31: Running from Evil

terminal 0


Log entry 000000000004 By: Willful-Rank ID 991582 Posted 13 hours ago. Never before have I felt so much trepidation toward invasion. What makes me so nervous about this place? And not just this building here, but nearly every place we've seen... This alien construction of course is not natural to me; the ceilings are too high, the lights too bright. But there's something more foreboding about it. Maybe it's all the stone. Maybe it's because half the buildings are deep underground. Maybe it's just the scale.

But it's more than that. No matter what we search for, there is nothing left for us to find. This odd clan retreats from conflict too early, leaves us nothing to use. The spaces they leave behind feel rife with secrets, like no matter how much we scan there's always a little more. Perhaps that's it. Even the deepest fortresses we've taken feel vulnerable. If we aren't careful, they might strike back through a window we once ignored, or through a door we didn't see until we passed it. I just can't help but feel that we don't belong here. I mean, beyond our normal capacity as invaders. It's just... wrong.

terminal 1


Huh, well I was wrong. It's a munitions storage dump, or something closer to that. It's not very much except for a few small rooms. It's a little odd that the Pfhor would have so many facilities on a planet like this. As far as we know, most of the time they keep these services on their own ships. And the construction isn't right for them. But whatever. Prepare to teleport as soon as you're ready to leave.