Darius, the idiot king. When a treaty saying that Athenians and Persia were allies fell through, Darius's ignorance rose. He considered himself the rightful ruler of Athens. The Persians rampaged through Greece, then sailed for the banks of Marathon. The Athenians were located inland, while the Perisans held their seaward edge of terrain. The Persians sent some troops and supplies to Athens, thinking that their few remaining allies would have caused civil war by now. When they reached Athens, the city was no where near civil war. Seeing their chance for victory, the Athenians surrounded and destroyed the remaining Persian army. From there they marched to Athens and arrived BEFORE the Perisans. Thus forcing them back to Persia. A myth says that General Miltiades of the Athenians send the runner, Pheidippides with news of Athenian victory. He ran 26 miles at top speed, delivered the message, then died. The Persians were stupid. But now we are the invaders. The city is the heart and soul of this amazing ancient Pfhor civilization. Within the center, most populated area of the city is the core. The core contains all their power, energy, and knowledge. Make your way to the center where we have monitored immense power at. Take the special chip, which you got before outside, and plug it into the array that you find there. The chip is designed to transmit their complete database, and then send a virus through the systems. The virus will first disintegrate the memory core, and then send the array into overload. From the readings we have, when that happens, we don’t want to be anywhere in or near the facility. So after you plug the chip, run like hell back to this station. This time live to tell the tale of victory, on the banks of Marathon.
Mahje IDa kal ue :::0:::::0::::::: ::0::::::::0::::: ::0::::::::::00:: FrIFS! ::0:::::::::::::: ::0::::::::::00:: ::::0. ,. , ,. : ,; "< <; ,,; : ,:<" < ; ;'< ; ::: M.7.dA OVERRIDE ::: You're gone from all of our sensors and infra-red. We thought we lost you a while back there near the other maintenance terminal. We don't know if you are supposed to be alive or dead. Why we don't register you might be caused by the strange flux of power I mentioned earlier. We can't give you a direction to run in, because the whole sub-space matrix/dimension seems to be folding over itself. This can only mean one thing. . . Get out of there now, marine. . . ::: END OVERRIDE :::