2: Crudelitas Quaerendi

terminal 0


The Pfhor are simultaneously too stupid and too smart for us. What do you mean? They've been bested easily enough so far. Yes, and now they are holding us at bay simply with sturdy doors. We cannot enter the power-plant yet, because they have closed the central gates, and I can't figure out how to get through them. Perhaps you're over-thinking the situation. Excuse me? That is my job, no? Yes, but that doesn't mean the task is that difficult. If we must get through these doors, then all we have to do is break them. Your idiocy knows no bounds. It's not so easy to break these doors. No, but their locking mechanism might not be so durable. I suppose. And where might we find this mechanism?

If I've learned anything, door control machinery is usually held someplace under the door, so they can be accessed easily for repairs. All we have to do is repair the door -- my way. You are simultaneously as stupid and smart as the Pfhor you enjoy murdering so much. I cannot complain about your strategy; let us move out at once. We must recharge the system promptly, or else the mine may collapse. I'm thankful for every bit of praise you pass to me, no matter how many insults you package with it. Move. Okay, okay.

terminal 1



terminal 2


This system is dense enough. Are you calling me dense? No, but you are indeed. I was referring to the terminal we have barged into. Specifically, the computer network that operates it. It intrigues me, and I believe that there is much information to be found about these crystals -- but we can't spend any time on it now. And I'm sure that's a tragedy. Fool, it is! Without it, we will lack the knowledge required for processing the energy behind the crystals. I suppose. Every day, I bless the fact that supposing isn't your job. Return here after the power has been rerouted to the mine installation, and we can learn more.


This computer system fascinates me. How so? I believe it warrants an invasive procedure. I enjoy this activity; we can learn more about the Pfhor mines here on the moon, and where they are. It will be the greatest step toward success we've taken all day. I disagree. For example, breaking that one insect's skull be-- Be silent. We move now; we will overtake the computer system and proceed from there. I admire your penchant for butchery and murder, but I would appreciate your presence even more if you spoke not of it. You whine enough, for sure. Let's get a move on, eh? I mean, the bugs are probably waiting for us, aren't they? We won't want to give them too much time to prepare. No... you are correct. We move at once.