17: Awakenings-

terminal 0


All shall be lost

*THIS IS THE MOST SECRET LEVEL IN THE GAME!* But you shall not be rewarded. Ahead of you is a predicament. It is- which path do you take, right or left? I advise you not to take the right path due to the recent blockage of the stairs by walls of strange, flickering meat. However, the left path is boring! What a decision you have for yourself! Meet me at the flagpole in the middle of Knowhere (you'll know it when you see it).

Because of the drizzle!

terminal 1



Congratulations! You've won a special message from none other than Jhazmine. It is as SUCK- "I am not a pumpkin!" he proclaimed loudly. "I am a bugg!". The rest of the pumpkins gasped in shock. "Ladle?", one asked. "Droopy..." he replied. "Of the fallow kind", he continued. "Drastic measures must be taken. This tyme the tomato is too olde! He... flew the coupe, as some may say." (roaring laughter) "Furthermore, there will be an open prayer ceremony this Friday at 8. Feel free to molest god with your meaningless worries for 10 hours or more if need be. Also, the creature feels his nickname is no longer on reload. As such, he wishes to enter Dank Space (sector 666). You know what the word is, right!?" (cheering) "S-L-I-C-E-D!" They chanted. "Oh no," he pratically whispered. "I already was this morning!" (stares at itch on leg). "If the death penalty wasn't quite so skimpy, we could all pig out on murder until even our faces got red! Try to... get myself off, in a manner of screeching. That's a form of honesty, I suppose. I mean, how much do you need to drink before you can love me, general news? I believe the current state of the whiff I'm getting from you is quite proper if a man like myself is going to breed an old army of females. My ears hang low, I don't say!" (Booing) "Oh no! He's getting booed off stage! Bah! I'm glued to your stage, you put me here, pumpkins!" (laughter). (exit bugg). (orgy begins in the audience) (laughter) Everything is proceeding as planned.

Lick this, it'll make you bubbly inside.