before we decided to hibernate. Hey, what? No way. You left them running, not me. You are the intelligent half, it's your duty to make sure things are done right. I hold the guns. That's my job. You snide buffoon, your fat hands-- Our fat hands. --are at fault for the systems. Listen. They are still on. They must be disabled. You must know this. We must move and disable them promptly, or they will burn themselves out. ...yes. Then rise, and move.

terminal 1


These soft-bodied Pfhor aren't very threatening to us. Why must we butcher them every time we see them? The Pfhor are weak, but intelligent. They have found a way to get into our facility, and that's great news. I would wish greatly for us to mine the crystals that lie underneath this moon's surface, but we can't really do it from here. Why not? It's a big building, they've got to have mining equipment here. Idiot, it's not a mine. Well, what is it, then? ...I don't know. But it's not a mine. We haven't been able to get out, though, until the Pfhor broke in. So...?

If the Pfhor have found a way in, though, that means there must be a way back out. We must find that path and continue on to what I believe actually is a crystal mine. So we've been trapped in this tomb next door to where we wanted to be? That's hilarious irony. No, it's not. Now, listen. We must repair some of the mechanical systems that have fallen to disrepair here in order to get to the main breach. I believe we only have one repair circuit left... we must find it and use it before we can leave. Okay. And then we can proceed. Yes...

terminal 2


We must recharge ourselves now. The Pfhor have damaged us, indeed. Why they must constantly try to destroy us is a mystery to me. The Pfhor are strong, but stupid. Anything that is not one of them is either to be enslaved or destroyed. Fortunately for us, we are too powerful for either of those options, for them. Right. The Pfhor have built a base that harvests the crystals from the sun we destroyed. The only reason we haven't been able to do so is because the moon froze around our base before we could get out. Now we can proceed and recover the energy crystals... but the insectoids are not happy with our presence. Never fear; we are too familiar with these creatures. They will perish quickly, and we will have our energy again. Then we move.