The missle control unit still isn't responding. We'll have to abort. *************************************************** •MISSILE BAY DOORS HAVE OPENED. •LEADER MISSLE HAS BEEN LAUNCHED. *************************************************** In about ten seconds where you're standing is going to be ground zero for a three-hundred square-mile radius of destruction. •SATELLITE'S ORBIT HAS ALIGNED WITH SUBJECT •TELEPORTATION SENSORS TRACKING SUBJECT ...TRACKING SUBJECT ...TRACKING SUBJECT •SENSORS HAVE LOCKED ON SUBJECT
BEGIN TRANSMISSION<<< More bad news. My people are having some problems cracking mainframe. Looks like we'll have to go about it the old-fashioned way.
*************************************************** MISSION BREIFING: SECONDARY DIRECTIVE (revised) Destroy all circut boards in sight. To my knowledge there are only five centralized circut boards (A.) located throughout the park, primarily on the interior walls of the nearby attractions. In fact there should be one to your immediate right once you log off. Destroying one cirrcut board will open another, and so on. Once you have sucessfully opened, sought and destroyed all five of these circut boards, mainframe will open the entrance to the northern duct located near Adventure Land. Your map should list it as the Northern Horn. Use it to make your escape. *****************************************
The order in which circut boards should be destroyed is as follows: •ENTRANCE •IT'S A SMALL WORLD •THE HAUNTED MANSION •PIRATES OF THE CARIBEAN •JUNGLE CRUISE IMPORTANT: Aim carefully! If after hitting it, the circut board sounds as though it was destroyed but looks operational, the blast was not effective and mainframe (suspecting foul play) has immediately sealed off the branch, making it impossible to complete the mission, at which point, you might as well just give up. Once you make it to the Northern Horn's info booth contact us. We will proceed to teleport you on to the M.C.S. Adios! >>> END TRANSMISSION
BEGIN TRANSMISSION<<< What the hell is going on down there? We've been trying to contact you for the last hour. When the self-destruct sequence began, there was a tremendous explosion which blew off the cap of Cinderella's Castle, clearing the way for the missIle bay. The only way I can account for this lost time is that you must have been knocked unconsCious by the blast.
First you should know that, while you were under, the lead missIle has indeed been raised into position. Once you surface, you'll find that most of the park has been destroyed. Mainframe's automatic testing of the lead missle's propulsion unit has blown out most of the windows and covered the park in ash and soot. Our people are still trying to deactivate mainframe and, susequentially, the self-destruct sequence. It's important that I note Disney World was originaly built on a swamp and that testing the missle on the grounds has cost the stability of the terrain.
You'll also now find that certain sections of the park (such as the cryogenic facility and northern and southern ears) have been sealed off, others opened. Unfortunately, all exits are among the sections which have been sealed off. You'll have to teleport. But before we can get you out of there, you'll have to repair an elevated staircase which was dammaged in the blast. This can be done by inserting a repair chip into it's circut deck located in an underground lava duct known as the Northern Horn. Here comes the tricky part: because our teleportation sensors were temporarily misaligned, we accidentally sent the chip to the Southern Horn and along with it, a power cell. Using your protective suit, you must swim through lava to the end of the duct, retrieve the chip and quickly surface.
I'm sad to inform you that most of the families were lost in the explosion. The more fortunate tourists made it out of the park safely and have formed a nice little traffic jam heading out of the park. Once you reach surface level of the park, make your way to the main entrance (Where we started you; At the end of Main Street U.S.A., past the ticket booths but before the parking lot.) It's a nice open area where we'll be able to teleport some goods to you all nice and proper-like. When you get that far, use the info booth-we'll contact you.
interlevel teleports