3: Welcome to the Corp

terminal 0


Okay, listen momentarily. The computer nexus is in this facility, here; all we must do to overthrow the nexus is insert a virus and a secondary hard-drive into the servers. A who in the what? Take metal thing, put it into other metal thing. Idiot. Thanks for being vague. For every word you speak in pure stupidity, ten thousand mental processes inside of our neural housing construct cry out and perish from an overload. Do us a favor and never speak again. Now, pay attention, because this is a three step process: 1) Find an upload card; I will write a virus on it. 2) Insert the virus into the nexus. 3) Do the same thing with a secondary hard-drive unit. Fine, fine, I'll get to it.


Let me get this straight, seeing as I'm stupid and need to be reminded about things. Do go on. Approximately one orbit around the planet ago, we detonated the energy core inside this moon to harvest residual energy crystal things, correct? Yes. But we got trapped inside the facility because the surface froze over before we could get out. That is remarkably accurate, yes. And now the Pfhor are mining our crystals, which is pretty rude of them, since we did all of the work in the first place. Am I doing well so far?

Quite. The Pfhor have a nearby base that they are using to tunnel in deeper and deeper into the moon, to recover more and more of our crystals. Essentially, it is another mine. We must have this mine, then. Exactly. How apt. Occasionally I can figure things out. Very occasionally. Shut up. The Pfhor are probably protecting this base with a large contingent of soldiers. We must bear through it, destroy the insects, and take the base for our own, and we must do it at once. Prepare to teleport.