The picture above shows where you have come from, and below is where you are. The map clearly explains where you need to go. There are plenty of Gragars here as they were trapped when I shut off the area. Try and get to the shuttle pronto. I have learned that the Gragar's asteroid base is approaching Europa. It looks like they are coming in for a huge attack. You must clean up and leave here as fast as possible so that I can send you to Asteron to take out the key Gragars. Once you get there, you may encounter our Travel Inc. logo around. The base was built on contract by us for the Gragars in a time when a tentative friendship was established. I don't know what state it is in now, or how I will be able to contact you. Look for anything that appears to be a Travel communication terminal, (if they haven't destroyed all of the "earthly" aspects), and I'll see what messages I can get to you. Don't let me down.... <<SIGNOFF>> <<TRANSMISSION SENT>>