1: Like A Sheep Among Wolves---

terminal 0


Terminal Tag: 00166-AAB Location: Teleporter 5 Interesting. This ship was loaded with M.A.D.D. drones, and a whole lot of ‘em. I’ll try to reactivate some to aid you in your mission. Most of the equipment on this ship is complete junk; outdated, torn, shredded... many of the doors no longer function. I’ll send you ammunition periodically as you progress throughout the ship. We don’t have much to spare, so make every bullet count.

Terminal Tag: 00166-AAB Location: Teleporter 5 Your mission is simple: reach the terminal I have marked on the map and hack your way into it. I need you to do this in order for me to be able to access the ship’s database. We need to know what this ship was doing here and how it ended up in it’s current state. Hopefully we’ll also learn about these Pfhor boarding troops. Remember, try to be stealthy and avoid as many enemies as possible; if an enemy detects you and is somehow able to communicate with some form of HQ, we might just end up getting chased by an entire Pfhor fleet. Good luck. Lysander out.

terminal 1


Terminal Tag: 00162-AAB Location: Observatory 22a -Vocal Report #5510292- Lieutenant Oldfield speaking... it’s been five days now since our arrival in this system. Our Captain is positive we’ll be ready to make planetfall in just a couple more days... Everyone seems to be overjoyed, and I know I should be too, but I’ve got a really bad feeling about this. Somehow just looking at the damn planet gives me the creeps... We’ve been trying to send out transmissions to Earth, to inform them of our discovery, but something seems to be jamming our signal. Probably just another solar flare.

Terminal Tag: 00162-AAB Location: Observatory 22a Anyway. Everything seems to be going smoothly. I’m actually done with my shift, but Meyers isn’t reporting in... now that I think about it, I haven’t seen him since breakfast. I hope he’s alright, and I also hope he hurries the fuck up. He’s always late. -Vocal Report END-

terminal 2


Terminal Tag: 00167-AAB Location: Hangar D-3 Username:___________________ Password:___________________ +Help (?) +Forgot Password

Terminal Tag: 00167-AAB Location: Hangar D-3 Well done. Just give me a moment and I’ll have the information we need. (Loading...)

Terminal Tag: 00167-AAB Location: Hangar D-3 Alright. I have some good news, and some terrible news. Which would you like to hear first? Really? Well okay. It turns out the Pfhor you encountered on this ship originated from a small garrison on Aenna Prime. They’re using some kind of advanced cloaking field to hide from our scanners. I actually can’t tell you what the exact size of the garrison is, since most of it seems to be constructed underground, but I’d say judging by what we’ve encountered so far, it’s a fairly small group. We are going to have to deal with them first before colonising. Now, the good news.

Terminal Tag: 00167-AAB Location: Hangar D-3 This ship is indeed a UESC ‘Sphinx’ Light Cruiser. They were taken out by a small task force deployed by Battle Group 5 just over a century ago. They were also trying to colonise this small paradise, only they didn’t expect to encounter Pfhor. On the bright side I have been able to reactivate nearly all the M.A.D.D.s on this ship. To give you an exact count, we now have 92 more functioning drones in our arsenal. I’ve also located and transferred some of this ship’s supplies over to the UESC ‘Trinity’. That should help us greatly when assaulting the garrison.

Terminal Tag: 00167-AAB Location: Hangar D-3 I’ll be taking you to the ship’s lower levels next. I’ve detected a major breach, so put that smelly mask on; you’ll be needing it. Your objective? It’s what you do best. Terminate any resistance; pump those nasty bugs full of led. Oh, and don’t die. Lysander out.