304-ty interceptor secyre Origin: AI-4378 autoinfilU <Balapoel> Destin: sƒ x-122 infilU 'Cmdr Tethys' ref: 304-ty secyre propulsion stamp: information Com:_______________________securefeed::::: While you were in stasis, several compilers infiltrated the ship through the secondary thruster exhaust ports. They have eluded the onboard sensors and have sabotaged the thermal refraction control matrix. I have locked down the emergency bulkheads and access portals, but the radiation is still spreading. My internal sensors have been recongifured and I do not know their locations. A detachment obviously was sent to terminate you, and I am relieved that they did not succeed. We are close enough to teleport you down to the planet where you need to destroy the facility so the Pfhor can never infiltrate this sector again. termfeed:_____________________________::::
interlevel teleports