6: 20000 Sporks

terminal 0


Okay, here we are, no? What must we do? I am anxious to conquer the Pfhor here... We must overtake a Pfhor communications console. From there, we can send a message to their armada, and hopefully receive our transport. The picture you are showing me is this console, correct? Yes. It is perched in a tower. You must climb the tower and access the console; from there, freedom. We will not fail.

terminal 1


Ah, the rejuvenating powers of an endless supply of food... It's not quite endless, you know. How is it not endless? The moon would collapse without a neverending source of energy to provide the heat that keeps it warm. And you call ME the stupid one. You ARE the stupid one. The core already did collapse, which is why they're harvesting the crystals that... you know, never mind. You wouldn't understand the fine mechanisms behind planetary construction. This is a moon. It's moonanary construction. Your idiocy baffles me. Can we rest again? I'm tired. I do believe that, despite the legion of insectoids that I must slaughter on a regular basis, and the chance that we will be torn into composite parts haunts us at every turn, that your sarcasm and condescension is the greatest burden I bear.

Yes... we may rest again. And rest we shall... We will wait in silence for the Pfhor to arrive one last time. They will send their ships... and their soldiers... and we will feed once again. Yes... Adieu. Huh? Never you mind. It's a human word. Bah.