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Pfhlow v1.0

Destroyer E — Jul 16, 2006

Pfhlow is a multiplayer carnage and king of the hill level that uses some in terms of the liquids. It is highly recommended that you download and install the Texture Enhancement pack, or get a script for transparent liquids. This level comes with its own built-in physics and five variances of the map (different in more than just their liquids), all available in this package.

CTF SDK v1.0

W'rkncacnter — Jul 06, 2006

This download contains instructions on how to make dual textured CTF maps (so that you can have red and blue bases), the shapes file to use with Forge, and a texturing script. To make a good CTF map, you almost have to make distinct Red and Blue bases so that players don't get confused. If you plan on making CTF maps, this download will help you out a lot.

Because using Chisel isn't real easy, I have decided to put this SDK together to make it easier for people to create CTF maps. The readme explains everything you need to know for creating maps with lava and water textures.

The file is a .sit file, so that the filetypes are remain correct. This download does not include Forge or Chisel. The link to Chisel can be found in the readme included.

Good luck mapping!

Born Slippy CTF v1.0

jon_irons — Jul 06, 2006

This map is a Capture the Flag map for W'rkncacnter's CTF/Lua script. It's spacious and has plenty of strategic places. Teamwork is important here.

Mmm, Skyscraper v1.0

jon_irons — Jul 05, 2006

This map appeared for a few versions in my Underworld map pack. However, I hardly hosted it, and never saw anyone else host it, so I decided to replace it in Underworld 1.4. I put so much work into this map that throwing it out would be a waste. It's still fun to play, and it's a good demonstration of multi-floor buildings in Marathon/Aleph One. Enjoy the map!

Cross Fire v1.2

Homocidal Ham — Jul 04, 2006

It is two "bridges" crossing in a center "arena" surrounded by buildings, It should work for M2 MI and aleph one. hope you enjoy

P.S. when testing people complained about good items being in the open, before repeating them please note that all weapons appear randomly

Quick Six v1.0

treellama — Jul 03, 2006

Here is my first pack of maps, which includes the old favorites Lupality and Walleye Vision, as well as three of my old maps fixed up for public consumption, and one new map:

Walleye Vision
SPNKR Diarena
Abacus Dime
Age of Aquarius
Incontinental Divide

1,001 Squares that I got lost in... v1.1

noodles — Jul 03, 2006

This is a map that was originally a map in Suicide Run. It is going to be removed from the pack when the next version of SR comes out (it does not fit in with the rest of the maps). It is a puzzle to get to the ammo room. Read the read me to learn how to get to the ammo room. It is one of my first maps. I hope you enjoy!

wet noodles

Physics Testing Grounds v1.0

Homocidal Ham — Jun 29, 2006

This is a map that I made about four years ago that I used to test physics. It is a series of doors and swithces that release monsters into an arena to see how they interact from the safty of a monster-proof control center.
you can also go into the armory and shoot them if your bored. As an added bonus you can use it to teach your friends how to play marathon.

Infinite Injury for SIGMA v1.3.2

assassingao — Jun 26, 2006

---The latest time that I modified one of these maps are 06/04/2006---

For those who are worried that I'm not going to merge this map and have you finding 10 separate map just to host each level, don't worry, I have merged it...

--Level 1 - 5D kindergarden--

Well suited for 2-4 players

--Level 2 - 5D Easy--

Well suited for 3-5 players

--Level 3 - 5D Normal--

Well suited for 4-6 players

--Level 4 - 5D Major Damage--

Well suited for 5-8 players

--Level 5 - 5D Total Carnage--

Well suited for 6-8 players

--Level 6 - Complex Open Space--

Well suited for any amount of players (excluding one)

--Level 7 - Cat & Mouse--

This level should be played with 2-4 players

--Level 8 - Cat & Mouse 2--

This level should be played with 2-4 players

--Level 9 - Ze Movin Sataires--

Well suited for 2-5 players

--Level 10 - Cat & Mouse 3--

This level should be played with 2-4 players.

--Level 11 - Cat & Mouse 4--

2-4 players.

--Level 12 - Cat & Mouse 5--

2-3 players.

--Level 13 - Cat & Mouse 6--

2-5 players.

Note : It's a demo because it just don't have enough maps.

It'll be out of demo status when I'm fully satisfied with it.

Hell Pfhor You v1.2

TweeterMan (Ian) — Jun 23, 2006

(No, this map is not from Rubicon. Also, the exact date it was started is unknown. All I remember is that I started it in May 2006.)

Hello! This basic network map is loaded with weapons, aliens (optional, of course), secrets, and carnage! I wouldn't consider it a novelty, but it may not be as big as other net maps you've played. Some consider it too maze-like, but there are open areas. There's plenty of secrets to find, and not many places to hide! Anyway, I hope you all like it, and if you download, please rate it!


(File's in .zip format.)

Version 1.1 Update: Fixed some missing/misplaced textures.

Version 1.2 Update: Changed some ammo locations, and changed all weapon and ammo minimum amounts to the initial count, to fix some lack of ammo issues.

How to install Icons, Windows Registry v1.0

Ashakanar — Jun 22, 2006

Note: You Don't Have To Edit The Windows Registry To Install Icons Anymore! See here!
I am going to keep this guide online for Historical resasons.

Thank You

Have you downloaded my Marathon Icons for Windows pack? Looked at the Website I provided? Still can't figure out how to install them? Well your search is over. Here is an easy to understand guide that will walk you through
editing the Windows Registry to install the Icons.

If you have any questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions, email me at ashakanar@gmail.com.

NOTE: I am NOT responsible if YOU break YOUR computer editing the Windows Registry.

Suicide Run v1.3

noodles — Jun 20, 2006

This is a multiplayer net pack designed for Infinity, but can be played with M2. There are eight maps in all. There are levels that support W'rkncacnter's CTF Lua. They also support co-op, EMFH, KOTH, and KMWB. This is the last update for Suicide Run. So if you are a fan of SR, please download this version. :)

Inaugural release of "Suicide Run"
Fixes the physics bug (the rocket would shoot pistol bullets...). And minor tweaks to the maps.
Fixes more bugs on the maps, adds a new hallway to "Power Tower," adds windows and pattern buffers to "Suicide Run," and a new map.
THE LAST VERSION! Replaces an old map with a new, and fixes more bugs than ever...

wet noodles Suicide Run net pack v1.0

noodles — Jun 19, 2006

Hi All,
This is a multiplayer net pack--my first to be precise. There are eight maps in all. I have included a physics file entitled "Phreaky Physics 1." Please understand that there are probably mistakes, because, as I said, this is my first time doing this. There are more to come soon. I hope you enjoy!

wet noodles (game net name)

Marathon Icons for Windows v1.1

Ashakanar — Jun 19, 2006

This is a pack of icons for A1. They are in .Ico format (Windows icon format). Included is the original Icons (app, map, shapes, ect) for M1, M2, Moo, Evil, RED, Rubicon, Tempus Irae, and the A1 Icons. Installing them on Is NO LONGER A PAIN!!!
There is now a program that will install the Icons For you!
I downloaded the Trial Version. It says you can only change 3 icons! I've changed around 5 so I hope it keeps on workin for you.

Another thing added in 1.1 is a custom icon, made by me, for TI: II The Lost Levels.I have to admit that it isnt the greatest Icon ever... but it works...

I'd like to thank BenUrban for providing the .PNG icons. Without him, this package wouldnt be avalible. Thank you BenUrban. I'd Also like to thank Iek for finding exe icon changer, which led me to find the easier to use Iconchanger! Thank You Iek!

If you have any questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions email me at ashakanar@gmail.com.

Arx Immanis Unimap v1.0

Huxley — Jun 17, 2006

Søren Bech Jensen's Arx Immanis.
This scenario won Runner Up as Best Use of Anvil in Bungie's map contest.

"The woods of the cold north are dark and vast, where the towering pines trap the light in a splintered grip and their needles glitter menacingly with frost, like teeth. Without the frozen path to guide you, these darkling woods would swallow you up in their endless perspectives. This was the land of the Overlord Valraven whose reputation had drawn you so far north, a man of ambition who valued strength of arms and cold appetites inured to extremes of violence and suffering. Long ago you brought into a life that turned its back on obligation, loyalty and honour for any reason other than money; thirty pieces of silver is worth any atrocity when you’re starving."

"Most textures are created in Photoshop, but some are stolen
(and modified) from other games like Hexen and Frankenstein
(See if you can spot them), 3D textures and H. R. Gigers
nightmareish paintings."

BLOOD of BIN LADEN Unimap v1.0

Huxley — Jun 16, 2006

J. Kristopher Huddy's Blood of Bin Laden:
Fight the War on Terror without leaving your home!
For the full story and great "making of" images:

* Covertly strike and neutralize terrorist training camps on the outskirts of Kandahar!
* Uncover plans for the September 11 terror attacks!
* Disarm terrorist arsanals of nuclear and biological weapons!
* Wage face-to-face combat with Taliban soldiers and fanatical suicide bombers!
* Tap into local phone lines to receive orders and stay nourished by consuming humanitarian rations!
* Lead squads of American Marines in ground strikes!
* Liberate the Afghan capital city of Kabul!
* Rescue American missionary Heather Mercer!
* Navigate through Afghanistan's mountainous terrain!
* Discern food rations from unexploded cluster bombs!
* Storm the caves and tunnels of Tora Bora!
* Locate Osama's secret underground bunker!
* And finally, take the al-Qaeda leader out once and for all!


Foundation Tactical v1.0

MindBrain — Jun 14, 2006


Really fun netmap, constant action with 3 players DO IT DO IT!

2 - 5 Players

Tactical Mod

*Reduced weapon damage
*Weapons tweaked for balance
*More gravity with lowered run speed
*Faster weapon switching

Weapon changes:
Pistol - Damage only slightly lowered making it fairly powerful vs the other weapons
Fusion Pistol - Increased projectile speed
Assault Rifle - Spread decreased somewhat, lowered rate of grenade fire
SMG - Spread increased
Missile Launcher - Affected by gravity, increased projectile speed, will take 2 shots to kill but damage radius increased significantly

Future ideas: Mines (Let me know if you have a cool mine mod) Breaking glass and fall damage


Tempus Irae and TI 2: TLL for Aleph One 1.0

The Nardo Group — Jun 14, 2006

Nardo proudly announces the official release of Tempus Irae and Tempus Irae 2: The Lost Levels for Aleph One. Aside from being both Mac and PC compatible, this new release has received a major artistic restoration in the process. Every texture has been recreated - mostly done with Cinema 4D - in hi res splendor. To further enhance the beauty of the game, an additional download is available to add breathtaking hi res landscapes. We couldn't stop there, so all additional Maps created by the members of Nardo, 3rd party Tempus Irae maps, as well as those entered into the Tempus Irae Mapmaking Contest have been converted for use in Aleph One. To insure the package was complete, we converted the original game Read Me files to .pdf's, and have provided a link to the Tempus Irae alternate Music file.

Let's see if this works... v1.0

Blake37 (Alex Makuch) — Jun 12, 2006

My newest map after a long break that occured because of school. I worked extra hard on the lighting, so maybe it's even good =) Let me know what you think, feed-back is always good.

Los Disneys Unimap v1.0

Huxley — Jun 10, 2006

Welcome to Jason K. Huddy's Los Disneys.
This unimap will work both Mac and SDL versions of Aleph One. The unimap had scripts added to support both Mac and SDL A1. No changes where made to game play. All original files are included. From the Los READ ME.txt: "Give it to a freinds, coworkers and family members- remember: It's FREE!"

The year is 2015. The Disney Corporation has bought out the entire peninsula of Florida, renaming it Los Disneys.
You have been hired by a special interest group to infiltrate it’s capital located in the Magic Kingdom. Shoot your way through tourists, brats and yes, Michael Eisner clones to find and destroy the cryonically-suspended head and torso of Walt Disney, located right beneath Cinderella’s Castle. But the fun doesn’t stop there. Terminating Disney initiates the Doomsday Device which will wipe out all mankind- unless you can stop it.
Do you have what it takes to fight the greatest corporate entertainment monster of all time? Will you save the earth from global nuclear annihilation? If not, will you escape to the mission control satellite in time to save yourself? There’s only one way to find out.

Station 17 Tactical v1.01

MindBrain — Jun 10, 2006

Station 17 Tactical mod

All weapon damage is decreased more/less proportionately. Also weapon characteristics are tweaked for balance.
More gravity and slower movement for altered gameplay.

The map has 2 2x rechargers so jUiCe up mAAAaN
CTF version coming to a map file near you!

Best with 4 - 6 players

Station 17 Tactical v1.02

MindBrain — Jun 10, 2006

Tactical Mod.

The artifical gravity generator on Station 17 has been malfunctioning for the last several months, producing far higher levels of gravity. This has forced the occupants of 17 to adapt to this enviroment but in the process has increased their muscle density many times over. The medical staff believes the Marines stationed here are becoming more resilient to the weapons stockpiled, and with supplies dwindling and restlessness setting in many are worried about another conflagration...

*Reduced weapon damage
*Weapons tweaked for balance
*More gravity with lowered run speed

Future ideas: Mines (Let me know if you have a cool mine mod) CTF, Breaking glass and fall damage

1.01 Fixed a bounce error
1.02 Added ambient sounds

Son of Grendal to If I had a Rocket.... v1.0

fudgster98 — Jun 09, 2006

A good way to kill time! Me, iMac, and Open Fire X spent some time playing co-op mode from "Son of Grendal" to (If I had a Rocket Launcher I'd Make Everybody Pay!". Unfortunatley, at the beginning of that level, we all dropped like dead flies.
That's a problem with playing Aleph One online, don't you think?

The 9 Arenas.Sigma v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Jun 08, 2006

Not totally new, but still retextured to take advantage of the new textures, weapons, and what not.

RS Films v1.0

Wiggin — Jun 08, 2006

i saw itchy coochy's film of duality, and i thought "man, ive got WAY better films!" so here they are. enjoy ;)

Duality EMFH 3 players v1.0

fudgster98 — Jun 06, 2006

A nice little EMFH game. One person dropped right at the beginning, but with 3 players it was still a good game. Played on Duality.

Underworld v1.4

jon_irons — May 24, 2006

I've continued mapping, and these are the next generation of Irons netmaps. Wow, that sounds egotistical! But it's true. With the final release of my last pack, Azure Dreams, I set out to create more detailed maps. I'm getting there. As with Azure Dreams, this pack will keep growing until I feel it is time to start a new one. Enjoy.

The Readme has my usual ramblings. Go there before you host these so you know what you're getting into!

Version 1.4 replaces one map with a new one. It creates a far more solid pack. Check it out, because the new map is excellent.

Version 1.3 adds a new map and significantly changes an older one.

Version 1.2.1 fixes an untextured wall.

Version 1.2 adds a new map, fixes bugs, and makes things nicer in general.

Version 1.1.1 is a minor bug fix.

Version 1.1 adds two new maps. Check them out.

Hell If I Know v1.2

W'rkncacnter — May 21, 2006

This is a CTF map pack containing six maps. Every map should be used with the CTF(lua) script. The readme has a short description of each map.

Changes in v 1.2

- Replaced an unbalanced map with a new one.
- Updated it to work with CTF v3.0

Changes in v 1.1

- Made it so that you can view the map in single player without running the script.
- Changed to a zip file to make it easier for non mac people to uncompress the file.

Infinite Injury DEMO v1.3

assassingao — May 14, 2006

---The latest time that I modified one of these maps are 06/04/2006---

For those who are worried that I'm not going to merge this map and have you finding 10 separate map just to host each level, don't worry, I have merged it...

--Level 1 - 5D kindergarden--

Well suited for 2-4 players

--Level 2 - 5D Easy--

Well suited for 3-5 players

--Level 3 - 5D Normal--

Well suited for 4-6 players

--Level 4 - 5D Major Damage--

Well suited for 5-8 players

--Level 5 - 5D Total Carnage--

Well suited for 6-8 players

--Level 6 - Complex Open Space--

Well suited for any amount of players (excluding one)

--Level 7 - Cat & Mouse--

This level should be played with 2-4 players

--Level 8 - Cat & Mouse 2--

This level should be played with 2-4 players

--Level 9 - Ze Movin Sataires--

Well suited for 2-5 players

--Level 10 - This is my beautiful dream--

This level MUST be played with 8 players

--Level 11 - Cat & Mouse 3--

This level should be played with 2-4 players.

--Level 12 - Cat & Mouse 4--

2-4 players.

--Level 13 - Cat & Mouse 5--

2-3 players.

--Level 14 - Cat & Mouse 6--

2-5 players.

Note : It's a demo because it just don't have enough maps.

It'll be out of demo status when I'm fully satisfied with it.

Update in version 1.3
-3 new maps!

Updates in version 1.2
-1 new map!
-Ambient Sounds are added and spawn problems in Cat & Mouse 2 are removed.

Blood Jjaro v1.0

Shadowbreaker — May 08, 2006

3 maps. 21 polygons. Do the math. 3 different versions of the same map.

Conflict v0.7

Necolarus — May 08, 2006

Release v0.7
Initial version released to the public.

Based loosely on a great deathmatch map from the original Quake, this map provides small groups with two large rooms to keep the action constant. Multiple paths and various levels will keep players alert from the start.

vSolo -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification. Throws you up against other marines in a deathmatch style of gameplay.

vNetwork -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 2 to 3 players.

Fovea v0.4

Necolarus — May 03, 2006

Updated v0.4
Players starting from above the map has been corrected. I resolved a couple issues with respawning items and trimmed down the total number of appearing enemies during the single player experience.

Release v0.3
Initial version released to the public.

Fovea pushes for an open outdoor feeling while trying to keep things close in quarters. This map is only playable with AlephOne and you'll see why. This map screams out for a sniper rifle.

vSolo -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification. Throws you against other marines, MADDs, and gun sentries.

vNetwork -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 8 players.

Engine/Zero Scenario v0.21

me_43 — Apr 30, 2006

A must have to play E0. Contains the models, textures, sounds etc needed to play Marathon-type maps, as well as a few imported maps.

As usual, thanks to Bungie for maps and sounds, Maarten Tromp for models, Vogel for textures, Arlen for help coding, and the creators of SDL for their kickass library.

Engine/Zero And E0Edit Source v0.21

me_43 — Apr 30, 2006

As per the GPL, this archive contains the source code for Engine/Zero v0.21 and E0Edit (Which is an RB program).

E0Edit For Mac/Windows v0.21

me_43 — Apr 30, 2006

E0Edit is a utility capable of importing Marathon maps into Engine/Zero. It is not perfect, but will get the geometry largely correct and makes importing maps vastly easier.

This file includes the Mac and Windows builds of the program. (Strangely, RB refuses to make a working Linux version)

Engine/Zero Mac v0.21 v0.21

me_43 — Apr 30, 2006


Thanks to Arlen Cuss for help coding, Maarten Tromp for models, Bungie for sounds and levels, Tim Vogel for the textures/landscapes, and the creators of SDL for their excellent library.

Comments to www.sairyx.org/strakh

Engine/Zero Windows v0.21 v0.21

me_43 — Apr 29, 2006

Latest build of E0 for Windows. YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE SCENARIO TO PLAY IT.

Thanks to Arlen Cuss for help coding, Maarten Tromp for models, Bungie for sounds and levels, Tim Vogel for the textures/landscapes, and the creators of SDL for their excellent library.

Comments to www.sairyx.org/strakh

7iny C7F v1.0

jon_irons — Apr 23, 2006

I began this map as a joke, but it turned out to be great for small games fo CTF. It's a seven-polygon map that should be used with W'rkncacnter's CTF(Lua) script.

Nitro Court Revisited v1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Apr 17, 2006

a port from 2002 of an old Minf map i made long time ago. a small deathmatch map perfect for 2-4 people, max 6.

Point-n-Kill v1.0

jon_irons — Apr 14, 2006

Since time immemorial, we've puzzled over the "guided" checkbox in the Marathon 2/Infinity physics file. Why can't we use it? Why was the SPNKR missle "guided" by default? No mattter. Now, you can use this Lua script to make any "guided" projectile that you shoot actively follow the player or monster that you're looking at. It can make for some messy netgames, let me tell you.

The Readme, as always, contains about 20 times more information.

Ne Cede Networks v1.0

never — Apr 13, 2006

Infinity SoloLevel 1 [Ne Cede Mails]EditVersion.Netmaps


Create is Forge

Dual-Reality v1.0

assassingao — Apr 03, 2006

Dual-Reality Features:

-Anti-spawn camping technology (With countless player starting because I didn't count, yet again)
-A skull (Kill the man with the ball)
-A hill (King of the hill)
-An area that was in Duality, Duplicated!!!!!
-Capture the f(l)ag.lua (See the map called Dual Reality-CTF)
-Rocket-only mode (See the map called Dual Reality-Rocket)
-Special water effect
-Fake water

Good luck killing each other!!!


Marathon 2 French Version v1.0F

bastien — Apr 01, 2006

This is a full version of Marathon 2 translated into French.


Ce pack est une version complète de Marathon 2, entièrement traduite en français. Deux versions de Aleph One pour Mac OS 9 et Mac OS X sont également incluses et traduites.

Voir aussi la version française de Marathon 1 pour Aleph One.

Shopping Carnage v1.1

assassingao — Apr 01, 2006

1-8 players are trapped in a supermarket.

Shopping carnage Features:

-Anti-spawn camping technology (With countless player starting because I didn't count)
-A ball
-A hill
-A place for rocket camping/regular camping
-Useless lights on the ceiling


Version 1.1 Fix the ball so it would appear in the map (I'm not sure about this, though.)

Broomball Tournament 2k6 v4.1

jon_irons — Mar 31, 2006

Somewhere, in the Juy'kala galaxy, there is a cloaked star of which only the select few have heard. The solar system of this star has a planet that is home to the most intense arena in the universe: Quaoles Broomball Co.'s Broomball Tournament Arena. And you're invited. Can you and your team mates survive?!

Endless Fun v1.0

samus (Sam) — Mar 28, 2006

The Level is based inside of a ship in space when there is no gravity so I had the idea of you flying which I have done by scripting the water and submerging the whole map in it. There are weapons galore and no aliens, no mazy tunnels and no places for the cowards to hide. HAVE FUN FLYING!

The level looks normal because of the scripts and physics so there is no water colour, sounds,ocygen depletion and all the weapons are fully functional. If you are wierd like my self and my flying levels you will like this level.

Sub It.sit v1.0

never — Mar 27, 2006

1-8Player.no physics.

Juggernaut Co-Op Video v1.0

jon_irons — Mar 23, 2006

This is a sort of update on the Juggernaut project. I was working on a map for solo and co-operative Juggernaut missions, but I'm a bad scenario mapper, so I've passed the baton to someone else. This video shows what I had done on the map; it is a recording of a co-operative game. 2 players, Total Carnage.

Note: this is an MPEG video and not a Marathon film file.


NET Ship.sit v1.0

never — Mar 16, 2006

Create is Forge. Large is map.
All is Weapon.

Ultimate Duality.sit v1.0

never — Mar 11, 2006

Infinity Netmap Duality Edit Version.

Sigma icons for OSX v3.0

SyCOst — Mar 10, 2006

What's a Marathon game without the sweet icons to show it off? Well,
this creation contains 37 total hi-res icons to jazz up the look of the Portal of
Sigma for OSX. Hope you enjoy them as much as I have made them!

Changes in Version 3:
- Released 9 NEW icons!!!
- Completely redid the Sigma folders.
- Included The Sigma Bonus Icons Pack, containing 21 old and
new icons.
- Cleaned up Sigma app icon once more and made it larger.
- Added a much easier way to install the icons and deleted the
unnecessary one.
- A few other minor changes.

Can-ned Food's Specialty Evil & Red MML ed. 1.1

Can-ned Food — Mar 09, 2006

These are belatedly released from my own installation of MAO. They enable one to properly use Evil or Red data files with AO. Note that those files are not supplied.
These can be used to supplement those unfortunate people stuck with stuff from Craig Caroon or Randall Currie (Tophet), or preferably with the originals lying around.
-[Update 4/4/'06] I wanted to release this because I knew that, among the stuff out there, much is only easily available to Mac users (unfortunately, I myself am presently Windows-only), and what is available to the SDL users is unsatisfactory. If someone wants to show me something they think is better, or in any way wants to simplify the offerings "out there," please do let me know.

A short summary: The Evil MML modifies the weapon names, filenames, and that's it. The Red MML modifies the text strings (more than you'd think), weapon names, filenames, interface colors, interface rectangles, and (most importantly) repeats the HUD hacks for ammo displays.

Edition 1.1 corrects the filenames, which might have caused a stupid problem for most people. Sorry.

Disclaimer: Rough, and I could do better if I found reason to devote more effort & time.

Shameless plug for an unfinished website: www.geocities.com/cannedfood_TA

Portal of Sigma SDL v1.1

Simon//Sigma — Mar 07, 2006

Version 1.1 of the Aleph one scenario, Portal of Sigma for SDL!
It now finally work on the windows and linux Os thanks to the help
of Gregory Smith ( Treellama, well, he helped a lot and Irons as well )
Portal of Sigma feature:

-New graphics for textures, weapons and sprites
-New interface ( radar and head up display )
-fixed terminal pics and chapter screen bug
-fixed an untextured spot
-the solo maps are now up to date with the Mac version
-the sounds should set to 16-bit, this will avoid bugs

Comments and idea for the next chapters can be send at:


The install procedure in windows is the same for any other scenario:

Unzip a fresh copy of Aleph One. Unzip Sigma, and drag all the Sigma stuff into the new Aleph One folder you just created.

Sigma netpack.sit v1.0

Simon//Sigma — Mar 05, 2006

This netpack is not only and update on the netmaps that came
with chapter 1, but it also have many new levels to be played
online! Not only this but there is also an update on the physics
model to make thing more balanced, I hope you enjoy!
More netmaps will come as we release chapter 2 and 3!

The New Core CTF v0.9

Kraken7 — Mar 03, 2006

NOTE: I haven't been able to get together enough players for a real 4 vs 4 CTF brawl (Thus the 0.9 version number; I plan on releasing a 'tweaked' version soon). If you play this map and have issues with the design or item placement, please let me know, either by email or through Fileball's comment system. Thanks!

A few days after the successful recent release of 'The New Core (G4 or better)', W'rkncacnter unleashed an awesome Aleph One enhancement that allowed users to easily create and play CTF maps. Having recently released a symmetrical map that I felt might, with a few alterations, be fun to play CTF, I set out to add CTF play to 'The New Core'. In the process of updating the map for CTF play many new polys and features were added to the map, including:

*A new series of catwalks that ring the bottom of the station, providing impressive views and quick (but relatively exposed) routes of escape and attack.

*Patented JJaro people mover technology: some of the new catwalks are one-way only. (Players beware: the lines that run the length of the 'people movers' are tagged 'solid, transparent' and will stop all projectiles. Be carefull where you use that grenade or rocket!)

*New team-color coded accent polygons ring the walls of each team's territory on the map's main level (try saying that 10 times fast).

Two versions of 'The New Core CTF' are included in the merged map file. The first has altered weapons' physics (faster shots for all weapons; fusion pistol has been edited to function more like a sniper rifle). The second retains the original weapons' physics while still allowing for firing under water (or in the 'gravity lifts').

Hope you like it. Please let me know what you think, good or bad.

The Portal of Sigma v1.1

Simon//Sigma — Mar 02, 2006

This release come with the first chapter as well as 11 net levels to be played online! Portal of Sigma is playable on OSX and contain many new graphics for textures, weapons and monsters. l hope you enjoy the first chapter!
Update for version 1.1:
-removal of the useless "superlog mml"
-include improved physics, also available on the "Sigma netpack"
-fixed random starting point bug in level "all spooky nights"
-added a high res textures for the water set
-fixed a bug in the script "Sigma.mml"
-fixed an untextured door in first level
-the game sounds can now play in 16-bit mode, fixing some bugs

Send me comments at: simon_dupuis@yahoo.com

Triple Threat 1.01

ChauSara — Feb 26, 2006

Triple Threat 1.0

Hello, I'm ChauSara/Terin/, and this is Triple Threat, my first net level for Marathon. I plan to soon make this a net pack, (after I get my second map done...) and add on to it.

Triple Threat - A medium size map, with 3 main rooms, which are the central point for battle. They are all connected with various passageways and rooms, so the map flows very nicely.

Version 1.01 includes some modified lighting, made the alien weapon have a (more) correct spawn time, and fixed the walls above a walkway in the top room, which would sometimes trap people and not allow them to move.

Water, glass and a small map (CTF) v1.0

assassingao — Feb 25, 2006

Well, this is CTF maps.

folks, don't forget to rate me!

Midnight Abuse v1.2

poofy — Feb 24, 2006

This is my first net map pack. It has seven maps, most of which I made in the middle of last year. I only just recently finished it.

Version 1.2 probably fixed every problem. It fixes many texture and platform problems.

CTF Castle Carnage v2.0

herecomethej2000 — Feb 24, 2006

From the Readme...
CTF Castle Carnage Readme

This is a modification of Dave Bailey's 9 year old map, (submitted to the archives April 2, 1997, http://archives.bungie.org/) for use with CTF lua script. Best for 6-8 players. I have long felt that this map was an excellent team map and that use for it in CTF would be very interesting. I have been unable to contact him asking permission to modify his work, as both his website and email are dead, but as long as I give him credit I'm sure he won't mind. I strongly recommend you take a look at his original if you like this one. Its a great EMFH map, and he would probably be glad to see that someone has taken an interest in it after nine years anyway, I know I would.
This file requires W'rkncacnter's CTF lua script, with out it, you will be stuck in the middle of nowhere outside of the map.

Other modifications from original include…
-The adding of passageways and corridors and throne rooms to house the team flags taking care to make sure that there is always at least 3 ways out from every room/passageway that I created. (Hate to get trapped)
-The adding of the not-so-secret passageway to the basement of each castle (This is one such escape route)
-The adding of a drawbridge that can be risen and lowered by both teams from the buttons on the roofs. This was to speed up game play. Too many people get stuck in the moat on their way back with the flag, and the elevators can be enough of a bottleneck.
-Sped up Elevators and doors for better playability.
-Teleporter from the basement to the roof, as another means of getting into the castle.
-Removed secret areas and 2x buttons and health power-ups because most multiplayer maps that have them are considered bad, as they take away from the focus of the map, (With CTF the flag rooms) and make it so people live too long. Instead I replaced the 2x health buttons with the drawbridge buttons to raise and lower at your convenience. ;-)
-LOTS more weapons (Its a CTF map designed for 6-8 players, and lots of ammo is a must) Also included, ambient sounds, and labels in the map. I was forced to delete polygons and retexture them so many of the weapons are in different places. Sorry but I wasn't that careful.


v1.1 Fixed door textures which were driving me crazy
v1.2 Redid level parameters for use with the new CTF lua 3.0 and while I was at it added a few ambient sounds.
v1.3 Moved the positions of the teleporters so that, now when you enter them, you come out forward instead of backwards. This makes it more difficult for a single player to defend the roof, especially if people also rocket jump across.
v1.4 Retextured entire map so that castles now represent the colors of their teams which was something I always wanted to do. (Thanks W'rkncacnter even though you don’t like the map ;-)) Also worked with lighting.
v2.0 Finaly completed retexturing the map, It now is up to par with some of the other CTF maps. Also it doesnt "feel" as cramped as it use to be except for the secret (yet obvious) passageway that leads out, this was done for effect and im not changing it.
* Cant find the flag rooms? A. Use the oxygen bar on the lower right tells you the proximity. B. You could follow the sound of the siren.

*It is easy for one to rocket jump from one roof to the other, just run and shoot 2 rockets into the ground behind you and off you go! Aiming is the trick.

Midnight Abuse v1.1

poofy — Feb 24, 2006

This is my first net map pack. It has seven maps, most of which I made in the middle of last year. I only just recently finished it.

Version 1.1 has a few change. There is increased respawn rate on all maps, fusion pistols were added to Water Logged by request, KOTH and Ball were added to Hexarena and Lost Possessions, platforms were fixed in Eternal Agony and Crap Pfhor Your Kids, and there were a few textures adjusted in CPYK.

Sinister Boiler v1.0

W'rkncacnter — Feb 21, 2006

This is a CTF map I made for the lua version of CTF that I released. It works fairly well with 4 players, but it's even more fun with more. This map should be used with the CTF lua script which can be found here: http://fileball.net/marathon/item.fb?287104983. Enjoy!

Marathon: Alien Demo v1.0

xyfbzi — Feb 20, 2006

This has the least bugs of the levels I've made. Its mainly to keep people from groaning and thinking I'm never going to finish, and to give them an idea of what it's going to be like.

Azure Dreams v1.4.2

jon_irons — Feb 17, 2006

This is my first map pack. It contains twelve net maps, each of which with a distinctive "flavor." Although I'm a beginning mapper, I feel that these maps are very good. The Read Me file explains everything in detail.

Version 1.4.2 fixes the weapon and ammo respawn rates in everything else. Last update.

Version 1.4.1 fixes the respawn rate in "Roses Have Thorns."

Version 1.4 is the last version of Azure Dreams. If I release more maps, they will be part of a new pack. As the last version, it contains numerous little changes as well as two new maps. Both are large and very fun. I have also included Scrap Pile 1.0, a collection of unfinished versions of maps in Azure Dreams that never made it, as well as two more maps that never existed in Azure Dreams. They are for public consumption and modification; see the included text file for more information. Do not host these maps for real net games until you've fixed them up yourself. Happy gaming!

Version 1.3 has three new maps. One is a new Simplici7y map, one is a Kill the Man With the Ball map, and one is a very nice EMFH + KOTH map. As always, the Readme will tell all.

Version 1.2 includes two even newer maps: One square little space station, and one large, fun Simplici7y map. The former map is also a King of the Hill map, and I've changed an older one to include KOTH, too. See the Readme for details.

Version 1.1 includes two new maps: one arena map and one miscellaneous map.

CTF(Lua) 3.0 v3.0

W'rkncacnter — Feb 15, 2006

This is a lua version of Capture the Flag for Aleph One. Since Aleph One's built-in CTF was complicated to make maps for/host, and it wasn't fun, I decided to make this CTF script with lua. There are 2 teams, each with a flag. The goal is to capture the other team's flag and bring it back to your own base. There are several reasons why this lua script is better than Aleph One's built-in CTF (being able to run with flag), so I hope you enjoy it.

Version 3.0 takes advantage of some bug fixes in the new build of Aleph One so that it can be used with the built in CTF mode. This way, the end game screen shows captures properly. It also shows regular carnage. I'd strongly recommend downloading version 3.0.

Please Note: This CTF script will ONLY work with the new version of Aleph One! (7/1/06). The readme will explain how to play the game, how to host a game, and how to create maps for CTF.

v2.2 includes some pretty cool new/improved features that were added by Jon Irons. Thanks Irons for updates and writing the readme!

Changes in v3.0:
-You MUST use Aleph One v0.16.2 (7/1) or later to use this script.
-Games will now be hosted with the Capture the Flag gametype, not EMFH.
-Maps created for this version MUST be checked for both "EMFH" and "Kill the man with the Ball"
-Health is now shown next to teammate's names when looking at them.
-Because this version makes use of the built in CTF mode, the post game report shows flags correctly. It also now shows the regular carnage screen.

Changes in v2.2:
-HUD cleaned up; flag status for each team is represented by an icon instead of a text message.
-When looking at a team mate, that team mate's name appears in the HUD.
-Readme is now in HTML format for easier browsing.
-Added a user friendly message if you don't host a valid CTF map.

Showdown v1.0

assassingao — Feb 13, 2006

Read the readme, I don't type it just to make my hand hurts....!

EVIL Hi-Res Textures v1.0

Roy Neary — Feb 13, 2006

Read this CAREFULLY! You must be able to technically handle using these files. I cannot babysit you.

These are hi-res textures for EVIL when you run it using Aleph One. They are just the textures that are specifically for EVIL, plus a couple of extra ones that I modified myself for general use. What you get in this package is the textures to replace the custom EVIL textures, and a few new Jjaro textures. I have left all the textures in their proper folders. I have included the modified scripts necessary for gameplay.

The simple thing for a large guy like you to do would be to do this: Duplicate the excellent "Hi-Res Texture Set" for Aleph One that is posted here on FileBall. You are using it, right? If not then why bother playing Marathon at all? Why would you play without hi-res textures unless you were on a machine from the Dark Ages of men? Next you will copy the EVIL stuff that I have uploaded into the proper folders, and these will replace some of the textures that are already there. Then you will put the whole thing into your EVIL Aleph One folder, along with the modified scripts.

I am sure all the people on this site are smart enough to figure all this out so I cannot write a big long read me. I made some of these textures myself, but most of them are just modifications of other textures. Most are 256x256 but some are 512x512.

If you do not like my work, I do not care. I made these for me, and they have made my EVIL fun a lot more fun. I think these textures are great and they make EVIL greater than it is already. Everything looks nice and clean. I still have some I need to do like the real strange transparent things but maybe someday other than this one.

I am especially proud of Jjaro Texture #17. It took me four hours to do that one because I ran out of vodka.


Copyright 1997 in whole or in part Bungie Software Productions Corporation and the EVIL Group.

Death Watch Bunker v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Feb 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog's Day!

AlephOne-only Netmap recommended for 4-8 players, supports EMFH, KOTH, Tag, and Kill the Man with the Ball.

Inspired by the Death Watch Bunker from SWG. Battle in comfort without the hinderance of Super Battle Droids and Death Watch Mercenaries tatering you relentlessly. Lots of space to run and a few places to hide, but not for long.

Also Included is a backcatalog of previous netmaps:
Wow and Flutter -AlephOne
Matrix Lobby -AlephOne
Smothered Hope (non-CTF) -AlephOne
Orbital Arm Six -AlephOne
Phoebus TDK -AlephOne/MInfinity
Wind it up -AlephOne/MInfinity
Temple of Dreams -AlephOne/MInfinity
Citadel -AlephOne/MInfinity
In the Dark We Live -AlephOne/MInfinity
NetHell 2000 -AlephOne/MInfinity
Hamster Maze -AlephOne/MInfinity
NetHell -AlephOne/MInfinity

Marathon destiny solo levels v1.0

assassingao — Jan 29, 2006

This should be used together with destiny physics and shapes....

The New Core (G5 or better) v1.0

Kraken7 — Jan 24, 2006

NOTE: See the read-me for information on how to install the included MML script. The script should be installed before playing this map. (It changes the properties of the JJaro goo, making the gravity lift possible).

The New Core (G5 or better), version 1.0, 1-23-06:

* There's a new 'attic space' above the central arena, accessed via platforms hidden in the alcoves of the four buttresses. Note to those on the hill: watch out for 'death from above.'

* The map file now contains four versions of the level: 1) gravity lift, no aliens, 2) gravity lift, aliens, 3) no gravity lift, aliens, and 4) no gravity lift, no aliens. Pick your poison.

* Gravity lift? What's a gravity lift, you ask? Basically, a column of liquid without the wetness, lack of oxygen, and general weapon disfunction of everyone's favorite fictional liquids. But, most important, you can still swim in the stuff. That means that those on the hill in gravity lift enabled versions can escape their would be attackers by going 'up, up, and away' with a tap of the control (run/swim) key.

* Not looking forward to seeing your quarry fly from your grasp? Hit the switch in the north buttress, disabling the gravity lift, plunging the arena into darkness, and striking fear into the heart of your foe on the hill.

Lethal Lava v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Jan 23, 2006

The the script that makess lava more natural... yow!

Rock the Boat v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Jan 22, 2006

The fusion shot is charging at you. You look at it. The stinging felling of it hitting you armor petrifies you slightly. Another shot- you sidestep and then your vision goes a horrid orange...

Renovated by scrumie- comes with its own mml that makes lava work 100x faster.

Ghost of 7's v0.9

Shadowbreaker — Jan 20, 2006

21 more polygons of my zany and small maps. Unfortunately, they were made in obed, and unfortunately, un renovatable by forge. So they retain their problems. But as my skills with obed get better, my maps do also improve.

They are called Please Register, so the first one is called Paratrooper, then Ecomatics, then Clock Unwise.

The King Always Wins 2.2

Roy Neary — Jan 20, 2006


The ancient ruins of Castle N'hol are built upon the water carved tunnels of N'hol, now run dry save for a few subterranean streams and lakes. This impenetrable fortress is your arena. Fight Each other to the death in all out combat, or define teams and defend the castle in a siege warfare.

This map was made by Nick von Beroldingen and like the other map I just sent, this map is too good to be forgotten. It is one of the most incredible network maps I have every played and it is for Marathon: EVIL!

It is a giant castle that is so large and so vast and so well architectured that it seems real. There are secrets all over and throne rooms and everything you would expect from a giant castle. Castle N'hol would be a really great map to make a solo from but with a bunch of large guys it will be a very fun network map.

Use the hi-res textures because I do and I have made some of my own EVIL textures too.

ALSO SPECIAL NOTES! This map has three different versions in it! One is normal, with a physics model inside and lots of aliens. The other version has no physics model, and lots of aliens. The last one has no physics model and no aliens at all. None. Many ways to play!

This map maker has done things that are incredible even after all these year have gone by. The map is very very big.

Thank you and I do not speak English well so if I sound funny do not laugh or I will see you in the Castle.

Dr'Kurr Station for Marathon: EVIL v1.0

Roy Neary — Jan 20, 2006

A very vast and architectured excellent net map for EVIL that has been dedicated to FrigidMan. It is a very beautiful facility created by 16 year-old Liam Coonan. I have uploaded this map because it did not seem right to me that something this good should be forgotten. This map should be played with at least four people because it is extremely large and complicated.

However it is also very good for long hide and seek games with only one other person. It is designed very well and looks good and you should be using the high-res textures for this because I do. I made some of my own textures for EVIL as well and they replace things that the hi-res set does not.

If someone were really smart they would make a solo from Dr'Kurr Station because it is big enough to do it with and it would be great.

Thank you everyone.

Juggernauts Demo (SDL) v1.1

jon_irons — Jan 18, 2006

This is a demo release of the Lua script I've been working on recently. Its main attraction is that you can climb into a juggernaut and sit on its back, shooting aliens with the powerful turret gun located there. See the Read Me First file for a lot more information.

Please note: Version 1.1 fixes a rather serious bug that makes it possible to get stuck outside the Juggernaut. It happens sometimes when you begin firing the turret gun with trigger 1, and keep holding it down while pressing trigger 2. If you encounter this problem, please download the new version.

Juggernauts Demo (Mac) v1.1

jon_irons — Jan 18, 2006

This is a demo release of the Lua script I've been working on recently. Its main attraction is that you can climb into a juggernaut and sit on its back, shooting aliens with the powerful turret gun located there. See the Read Me First file for a lot more information.

Please note: Version 1.1 fixes a rather serious bug that makes it possible to get stuck outside the Juggernaut. It happens sometimes when you begin firing the turret gun with trigger 1, and keep holding it down while pressing trigger 2. If you encounter this problem, please download the new version.

sweet-castle-block-crypt-sheep v1.0

assassingao — Jan 16, 2006

No need for that, some maps cannot be played as king of the hill, but other modes that aren't cooperative, ctf, rugby or defense should be fine.

Blocks are average space.
Jin Cee's crypt, Castle fun and electronic sheep four are large and vast.
2 sided lollypops are small feeling...

P.S. Castle fun shouldn't be played on total carnage if alien options turned on.

Sun Circle v1.2

Shadowbreaker — Jan 15, 2006

For every hiatus of mine, I've decided to make 1 map for. I've faced 2 of them, and now coming up is my 3rd, final, and longest one. 1/2 a year long. But that'll give you time to enjoy the map! So download and your ready to go.

All rivers lead to chaos v1.0

assassingao — Jan 11, 2006

I create this map on 01/11/2006 but finished on midnight, so it is made at 01/12/2006

*Took a long while to start drawing the lines for the rivers and grounds (30 minutes - 1 hour)*

*Took a longer while to texture the map and put the liquids there 'n there (1 hour-2hours) *

Game modes: 3 game modes, as usual.


1 Water flick'ta for each starting point, be careful.
Many pfhor fighter non-projectile have been spotted.
6 pfhor fighter projectile have been spotted.
Marines (if you considered your net friends/foes as monsters)

All of them scattered.

There are an invisibility powerup and 3x health powerup somewhere....
Find it yourself.

Contains 2 versions of this map, with low gravity or normal gravity....

Happy drowning 'n dying,

Carnagevile v1.0

Homocidal Ham — Jan 10, 2006

this is a small town with several fully accessable buildings

i hope you like it

Game levels Reunite! v1.0

assassingao — Jan 08, 2006

3 game modes, any place that are hill are marked with a text annotation 'hill'.

Levels are from Counter-strike (5x5) , Meteor Blade (Poisonous camp) and marathon infinity (You think you are big time, you're gonna die big time)!

Have fun and happy killing (yourself)


*Assassingao's fingers was owned by 'too much typing'*

We fell - in school!!! v1.0

assassingao — Jan 07, 2006

These level is large (in my standard)...

Now for the disclaimers.

-School net version-

From the school solo map I submitted earlier.


Many game modes

-Every man for himself (or tag)
-kill the man with the ball
-king of the hill
-Team Survival+Deathmatch (Play it on every man for himself with more than 2 teams on and aliens at total carnage)
-Team Deathmatch
-Solo Survival
-Team survival (Play it on every man for himself but don't set any teams and don't shoot each other)

-We fell-


-3 game modes (but please read the read me, thank you.)
-Countless simulacrums/Assimilated Vacbobs (They keep spawning)
-Center Tower as the hill.

P.S. I made these map on SEVENTH of january (2006)
(That's another seven, I guess.)

P.S.2 Both maps contains Rocket launchers

P.S.3 PS3 Isn't out yet, we gotta a bit longer until sony build it for sell.*drools*

---End of description from an insane author ---

The goo frenzy and the 8 sided pyramid v1.0

assassingao — Jan 06, 2006

-Caution : The author is neither fully sane (Not that he is anyway) nor fully awake when he was typing the description, you have been warned -

2 maps are made on 4 AM (in Thailand).....

-Goo Frenzy-

-Well, no rocket launchers, because you'll die anyway.
-Contain boiling 900 Celcius alien goo, do not fall unless advised
-The light poly is the hill, the ball is on that hill.


-No rocket launcher
-Contain a nasty surprise that will turn the tide of your carnaging. (REALLY.)
-The hill is on the top, the ball is on the hill.

(I never do anything ordinary, right?)

Happy dying,


M1A1 French Version v1.2

bastien — Jan 05, 2006

This is a full version of M1A1 (v1.2, with the music tracks) which contains "Map" and "Images" files translated into French.


Ce pack est la traduction complète de M1A1 (Marathon 1 pour Aleph One).

Voir aussi la version française de Marathon 2.

Bowl w/o noodles (R U hungry?) v1.01

assassingao — Jan 05, 2006

Read the readme, please.

So , you're trapped in a bowl with (aliens and) other players, you must blast the hell outta 'em in order to...have fun.

Warning: May cause several in-game deaths with aliens option turned on, you have been warned.

P.S. The 'giant' battlecat said are washing the bowl with the sewage water, look above and you'll know what I'm talking about.


-Fixed the level parameters
(I didn't set the every man for himself, king of the hill and kill the man with the ball on, and I have been wondering why I couldn't play this level on LAN)

-Add a lighting on the liquid to show that there are another floor under the water.

Hopefilly it will work THIS time.

Madness (This is a net map, dammit) v1.0

assassingao — Jan 03, 2006

This net map features

-3 game modes, I told them in the read me, don't be so lazy...
-Countless simulacrums (That just keep spawning right after you killed one)
-A juggernaut (Always spawned after it died)
-ALL of the WEAPONS (So none would whine "there are too few weapon here!" like my friends did when having a lan party in my school)

This was made from the 13rd level of marathon destiny called madness , albeit the name.

Note: this level is between 'average space' and 'large and vast'...
(Or so I thought...)

Xmas Submarine v1.2

goran — Jan 02, 2006

UPDATED! Last version got an error in the shapesfile.

The fruit of the xmas project. This is a complete 5 level scenario. It includes a map file and a shapesfile.

It is somewhat Windows and SDL compatible, as in, it's playable. You will not see any term picts (but they're few anyway).

Killer Weaponry v1.0

chinkeeyong — Dec 30, 2005

KILLER WEAPONRY is an EVEN WACKIER physics model than Carnage, and improves all the weapons. Here's what to expect...

-Dual Rail Guns!
-Acid Rifle!
-Laser Sights!
-Highly accurate Rapid-Fire Cannons!
-Nothing! (just kidding)

UPDATE:The readme is wrong. The assault rifle works underwater UNLESS you unzip it with Stuffit Expander 9 and under. The missile launcher works underwater!

Molecule Land v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Dec 21, 2005

An extremely bug proned ctf and a moderately good emfh in one package!

KB Evil Maps v1.0

Total_Biscuit — Dec 18, 2005

At the time when I did all my most intense mapmaking, I also did a maintenance hard disk formatting and erased almost all of my Marathon maps - all the work-in-progress stuff was placed in a folder on the desktop and I forgot to move it to the back-up external hard drive. Bummer! All that survived of my Evil maps was When You Dance, which I present here in two flavours together with a more recent map that just showed up one day, and another recent one that grew out of a small sketch I made a year or so ago. As with all my maps they use my own modified physics model which affects the rockets (making them slightly faster, slightly more dangerous and enormously less ugly).

Root Square II v2.0

drlex — Dec 16, 2005

This is version 2 of the classic "Root Square" map, which is best known amongst Marathon players as 'The map with the shadows' or 'The Math map'. This is because the shadows in this map have been calculated to be mostly correct (this actually is not as hard as it sounds, but when I made the first version of this map 6 years ago, my limited math knowledge made it seem like magic).

While version 1.0 was 90% shadows and 10% fun, this version has larger areas, elevators, more openings, more textures, and much better weapons/ammo placement. So it has 90% shadows and 90% fun! Wait, did anyone say something about math...?

This map supports any kind of net game, from EMfH to KtMWtB. And for those without network access, there are re-generating monsters who are determined to kill you. If you want to get the feel of a real network game in solo mode, set to Total Carnage and try to kill everything except yourself. Each of the 7 monsters will re-generate 7 times. Perfect for Vidmaster training!

The file contains two versions of the map. The first one has all details, but will only run flawlessly in Aleph One. If you're planning to play this in the classic Marathon Infinity application, you must use the second map in the file, which is a "light" version, much less likely to crash the old Marathon engine than the full map. You may also need to increase the memory allocated to the Marathon application. See the ReadMe file for more information.

A1 Promotional video v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Dec 13, 2005

This is a promotional video I recently made for Aleph One. The entire film is made in Director, including the gameplay scenes. I hope you enjoy it.

NOTE: for space reason, this is a .divx file

The 6th floor v1.0

assassingao — Dec 11, 2005

Well , there IS a warning to this map...

First : My a1 fails to work with this map and the other maps I made that wan't posted here.

Second : Monsters' always with you , everywhere.

Third : Beware of the invisible s'phts , it's so dark.

Destiny Physic 'n shapes v1.2

assassingao — Dec 10, 2005

For more information about the weapons , please visit killergao.proboards51.com

This buffed up weapons and monsters and stuff , will be used in my project.

Note : This is not the final version.

If you'd like to create the weapon sprites , send a mail to assassingao@gmail.com , or visit killergao.proboards51.com

(The project's in the recruit page.)

Several things are modified from the 1.0 version , but not that much...
Some maps I made for this project are here...

Either be a spazeroid and play kindergarden , or be a godlike vid-boi and play total carnage and die several times , your choice.

M1.utx with Hi Res Pfhor Textures v1.0

Captain Kewl — Dec 09, 2005

M1.utx with Hi Res Pfhor Textures. Should be reverse compatible, though any existing Pfhor texturing may need to be resized.

Carnage v1.0

chinkeeyong — Dec 06, 2005

Carnage is a really wacky physics model that changes all the weapons. All the weapon changes are in the readme, and the readme is in both rich text format and plain text format so everyone can join in the fun!


Crazy sounds™ v1.0

assassingao — Dec 03, 2005

Well , this sounds file just change Mi sounds.

Warning : These sounds may make you goes crazy , insane or deaf.

Run v1.0

assassingao — Nov 29, 2005

Well , it is an half-truth that I give up ON THE GLICHES FIXING IN THE 'SYMBOL' netmaps , but I still making another one while trying to make my own scenarios....

Well , it is a hard survival map if you wanna play solo or the multiplayer mode with aliens on , but you should try playing in Total Carnage and tell me how many seconds you managed to survive....(Play solo or multiplayer with aliens on)

You'll be begging for a invicibility powerup , so I placed one in the DEAD CENTER of the map...

4 modes
-Survival (solo or multiplayer with aliens on)
-Free for all
-King of the hill (The center is the hill)
-Kill the man with the ball

--Misc news--
Who can do some graphics (For the weapons) , chapter artwork ?
I need some volunters
I need help on the project called
Marathon destiny
Though this is an instable project (Meaning : I may have gotten lazy to do all the work :) )

--End of description--
*Passed out*

Symbols couple map v1.0

assassingao — Nov 27, 2005


Riddled with gliches are the triangles x6 map , I don't know why but I can't seem to fix it , and I can't make the visual mode work with pfhorge!!!

And I can't seem to texture that level with forge either , It shown up as viewing distance is too large....

And the logo level have 2 untextured spot , one is the ceiling another is the floor... (I'm bored of OS 9.............)

If you can fix it , send the file to me at assassingao@gmail.com and I'll update it !


The LARGE AND VAST is the triangle x6 level , but the Small feeling is the Logo level!!!

Avaliable in 3 modes...

-King of the hill (Logo level is the place between the lava and the triangle x6 is the inner triangle )
-Kill the man with the ball
-Every man for himself

Both 2 levels can have 3rd party physhic used....

--Logo level tips--

-Lava is the teleporter that won't hurt you.

-The rocket laucher and the ammo are SEPERATED to prevent the total chaos made by it.

-The hill is the place north in the logo that stuck between the lava.

--Triangle x6 tips--

-The hill is the inner triangle
-The are 3 hidden triangles outside , each of them had 2 sides textured like landscape , unseen with bare eyes .
-To discover the hidden triangles , toggle the map on.
-There are powerups , rocket launcher and health in each of the hidden triangles , separated.
-Rocket laucher are hidden but the ammos are not , to prevent total chaos made by it.

A bunch of walls , ceilings and floor aren't textured..........


Food fight! v1.0

assassingao — Nov 26, 2005

If you crave for random exploding bobs and multiplayer goodness , download this...

(Note : Never really tested by anyone else , as the Maker can't host...)

Set in the imaginary dining room , you had to climb to the sofa to get the power-ups ! HA HA HA!!!

(Another Note : The REAL description ends here , look below to find my nonsense description)

Features (Though it wasn't important to list)

-2 light types
-Countless textures (I never counted , lol)
-Exactly two simulacrums (If you turn the alien option on)
-9 starting points
-3 game modes , every man for himself , king of the hill (the table) and kill the man with the ball.
-4 power ups
-2 health , 1 is 3x heath power-up and another one is 2x health power-up.
-Countless weapons (Again , never counted)
-Pure carnage

-A computer
-Marathon infinity
-Latest a1 build
-Strong heart because I don't wanna kill anyone in reality (heart attacks.)
-A skill to play multiplayer games in marathon infinity.
-Capable of making carnage and receiving carnage.

P.S. Created the same day posted, right, THE SAME DAY AS I POSTED!

--End of description--

Yota OS X Files v1.0

goran — Nov 26, 2005

This is the complete Yota sounds and shapes.
It's for those who can't use the OS 9 shuttles.


The Second Pfhloor v1.0

Destroyer E — Nov 25, 2005

This map is rather large with many rooms. There's much to explore, containing many secrets along the way. The map can be played solo, there are plenty of aliens throughout the level. It's the same with multiplayer co-op. If you are playing every man for himself, with more than two players, I suggest turning the aliens off. Have fun!

Submarine Xmas Shapes v1.0

goran — Nov 23, 2005

I'm doing a Xmas scenario this year, and I'm inviting people to tag along. Use these shapes, and make an underwater base with them. (or something else that is under water.

use texture set 4 (jjaro)

use landscape 3 (moon)
(it looks real bad in 256 colors)

If you want to join the Xmas scenario, gimme a mail at goransvensson@yahoo.com (So I can keep track of my Xmas helpers). And everyone is very welcome to join.

All maps must be sent to my mail somewhere between 10-15 december.

The size of the scenario will be 2+ levels. (my two plus yours)

Original message:



Fovea v0.3

Necolarus — Nov 22, 2005

Release v0.3
Initial version released to the public.

Fovea pushes for an open outdoor feeling while trying to keep things close in quarters. This map is only playable with AlephOne and you'll see why. This map screams out for a sniper rifle.

vSolo -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification. Throws you against other marines, MADDs, and gun sentries.

vNetwork -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 8 players.

Rubicon AO-X Update v1.0

killeen — Nov 19, 2005

It's basically the AlephOne OSX application with a few mml script modifications so that it's compatible with the Rubicon datafiles.

I've tested this version for several days and I've played through all the levels without experiencing any crashes or other instalilities.

the missing 16 Bit sound bug has been corrected in this build.

This means the OSX update is absolutely identical with the original OS9 build - it runs absolutely flawless.
A new Hi-Res OSX icon is included.

Carnage in school v1.0

assassingao — Nov 19, 2005

This is just a death situation , I think it's impossible to kill all enemies in this level in either Major Damage or Total Carnage.

You'll have 3x health powerup behind your back.
Because you'll need it.

Tips : Keep running and wreak havoc.

Do me a favor and kill everything in total carnage and send me the film, Without using 3rd party physics.

I forgot the dates I create this map , I just know that I created it on 2005

Marathon Trilogy HiRes Icons for MacOSX v0.1

robinson.sampa — Nov 16, 2005

This is my first project for A1 community. I updated the original Marathon Trilogy icons with Mac OS X high resolution icons. The goal is to update all the original icons collection.
I hope you like it.

Warning Labels v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Nov 14, 2005

This is my second mappack, my first being Duel & Duality. Unlike my first, this pack does not have any 5-d. This mappack has each map specializing in different groups of weapons.
As such, for all but one map(the first) the magnum has been replaced by another starting weapon through LUA scripting. If you are going to host maps 2 through 4, please use the LUA provided, so that you get the experience I intended.


Mark Smith — Nov 14, 2005

The Boiler Room is a solo map. It is playable as a net map, but it's mighty crowded already. It's a practice area, with plenty of bad guys to keep you company and its own special (meaning harder) physics model. It's like the Star Trek Holodeck or the X-Men's Danger Room. It's great for a quick splash of Marathon without having to fire up a scenario, pick a level, or open a save. I like to use it to kill a few minutes here and there while downloading. It's handy for helping to keep the old skills up to snuff. I hope you've brought game, because this place WILL kick your ass.


Mark Smith — Nov 09, 2005

I first inflicted this on the world some years back, in the form of a Classic Mac OS installer. By now, the Classic installer is thoroughly obsolete, so it's time for something new. People are even playing Aleph One on x86 Linux boxes now. The solution is to give you a copy of the whole sounds file, zipped.

What you have here are sounds as cartoonish as the images of Marathon. Silly, unusual, over-the-top, and sometimes a little warped. The VacBob sounds were made with a PlainTalk microphone and they came out really well. If you hear guitar playing, that's me. The sound the drones make before they fire was done with a guitar too, and maybe a couple of other things.

AlephOne Infinity Theme Music v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Oct 28, 2005

This short (6 lines, including comments) MML will allow A1 to play Marathon Infinity's theme music. Included is the Music in mp3 format, so that all platforms should be able to play it.

NOTE: this script works for Marathon 2 as well, but I couldn't make a good mp3 of the music, so if anyone else wants to, please do.

Correct Contrails v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Oct 21, 2005

This MML will add working semitransparent contrails for SPNKr SSMs and AR grenades. It also features semitransparent blood and liquid splashes

NOTE: recommended to be used with Total Texture Enhancement or any other MML that gives semitransparent liquids.

INSTALLATION: Place into AlephOne/Scripts/ on Mac OS X, or AlephOne\\MML\\ on Windows.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: the M1A1 team from which I got the base code idea.

KB Tempus Irae Maps v1.0

Total_Biscuit — Oct 19, 2005

The second of my map packs, these are the fruits of my Tempus Irae mapmaking. Nine netmaps varying in size from tiny to small to medium and medium plus, all of which can be played solo as well.

The maps all use an improved physics model (like my Infinity maps did) and come in a variety of styles.



The Inifity maps ("KB Map Pack") can be found here.

Also visit my Marathon page!

Rushing v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Oct 14, 2005

Remake of original in-game Marathon song Rushing

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Marathon RED Japanese Ver. for SDL v1.0

Logue — Oct 08, 2005

This is Marathon RED Japanese version.

Japanese Marathon RED infomation page is here.

Marathon RED Japanese Ver. v1.0

Logue — Oct 08, 2005

This is a Marathon RED Japanese Version.

Japanese Marathon RED infomation page is here.

MTBP v1.0

Mopply — Oct 04, 2005

What I wanted Bungie to see, but they didn't, so many other stuff was included, slide shows, written reports, statistics,
a profesional persuasive letter was also on the disk, this was the CORE of it all, but Bungie tossed the disk.
But now they can see it if they want, this is also for those who know me and that are curious.

Photi Rocket v0.5

Necolarus — Oct 03, 2005

This map is a direct edit of the original Photi map released recently before this. While the original Photi had an open feel, this version has closed in a bit to enhance the rocket style of gameplay. There are still a large number of visible polygons that will crash Infinity, but AlephOne does run this just fine.

vSolo -
Intended use with the Trench Foot modification to bring in rocket firing marines.

vNetwork -
Intended use with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 5 players.

doom 0.0.2 try it v1.0

zenoen — Sep 28, 2005

made by zenoen at zenoen@sbcglobal.net

this level has king of the hill,D-M,ball,
the rundown of it is that u get to have some fun on the first lev of doom
u can change it and modify it all u like
*u must put i origenly created*
any way have fun

(now using my stealth ill run from that cat guy)

Shadow vs the Drones v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 26, 2005

me vs my own lvl- done on waterpark 1.4 on the lvl underwaterena

Legacy vs Shadow v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 24, 2005

me vs legacy? who knows watll happen

Turning Up v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 24, 2005

An obstacle cousre like eltwixxo wen he posts them

Trench Foot v0.7

Necolarus — Sep 22, 2005

Updated v0.7
Reduced file size by eliminating unused graphics and updated marines to act more like other network players.

Release v0.6
Initial version released to the public.

This modification includes a shape file and physics model to replace various aliens as marines. The physics model only modifies the aliens to properly run the marines. Also included are the original MADDs from the first Marathon and gun sentries to tread further chaos.

Sino v0.3

Necolarus — Sep 22, 2005

Updated v0.3
More frequent respawning of ammunition and weapons during network play. Removed gun sentries from network play when aliens are turned on.

Release v0.2
Initial version released to the public.

A small map with a central room broken up by pillars. Eight rooms surround the central room and are used for weapon/ammo grab and as player starting locations.

vSolo -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification. Throws you against other marines, MADDs, and gun sentries.

vNetwork -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 5 players.

Photi v0.4

Necolarus — Sep 22, 2005

Updated v0.4
More frequent respawning of ammunition and weapons during network play. Removed gun sentries from single and network play when aliens are turned on. Decreased number of appearing aliens from single and network play to increase fun factor.

Release v0.3
Initial version released to the public.

This map is an arena with a central death zone and stairs leading out to an upper runway. A large number of visible polygons will crash Infinity, but AlephOne runs it just fine.

vSolo -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification. The original MADDs are back along with other marines who will rough you up a little.

vNetwork -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 6 players.

Obduro v0.3

Necolarus — Sep 22, 2005

Updated v0.3
More frequent respawning of ammunition and weapons during network play. Removed gun sentries from network play when aliens are turned on.

Release v0.2
Initial version released to the public.

A map of the Obduro Space Station. Due to the visual distances and number of visible polygons I recommend using AlephOne over Infinity to play this map.

vSolo -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification. Places you against other marines, MADDs, and gun sentries.

vNetwork -
Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 5 players.

Underwater Physics v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 21, 2005

pyshics from waterpark

Scrumie vs Moppy Puppy v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 21, 2005

Who won this game? Who knows? Who cares? made by eltiwxxo (although he now has his own account (scrumie))

Total Carnage ++ v1.4

LegacyTyphoon — Sep 21, 2005

This is probably the final incarnation of TC++. I've made some balance fixes, changed firing rates, and changed damage done based off of various comments by players from the Aleph One chatroom.

v1.4 fixes:
*Flying Fists of Doom have been changed. No more almost instant death kills with the fists.
*The Flying AR Marine has been fixed. No more getting stuck in walls or boucning around a map like a pinball.
*Running into a player who has a TOTZ is no longer like running into a flaming wall of firey oblivion. The TOTZ is more...sane now.
*The Alien weapon is no longer a wide-area hose of death. The damage has been decreased somewhat.
*SPNKR rate of fire has been decreased a little. It still has a clip size of 4 however.
*Problems with TC++ infesting the Standard physics pack has been fixed.

Apparently, the physics file included with Infinity from the Trilogy release, is just the Marathon 2 physics file. So there's no data about the SMG in it. In other words...Infinity will just use the last know information about the SMG for its default, until it get changed again. So I've included an Infinity specific Standard physics file. This one includes the data relating to the SMG.

Also, TC++ is best suited for larger maps with open areas. Or else you tend to kill yourself with high-explosives. It can be used on tight-hallway maps, but expect to 'splode yourself if you aren't careful where your aiming when you have that SPNKR out.

TC++ is now in .sit form. So, no more worries about the file not being in the right format.

If you can't use .sit I also posted it in .tgz format here:

Photi v0.3

Necolarus — Sep 20, 2005

This map is an arena with a central death zone and stairs leading out to an upper runway. A large number of visible polygons will crash Infinity, but AlephOne runs it just fine.

Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 6 players.

Also included is a solo version that is best played with the Trench Foot modification.

Scrumtacular Maps v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 19, 2005

made by eltwixxo

Interesting Rubicon maps v1.1

Shadowbreaker — Sep 19, 2005

Well- tryed postin it b4 but it didnt quite work out- but here it is!

Cosmic Blue v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 19, 2005

Bout time this was posted . its got all the guns

The 9 Arenas v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 18, 2005


Three More Arenas v1.1

Shadowbreaker — Sep 18, 2005

Go crazy

Surfin Sewer v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 17, 2005

A partly submerged obstacle course race track! btw i dont care if u like make somethin better than this- it was a test!

Big Small World v1.0

samus (Sam) — Sep 16, 2005

Immerse yourself in the giant's world. Kill your opponents it the giant's kitchen / spa room. Don't fall in the sink ;)

Contains two maps and comes with modified shapes.

3 other arenas v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 16, 2005

I know- 4 maps for 3 arenas? - 2 of them count as one- bein the same map

POG v1.0

samus (Sam) — Sep 16, 2005

Are you ready for the ultimate AlephOne experience?

Prepare yourself ....

Conquer land sea and air and vanquish all your opponents in this all out action packed EXTREME level. Short, sharp and tastes like nachos, Mmmm mmmmmmmmm, love nachos.

comes with EXTREMELY modified weapons


*Fly meaning: abnormal hovering ability
**Hours of fun not guaranteed
***(Assuming you have Aleph buddies)

Carnage Maps v1.0

samus (Sam) — Sep 16, 2005

Mapack containing three of my oldest (and I'm gonna be honest and say my most average) maps, but great fun!

1) Crater Lakes, very small arena type thingamajigga
2) Tree Tops, has nothing to do what so ever with trees, it's set inside a cave with platforms of varying height. Kill your opponents while dodging the rising lava. King of the Hill compatible
3) Castle, One of my oldest levels, quite retro and funky, doesn't resemble a castle at all. King of the Hill compatible (The hill is behind the big whopping metal wall)


Castle Arena v1.0

samus (Sam) — Sep 16, 2005

Trapped deep inside the walls of an ancient castle, the only way out is for you to kill your opponents. Cool Castle shapes included.

Fusk the Gods v1.0

NeoN — Sep 13, 2005

The original idea for this map came from a friend. I simply cleaned it up and made it look nice. This map is actually several years old. However, we played it a lot through the years. Thus, I am sharing it for everyone to enjoy.

It's a basic arena map with hallways and elevators sprouting off the sides. Plenty of ammo around the map should ensure hectic gameplay around every corner.

Obduro v0.2

Necolarus — Sep 13, 2005

A map of the Obduro Space Station. Due to the visual distances and number of visible polygons I recommend using AlephOne over Infinity to play this map.

Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 5 players.

Also included is a solo version that is best played with the Trench Foot modification.

Sino v0.2

Necolarus — Sep 13, 2005

A small map with a central room broken up by pillars. Eight rooms surround the central room and are used for weapon/ammo grab and as player starting locations.

Best used with the Trench Foot modification if aliens are turned on. Optimal carnage at 3 to 5 players.

Also included is a solo version that is best played with the Trench Foot modification.

Trench Foot v0.6

Necolarus — Sep 13, 2005

This modification includes a shape file and physics model to replace various aliens as marines. The physics model only modifies the aliens to properly run the marines. Also included are the original MADDs from the first Marathon and gun sentries to tread further chaos.

Thogzone v1.0

samk — Sep 10, 2005

One middle/large size network map for AO (may work in oo, but this is untested) There are some minor bugs here and there I can't seem to find a way of fixing, but I've played games with this map and they don't seem to interfere with the play. Also, watch out for secrets!

Big Bad Boy v1.0

goran — Sep 10, 2005

This is a big rocket arena inspired by one of the arenas in "3 arenas". A large and high arena, perfect for 3+ players. Good practice for rocket skills.

If you love rockets, speed, heights, and arenas; you can't live without this one! ;-)

Waterpark v1.4

Shadowbreaker — Sep 08, 2005


ritual v1.0

goran — Sep 08, 2005

A small netmap in the lava set, it's small and quite detailed.(the white boxes are doors) It works good for duels and medium sized groups.

The three Arenas v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Sep 05, 2005

3 arenas damnit read the name

Waterpark v1.0.1

Shadowbreaker — Sep 03, 2005

Splashes, waterfalls, scuba, and all the underwater action u could ever need! That is... until the new versions come out.

Durandal's Back. v1.00

Kidtofu — Aug 31, 2005

There really isn't much new Specially Made Marathon 2 maps nowadays, so instead of putting up another Marathon Infinity Map for aleph one, why not give people a Marathon 2 aleph one map?
yep. thats right.

Note: you don't have to Open Doors with action keys. this map you have to come close to the door to open it. also don't be alarmed if you spawn in a odd room. just run to the door and it will open.

A Tad Extra Lh'owon v1.0

Scott Noblitt — Aug 31, 2005

This pack consists of two netmaps.

The first one, "The Map with no Name," fits up to 8 players. It was originally released in the scenario "Marathon: Jigsaw," but is being re-released now as a very slightly modified version.

The second map, "Jjaro Station 77," is a new map. It is quasi-arena-style, but lacks the enourmous areas for manuveuring often found in those maps. The map only fits up to 6 players.

Both maps should provide ample fun for all game types other than co-operative. Some Pfhor opponents spawn from time-to-time just to spice up players running around in solo mode, but if you don't want them in netplay simply turn off aliens.

Note that this pack should work in both Infinity and Aleph One. If you only have Marathon 2, the first should work, but the second will cause you to crash.

Happy netplay!

Stair Fortress v1.3

W'rkncacnter — Aug 30, 2005

Stair Fortress is a map that has many different staircases leading to a central area that is sort of walled off from the surrounding area. It should make a good EMFH and KOTH map with 4 or more people.

Version 1.2 changes 2 things. First the lighting in the first map wasn't so great, so I almost completely re-did the lighting. I also made some slight changes to some item placements.

Version 1.3 adds a step to each window from the main inside area so that you can jump out of them. It also widens the steps in one area.

Sound pack v1.0

Blake37 (Alex Makuch) — Aug 29, 2005

This is the first installment of my sound enhancment project. This projects goal is to give senario and map makers, as well as anyone who wants to change their sound file, stuff to put in. This package contains mostly BOB sounds (done by yours truly, I can't talk too well right now) and also has a few ambiant sounds. These are all orginal pieces of work, done by me. Look for future packages with more powerful weapon sounds, more ambiant sounds, and other coolness!

Quick Movie v0.2

jon_irons — Aug 25, 2005

This "Quick Movie" was inspired by "The Tenth Warrior," the only [relatively] long Marathon film I've seen set to music and put into a movie file format. In this case, it's MPEG-4, which almost any OS should be capable of playing. If you can't play it, I suggest getting the Videolan Client from http://videolan.org .

This was a very quick job, if you couldn't tell already; 4 AM is a time for crazy people. The music is the Chemical Brothers' "Setting Sun," a song whose wild music video also played a part in the movie's inspiration.

Of course, since the total estimated work time of this video is one or maybe two hours, there are random things like idiotic slow-downs and odd little moments of panicked POV-switching. In addition, some things may seem random or accidental, but aren't. After all, who can judge what a fatigued college student does on purpose? Oh yeah, and the aspect ratio is messed up because we thought that iMovie would enjoy having a 16:9ish ratio in its film. We were wrong.

Anyway, enjoy this tribute to a tribute of Marathon net gaming. Maybe we'll have enough time to include everything that we wanted to, but in a later version. Minute three of the video is really the best part, I think.

Version 0.2 updates the README file so that the map's creator is credited. So don't re-download unless you'd like to know that Wolfy created Lupality. Oops. I just told you.

Mapper's Heart v1.0

Kidtofu — Aug 23, 2005

Hey, i guess i was going to Release another map. anyway, this map was made mostly to see how good i was at map making. i think its ok, but that just me. ( By the Way, Get Red Spectrum by RyokoTk, it Rocks) just check it out and see if you like it.

C.H.E.F. beta v0.4

Drictelt — Aug 23, 2005

A very big update: three new solo levels (Nitrogen, Sauma Earth, Sauma Clivis) and a netmap (Die, you fool! Die!) which i fear will cause some negative comments, but its better than nothing!

In version 0.4 the 2nd level is followed by the 3rd ;-)

I hope you will enjoy it and i hope that I'll get more feedback than the previous versions...

Brothers in arms v1.0

D-M.A. — Aug 20, 2005

Brothers in arms is a King of the Hill map I made purely out of boredom. It's best suited for three players and up, but two players is also very playable.

Pfhortress 1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

hard to describe this map...

Pfhew Hours and Fifteen Years 2.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

a map with high and low areas and platforms to reach them, this map can be pretty tricky but with some practice you'll get hold of it.

v2.0 changes
minor light effects added, drone hole deleted, merged, monsters deleted and fixed the flow in the "rocket tower".

Diving High Nuts 1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

A map with three pools and one of the pools acting as a hill. You can choose, climb up for more guns or climb down for the hill. I personally like the layout of this map but the flow didn't work like i wanted it to work like. note that i idn't make the lightning realistic, i just made it "cool". :P

Jungle Tech 1.5

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

A little simple maze like map usign the water texture set. previously in the "DcBob's Map Pack".

v1.5 changes
Retextured some areas and improved weapon and baddie placement/spawning.

Hail to the Hammer v1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

This map has the ability to change itselfs layout a little, there are three switches located somewhere in this map, with them you can choose if you want to fight in tight areas or in big open areas. If you can't choose which one you would like then these switches are always good for crushing your enemies.

Known bugs: The switches to change the layout of the map are very fragily, if you tap them repeatly then the results will be that the map layout will be messed up and people acn get stuck.I tried to fix this bug by using Plat Former but my Plat Former experience is very limited so that was out of the question. The only thing i could was reduce the danger of this happening, i did that by making some of the platforms a lot faster.

Space Fries v1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

An arena type of map that works kinda like thunderdome. With the map comes a physic model called Carnage Fries and I suggest you to use it cause it can get really fun in multiplayer. Is probably insane. :)

The Great Temple of Madness 1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Aug 19, 2005

A very small map with two stories, the basment and the outside area. Well maybe not area, it is too small to be called an area. So yeah, this is tiny.

Two Words. v1.00

Kidtofu — Aug 18, 2005

Since school is coming up, I may not be able to make as many maps as I had, so here's a final map before school begins. Please leave feedback on the map at Kidtofu@gmail.com.

C.H.E.F. beta v0.2

Drictelt — Aug 12, 2005

Better take the newer version

Middle School Replica v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Aug 07, 2005

A big map based on eltwixxos (scrumie) middle school- its missing a few details- but he'll add them eventually. Enjoy- the date is an estimate- i dont know when it was really created- but i think it was june 1st

Exhibit a v1.0

Blake37 (Alex Makuch) — Aug 07, 2005

A nifty arena style map for some rocket warfair. Also has some 5D space with shotguns in it. My second map subbmitted to the internet.

The Ty-D-Bol v1.2

Blake37 (Alex Makuch) — Jul 30, 2005

A giant toilet that you can swim around in and even go into the tank. The Flush handle is also a rocket sniper ledge, and has a switch to flush the toilet.

V1.1 More guns/ammo and you can get out of the water at all times.

V1.2 Textured the side of that platform.

Blood of 7's v1.0

Shadowbreaker — Jul 30, 2005

Urg, Webbed x, and Monoliths- the 3 7 polygon maps

If I Had A Fusion Pistol... v1.1

Kidtofu — Jul 28, 2005

Heh, Amazing What your love for A Fusion Pistol Can Make you do. This level has a Bunch of Stuff in it that i really like. Split Polys, Tunnels, Cheap Shot Places, 5-d, pathways between two parts of buildings, A WaterFall, a Little of the Observer Deck From Marathon 1's Arrival, And Also the "Escape Will Make Me God" Durandal Terminal!
If your Getting Tired of My Maps, Sorry....i just can't stop :)
Try and find the two Secrets!

Euphoria v1.0

Red_Radish — Jul 27, 2005

An unfinished, textured, partially lighted Euphforia for M:R single player. The doors and elevators are not fuctional and mostly not textured, and most but not all of the enemies are placed. Path nodes are set in a few places.

Red Spectrum v1.6

RyokoTK — Jul 23, 2005

Red Spectrum is my personal project -- a netplaying endeavor that now spans 24 levels. The netmap quality in this pack surpasses that of almost anything you'll see, and is pretty much the de facto standard for Aleph One games nowadays.

For a more extensive readme on the maps themselves, please visit http://irons.treellama.org/maps/ryoko/red_spectrum.html

Anyone who's downloaded previous versions, please dl this one. Barring any necessary tweaks or bug fixes, 1.6 will be the LAST VERSION of Red Spectrum, so it'd be wise to download this one.

Victory Dance v1.0

RyokoTK — Jul 18, 2005

During June/July 2005, I ran a small netmap contest on the Pfhorums (http://www.pfhorums.com) and these 7 maps are the top 7. They're all made by different people, and are all somewhat different.

Kito Carnage 3.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Jul 18, 2005

A circular map with a water column in the middle that is filled with Submachineguns so you are well equipped for water fights. The outer column gives you some ammo and heavy weaponry. This is the first map I ever released on the internet and i've always been kinda proud of it.

Version 3.0 Changes
fixed some things noted in ratings over at fileball. Thank you Blake for starting this "rating campaign" and rate my map along with the others. Thanks to you. So, i added some little more ammo and tweaked the ammo respawn rate. Retextured some minor things but the main gameplay change would that i made the water container A LOT shorter. So instead of this huge water column reaching up into the sky you get a reasonable water column you will be able to fight in instead of getting lost in.

Version 2.5 Changes
Fixed weapon respawn rate a little, fiddled with lights and texturing a little too.

Dodge This! v1.0

poofy — Jul 06, 2005

Dodge This! is a mod on weapon shots. The modification is: All projectiles have double speed. There are some other modifications to the AR grenades and missile launcher missiles that are noted in the read me.

Kaboom-a-world 1.5

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Jul 01, 2005

Are you ready for blastoff?! What happens when bunch of players are thrown into a crazy KOTH. Not only do you need to run as fast as you can towards the hill while dodging enemy bullets. You have to dodge hundreds of endless, falling, exploding, assimilated BoBs all around you. Watch out for chain reactions. It's raining men! Hallelujah...

Version 1.5 Changes
More BoB's, more ammo, more carnage!

Life Of A Red Marine (SDL) v1.02

Kidtofu — Jun 30, 2005

This Is The SDL Version of THe Original "Life Of A Red Marine". just so you know, this is my first sdl map, so if there is any problems, email me at Kidtofu@gmail.com

Life Of A Red Marine... v1.02

Kidtofu — Jun 30, 2005

YEP. I Made it. even tho this won't be posted till maybe after June is over, at least i finished it Before June ended! and at 10:41! CARNAGE FOREVER!!!!!!

Total Carnage ++ v1.3

LegacyTyphoon — Jun 30, 2005

v 1.3
Yeah, yeah, skipped release of v 1.2. It had some problems with it that were pointed out before I put it up for download...So there. Changed rate of fire and damage of the SMG. Made it less of a "l33t" weapon. So it is better suited to take on other weapons now. Does 9 base damage instead of 7.
v 1.2
Changed damage of the Fist, SMG, TOTZ, they do less damage now and it should be more balanced (admit it, the Fist and TOTZ were the über death weapons of God). I also slowed down the bullets back to 1024 (their original speed). I found that with the bullets set to 1050 you didn't have to lead, so it was basically "aim at target and watch target turn into a leaky piece of meat." Finally, I increased the accuracy of the Pistols, because you couldn't do jack with them...
v 1.1
I've changed some of the base damages so that the weapons aren't so über powerful....like the super charging fusion that i forgot to fix, and I lowered the recoil on the AR.
Original release.

Created in: 4 days
Play Testing: 2 weeks
Welcome to Total Carnage ++:

Where the workings of someone out of their mind and Anvil come crashing together in a symphony of blood, gore, and lack of good taste.

All the weapons have been changed so that they fire faster, have more ammo, and fire more at once. Now, before you pass this off as: "another one of those retarded physics files" that are out there, I want you to remember that I did two weeks of play testing with various people from the AlephOne chatroom before I released it. I've tried the best that I could, to keep the weapons at their roots, past that, everythings been thrown out the door. :D

The main idea of this file was to create something that takes the craziness of Marathon multiplayer and then make it even crazier. However, I also wanted to keep the balance that the Marathon weapons had as best I could.

So, keeping that in mind, ENJOY!!
Happy fragging!!

-Ben Maish

Aleph One RPG (SDL) v2.1.0

jon_irons — Jun 26, 2005

This "Aleph One RPG" is a semi-experiment in scripting and a semi-framework for any future add-ons. Its premise is that you choose a class (via color), and as you kill other players in a net game, you gain class-specific abilities. It has proven to be fun. At least, to me. And some net gamers. If you don't mind having the Aleph One engine so obviously contorted, and you want to try a first-person-shooter-RPG based on Marathon's engine, give this a try. The readme is essential. Aleph One Nightly Build 7/18 and up required (this and later builds enable seeking projectiles).

Version 2.1.0 redefines the manner in which the classes attack or use their abilities by introducing "stamina" and/or "mana" as factors. Two classes have new abilities in their repertoires, and I even created a new quasi-powerup. The much-hated "level 0" has also been eliminated; instead, all players start with their classes' level 1 skill. This version is the best so far, and might be the last.

Aleph One RPG (Mac) v2.1.0

jon_irons — Jun 26, 2005

This "Aleph One RPG" is a semi-experiment in scripting and a semi-framework for any future add-ons. Its premise is that you choose a class (via color), and as you kill other players in a net game, you gain class-specific abilities. It has proven to be fun. At least, to me. And some net gamers. If you don't mind having the Aleph One engine so obviously contorted, and you want to try a first-person-shooter-RPG based on Marathon's engine, give this a try. The readme is essential. Aleph One Nightly Build 7/18 and up required (this and later builds enable seeking projectiles).

Version 2.1.0 redefines the manner in which the classes attack or use their abilities by introducing "stamina" and/or "mana" as factors. Two classes have new abilities in their repertoires, and I even created a new quasi-powerup. The much-hated "level 0" has also been eliminated; instead, all players start with their classes' level 1 skill. This version is the best so far, and might be the last.

Marathon: Pathways into Darkness Demo v1.0

Winter Wolf — Jun 24, 2005

This demo will give you an idea of what the final version of Marathon: Pathways into Darkness will be like. Many things from the original Pathways into Darkness will appear in this demo.

A note to Windows users. To use the demo remove the mpid.mml file from the scripts folder and the images file from the main folder. Any images file may be used instead.

Both Macintosh and Windows users will need an Aleph One application to play this demo.

If you have any problems or comments email me at nhoad@sunbeach.net
Visit the MPiD website for updates: http://bighouse.bungie.org/pathways/

Pathways into Darkness is a copyright product of Bungie software.

Red Spectrum v1.0

RyokoTK — Jun 08, 2005

Seventeen more maps from yours truly. 7 are actually modifications of previous maps (from the 17th Birthday Pack), and one is a group effort from myself and four others. They're of various sizes. Most of them are King of the Hill/Kill the Guy With the Ball compatible.

Mac2SDL v3.0

jon_irons — Jun 08, 2005

This is version 3 of Mac2SDL. It makes the resource fork of a Marathon map file into a [Map File Name].resources file for the SDL players, and it makes a non-resource version of the map (to save slightly on size) and can optionally create a .zip archive out of them and delete the two newly-archived files.

New to version 3 is multiple fille support for drag-n-drop.

A handy tool for those who have merged physics, terminals, scripts, or whatever takes a ride on your map's resource fork. Requires OS X, or maybe Darwin.

Arms Race (PIT OF HELL) v4.5

DIeselfame3 — May 31, 2005

This is probably the last update for Arms Race, as you might know my friends and I are working on a new scenario called "Starship Marathon". Although I will spend most of my time on SM, I will be making some more Net Maps in the future. :)

Carnage Vila 46! v1.0

RyokoTK — May 25, 2005

Carnage Vila 46 is one of the best netmaps I've ever seen, and it happens to b mine! With lots of gunz and lots of ammo and lots of other fun stuff Carnage Vila 46 is without a doubt one of the most awesome and clever maps you will ever play. Check it out!

Total Texture Enhancement (Lowest) v6.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — May 08, 2005

A new and much better release of the Total Texture Enhancement Package made by Earthquake Software. This 6.0 version offers loads of improvements.

A lot of work and time has gone into this version and the quality of the textures is yet again stunning compared to earlier releases. This package brings you all of the textures from Marathon 1 (M1A1), Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity in high-res versions for use with Aleph One to make the beautiful environments in the Marathon Trilogy even better looking!

Here's a complete list of the new features and improvements in 6.0:

- Minor visual improvement on some of the textures.

- A file-path error has been fixed which caused one Marathon 2 texture not to work.

- The texture scripts have been cleaned up a bit.

- Smaller size textures (file size not actual size) causing the following things:

1. Level load times are shorter thanks to this.
2. A slight in-game performance boost.
3. The total package is of smaller size so downloading takes less time and the files take up less HD space.
4. All textures are now in .jpg format.
5. Best of all, there's no loss in graphics quality compared to much larger previous versions.
Total Texture Enhancement Package (Lowest) 6.0 specific notes:

While these 128x128 pixels large textures are of same size as the original ones that came with the Marathon games, these sure look better. We've made this 'lowest' quality version to make sure even people who play Marathon on old G3 Mac's or old Windows PC's should be able to use 'em as well. Try them out for yourself if you got one of those oldies at home! (16mb's of VRAM recommended).
We hope you enjoy these textures!

If you want to check out some screenshots before you start this download please visit this place: Screenshots

For support, more infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake Software 2005
Contact us!
The Netherlands

Arms Race & Read Me v4.0

DIeselfame3 — Apr 30, 2005

Finally I have most of the bugs worked out on this map, I fixed the sounds so you should be hearing them better. I also ajusted the celing higth in the PIT OF HELL so that hopefully the Juggernaughts attack you more than once..
Email me if you like it plz.

Arms Race & Read Me v3.0

DIeselfame3 — Apr 27, 2005

Same as 2.0 but this one has a read me.

Murdalizer v1.0

JackDZombiKing — Apr 24, 2005

Created exclusively for fireball, this fortress style map is fun for the whole family! Picture this my friends: two forts across from each other seperated only by no mans land! Includes weapons stash and recharge rooms. Can YOU get to the flamethrower? If you can, you'll win the Chocolate Coated Sugar Bombs sweepstakes! No purchase neccesary see store manager for details. Hurry up and download before my head asplodes!

Engine/Zero E0U2V1 Test Scenario v1.0

me_43 — Apr 23, 2005

Test scenario for Engine/Zero. MUCH thanks to Maarten Tromp for the models.

No it's not particularly fun, but it's an alright technology test. And anyway, it wouldn't be a huge amount of effort to make enemies shoot at you (disabled in this version cos it was too annoying) and such.

Aleph One, your time is limited!

Edit: that's right, I got his name wrong. (••explodes••)

Engine/Zero E0U2V1 WIN v1.0

me_43 — Apr 23, 2005

Engine/Zero is teh Aleph One replacement. Not backwards compatible. Won't run until you get a scenario too.

Cool stuff to do:
Press M for the fancy 3D map
Press O for an objective list

press T then type any of the following then press enter.

ScanVision 1
Zooming 1

and there's many more but I can't be bothered putting them here.
Oh well anyway E0 rocks.

Engine/Zero E0U2V1 MAC v1.0

me_43 — Apr 23, 2005

Engine/Zero is teh Aleph One replacement. Not backwards compatible. Won't run until you get a scenario too.

Cool stuff to do:
Press M for the fancy 3D map

press T then type any of the following (soz you won't be able to see the text :( ) then press enter.

ScanVision 1
Zooming 1

and there's many more but I can't be bothered putting them here.
Oh well anyway E0 rocks.

Duel & Duality v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Apr 22, 2005


Your enemy
In the same room
In another world

Seeing an opening
Moving forward
Running back
The everpresent circle of death


For those who are bad with Jjaro-style poetry. This is a new 5D netmap. Each level has a light and dark world. As with all 5D levels, they occupy the same physical space, but you're really only in one at a time.
As for the levels contained, Two doors is a small feeling level for 2-4 players. Pimples in Space-Time is a larger level which will play well for 4-8 players.

Bumper Cars v1.0

JackDZombiKing — Apr 17, 2005

Hey kids! Remember bumper cars from fairs and theme parks? Ever wish that they included guns and aliens? Why the heck not? What's wrong with you?! Oh well. Now it's all here in a small nifty downloadable package! So click the download button now! I said click it now! Stop reading the text and @#?! dowlnload it! Raaagh! (End transmission)

4 players
Flamethrower, Alien weopon and Assault rifle included
Can you find the secret teleporter?

Tofu Pfhor Life v1.04

Kidtofu — Apr 13, 2005

April's Tofu Map. Hope You Like it. I'l Try and get the next one out before July.
Happy Gaming To Everyone!

Mac2SDL v1.0

jon_irons — Apr 12, 2005

A drag 'n' drop applescript/application that converts merged map files (especially merged with physics) in Mac OS into SDL-compatible Data and Resource files (Map and Map.resource, respectively).

Aleph Rubicon v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Apr 07, 2005

This will let you play Marathon Rubicon using the newest version of Aleph One(not NIBS, just Carbon).

NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS: This may work, no guarantees, in order for it to work, you must use a Windows version of Aleph One.

NOTE: when you start up, it will give an error about Physics Models, hit "OK" and don't worry about it.

Ragnorok Shuttle Bay v1.0

Kidtofu — Apr 06, 2005

Well i Promised Maps For Aleph One Right? Well This map was Finished Before the others and well...its for Rubicon Aleph One. This is for All those Rubicon Aleph One Players Still out there. I Hope you Like.

New Pacific (Reprise) v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Apr 05, 2005

Remake of original in-game Marathon song New Pacific (Reprise)

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Aleph EVIL v1.0

Shadowfury333 — Apr 01, 2005

This is the entire application, data, and scripts required to run Marathon EVIL with Aleph One.

NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS: This may work, no guarantees. In order for it to work, you must use a Windows version of Aleph One.

Pfhor Renegade Mercs v1.0

Praeco Noctis — Apr 01, 2005

The Pfhor Troopers now fight on your sides, and instead of their old guns have rapid-firing long rifles (as I like to call them). Comes with four maps in which they fight on your side.

Eat Face v1.0

Dr.Y — Mar 31, 2005

You are going to download file or I will eat your soul. I can't type much now because my goddam crap computer is being a total jackass right now.

Tofu Cubed v0.31

Kidtofu — Mar 20, 2005

An Update to Lui'Ki Part 1 And the Release of Lui'Ki Part 2 and 3, including a The Underground Part 1.

Hope You Like These Maps. Next Maps Coming Next Month!

NOTE: This Does Not Include "Sure, I Can Share My Bullets" which originally appeared in Double Tofu.

Wizards of Xand Update v1.1

Phocid — Mar 18, 2005

This is a single level solo map for AlephOne. I hope that some who downloaded the first version will try this update. I've fixed a major bug and tried to make gameplay more intersting. I'd love to hear what you think of it.

You are asked to explore an abandoned city; only is it really abandoned?

Ken Spiker

Aleph RED v1.1

Shadowfury333 — Mar 17, 2005

All the files and scripts required to run Marathon:RED on Aleph One. I have also included Jerkcity 1.5 free of charge.

Changelog: NET Physics file removed, it was causing problems with Aleph One.

NOTE FOR WINDOWS USERS: This may work, no guarantees. In order for this to work, you must use a Windows verison of A1.

Double Tofu v0.18

Kidtofu — Mar 09, 2005

These two maps were made to probably be my last maps on the Machintosh. the first map is a small network carnage for a few people, about 2-4. The Second Was Made to contain Aliens AND 8 players.

well? go ahead,try them out.

Wizards of Xand v1.0

Phocid — Mar 05, 2005

I've been working on this for a while. I haven't had anybody to test it so I hope it works okay. Please report any bugs to my email: celr@mcn.org. You get to explore an abandoned city, but is it really abandoned?

This may be a bit too easy, but I will try to make later versions harder.


Chris Badon — Feb 16, 2005

KOTH for those who like that. EMFH for the rudeboys.

Medium to large size map with a hill and many vantages to shoot at the hill from.

Lost Lands Part 2 v2.0

MazaroX — Feb 05, 2005

The new, improved, playable Lost Lands Part 2!

I polished a whole lot up and made it easier to digest and less frustrating. Here's a list of bug fixes, also included in the readme-

*Secret exit removed from level 1.
*Level 2 retextured.
*Liquids in level 2 are no longer suicide traps.
*Level 3 retextured.
*Liquids in level 3 are no longer suicide traps.
*Level 5 made easier.
*Level 7 made easier.
*Level 7 alien physics changed.
*Level 9 has added o2 rechargers.
*Level 9 door bug fixed.
*Level 9 made easier.
*Level 10 alien physics changed.
*Level 10 terminal text added.
*Level 11 pattern buffers added.
*Level 11 made easier.
*Level 11 secret exit bug fixed.
*Level 11 death traps removed.
*Level 11 notations added.
*Level 13 made easier.
*Level 14 terminal text added.

As is said in the older description, this is the first 16 levels of Lost Lands, which will one day be 32. I broke down and made it a whole lot easier for you people, even though I said I wouldn't. Have fun. Maybe you will this time around.

Eternal Mk V

Forrest Cameranesi — Feb 01, 2005

Presenting the fifth and penultimate release of the Eternal project, an epic and ancient scenario eight years in the making. This is a disambiguation page linking to the six separate distributions, in different sizes and for different platforms. See below for a complete list.

Embark on an epic adventure spanning the ages. Picking up from the end of Marathon Infinity, you find yourself suddenly ninety-four years in the future, in the year 2905. You are on the S'pht moon K'lia, hanging in orbit over a desolate and ruined Earth. Clearly all is not well with this future, and once again you are the last hope for mankind. Though they say we have won the war against the Pfhor, it seems more that we have simply lost the least, and a plan has been set in motion to correct these problems. Paired with another sort of hybrid creature, the Battleroid-turned-AI called Hathor, you have been selected to depart back across time using recovered Jjaro technology, one hundred and eleven years in the past to the U.E.S.C. Marathon. There, you and Hathor are to set in motion a plan that will alter the course of history and bring true victory to mankind. But everything is not as it seems...

Eternal Mk V is the last of five "Marks" leading up to a final release called "Eternal X", due "when it's done" (see also: "Soon™" and "We're waiting for the boxes"). It includes all five chapters of the story, consisting of 48 levels in five all-new texture sets, seven new landscapes, seven new weapons, and seven new or modified monsters. It also includes an entirely revamped user interface and a rocking new title theme.

For a complete history of the project, screenshots, and more, visit http://eternal.bungie.org/. To download an appropriate version of Eternal, select one of the links below:

For Mac OS 9 and OS XFor Windows and Linux
With High-Res Textures (~199MB)
With High-Res Textures (~203MB)
With Medium-Res Textures (~107MB)
With Medium-Res Textures (~111MB)
With Low-Res Textures (~78MB)
With Low-Res Textures (~83MB)

Devil in a Blue Dress SDL Japanese Ver. v2.31J

Logue — Jan 29, 2005

This is a Devil in a Blue Dress Japanese Version.
Translated by Mikio Goto.

Devil in a Blue Dress Japanese Version v2.31J

Logue — Jan 29, 2005

This is a Devil in a Blue Dress Japanese Version.
Translated by Mikio Goto.

Japanese Infomation page is here.

M1A1 - kill! kill! kill! v1.0

BoBwithKeycard — Jan 26, 2005

Midsized Netmap with all M1 weapons with a bunch of stuff adjoining some other stuff..well a logical map layout with 'strategical' platforms to escape from the central room...
grab a gun and see for yourself

EDIT: This isn't my map, it's created by Derek Carroll. I just converted it to M1A1 to get a grip again on how the tools are working.
I've put that in the readme and in a terminal inside the map, but forgot to put it in the description here...but thanks to BattleCat for mentioning the map on the newspage, cause i think it's a sweet map.

link to original file

Lost Lands (Part 2) v1.0

MazaroX — Jan 17, 2005

This is exactly half of the final product of Lost Lands, which will be a full 32+ level scenario. Part 3 is under construction. I (Mazaro) created this single-handedly. I won't spoil anything in the game in this description, but I will say this- it is hard. Very hard. I may tone it down slightly on the next release, but don't count on too much. I designed this game to be hard for ME to beat, and I've been playing Marathon for a very long time. Hopefully because of this though, the end result of playing the scenario will seem all the more rewarding. It has been tested, and everything in it is possible. The emphasis is more on fun than storyline or any kind of realism. I hope that by putting this on fileball, I'll get more people to play it than I did when Part 1 was released.

Eternal SDL penetrationed-wall Patch v1.0

Logue — Jan 16, 2005

This patch fixs the penetration portion of the wall of Eternal in SDL ver.

Flippant v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Dec 30, 2004

Remake of original in-game Marathon song Flippant

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Fusion Fest v1.0

harujion — Dec 26, 2004

A fusion based physics file that will even kill that guy who always hogs the invincibility.

- Pistol and shotgun shoot fusion based projectiles.
- Plasma pistol left unchanged. It's fusion already!
- Assault rifle shoots small energy pulses instead of bullets and heavy fusion energy balls as grenades.
- Missile launcher is now dual action! Charge it up to fire a fusion missile!
- Flamethrower can shoot the standard flame for direct damage, or fusion rain for group damage!
- Alien weapon's primary shoots much like how it's predecessor did or you can use the secondary to lay deadly fusion mines to stop people from chasing you.
- The SMG fires small packets of fusion balls quickly, or shoot 8 at a time in a shotgun like effect that can go through multiple enemies!

For more details about each weapon, please download and read the read me file included.

PF Map v1.2 v1.2

shag — Dec 14, 2004

Due to a rather stupid error I made, it is not possible to play through the entire Phoenix Falling v1.1 without skipping a level. The interior gate in the level "Sacking of Troy" does not work.

Here is the fix. This is simply an updated version of the Map file. It fixes the above bug, plus a few other enhancements listed in the readme file.

Unpfh v1.0

harujion — Dec 14, 2004

This physics file changes just the weapons and some ammo.

- Bullets are now faster thus harder hitting.
- Better assault rifle.
- Plasma Pistol uses Energix0rz batteries.
- Rocket launcher can shoot faster missiles, giving a deadlier impact!
- Flamethrower has a new second silent trigger.
- Alien weapon unchanged!!!
- Shotgun Sniper added to SMG.
- Walk around more like a man!
- Plus little details changed!

Read the read me for the complete list.

Detachment- Release 1 v1.0

Tachyon — Dec 06, 2004

Does anybody but me even really play this game anymore?

This is my first release of a larger scenario that I plan to make. Best played on total carnage. A lot of the baddies have been upgraded so watch out.
Right now there are just 2 levels to test out how people like my style.

Any feedback would be cool, I can be reached at tachyon_@hotmail.com

Phoenix Falling v1.1

shag — Nov 29, 2004

Phoenix Falling is a large scenario of 44 levels (48 with secret levels and one network level). It is large and expansive and should be tons of fun to play. The original release had good reviews and this one fixes many bugs and makes it a generally better game.

Ninja Physics v1.0

JackDZombiKing — Nov 27, 2004

Their steps as silent as shadows, they wait in the darkness and strike. These warriors of night arrive with no warning and vanish like the wind. Well, enough about that crap. These physics were originally M2, but I like Infinity better, so I just cooked these up. They are made so that you see through the eyes of the ninja. Almost all of the weapons have a fist graphic to simulate you're throwing something (there weren't any guns in 17th century Japan anyway). They're extremely fun to play with, but I've never done any net games with them. Download these and try em out already! If you play these in a net game, PLEASE tell me about and/or send me a film. Thanks!

Get Poppin'! v1.0

JackDZombiKing — Nov 17, 2004

A small octangular room with a pit in the center filled with
Exploda-Bobs (both kind) the Vac bobs will set them off, and then... It's cookin' time.

KB Map Project v1.0

Total_Biscuit — Oct 31, 2004

A long time ago in the dawn of time, I started making maps for Marathon Infinity. And then I kept at it. For years. And now I've stopped; this is the result of all that map making.

The Readme file has this to say on the subject:

This really ought to be called "...Projects", because that is what it is - a collection of Marathon Infinity maps made by me, Karl Boman, over the years. About half date from 97-00, the rest are more recent attempts.

The foremost reason I have for releasing them for public use and, perhaps, ridicule, is that I feel they have something that I like and others may be able to appreciate as well. It is also a way to finish all these map projects that never went anywhere. So what if Marathon is not played much these days? If someone else likes this, it is worth it.

Included is also a map by my friend David that I found to be the most useful of all his maps that I had lying around - he is even worse than me at finishing Marathon stuff - and one by my friend Rasmus.

Basically, this is 14 netmaps of which most also make for fine solo playing. They are meant to be fun and hopefully also not ugly: if good to you equals nonstop novelty, this may no be your cup of tea. Obviously I recommend it anyway!

I have no idea if they will work with Aleph One, because my old PowerMac 4400 has no particular desire to run it, but since everything included is standard issue stuff it should not be a problem.

Feedback will be greatly appreciated! If there are future versions they will be bugfixes and tweaks, not overhauls and there will be no new maps - those will be made for EVIL or Tempus Irae.


Landscape Enhancement Package v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Oct 30, 2004

Another nice enhancement package that replaces Marathon 2/infinity's old low-res background landscapes with new high-res smooth ones.

Whenever playing Aleph One (wether it's M infinity or M2) you've probably noticed that the good old background landscapes that make Marathon so lively look kinda 'blurry' with a screen resolution of 1024x768 or higher. Because to my opinion Landscapes always were one of Marathon's strong graphical features we've decided to enhance these as well to bring back that good old Lh'owon or Spacy feeling when walking in a specific area. We hope you enjoy these high-res landscapes, have fun!

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
Contact us!
The Netherlands

M1A1-SE MP3 Tracks v1.5

Tophet — Oct 28, 2004

These MP3 Tracks are designed for use in "M1A1-SE Mac v1.6". There are eight tracks by Tobacco (each labelled with a 2 after them), and a track by Mushoo. The other 16 tracks are a mix of Cannibal Whore Feast, Alexander Seropian, and Craig Hardgrove. Eventually, all 16 of these will be Craig Hardgove remixes, leaving 16 of his and 8 Tobacco MP3's. At that time, this file will be renamed as v1.6 (like M1A1-SE is).

M1A1 Special Edition Mac v1.6

Tophet — Oct 28, 2004

This Special Edition version of M1A1 for the Mac includes everything added to the Windows release over a year ago, plus fixes invisible barrels in "Grendel Lives", adds the Spider alien to both "Grendel Lives" and a few other secret map areas, and adds two new Looker's. It also adds a new in-game music scheme, so you will want to grab "M1A1-SE MP3's v1.5" to go along with this. See http://orbitalarm.bungie.org for the complete change log (which is too long to list here).

Aleph Scenarios scripts for OsX v1.2

Simon//Sigma — Oct 27, 2004

An update of version 1.0, fixed a bug in the weapons

Aleph One OsX scripts v1.0

Simon//Sigma — Oct 25, 2004

This package contain various scripts for 4 major scenarios:
Evil, Tempus, Red and Pfh'Joueur.
Use them to make your favorite scenario work under Aleph for OSX!

TTEP 5.2 Patch (Official) v5.2

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Sep 28, 2004

TTEP 5.2 (includes 5.1) fixes various bugs and adds a couple of textures that were missing in the Total Texture Enhancement Package 5.0 release.

This patch is very easy to install because you can just replace old files with new files and all should work just fine. This patch can be used with all three versions (low, med and high-res) of the 'Total Texture Enhancement Package 5.0'. Replace every single file with the ones found in this patch to be sure the patch is succesfully applied.

Special Thanks goes out to Randall Currie for reporting these missing textures and releasing the previous release of the 5.1 patch in the first place.

We hope you enjoy these textures!

If you want to check out some screenshots of the TTEP 5.0 in general, visit: Screenshots

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
Contact us!
The Netherlands

Dreadnaught 2 v1.0

BullDozer — Sep 25, 2004

DM-BULL_DreadNoughtII.unr > 8.997.347 bytes
AnubisStation.u > 1.894.347 bytes

Map contains it's own textures and sounds.
AnubisStation contains meshes and its textures.

Goran's Jjaro Set Remix v1.0

goran — Sep 24, 2004

17 new textures for the jjaro set ready to use.

M1A1 Japanese Version for SDL v1.6J

Logue — Sep 24, 2004

This is M1A1 Map and Image file which translated into Japanese.
In order to use it, please overwrite the file of the same name as the file included in M1A1 of the original version.

Japanese M1A1 infomation page is here.

TTEP 5.0 to 5.1 Patch v5.1

Tophet — Sep 24, 2004

This patch contains the three control panel textures from the M1A1 'Sewage' texture set, missing from the Mac release of TTEP 5.0. It includes the three missing control panel textures in all three size resolutions, plus the Scripts from the Windows releases of TTEP 5.0. This is NOT a critical upgrade. These textures have the same switches as 'Special01, Special02, and Special03' in the M1A1 'General' texture set, but the four switches they contain are arranged differently in each of the included 'Sewage' switch textures.

Marathon Rubicon AO Light SDL v1.0

Logue — Sep 23, 2004

This is an SDL-compatible version of the Marathon Rubicon scenario. It's identical to the Mac version, except for file formats.

Head to the website for more details.

TK's 17th Birthday NetPack v17.0

RyokoTK — Sep 18, 2004

17 netmaps compiled into one largish net package in commemoration of my totally, massively important 17th birthday. Each level has aleins, most have a Hill and Ball, all of them CAN be played with 8 players, and all of them are totally and massively fun.

Compressed into .SIT format!

Some of these maps will be found in the final Dark Star production. Just wait and see... :)

Nos/Lunar v1.1

samk — Sep 17, 2004

Two small net maps for MI/A1.

M1A1 Japanese Version v1.6J

Logue — Sep 16, 2004

M1A1 Japanese Version

Add chapter screen and 1 network levels.

Japanese M1A1 infomation page is here.

Landing v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Sep 16, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Landing

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Pollution - Reanimation - 2nd level beta v1.1

goran — Sep 13, 2004

This is beta version of the 2nd level in pollution. has been released earlier on hotline forerunner.org. Download and check it out.

-one level
-no story in terminals, but instructions
-shapes installer included
-new stuff in ways of mapmaking

Exception To Prove The Rule v1.01

me_43 — Sep 01, 2004

I've had this sitting around for a while, as well as some other netmaps, soon to come, and I thought about time to get it out the door. The archive should be working now, it seems to be fine. Yeah, so it's a netmap, one of my best.

The Dark Star [demo] v0.51

RyokoTK — Aug 25, 2004

The demo for an upcoming Marathon Infinity scenario, the Dark Star. Uses the basic Shapes, Sounds, etc. and all physics files are obviously merged in already. Terminal picts aren't ready yet, so none of the terminals have images, just text. *sigh*

The demo includes:
1 Introduction solo map
6 full-length solo maps
2 multiplayer maps
1 Read-Me!

Simply extract it into your Marathon Infinity folder and off you go!

*note: due to complications with the original file, a new .sit file was added to replace it*

Chomber v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Aug 23, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Chomber

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

The Dark Star [demo] v0.5

RyokoTK — Aug 23, 2004

The demo for an upcoming Marathon Infinity scenario, the Dark Star. Uses the basic Shapes, Sounds, etc. and all physics files are obviously merged in already. Terminal picts aren't ready yet, so none of the terminals have images, just text. *sigh*

The demo includes:
1 Introduction solo map
6 full-length solo maps
2 multiplayer maps
1 Read-Me!

Simply extract it into your Marathon Infinity folder and off you go!

Ellio7t Net Pack #1 v1.0

elliott — Aug 20, 2004

Three maps two small and one average sized. Fun for small groups or solo play. My shot at a simplici7y map and some altered physics coupled with an enlarged and detailed revision of the same. A bouns duel map is included.

Total Texture Enhancement (High) v6.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Aug 11, 2004

A new and much better release of the Total Texture Enhancement Package made by Earthquake Software. This 6.0 version offers loads of improvements.

A lot of work and time has gone into this version and the quality of the textures is yet again stunning compared to earlier releases. This package brings you all of the textures from Marathon 1 (M1A1), Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity in high-res versions for use with Aleph One to make the beautiful environments in the Marathon Trilogy even better looking!

Here's a complete list of the new features and improvements in 6.0:

- Minor visual improvement on some of the textures.

- A file-path error has been fixed which caused one Marathon 2 texture not to work.

- The texture scripts have been cleaned up a bit.

- Smaller size textures (file size not actual size) Improving the following things:

1. Level load times are shorter thanks to this.
2. A slight in-game performance boost.
3. The total package is of smaller size so downloading takes less time and the files take up less HD space.
4. All textures are now in .jpg format.
5. Best of all, there's no loss in graphics quality compared to much larger previous versions.
Total Texture Enhancement Package (Medium) 6.0 specific notes:

The texture quality is enormous and is of higher quality then textures in most modern games (such as Halo, UT2004 or Doom 3). We recommend a very fast computer for this one such as a PowerMac G5 with at least 128mb's of VRAM (256mb's Recommended). You will sure be amazed when playing the Marathon trilogy with these stunning textures!
We hope you enjoy these textures!

If you want to check out some screenshots before you start this still massive download please visit this place: Screenshots

For support, more infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake Software 2005
Contact us!
The Netherlands

Total Texture Enhancement (Low) v6.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Aug 11, 2004

A new and much better release of the Total Texture Enhancement Package made by Earthquake Software. This 6.0 version offers loads of improvements.

A lot of work and time has gone into this version and the quality of the textures is yet again stunning compared to earlier releases. This package brings you all of the textures from Marathon 1 (M1A1), Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity in high-res versions for use with Aleph One to make the beautiful environments in the Marathon Trilogy even better looking!

Here's a complete list of the new features and improvements in 6.0:

- Minor visual improvement on some of the textures.

- A file-path error has been fixed which caused one Marathon 2 texture not to work.

- The texture scripts have been cleaned up a bit.

- Smaller size textures (file size not actual size) causing the following things:

1. Level load times are shorter thanks to this.
2. A slight in-game performance boost.
3. The total package is of smaller size so downloading takes less time and the files take up less HD space.
4. All textures are now in .jpg format.
5. Best of all, there's no loss in graphics quality compared to much larger previous versions.
Total Texture Enhancement Package (Low) 6.0 specific notes:

Perfect for 32mb graphics card users! These textures do get a bit blurry if you look closely but from a nice distance even these look very amazing! Be sure try these out for yourself!
We hope you enjoy these textures!

If you want to check out some screenshots before you start this download please visit this place: Screenshots

For support, more infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake Software 2005
Contact us!
The Netherlands

Total Texture Enhancement (Medium) v6.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Aug 11, 2004

A new and much better release of the Total Texture Enhancement Package made by Earthquake Software. This 6.0 version offers loads of improvements.

A lot of work and time has gone into this version and the quality of the textures is yet again stunning compared to earlier releases. This package brings you all of the textures from Marathon 1 (M1A1), Marathon 2: Durandal and Marathon Infinity in high-res versions for use with Aleph One to make the beautiful environments in the Marathon Trilogy even better looking!

Here's a complete list of the new features and improvements in 6.0:

- Minor visual improvement on some of the textures.

- A file-path error has been fixed which caused one Marathon 2 texture not to work.

- The texture scripts have been cleaned up a bit.

- Smaller size textures (file size not actual size) causing the following things:

1. Level load times are shorter thanks to this.
2. A slight in-game performance boost.
3. The total package is of smaller size so downloading takes less time and the files take up less HD space.
4. All textures are now in .jpg format.
5. Best of all, there's no loss in graphics quality compared to much larger previous versions.
Total Texture Enhancement Package (Medium) 6.0 specific notes:

A great balance between performance and quality. We do recommend a 64 or 128mb graphics card but if you got one of those the results will not let you down. Give it a try!
We hope you enjoy these textures!

If you want to check out some screenshots before you start this download please visit this place: Screenshots

For support, more infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake Software 2005
Contact us!
The Netherlands

Colly v1.4.1

Wild-Gamrz — Aug 07, 2004

A cool Small Map, ideal for two players !

Eternal (High-Res Mac) Mk I

Forrest Cameranesi — Aug 03, 2004

NOTE: This is an old version of Eternal. I have left this online here for posterity and placed the newer versions online separately to track downloads between versions better. For the latest version of Eternal, follow one of the links on this page. -Forrest

Embark on an epic adventure spanning the ages. Picking up from the end of Marathon Infinity, you find yourself suddenly ninety-four years in the future, in the year 2905. You are on the S'pht moon K'lia, hanging in orbit over a desolate and ruined Earth. Clearly all is not well with this future, and once again you are the last hope for mankind. Though they say we have won the war against the Pfhor, it seems more that we have simply lost the least, and a plan has been set in motion to correct these problems. Paired with another sort of hybrid creature, the Battleroid-turned-AI called Hathor, you have been selected to depart back across time using recovered Jjaro technology, one hundred and eleven years in the past to the U.E.S.C. Marathon. There, you and Hathor are to set in motion a plan that will alter the course of history and bring true victory to mankind. But everything is not as it seems...

Eternal Mk I is the first of five "Marks" leading up to a final release called "Eternal X". It covers the first chapter of the story, consisting of 10 levels in three all-new texture sets, two new landscapes, four new weapons, and three modified monsters. It also includes an entirely revamped user interface and a rocking new title theme. The final project, already under way, will consist of 40 more levels, two more texture sets, five more landscapes, four more weapons, and more new monsters as well. But that release is a good ways away, so download Eternal Mk I today!


Rapture v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Aug 02, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Rapture

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Guardians v1.1

Craig Hardrove — Aug 02, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Guardians

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Leela v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Aug 02, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Leela

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Swirls v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Aug 02, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Swirls.

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Flowers in Heaven v1.0

Craig Hardrove — Aug 02, 2004

Remake of the original in-game Marathon song Flowers in Heaven

See http://www.eigenhat.com/marathon phor more

Eternal (Medium-Res Mac) Mk I

Forrest Cameranesi — Jul 29, 2004

NOTE: This is an old version of Eternal. I have left this online here for posterity and placed the newer versions online separately to track downloads between versions better. For the latest version of Eternal, follow one of the links on this page. -Forrest

Embark on an epic adventure spanning the ages. Picking up from the end of Marathon Infinity, you find yourself suddenly ninety-four years in the future, in the year 2905. You are on the S'pht moon K'lia, hanging in orbit over a desolate and ruined Earth. Clearly all is not well with this future, and once again you are the last hope for mankind. Though they say we have won the war against the Pfhor, it seems more that we have simply lost the least, and a plan has been set in motion to correct these problems. Paired with another sort of hybrid creature, the Battleroid-turned-AI called Hathor, you have been selected to depart back across time using recovered Jjaro technology, one hundred and eleven years in the past to the U.E.S.C. Marathon. There, you and Hathor are to set in motion a plan that will alter the course of history and bring true victory to mankind. But everything is not as it seems...

Eternal Mk I is the first of five "Marks" leading up to a final release called "Eternal X". It covers the first chapter of the story, consisting of 10 levels in three all-new texture sets, two new landscapes, four new weapons, and three modified monsters. It also includes an entirely revamped user interface and a rocking new title theme. The final project, already under way, will consist of 40 more levels, two more texture sets, five more landscapes, four more weapons, and more new monsters as well. But that release is a good ways away, so download Eternal Mk I today!


Eternal (Low-Res Mac) Mk I

Forrest Cameranesi — Jul 29, 2004

NOTE: This is an old version of Eternal. I have left this online here for posterity and placed the newer versions online separately to track downloads between versions better. For the latest version of Eternal, follow one of the links on this page. -Forrest

Embark on an epic adventure spanning the ages. Picking up from the end of Marathon Infinity, you find yourself suddenly ninety-four years in the future, in the year 2905. You are on the S'pht moon K'lia, hanging in orbit over a desolate and ruined Earth. Clearly all is not well with this future, and once again you are the last hope for mankind. Though they say we have won the war against the Pfhor, it seems more that we have simply lost the least, and a plan has been set in motion to correct these problems. Paired with another sort of hybrid creature, the Battleroid-turned-AI called Hathor, you have been selected to depart back across time using recovered Jjaro technology, one hundred and eleven years in the past to the U.E.S.C. Marathon. There, you and Hathor are to set in motion a plan that will alter the course of history and bring true victory to mankind. But everything is not as it seems...

Eternal Mk I is the first of five "Marks" leading up to a final release called "Eternal X". It covers the first chapter of the story, consisting of 10 levels in three all-new texture sets, two new landscapes, four new weapons, and three modified monsters. It also includes an entirely revamped user interface and a rocking new title theme. The final project, already under way, will consist of 40 more levels, two more texture sets, five more landscapes, four more weapons, and more new monsters as well. But that release is a good ways away, so download Eternal Mk I today!


Phoenix Falling v1.0 installer v1.0

shag — Jul 28, 2004

A new scenario for an old, but classic, game. Phoenix Falling is set in an universe completely new and has no ties with the marathon storyline. The player will traverse 44 levels, using all new weapons, and encountering strange new things; all while trying to uncover an ancient secret of the New Phoenix colony. A new and improved version will be released shortly but here is the original release version for those who can't wait or just want a taste.

TTEP 4.0 to 4.1 patch v4.1

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Jul 25, 2004

Because I found out that in the 4.0 version of the Total texture enhancement package the entire Pfhor texture collection in M1A1 was missing, I've decided to upload an updater.

So, here it is. have fun!

The updater can also be found here:
Earthquake software's downloads page

John's Phoenix Falling Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 23, 2004

This film package contains vid films for 42 of the 44 levels of the M1 scenario Phoenix Falling. Be sure and use the original Phoenix Falling application and map when viewing the films. Keep in mind that these films will not play properly using any future version of the Phoenix Falling map. Once the final version of the map is released, I hope to submit new vid films for it.

Multiple Texture Sets v1.0

Dr.Y — Jul 19, 2004

I've only seen this used in one map, and I don' t think that there's a Chisel plugin that lets you do this. Basically, This tells how to change a landscape index from a map file into a texture set. It could be very useful if used correctly...

Note: I know there's a typo. I've known there was a typo about five minutes after I uploaded the file. :P

Where Angels Fear to Tread v1.0

elliott — Jun 29, 2004

Four maps, three rather giagantic. This is an old school style scenario(something I always wanted to do). A lot of fighting is done in this one as well as switch flipping.

Machine Battle-Warrior v1.0

moonranger — Jun 04, 2004

Machine Battle-Warrior is a physics set inspired mainly by the Playstation 2 game Omega Boost but ideas came from anything with robots. There are two netmaps to play this set on. These levels are huge. The viewing distances are way outside what Marathon can take. Machine Battle-Warrior won't work well with any smaller levels.

See the readme for changes... The new physics changes everything.

Feedback Please! I haven't gotten any!

Puppies Are Cute v1.0

oogaBooga (Mike Finley) — Jun 03, 2004

Well it's been a long enough time. This thing has been done for a LOONG time, but apparently nobody ever plans to update marathon.bungie.org archives, so I decided to stop holding my breath and just frickin' update it here. Merry christmas you screwheads!

Nine maps set in Inf. All texturesets used. I'm actually quite proud of these maps.


Note: I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING SOMETHING! Okay the readme is in there now.

A Crushing Experience v1.0

me_43 — May 30, 2004

The level where you get crushed too much, re-released for no good reason. It's... uh... fun.

4DM v1.0

me_43 — May 30, 2004

Welcome to Hell: A map where space... isn't. Playing it is... um... interesting, since objects keep appearing out of walls, other objects, or occasionally just empty space.

DMMR-ChironLT-21 v1.0

Djof — May 28, 2004

This is a map that started as a conversion of the Halo multiplayer map ChironTL-34 to UT. When I started working on it I thought it'd be more fun set in the noir style of Marathon the first and played with M:R. The final product is loosely based on the original model and feels like a mix of Mars Needs Women and What Goes Up.

You'll find elevators to ride, columns to duck behind, and teleporters that link half a dozen small rooms. The gameplay is twitch fast and non-linear. Enjoy.

Original mesh by Mad Cow, made battle ready by Djof.

Sewage Suite v1.0

moonranger — May 23, 2004

It's a netpack. Three maps. One is large and has a strange name. The other two are different halves of the large one. All three work for Every Man For Himself, Kill the Baller, and King of the Mound of Corpses.

All maps work for more players than you'll ever get on a Marathon LAN.

Feedback please!

M:R MarathonMenu.u Fix May 18, 2004 v1.0

Tycho — May 19, 2004

MarathonMenu.u Fix 05/18/2004

A small number of people downloaded a damaged version of the Marathon:Resurrection Beta Patch 1.3 which contained an incorrect MarathonMenu.u file. If you downloaded your Patch before May 19, 2004 it is highly recommended you install this new MarathonMenu.u file. Simply drag it into your Unreal Tournament 'System' Folder and replace the existing file by the same name.

If you downloaded the Marathon:Resurrection Beta Patch 1.3 after May 19, 2004 you would have downloaded the correct file, however there is no damage done by installing this file, either. You're simply replacing the file with an identical one.

Using the old file resulted in an incapacity to play MultiPlayer Marathon:Resurrection or to navigate the server browser for Marathon:Resurrection MultiPlayer games.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Team Unpfhorgiven

Marathon:Resurrection Beta Patch 1.3 v1.3b

Tycho — May 17, 2004

Marathon:Resurrection Beta Patch 1.3 (aka Mapper's Build)

All systems are a go. The new build is finally here thanks to some very late nights by some very hard working people.

Here's the skinny:

Installation: The build is to be used in conjunction with a full install of Marathon:Resurrection Beta 1.2 (the Demo). After installing (or if you already have) the Demo, you can uncompress the files in the 1.3 Patch archive and place all 5 files (except this ReadMe) in your Unreal Tournament 'System' folder. Note: This will disable your ability to play MP games with those who _just_ have the Demo (beta 1.2) and as such you can either work with a duplicate of M:R or ensure the people you want to play with are also running the 1.3 patch.

- This is primarily a build that has been released in order for volunteer mappers to complete the remaining single player maps, now available at FileBall.net in the Liandri Depot. The maps that need work all contain 'MMC' in their title and each has a detailed description in their form write up. Pay attention to said description and follow the few guidelines that are specified there exactly! That said, please, use the available resources and help us finish these remaining maps. All that is necessary (content-wise) to complete the maps is now readily available (all textures, monsters, models, sprites, projectiles, music etc).
- This is not a "real" M:R release, in the sense that this was done to allow volunteer mappers access to the required resources. It is encouraged that those people use these provided files. Please be gentle on FileBall and if you can set up mirrors, please make sure you do so _WITH_ all this associated information, as well as with the MMC maps and their associated information together.
- Please keep up to date and in touch with news and questions at the Marathon:Resurrection website, and the forum


New in this build:

- Real-time carnage report
- LOTS of code cleanups and bugfixes
- Integrated AMS code into PlayerPawn/Bot classes to allow skin packs like the Mjolnir skin contest skins
- Carcasses are messier
- Restructured PlayerPawn/Bot class hierarchy and renamed a bunch of classes to folow a logical convention
- Restructured Gametype hierarchy. MarathonGame subclasses TeamGamePlus, all Marathon gametypes subclass MarathonGame.
- More blood
- Created a new toggleable UI (select in Mod menu) which replaces the default UT setup. In addition to simply looking RAD, this will help keep MR stuff like maps and player models separate from stock UT stuff.
- Added drop-in shield charger actors so mappers don't have to go through the trouble of setting up custom triggers and movers.
- All monsters are animated and in.
- Monster startup behavior (EInitialState): STATE_Normal, STATE_Deaf, STATE_Blind, STATE_Tommy
- Root window spawned using Canvas dimensions. Save game menu positions properly.

That said, we hope you enjoy this in-between release. We are fairly confident that the next release will be the full and complete Marathon:Resurrection Single Player Campaign and Multiplayer. When this happens is, at this point, dependent on the kind of help we will get. As a general rule of thumb, I am hoping to get most of the maps rounded up by mid summer. Lets hope that happens. Thank you for your continued support.

Team Unpfhorgiven

Ingue Ferroque MMC (27) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Ingue Ferroque - Level 27
Background Music track to be used: Splash (Marathon)
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 27-IngueFerroque.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Try Again MMC (26) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Try Again - Level 26
Background Music track to be used: Landing
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 26-TryAgain.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Welcome to the Revolution… MMC (25) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Welcome to the Revolution… - Level 25
Background Music track to be used: Swirls
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 25-WelcometotheRevolution.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Ain’t Got Time Pfhor This… MMC (24) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Ain’t Got Time Pfhor This… - Level 24
Background Music track to be used: New Pacific
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 24-AintGotTime.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Pfhoraphobia MMC (23) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Pfhoraphobia - Level 23
Background Music track to be used: New Pacific (Reprise)
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 23-Pfhoraphobia.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Eupfhoria MMC (22) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Eupfhoria - Level 22
Background Music track to be used: Rapture
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 22-Eupfhoria.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Beware of Defense Drones… MMC (21) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Beware of Low-Flying Defense Drones… - Level 21
Background Music track to be used: Leela
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 21-BewareofLowFlying.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Two Times Two Equals… MMC (20) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Two Times Two Equals… - Level 20
Background Music track to be used: Rapture
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 20-TwoTimesTwoEquals.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Unpfhorgiven MMC (19) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Unpfhorgiven - Level 19
Background Music track to be used: New Pacific (Reprise)
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 19-Unpfhorgiven.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

No Artificial Colors MMC (18) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
No Artificial Colors - Level 18
Background Music track to be used: Aliens Again
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 18-NoArtificialColors.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Pfhor Your Eyes Only… MMC (17) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Pfhor Your Eyes Only… - Level 17
Background Music track to be used: New Pacific
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 17-PfhorYourEyesOnly.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Neither High nor Low MMC (16) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Neither High nor Low - Level 16
Background Music track to be used: Flippant
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 16-NeitherHighnorLow.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Habe Quiddam MMC (15) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Habe Quiddam - Level 15
Background Music track to be used: Rushing
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 15-HabeQuiddam.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap MMC (14) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
MMC Colony Ship For Sale, Cheap - Level 14
Background Music track to be used: Swirls
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 14-ColonyShipForSale.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! MMC (13) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! - Level 13
Background Music track to be used: Leela
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 13-FireFireFireFireFire.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

Cool Fusion MMC (08) v1.0a

Tycho — May 15, 2004

MMC Parsed Marathon Map
Single Player Campaign
Cool Fusion - Level 8
Background Music track to be used: Flowers In Heaven
Marathon:Resurrection Filename (.unr): 08-CoolFusion.unr

*** For Download ONLY. Do no upload as MMC files, use "Contributed Beta Maps" category instead. ***

All Fixed Up v1.0

me_43 — May 13, 2004

All Forged Up, completely fixed and playable. Read enclosed file for more details.

All Forged Up v1.0

elliott — Apr 15, 2004

I got a few requests for the oddest forge crasher yet, so here it is. You willl need the Marathon: Apocalypse shapes file.

Sound Enhancement Package v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Apr 12, 2004

Many things of Marathon have been improved since Aleph One came out: OpenGL graphics, high-res textures, and even a couple of 3D models are made. But there's one thing that has never been improved...Sound.

This is probably because the sounds in Marathon are still quite good, but we found ways to make it even better.

This package contains the following features:

- New Sounds! Including more sounds per class and the 'Lost BoB' sounds (only the nice ones though). Now, I hear you all thinking: "New sounds? Does this means all the good old original Marathon sounds have been replaced by weird new spacy sounds?" No, many new sounds are just modified original Marathon sounds, like pitch changes or other effects.

- Improved sounds: Sound settings have been improved and many sounds have been converted into a higher quality.

- Stereo effects added: Some of the ambience and random sounds have been modded and converted into stereo sound files. These are: the Creak, Siren, Loon and the Surface explosion sounds.

Just try them out for yourself! Make sure you got 16bit sounds turned on.

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
The Netherlands

Wow And Flutter v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Apr 08, 2004

Wow and Flutter
2004 Matt Ramquist

Type: Netmap - Every Man For Himself
for Aleph One

Two Different Netmaps based off of one design. The first is a close-quarters battle inside an abandoned geothermal power plant. The second is a more traditional arena level inside a large water storage facility.

Also included, as a bonus, are 3 of my other Netmaps:
Matrix Lobby
Smothered Hope (EMFH version)
Orbital Arm Six

All merged into one handy map file!

King of the Mosh Pit v1.3

Dr.Y — Mar 28, 2004

King of the Mosh Pit is something I made when was fooling around with Chisel. It's a small sewage filled arena, meant for about two players, maybe three, but it supports up to eleven (AO), which would probably end up being something like what happens on the the day the sun explodes. It can be played solo, but the longest I've ever lasted was about five seconds. (that means you should turn off aliens)

There's no readme, I just wanted to get this off my computer as fast as possible.

What happened to 1.1 and 1.2? The world will never know...

Marathon RED Spoiler Films v1.0

John Sumner — Mar 25, 2004

This film package contains spoiler films for the scenario Marathon RED. All of the films were done in March 2004. All are done on Kindergarten (Easy in RED) in the vidmaster style. Each film is done using the original Marathon RED application.

There are a total of 28 films in the package. No film is included for the levels:

Level 29: END GAME
Level 30: How big's your can?
Level 31: Up from the depths...30 stories high..., or

I was not able to complete Level 29: END GAME in the vidmaster style. Since there is no way to recharge your shields, this level must be completed on one shield. Although I came close several times, I was never able to finish the level all the way through the teleportation to the next level. Unless I am overlooking something, Level 30 cannot be completed under vidmaster rules since the weapon necessary to activate the switches is not available. Levels 31 and 32 can be avoided during normal gameplay, so I saw no need to include a film for each of those levels.

The film for Level 24: Re-Tired is somewhat incomplete. I was not able to show the teleportation to the next level. The weapon necessary to launch the player into the outside is not available under vidmaster rules. Likewise, the film for Level 27: Re-Shop is somewhat incomplete. Once again, the weapon necessary to climb into the raised alcove is not available under vidmaster rules.

All the other films complete the level successfully and show the teleportation to the next level.

Press Any Key to Continue v1.0

The Eternal Soldier — Mar 11, 2004

A good ol' single player or multiplayer bloodfest... with a twist.

A large pit is in the center of the level, with bases on either side accessable only be teleporter or catwalk. However, once TEH BUTTON is pressed, the pit becomes a hill and elevators are uncovered to climb up to it, and the catwalks gain barriers.

To be played in Aleph One (may or may not work in Infinity).

This is my first map, please send feedback!

Marathon:Apocalypse DEMO v1.0

elliott — Mar 06, 2004

You will need to get the Marahton:Apocalypse Beta to play this map. Three levels of bone thrilling action(one level may not contain action).

Soul Tax v1.0

Dr.Y — Feb 20, 2004

So I finally finished it, eh? Even that surprises me.

This map has gone through a lot of changes over the past couple of years so I hope you enjoy it. If you're one of those people who play marathon just for the fun of watching the bejeezus being blasted out of people, then I *know* you'll enjoy it.

This is a somewhat small map, with a large amount of enemies and weapons all over. It can be played solo or net, whichever you choose. It's good for practicing. Please don't play this on anything lower than total carnage.

What happened to the "new and improved" version that was never released? To make a long story short, I lost it. To make a short story long, read the bible, then realize that it had nothing to do with this. To make a keyboard walk on a xylophone call 911. Why do I keep trying to save this web page? Actually, what really happened is this: finished new version; ended up with about three copies of the map and couldn't figure out which is which; started over; tested map about 100 times; finished map; tested it on the Aleph One chat room; got lazy and didn't upload map (there were about 500,000 objects on that computer and it was painful to even turn it on); got bored of marathon for a while; got a new computer; and now the computer that houses the map is slowly rotting away. Okay now I am done yay I am a lazy bastard but oh well.

Marathon: Apocalypse BETA v1.0

elliott — Feb 20, 2004

This is the beta for Marathon: Apocalypse. A demo with solo levels will come soon.

The Theory of Sensitivity v1.3

elliott — Jan 26, 2004

The bug free version of the map, with new and improved outside scene plus a secret area. The minimal version with a recharger and sewage pillar in the middle is here as well as a simple version with just the ship out side added.

Slings and Arrows Vid Film v1.0

Dr.Y — Jan 24, 2004

I said I'd do another one, didn't I? It's just one film, so unless you really wanna see it, I doubt that you'll download it. Oh, and why am I only doing one film at a time? Well, it takes half an hour to make it and three months to stuff it up and get it off my computer.

The Theory of Sensitivity v1.2 v1.2

elliott — Jan 07, 2004

After some advice I spruced up the walls and added a little. Not to different, but I am working on a major change to the whole thing.
The second map wiht the recharger and sewage pillar is still the same.

Pollution! v1.0

goran — Jan 03, 2004

a medium sized map, with plenty of exploration
comes with a shapes patch and a readme.

For vidders, this one can be completed on totalcarnage

Visuals: nice(goran style) and clean.

The Theory of Sensitivity v1.0

elliott — Jan 01, 2004

The first map is the original concept, a huge jarro hanger filled with invisable sp'ht. The second has a pilar of sewage in the middle as well as a recharger added in.

Waterloo Waterpark Vid Film v1.0

Dr.Y — Nov 30, 2003

A quick film of the first level, done entirely with fists. Yeah, I know the first level isn't much, but at least it's something.

Matrix Lobby(MI) v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Nov 25, 2003

Matrix Lobby (MInf)
2003 Matt Ramquist

Type: Netmap - Every Man For Himself
for Marathon Infinity

-We need guns... lots of guns.
Inspired by the Lobby Shootout scene from the movie "The Matrix."

To install, drag the map file into your Marathon Infinity folder/directory.

-Certain rules, rules like gravity, can be bent... others can be broken.

Certain walls of this map can walked on to gain weapons, ammo, or the advantage over an opponent. A few Aliens have been added for practice in single player mode.

Bullet-Timeâ„¢ not included.

Note: To make the this map compatible with Marathon Infinity certain polygons in the central hall were deleted. As such you will not be able to run up the pillars like in the Aleph One version. Everything else in the map remains intact.

Matrix Lobby v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Nov 17, 2003

Matrix Lobby
2003 Matt Ramquist

Type: Netmap - Every Man For Himself
for Aleph One

-We need guns... lots of guns.
Inspired by Lobby Shootout scene from the movie "The Matrix."

To install, drag the map file and the Audio folder into your Aleph One folder/directory. The audio folder is not necessary to for the map to work but you can insert your choice of MP3 music to enhance the experience. Simply rename your MP3 to "Lobby Music.mp3" and you're good to go.

-Certain rules, rules like gravity, can be bent... others can be broken.

Certain walls of this map can walked on to gain weapons, ammo, or the advantage over an opponent. A few Aliens have been added for practice in single player mode.

Bullet-Timeâ„¢ not included.

nosferatu v1.1

samk — Oct 28, 2003

Added two maps, making this a "netpack". I have also decided to just add the new maps I make to this one map file, instead of posting them on fireball separately.

Sorry about before when I said "supports all competitive games types", I forgot about the new ones in A1 : /

Entryway for M1A1-Mac v1.0

Tophet — Sep 27, 2003

A remake of one of Doom 2's solo maps (no working terminals though) originally made for M1A1 by Raul Bonilla. It is now offered separately here as a 3rd-party map for the Mac release of M1A1. The original was released with M1A1 Mac v1.0 as a secret level. Drop Raul a line and thank him for the Doom 2 memories (and all his other fine work).

Entryway for M1A1-SE v1.0

Tophet — Sep 03, 2003

A remake of one of Doom 2's solo maps (no working terminals though) originally made for M1A1 by Raul Bonilla. It is now offered separately here as a 3rd-party map for the Windows Special Edition release of M1A1-SDL. The Physics will crash the official version of M1A1-SDL, but "Entryway for M1A1-Mac" should work with this version just fine (as long as Stuffit for Windows expands the archive as a MacBinary file). The original was released with M1A1 Mac v1.0 as a secret level. Drop Raul a line and thank him for the Doom 2 memories (and all his other fine work).

M1A1 Moonscape Shuttle v1.0

Tophet — Sep 02, 2003

This little Shapes Shuttle allows users of M1A1 for the Mac to update their M1A1 Shapes file with a Moonscape landscape. This will fill an unused landscape slot in the M1A1 Shapes file and will thus not show up in-game. However, custom maps for M1A1 will be able to utilize the new texture. Hi-res versions of this texture are available for the SDL version in the Marathon Revival Bonus Pack found at orbitalarm.bungie.org (but these may also work with the Mac version - untested).

Pfhor Dance v1.0

Ernie — Aug 11, 2003

Pfhor Dance- Dance!

A small .mov file I created back in 2002. Using the same model from my first work 'Marathon Animated Short' --but with a revamped texture. Pretty funny.

-Blayne Scott

[Expletive Deleted] v1.0

Dr.Y — Jul 25, 2003

For those of you who are bored and need a challenge, check this out. If you can beat it in Death Wish, I'd be surprised.

AO improvement pack v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Jul 12, 2003

Remember the 'texture enchantment pack'? An amazing piece of work altough not all of the textures were made in High-res so I made some more original Marathon infinity textures in high-res, and a lot more other cool stuff to make Aleph One what Aleph One can be.

This package includes the following (see read me for details):

- Improved physics that makes the BOBs smarter and a bit stronger. This file also gives the flamethrower, rocket launcher and SMG a proper second function (including sound effects!).

- I made a couple of more infinity textures into high-res, that are easy to install because they use the same script as the original 'texture enchantment pack'.

- A shapes patch to improve a couple of small things in Aleph One like a more realistic contrail effect for rockets and granades.

- A new music file for Aleph One

- A few scripts to improve some gameplay aspects

- A couple of images to add special Aleph One splash and option screens.

- 3 test maps to see the high-res textures 'ingame'.

This pack is a must have for every one who wants to get the most out of the new Aleph One engine!

This package, requires the original 'Texture enchantment pack' and resedit to install.

Smothered Hope v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Jun 27, 2003

Smothered Hope
by Matt Ramquist
(for use with Aleph One only)

This is my first attempt at designing a Capture The Flag map for the Marathon Engine. This resurgence of mapmaking is due to playing Aleph One netgames over the Internet (thanks, Woody Z) and made possible by Benad's excellent Net Games SDK.

This map only supports two team CTF. To participate players must either join the Red or Slate Team.

A big thank you to all the players of the Aleph One channel who unwittingly helped test this map with oft-disasterous results.

Note- I've also included a merged Every Man For Himself version for those who just want to kill indiscriminately.


Map Type: Large, CTF
Polygon Count: 222
Texture Set: Mi (Lava)

Starship Troopers v1.1

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Apr 14, 2003

This map is inspired by the movie 'Starship Troopers'.
You and your army of marines must defend a base/outpost from invading aliens.

This package comes with a map, shapes patch, sounds patch, script and physics file. (v1.1 improves the patch files).

This map is pure nonstop Marathon carnage!

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
The Netherlands

MDÆ Netpack v1.0

moonranger — Apr 13, 2003

This netpack contains 4 levels that are somewhat based on the four elements; water, fire, air, and earth. The weapons are chosen to fit with whatever element. The fifth level is a very simple SPNKR battle. I have been told the levels are unconventional.

Each level supports 12 players with Aleph One, 8 with Infinity. They are designed for 4-8 player games. They go a bit slow with 2 players, there is more sneaking
around and less carnage.

This is the first Marathon creation I have posted on the internet. I hope you like it. Give me feedback please.

Bob Hot Air Popper Bizarre Film v1.0

Wizardling — Apr 11, 2003

Playing the rather pointless, but amusing M2 map “Bob Hot Air Popper” I
shot the Bob’s thus beginning the explosive chain reaction. After a
short flight up the wall I picked of the lone Trooper with my .44
Magnum. But then a strange silence fell upon the battlefield, broken
only by the occasional cry of “Kill me!” and “Frog blast the vent
core!”. Something bizarre had happened… but you’ll have to watch the
film to see.

You’ll need a copy of Dr. Sardu’s Bob Hot Air Popper 1.0 map
Marathon 2 to view the film.
You can use Charles Lechasseur’s Marathon Film Installer 1.0.3
to insert the film into a M2 application if you want to see it in
it’s entirety, otherwise it cuts off before the end. Alternatively you
can wait for the Marathon 2 update which is sure to fix replay bugs, and
is just around the corner according to Bungie ;-) Of course if you’re
Fred Delisio, you can just fake your way to the film’s proper end.
Real-time audio in net games won’t be a problem for you either

Either way, without going to all that trouble, or waiting until the Sun
collapses in on itself, you’ll still see just enough of the film with
vanilla M2 to understand the reason for the eerie stillness in the air.
Sadly, you will however miss my fiery death.

Jamie Kahn Genet a.k.a. Wizardling 22/03/03

The Yota Saga part 16 v1.0

goran — Mar 08, 2003

part 16 of an ongoing series

It is very cool. Very, very, cool. You're a mapmaker who's been through the paces of the old-skool mappers and kept going, on to something exciting and new. And when your game of choice is seven or so years old, and someone's saying that a mapper's doing something exciting and new, it's time to break out the party stuff. :D

-scifiteki, betatester of part 16

Marathon 4: The C-Files Redux v2

ForceMorph — Feb 01, 2003

The C-Files is a bunch of levels strung together, made by a couple of kids experimenting with Forge for the first time. The levels aren't that great, but it can be used to test your Marathon endurance, since there are no save terms, or terminals at all.

The Redux version puts the levels in their originally-intended linear path instead of the first release's chaos, plus adds an introduction level to the beginning.

The second installment of the series, Cyle Returns, is far better. It actually includes a story line, terminals, decent maps, etc.

M1A1 Japanese Version v1.2

Logue — Jan 30, 2003

This is M1A1 Map and Image file which translated into Japanese.
In order to use it, please overwrite the file of the same name as the file included in M1A1 of the original version.

AlephOne Japanese kit v1.0

Logue — Jan 30, 2003

This archive is packed the MML script when using a Japanese Map by AlephOne, and the resource which puts application of AlephOne into Japanese.

M1A1 Net Patch v1.0

Solra Bizna — Jan 20, 2003

Because Aleph One Macintosh has broken network code, it is impossible for M1A1 netgames to be played on the Mac. Using this patch on a valid copy of Marathon Infinity will modify it for use with M1A1 data files. After patching Marathon Infinity will be sufficient to play the game, but some details will differ.

Only one major bug that I'm aware of: Hulk slap often crashes the machine. Beware the Hulk!

M1A1 Forge Patch v1.0

Solra Bizna — Jan 20, 2003

A near-complete conversion of Forge to M1A1 (only compatible with Forge 1.0.3 and 1.0.4, unpatched except possibly Forge A1 patch)

Forge A1 Patch v1.0

Solra Bizna — Jan 20, 2003

A ResCompare patch for Forge 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 that modifies them to save maps with the creator type 26.A rather than 26.?.

M1A1 for SDL

Raul Bonilla — Dec 29, 2002

This is an SDL-compatible version of the M1A1 scenario. It's identical to the Mac version, except for file formats.

256/png - Resurrection textures for M1A1 1.0

Raul Bonilla — Dec 21, 2002

Marathon: Resurrection textures designed to be used with M1A1 on OpenGL. Additional textures for the Grendel and PiD areas are included. Compatible with all distributions of Aleph One. Hi-res (256x256), png format.

256/jpg - Resurrection textures for M1A1 1.0

Raul Bonilla — Dec 21, 2002

Marathon: Resurrection textures designed to be used with M1A1 on OpenGL. Additional textures for the Grendel and PiD areas are included. Compatible with all distributions of Aleph One. Hi-res (256x256), jpeg format.

128/png - Resurrection textures for M1A1 1.0

Raul Bonilla — Dec 21, 2002

Marathon: Resurrection textures designed to be used with M1A1 on OpenGL. Additional textures for the Grendel and PiD areas are included. Compatible with all distributions of Aleph One. Lo-res (128x128),png format.

128/jpg - Resurrection textures for M1A1 1.0

Raul Bonilla — Dec 21, 2002

Marathon: Resurrection textures designed to be used with M1A1 on OpenGL. Additional textures for the Grendel and PiD areas are included. Compatible with all distributions of Aleph One. Lo-res (128x128), jpeg format.

The Yota Saga, Part 15 1.0

Goran Svensson — Dec 21, 2002

Installment 15 of an ongoing series. Christmas theme - grab it in time for the holidays!

256 x 256 Textures package v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Dec 19, 2002

A total of 61, 256 x 256 (pixels) high-quality textures.

-2 Earth liquids
-2 Alien liquids
-11 Alien Textures
-46 Earth Textures

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
The Netherlands

M.A.D.D.s for Aleph One Mac v3.0

Tophet — Dec 09, 2002

This is an Aleph One version of Quartz's M.A.D.D. patch for Infinity, in a Shapes Shuttle format (Infinity Shapes required). Also adds Hulks from Raul Bonilla's cool "M1A1" (Marathon to Aleph One conversion) to the Shapes file. Two new Pfhor Trooper colors have been added, corresponding to the projectile Pfhor fighters. Some Physics Model updates have been made. Note: The new Readme and the original "M.A.D.D. 1.6 Readme" by Quartz are included. If you want to make a project with this material, go to the Sigma Blue (Orphanage recycling) Project on the Recruits page and download the Stuffit work file: http://marathon.bungie.org/recruits/

For Infinity players, go get Quartz's excellent original version at Bungie's Marathon Archives:

Men of Honor screenshots v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Dec 07, 2002

4 preview screenshots from Men of Honor.

I've uploaded these to let everyone have a look how the scenario looks like (at this moment).

They are good quality and only 300 kb download size, so why don't just check them out?

More Men of Honor desktop picts v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Dec 07, 2002

These are 3 800 x 600 desktop pictures (they are much better then my older ones) from the scenario Men of Honor.

Mjolnr Skin Pack v1.0

Team Unpfhorgiven — Nov 18, 2002

Supplemental skins for the Mjolnr Mark V in Marathon:Resurrection.

EMR Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Nov 16, 2002

This package contains vid films for 32 of the 37 solo levels of the Marathon scenario Excalibur: Morgana's Revenge. The films were done in September and October of 2002. Regretfully, I was not able to vid all 37 of the levels. The remaining five levels are too tough for me at this time. Hopefully, someone else will have better luck with those levels. The package contains a detailed Read Me.

Dr. John Sumner

Me's Massive Netpack v1.2

me_43 — Nov 14, 2002

Okay; it's unexpected but here's a couple more maps and a heap of bugfixes.
(Note: One map needs AO to be decent. It will work on Infinity, sort of)

Me's Netpack v1.1

me_43 — Nov 07, 2002

I didn't expect to have to do this; but here is a new netpack with 2 extra levels and 1 more physics model, now with all the fluff removed (i.e: All playable maps). After the last minute I noticed MAJOR bugs; so I'll have to take this offline very soon.

Yota Part 14 Extras 1.0

Goran Svensson — Nov 05, 2002

A Shapes Updater for Yota Part 14 - gives you a new moon landscape in full color.

Me's Massive Netpack v1.0

me_43 — Nov 02, 2002

Large collection of maps and physics...
Fair bit of 'fluff': unplayable maps. Honestly don't bother; go get a newer version.

The Yota Saga, Part 14 1.0

Goran Svensson — Nov 01, 2002

Installment 14 of an ongoing series.

256 x 256 Textures v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Oct 25, 2002

It doesn't matter if you are working on a spacy scenario or a earth like scenario this file contains textures for every kind of scenario, from wood to strange alien liquids. This pack is really a must have for all you scenario creators or map makers out there!

This contains:

-8 Earth Textures (256 x 256)
-2 Earth Liquids (256 x 256)
-1 Earth Landscape (1000's of colors)

-11 Alien Textures (256 x 256)
-2 Alien Liquids (256 x 256)
-2 Alien Landscapes (1000's of colors)

All the textures are .png format and the landscapes are .jpg .

Men of Honor desktop picts v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Oct 23, 2002

Two fantastic desktop screen of the upcoming Aleph One scenario Men of Honor.

They both come in two different sizes. 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 pixels. Just check these two out!

Secret Doors Tutorial v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Oct 23, 2002

Handy tutorial if you want to create secret door like in the old Wolfenstein 3D.

This tutorial shows you how you can create hidden doors just like in Wolfenstein 3D. You can push the secret door (wall) backwards to find items in a hidden room behind it.

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
The Netherlands

Galactic COLOUR Landscape! v1.0

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Oct 21, 2002



This is an absolutely spectacular "Space" landscape replacement for any Marathon Shapes file, in full and living COLOUR!

The shot is a colossal sweep of the cosmos, as photographed by NASA. You can see more of their amazing images here by going here...


Basically, I sized-up the image as necessary, then exported the CLUT from Photoshop. You'll have to import and place the image, manually, unless someone is kind enough to make a Shuttle.

So what's here is the larger PICT, and five sample files showing the image in use (screenshots from Jason Parson's amazing "Sunset Pool," modified to have a "night" background).

Also included, as I say, is the Photoshop CLUT.

I didn't bother with the smaller PICT: I figure anyone not playing in hi-res wouldn't appreciate this, anyway.

I'm glad to have figured-out the colour issue. It really looks amazing.

Thanks, NASA.


:: Beer Can ::

poena.dare's Maps of Pain v1.0

poena.dare #CP# — Oct 19, 2002

This map pack was designed for multiplayer carnage fun, but it also allows the single player to tour the levels. Just start up the game in single player mode and you will start at the index level which has terminals that leads to all the other levels.

A few of the levels have very complex arrangements to simulate new game types. The Great Train Robbery 4 Teams, is a pseudo-team CTF game using switches and uplink chips. In Snatch the Skull... well, you have try it to see. Speedydine Slaughter at Automat Arena allows players to "purchase" the weapons and power-ups they want to use.

Aleph Forge v1.7

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Oct 19, 2002

If you want to make maps for Aleph One but only have Mac Os 9 download this. Is doesn't use Aleph Ones features but it works better than the old Forge.

It can also handle longer distances but don't make it too crazy or Aleph Forge can't handle it either.

Be sure to read the read me! file though.

For support, infomation, patches, feedback, bug reports etc etc please visit our official webpage at:

Earthquake software 2004
The Netherlands

The secret of K'Far v1.0

Tim Vogel (Earthquake software) — Oct 19, 2002

This scenario is small but it's full of enemies. So, if you like killing aliens and doesn't like all the hard puzzles and diffecult jumping you will like this scenario. I made a few changes to the physics model (no weapon changes, sorry) and I've added a new music file that fits with my scenario.

Try this scenario with the 3D Pfhor and 3D Sph't Kr from Jemmet, it rocks!

Chibi-USA Enhanced MP3s for M1A1 1.0

Raul Bonilla, Chibi-USA — Oct 15, 2002

Marathon's original soundtrack re-recorded with a hardware synthesizer instead of QuickTime's software synthesizer for a more realistic sound. This is how Alexander Seropian's compositions should sound if played with real instruments.

:: Beer Can's :: "StarScape" Landscape v1.1

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Oct 13, 2002



A very, very simple StarScape, created by :: Beer Can ::, to replace Bungie's "Space" Landscape (#4 in the Shapes file) with something that looks more "immediate"...and also more like a night sky you'd see from the deserts of earth.

Well, sort of.

What's here: StarScape Big PICT, StarScape small PICT and the StarScape CLUT.

Basically, I got tired of those "salt-n-pepper" stars from Bungie, and decided to do something about it.

If you dig this, fine, if not, toss the bastard.

Have fun.

:: Beer Can ::

P.S. If you don't know how to install this, ask someone.

v1.0 - 10.13.02 - Initial release.

v1.1 - 10.15.02 - Removed "Moons", added more density, decreased brightness.

Galactic Space Landscape v1.0

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Oct 06, 2002



This is an absolutely spectacular "Space" landscape replacement for any Marathon Shapes file.

The shot is a colossal sweep of the cosmos, as photographed by NASA. You can see more of their amazing images here by going here...


Basically, I sized-up the image as necessary, made it greyscale, and exported the CLUT from Photoshop. You'll have to import and place the image, manually, unless someone is kind enough to make a Shuttle.

So what's here is the larger PICT, the smaller PICT, and two sample files showing the image in use (screenshots from A1, using Goran's "Yota 4" file). Also included, as I say, is the Photoshop CLUT.

I'd loved to have kept the original image as it was, in millions of colours, but Marathon doesn't seem able to handle that. If you know what could be done, lemme know via e-mail.

The greyscale image looks great too, however.


:: Beer Can ::

M1A1 Map Making Kit 1.0

Raul Bonilla — Oct 06, 2002

A Shapes Shuttle that allows editing M1A1 maps in Forge. Example maps and the M1A1 Physics model are included.

Rubicon-Xariim Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Sep 28, 2002

This is a deceptively challenging Rubicon scenario to play and vid. Don't be fooled by the easy "no-brainer" levels early on. They get much more difficult as the scenario progresses. Due to the lack of recharge stations on most levels, and very few recharge canisters even so, a few of the levels are extremely challenging for vidding. This package contains films for each of the 14 solo levels. Enjoy!

Dr. John S. Sumner

The Yota Saga, Part 13 1.0

Goran Svensson — Sep 28, 2002

Installment 13 of an ongoing series.

The Yota Saga, Part 12 1.0

Goran Svensson — Sep 27, 2002

Installment 12 of an ongoing series. This may be the end of an era. (Or, it may just be bad fish.) In any case, I'm posting this chapter without a full run-through - something that hasn't happened for a long, long time. I made it about three-quarters of the way through the first level, and experienced what other Marathon players have reported, but what I've never seen personally before - a nausea that gets worse the longer you play. I don't know if that means that this level is more REAL than others, or if I've just become allergic to Marathon - but out of fairness to the author, I'm putting it out now, rather than holding onto it for a weakness of MINE. What I've seen of it is quite good; the standard Yota-style tricks (keep an eye open for hidden passageways, sometimes the switch you need is beyond them), the mapmaking continues to impress. Hopefully this is a passing phase.

The Incident at Quiliam Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Sep 21, 2002

This package contains my vid films for the Marathon Infinity scenario "The Incident at Quiliam". Other than a bit of monster freeze in the last level, this scenario is well constructed, and very enjoyable to play and vid. Even with the monster freeze, the last level is quite a challenge to play and vid. The package contains a film for each of the 7 levels of the scenario. Enjoy!

Dr. John Sumner

Rubicon-Xariim v1.0

Tilo Probst — Sep 20, 2002

"Rubicon-Xariim" now in .sit format !

"Marathon:Rubicon-Xariim" is a one year work of mine. It is a scenario for Marathon:Rubicon providing 14 solo levels with story line and terminal graphics. Also included is a SoloCarnage/1on1Network level.

"Rubicon-Xariim" features all of Rubicon`s textures, most of the monsters and weapons.

Jane Davison did the betatesting and terminal grammar check. Christopher Lund helped me solving some map making problems.

An AI Called Wanda Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Sep 16, 2002

This package contains my vid films for all 12 levels of the Marathon Infinity scenario "An AI Called Wanda". This scenario is extrememly fun to play and very challenging to vid. When viewing these films, be sure and use the Marathon Infinity application, the Wanda map, and the Wanda Shapes file. Otherwise, the films may not play properly. Enjoy!

Dr. John Sumner

The Lost BoB Sounds! n/a

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Sep 07, 2002



I've extracted all I could find of the "new" BOB sounds, as discovered in the ancient M2 Preview (demo) release.

Wow. Funny stuff. Too bad it's not as easy to do "permutations" in Marathon as it is in Myth.

Unless I've missed something, here's the "new" stuff:

01. "Careful, now."
02. "There's one over here!"
03. "Watch your back!"
04. "I'm gettin' a signal over here!" (non-Vac BOB sound)
05. "You killed BOB!" (non-Vac BOB sound)
06. "Yeah!"
07. "Score!"
08. "I'm not assimilated!"
09. "I think I saw one!"
10. "Good shot!"
11. "I...don't think I have enough ammo."
12. "I've got a bad feelin' about this."

There's also quite a few other "new" sounds, like an interesting wind effect, alternate button clicks, etc.

But for this episode, enjoy your BoB.

Note: In "System" format for Mac, in WAV format for Wintel.

:: Beer Can ::

Marathon: Cyle Returns v1.1

ForceMorph — Aug 25, 2002

Marathon: Cyle Returns is the sequel to Marathon 4: The C-Files. This is a scenario set after the days of Durandal, but now you are in the hands of another, more powerful, experimental AI known as 'Cyle'. He takes you around space and time just to use you as his play toy. In the end you are more than just a play toy to him...

File includes a Lightsaber Weapon Add-On, Manual, and map.

M.A.D.D.s for Aleph One SDL v3.0

Tophet — Aug 10, 2002

This is an SDL port of Quartz's M.A.D.D. patch for Infinity. Also adds Hulks from Raul Bonilla's
"M1A1" Marathon to Aleph One conversion to the Shapes file. Two new Pfhor Trooper colors have been added, corresponding to the projectile Pfhor fighters. Other changes have been made in this version - see the enclosed Readme for details. Original "M.A.D.D. 1.6 Readme" by Quartz included.

Mac users, go get the excellent Infinity version at Bungie's Marathon Archives:

Marathon 2 Shapes for Aleph One (SDL) v1.0

Tophet — Aug 10, 2002

Ever wish you could play M2 using custom Infinity physics models (like "Tophet's Physics Models v3") now that Aleph One SDL runs M2 for Windows? Unfortunately, the original M2 Shapes lacked a couple monsters and some color types for several existing ones, and the Infinity Shapes gives the M2 scenario some funny textures in places. Fix it with this Marathon 2 Shapes update for Aleph One SDL. Works for most M2 scenarios too. Original M2 Shapes Patch by Raul Bonilla.

Scenario MML Updates (SDL) v1.5

Tophet — Aug 10, 2002

An update of the MMLs (originally done by Craig Caroon) for various big scenarios that use MML scripts for custom Shapes and Textures. This allows these scenarios to work with the latest builds of Aleph One currently being released for Windows (SDL). Now supports M2 for Windows and M1A1 for SDL v1.5 (latest version makes new Tiny Bobs friendly under the motion sensor). Rubicon should work when properly extracted by Aladdin Expander. "Save Macintosh files in MacBinary format" must be enabled in Aladdin Expander for Windows' Cross-Platform tab under "Preferences".

256x256 - Max Payne TexturePack for M1A1 1.1

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

Just what they sound like - Max Payne textures designed to replace the standard M1 textures in M1A1. Hi-res (256x256). Version 1.1 adds Grendel textures for compatibility with new secret level.

128x128 - Max Payne TexturePack for M1A1 1.1

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

Just what they sound like - Max Payne textures designed to replace the standard M1 textures in M1A1. Lo-res (128x128). Version 1.1 adds Grendel textures for compatibility with new secret level.

2 Dreary Maps 1.1

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

2 maps, both based on the Unreal Tournament map 'Dreary Outpost'. The first level is a solo level, requiring that you simply activate the exit terminal (by activating 7 other switches, first, and trying to stay alive). The second map is a netmap based on a chunk of this level. Decent flow, and it looks great in the M1 textures. Comes with alternative music. This version fixes some minor errors and makes some small modifications to Dreary Outpost.

Return to Marathon Aleph One (Chapter On 1.0

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

A Shapes patch and an MML script that allows Return To Marathon to be played with Aleph One. You still need the full Return to Marathon download - this simply patches the shapes file to get around a glitch in the Infinity version (the glitch doesn't affect the game under Infinity, but makes areas unplayable under A1) and replaces the patched RtM application. A fantastic example of how Fux! can be replaced with MML.

USS Raider for M1A1 1.1

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

A remake of one of the first multilevel solo maps (with terrminals) ever made for M1 - Jim Brewster's USS Raider - here recreated for the Marathon 1 to Aleph 1 project. The original was the most downloaded map at the HyperArchive NorthWest, back when stats were kept in 1995-96. It holds up surprisingly well over time - it's still very playable. (Not as hard as it once was... but still pretty tough. :) ) Whoa, the memories... This version fixes a small error in which an erroneous texture was used (plus some other minor stuff).

Extra Celestial 1.1

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

A remake of a classic M1 map created for the Marathon 1 to Aleph 1 project. True to the original. Great to see this map again! v1.1 fixes a small bug where some aliens didn't attack the player, along with some other minor mods.

Athens Outpost for M1A1 1.1

Raul Bonilla — Aug 04, 2002

A remake of one of the first solo maps (with terrminals) ever made for M1 - Jim Brewster's Athens Outpost - here recreated for the Marathon 1 to Aleph 1 project. The original was released 7 years and 7 days ago tomorrow - is that some sort of karma? Wow, replaying this map brought back all sorts of memories - get this, play it, send Raul thank-you email. This version replaces the lava sky with a (very nice) landscape pic.

The Yota Saga, Part 11 1.0

Goran Svensson — Aug 04, 2002

Installment 11 of an ongoing series. Three levels, a lot of gameplay. Sometimes frustrating; there are plenty of suicide traps. (Multiple saves...) Eye candy continues to improve from chapter to chapter... but this one has some problems with Pfhortran, the scripting language for Aleph One. You'll almost certainly notice some... oddities as you go, and in a couple of cases, you risk having to start over by re-entering an area you already finished. (This happened to me, far from a save... I lost about 2 hours.) There are some VERY tricky spots - watch your map at all times, and if you feel like you're stuck, run your head into a wall - literally. (Trust me - it'll help.) On balance, a very enjoyable romp... even with the caveats.

Siege of Nor'Korh v2 (SDL) 1.0

Randall Shaw — Aug 04, 2002

An Aleph One/SDL conversion (done by Randall Currie) of Seige of Nor'Korh v2.

M.A.D.D.s for A1 SDL 2.0

Tophet — Aug 04, 2002

An SDL port of Quartz's M.A.D.D patch for Infinity. Some changes were made for this version - see the enclosed readme for details.

Goran's Netpack 1.0

Goran Svensson — Aug 04, 2002

7 maps, 2 already released, 5 new. Wide range of sizes - what they have in common is their use of huge numbers of polys (and views that would crash Infinity in an instant). Heavy on the map complexity, light on stuff like lighting and sounds... but you should find a map in here for most tastes.

Chai'etra Infinitus 1.1

Tophet — Aug 04, 2002

A replacement for the original SDL port of Chai'etra Infinitus, submitted because the original has invalid file path information in the archive. This version also adds a new, external Chai'etra physics model which can be used with any unmerged maps. (If you've already downloaded the original SDL port, and you don't want the physics model by itself, don't bother with this - simply move the original to its proper location; there's no need to download 7 megs of new stuff just to fix a folder name. Get this one if you haven't downloaded it at all, though.)

256x256 Final

Beer Can — Aug 04, 2002


Hi-Res Textures for Use w/Aleph One (Or Whatever)

This is a collection of 256x256 PNG files for use with just about anything.

I made the set for Aleph One (Marathon) integration, but they'll work in any game engine or texture processor that can deal with 256x256 PNG images...and that's just about everything, I gather.

Hell, you can even use these as desktop patterns, or coffee mug silkscreens...!

There's a separate folder called "TestShots" which show some of the textures in action. Note that the textures were RANDOMLY assigned for these tests: I simply wanted to see how they appeared, in use, and did not place the bastards for an intended "cool effect."


:: Beer Can ::

Spht'Kr 3D models 1.0

Jemmet — Aug 04, 2002

An example of some 3D modeling and per-level MML scripting for Aleph One. Spht'Kr models (and the code needed to use them), plus a couple of test levels, showing them in action... It was created as an example for a 3D Tutorial for the scripting-impaired (folks like the author) - check it out!

Marathon-Machina 1.0

James Smith — Aug 04, 2002

A seven-level solo campaign - nicely story-based, solid gameplay. A decent romp. (It's not spectacular - but it's quite playable.) This one should keep you busy for a bit!

Forge This!. 1.0

Goran Svensson — Aug 04, 2002

A relatively simple netmap with a couple of Forge tricks in it (hence the name). One of them (a simulated ramp) would KILL Infinity... so make sure you're using Aleph One before you try opening this. The second trick is pretty cool to look at . Tricks aside, the level is pretty straightforward, with a couple of levels, and places to hide.

Escape!! 2 1.0.1

Scott Noblitt — Aug 04, 2002

A seven-level solo campaign, built as a sequel to the author's previous 'Escape!' map. Heavily puzzle-based; find a switch, figure out what's new, repeat. Oh... except that you need to keep your eyes open for all the stuff trying to kill you. (And that's a lot of stuff.) Adrenaline is definitely on, here... This works with M2, Infinity, Aleph One, and Aleph One SDL.

Carlos on the Run 1.0

Jesse Simko — Aug 04, 2002

Originally known as Muerte Machine, this grandiose project was abandoned before being completed (read the author's thoughts on this at the Big House site). It's still an amazing piece of work - it plays more like a movie than a Marathon game. Artwork is stupendous, weapons are imaginative... this is as much a gallery of what CAN be done with Marathon as it is a game to be played.

Due to its very large size (and our smallish pipe), you'll have much better luck with the mirrors mentioned on the Carlos on the Run page. Use our local copy as a last resort. Thanks!

The Yota Saga, Part 10 1.0

Goran Svensson — Aug 04, 2002

Installment 10 of an ongoing series. Two levels this time. Emphasis is on puzzles... you need to use your map, and your head. You need to save frequently - there are LOTS of traps. (They're planned.) If you get caught, your only option is to restart from the last save - so make sure you HAVE that last save. The second level pushes Aleph One's ability to show LOTS of polygons pretty hard - there are areas that caused slowdowns on a 733 MHz G4 (how far we've come!). Some really innovative stuff here - it's a good pair of maps, even if it will have you pulling your hair out at times. :)

The Voice 1.0

Mark Levin — Aug 04, 2002

In the author's words, "this is a side trip in the Tempus Irae universe, and may be assumed to take place at any reasonable point during the original storyline." One level, or two if you count the setup intro. Mapmaking is very high quality, and the story is well-written. There are a couple of places where monster triggers could have been placed better... but that's a nitpick, suggesting that only nits are wrong with this one. Download it today - it's a great romp!

The Classified 19 1.0

Evil Petting Zoo — Aug 04, 2002

An 18 level solo scenario (plus 10 netmaps) that's been 4 years in the making. An answer to map-driven stories... this is a story-driven map. If you fell in love with Marathon because of its storyline, you owe it to yourself to play this one.

Goran's Health and Oxygen Bars 1.0

Goran Svensson — Aug 04, 2002

A shapes patcher that will make your health and oxygen bars somewhat translucent - Aqua-like, if you will. Works under Infinity or Aleph One (or M2, for that matter).

Cerberus Demo 1.0

The Cerberus Team — Aug 04, 2002

The first level of an upcoming scenario. This was actually released in January. Read more about it at the Cerberus website

Up Periscope 1.9

Eric Margolis — Aug 04, 2002

An Aleph One SDL conversion (sanctioned by the original author) of Up Periscope, a very enjoyable Infinity map. All terminals and original art are preserved.

No Stinking Type Pfhor Errors (A1) 1.0

Beer Can — Aug 04, 2002

A great M2 map from 1996, updated to work under Aleph One. The original map was run through Scalpel (to remove zero-length lines), then merged with Forge. This was a great map in 1996 - it's STILL a great map, and now it works under a much more versatile engine.

Much Superior Grenade 1.1

Beer Can — Aug 04, 2002

A remake of the grenade explosion, created by mixing the standard grenade sound with a Myth dwarf bottle. Placed in Inf Sounds, but it comes in two flavors - snd resource for Macintosh, and .wav file for PC - so it should be useable in any Marathon.

Harkozynx 9 for SDL 1.0

Eric K. Salzman — Aug 04, 2002

A faithful reproduction of a large Infinity scenario. It was ported to SDL format by Randall Currie using HFV Explorer.

Endren's Netpack 1.3

Jesse Everett — Aug 04, 2002

This collection is now up to 8 maps, all very well constructed. The first one's a bit odd... insane chess. The rest, though... you could play these for a while and not get bored. Phorever is especially nice.(It almost makes me okay with the idea of a vacuum netlevel... almost.) Version 1.2 fixes most of the known bugs, and adds a map - Coliseum, a rather crazy small arena in which the baddies hate each other, the bobs stand around and watch (and eventually shout 'hey! he's shooting at us!' when you kill enough of them, though they can't do anything about it except die), and when you get bored, the whole place can be flooded with lava. Ouch! v1.3 adds 3 more maps - all relatively small, all interesting. (The late Simplici7y entrant is pretty cool- and that's coming from someone who doesn't like water levels.) Contemplation looks like it needs some work... but it has some serious potential.

Aleph One Test Maps 1.0

Beer Can — Aug 04, 2002

A collection of all the novelty maps submitted to the Marathon Open Source project to show off specific strengths or features of the Aleph One engine. The collection has been put together by an outside party, as a convenience - the maps herein are the product of their respective creators. (Original documentation is included when it existed, and authors and creation dates can be found on the Novelty Maps page of the Open Source project.)

No Stinking Type Pfhor Errors! for A1 Final

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Apr 14, 2002

"No Stinking Type Pfhor Errors!" for A1.

Converted for use with Aleph One.

This is a classic. And I took it upon myself to make it available for the A1 engine.

Basically, all I did was run the original 1996 M2 map through Scalpel, then the map was split and merged with Forge 1.0.4.

Works 100%.

I had nothing to do with the creation of this map: I'm simply giving it new life for the A1 crowd.

Grag rocks!

This was probably the very first 3rd-party map I ever ran on M2 (back in 1996/1997), and it's still a fave. Looks GREAT in Aleph One, too...with the proper M2 Shapes, via Raul Bonilla's "M2 Shapes Shuttle for A1", or with the standard Infinity Shapes.

Either way is awesome!

"No Stinking Type Pfhor Errors!" is quite the hugely challenging, highly enjoyable romp. A massive complex, with secret tunnels, a submerged wall you actually have to blow a hole through, great texture use, and entertaining puzzles.

An innovative map, too: There's an active video arcade, a working sink, and a fully functional stove!

The main computer complex is a beauty, too.

Blowing-up the wall is a hoot! Many surprises in monster placement.

And to think this was made in July of 1996...

Now ready and waiting for A1.

The READ ME enclosed with the file is the identical text that came originally with "No Stinking Type Pfhor Errors!" in the M2 flavour.

Enjoy it.

:: Beer Can ::

Tophet's Physics Models v3.0

Tophet — Apr 14, 2002

A collection including four Physics Models by me:
"Bob Slaughter for Infinity"
"Bob Slaughter for Evil"
"S'pht Rebellion 3 for Infinity"
"Pfhor Rebellion 2 for Evil"
and a version of David Gordon's "Descent Physics":
"Descent 2 for Infinity"

Plus, 13 altered maps (Readme files included) by various authors (none by me) to play around with.
"Cyborg Canyon of Death.map"
"Cyborg Madness for Infinity.sce2"
"Hunter Canyon of Death.map"
"Hunter Madness for Evil.sce2"
"Devlins versus Humans (for Evil)"
"Lotus2.sce2" - "Evil Lotus2.sce2"
"Waitin2.sce2" - "Evil Waitin2.sce2"
"The Keep.map" - "The Evil Keep.map"
"FM-Pfhor Winds v5.map"
"Hell Hole V2.0.map"

Chai'etra Infinitus for SDL v1.0

Gareth Wood — Apr 14, 2002

A port of "Chai'etra Infinitus" from the Infinity to the Aleph One SDL format. A combination of The Chai'etra Saga, The Hammer of the Gods and Fallen Angel all put together by Gareth Wood. Included, is a Shapes file with the M.A.D.D. patch (made by Quartz) applied, which is vital to this game and really makes these levels unique. Grab this one!

Aleph One Test Maps Final

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Apr 09, 2002

Presented to the community as a "whole", this is a set of test maps that really push the Aleph One engine, sometimes beyond the borders of reason, but all for a good cause.

Excellent way to see just what Aleph One is capable of. Nice information to have, both as player and mapmaker.

All information was acquired via Source Bungie, and all descriptions herein are exactly as written there. I simply copied the info.

This collection is presented to the community as a courtesy. I personally had nothing to do with the creation of these maps, nor do I know the creators, save for an occasional e-mail.

Test away.

:: Beer Can ::


DESLA and also DESLA 2


created by Muffin King

This is a netmap with one very complex central room and an even more complex outdoor area with intense lighting effects. The map puts so many polygons on the screen that your G4 will run at 3 frames per second!




created by The Maz

This map shows exactly how many Pfhor can be on-screen at once before Marathon conks out (The answer: 300)




created by Jesse "???"
No E-Mail Given

This map demonstrates the capabilities of Aleph One. It consists of a wide-open arena with hundreds of stairs spiraling upwards towards a mountain in the center. This map would never have been possible with previous versions of Marathon because it has too many polygons displayed all at once.




created by Raul Bonilla

It's no secret that Aleph One can render transparent textures on the sides of liquids, allowing transparent waterfalls (at last!). This little map to shows off this new feature.




created by Aaron Gapanoff

This level features large numbers of polygons, and large numbers of monsters, testing the limits of Aleph One's sprite drawing abilities.




created by Tristan Moyer

This level tests Aleph One's viewing distance capabilities. It's also just a fun single player level.




created by "???"
No E-Mail Given

This map tests the limits of Aleph One's ability to handle very long viewing distances.




created by Martin Antell

Thanks in part to the capabilities of Aleph One, Martin Antell has be able to create a cramped Jjaro net level with some very smooth-fading lighting effects. This one is reminiscent of Ne Cede Malis and Arrival!




created by John Merriman

Plenty of fusion Bobs and Hunters that just never stop coming!

DMMR - Se7enth Sky v0.9

Djof — Mar 22, 2002

Thank you for downloading my map, I hope you enjoy it. Note that the map is not final and probably won't before Marathon: Resurrection is.

Special thanks to those who helped me with UnrealEd and to those who helped me test the map.

Update: Looks like UT don't like dots in filename... to the first few who downloaded the map, please remove the dot fromt the file name of the map so it looks like:

Mjolnir Skin SDK v1.0

Captain Kewl — Mar 21, 2002

This package contains a model, UV mapping, and sample skin for use in creating new skins for Marathon: Resurrection.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

Harkozynx 9

Eric Salzman — Mar 21, 2002

A 10 level sequel to Operation Wormwood, the first scenario designed from the ground up to be completed cooperatively. This one has been languishing on the creator's hard drive for years - it's finally being released to the public. It's not completely polished, but it's very playable. It also contains a passel of netmaps, some original, some Bungie's. This one should keep you busy for a while!

Harkozynx 9 for SDL v1.0

Eric Salzman — Mar 19, 2002

This is a faithful translation (ie. unaltered) version of Harkozynx 9 from the original format into an SDL format that can be played in Windows or Linux. It contains a "Harkozynx 9" map file with 10 single player and 8 multiplayer levels, plus a "NetMap H-9" map file with 23 multiplayer levels. The original Harkozynx 9 scenario was created by Eric K. Salzman. It was ported to SDL format by Randall J. Currie using HFV Explorer.

Requires Aleph One SDL.

DM-ServerLAN v1.0

AnubisTTP (Smiths of Muirthemne) — Mar 17, 2002


Title : ServerLAN
Version: 1.1
Release Date: March 17, 2002
Filename(s): DM-ServerLAN.unr, Compteca.utx
Author(s) : AnubisTTP
Email Address : Arrakis666@yahoo.com
Web Page : http://www.geocities.com/arrakis666/index.html
Description : Deathmatch in a server farm

--- Play Information ---
Game: Unreal Tournament
Level Name: ServerLAN
Single Player:Yes (Botmatch)
Cooperative: No
Deathmatch : Yes
Dark Match: No
Difficulty Settings : N/A
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : Yes
Bot Support: Yes
NewUnrealScript: No
External DLLs: No
Known bugs: No

--- Construction ---
Editor(s) used: UnrealED, Photoshop
Base: None
Construction Time : 60 hours

Unzip the ServerLAN.unr file into your Unreal Tournament/maps/ directory and the Compteca.utx file into your Unreal Tournament/textures/ directory.

Its a deathmatch map. It doesn't have a story

This map uses new textures for all the buliding interiors that are made off of pictures I took at the local community college, for this reason, the included Compteca.utx texture pack is required for it to function. There are some rendering anomalys in the textures for the compact Mac cases that only show up on Voodoo cards. I have no idea what causes them

Up Periscope.v19A Aleph One SDL conversi v1.9A

ericjmz — Mar 13, 2002

This is my Aleph One SDL conversion of Dispatcher’s classic outré Marathon Infinity map,” Up Periscope” 1.9).All terminals & custom art were preserved flawlessly.
Permission was granted to me by Dispatcher (madmacs@excite.com).
The highpoints of this map, imho, include the totally original concept (there’s a 3-floor underground sub-marine!), the breathtaking waterfall jump at midpoint, & the overall outstanding game play.Here you have the original in its final release form, for Windows Marathon,via Aleph One SDL,players to enjoy for the 1st time.

Much Superior Grenade v1.1

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Mar 11, 2002

Tested in all flavours and colours of Marathon.


On Bungie's "Grenade Launcher" sound:

Having actually used a similar weapon "back in the day", I've always hated the standard "Grenade Explosion" sound in all flavours of Marathon. It's unrealistic, grating, lacks power.

So I decided to change it.

As for whether this particular sound is "realistic"...

Lemme tell ya somethin', mate: If you've ever had a rifle-mounted grenade launcher discharge in your hand, or had the projectile from said impact the ground near your physical position, then we'll talk.

That said, this sound still isn't "Dead On" by any means (no pun intended)...but it's closer than the Bungie offering, for sure. And obviously, the game engine can't take into account the kind of surface the grenade is hitting.



If you're not using headphones, the difference provided by "Much Superior Grenade" will probably not be as dramatic as I've just mentioned. I personally never game without headphones (doesn't seem to be much point), and use the fabulous Sony MDR-V600 series, which have excellent bass response.

Standard CPU speakers don't reveal the bass, nor the impact.

If you've got a decent sub-woofer setup, however, the lack of headphones shouldn't be an issue, though I still recommend 'phones for an intimate gaming experience.

So there's your disclaimer.


"Much Superior Grenade" was created by extracting the original Marathon grenade sound. Then the sound of a Dorf Bottle exploding, from Bungie's "Myth: TFL", was mixed-in.

Amplification of the original grenade was reduced 40%. An EQ was run on the Dorf Bottle track, adding substantial bass and just a pinch of midtone.

The Dorf Bottle was then amplified appx. 60%.

The stereo sound was then mixed to mono, and then converted to 16-bit, 22 KHz, with highs "resolved."

The result is here.

The first file is in ResEdit format, for the Macintosh. For you PC guys, it's here as a WAV.

As for putting it into your own Sound files, well, that's up to your own technical prowess. I'd love for someone to make a shuttle for this thing. I used the ancient M2 Sound Converter myself, though other products do lurk.

As for the sound itself, it's now reminiscent of the original, but much more powerful. Indeed, it's made the games actually more fun, because the grenades report more like "impending doom" rather than the amplified slamming of a VW passenger door.

To close, I created this pretty-much for my personal use. If you "get it," fine. If not, there's a handy trash icon somewhere on your desktop, even if you're stuck using Windows...

So there you have it.

:: Beer Can ::



Version History:

1.0 - December 2001

Initial Release

1.1 (Final) - 03.08.02

Added a dash of bass to the Dorf Bottle track. Your mileage may vary.


ooga's Shroom Patch v1.0

oogaBooga (Mike Finley) — Feb 26, 2002

This is just a little bit of rubicon fun, and it supports all gametypes. The weapons have been sped up in almost all aspects, making netplay totally bitchin'. Especially with monsters on and on total carnage. Use the infinity app of rubicon instead of Rubicon AO. AO doesn't support netplay.

Fb-Reason with the Sky v1

Frigidmanâ„¢ — Feb 25, 2002

DoubleAught Marathon:Infinity Coriolis Loop Pack Map
-recreated for UT by Frigidman

Map details:
Who cares how many sides, entities, build hours... JUST PLAY IT! Have Fun with it.

Although there are subtle differences, new structures, and altered areas, this recreation still captures the overall flow, fun, and basic essence that made this map one of my favorite Marathon:Infinity add-on maps to date.

Recommended # of Players: 4-8. Don't go over 8, as ammo will get scarce. I didn't want to pile in ammo to accommodate 16 players, cause then 2-4 players would always be totally armed to the teeth.

Chips v1.0.1

Al Spaceman — Feb 23, 2002

Chips is a netpak with three smallish, flowish levels:

Don't Forget to Salt the Fries
Open architecture coupled with corridors along the northern periphery make this level a mixed combat experience. A raised platform overlooking the hill provides death from above, or in-air frags...

Aero +
This level is something of a re-release of the critically acclaimed "super stunt" map, Aero. Certain architectural elements have been fine tuned for improved aesthetics and flow, and the completely useless column lift in the water has been removed and good riddance'd.

map with lots of dark, cramped corridors for some good, old-fashioned indoor combat. The lights do NOT flicker in unison (I can't pimp this enough!). You'll probably do better with a pair of shotguns instead of a SPNKR.

None of these levels contain the fusion gun or any .44 ammo.

Chips is not to be confused with "Chips??" by Jack Coyle.


goran — Feb 02, 2002

This netmap is large enough for 8 ppl but if playing koth
you might have fun as well with 4ppl.

It’s my first one so my weapon placement and design might not be the best, but I tried. And in my opinion is it the new weapons that makes it really funny, they’re all changed.

And if you aren’t able to play net, then you could play the singleplayer version with some trooper baddies.

please take your time and rate it after you’ve tested it, I wanna see whats bad/good about it.
hope you enjoy it, I did atleast.

-goran "creator of the yota saga"

M1A1 for SDL Script Update v1.5

Tophet — Jan 30, 2002

The four new Tiny Bobs types occupy the VacBob slots in "M1A1 for SDL" Physics. This patch will update the "Settings" MML Script of "M1A1 for SDL" to show the "Assimilated VacBob" Tiny Bob as being friendly under the motion sensor.

If you install Aleph One into your M1A1 folder, you will need to apply this patch to restore the original M1A1 MML Script settings.

M1A1 QuickTime Tracks v1.0

Raul Bonilla, Alexander Seropian, and Alexander Thomas — Jan 29, 2002

Contains 18 AIFF Tracks for use with M1A1 by Raul Bonilla. Drop these into your M1 Audio folder.

"Marathon QuickTime Tracks" contains 16 original Marathon AIFF Tracks by Alexander Seropian, but are resampled for QuickTime 3.0 instruments by Alexander Thomas (aka Dr. Lex). It also contains 2 original Marathon AIFFs played backwards, these have been resampled by Raul Bonilla.

Aleph One SDL/MAC is required.
M1A1 for MAC v1.0 is required, but these tracks might work in later versions of M1A1 for MAC/SDL.

M1A1 MP3 Tracks v1.2

Raul Bonilla, Alexander Seropian, Thomas Barth, and Mike Schapiro — Jan 29, 2002

Contains 19 MP3 Tracks for use with M1A1 by Raul Bonilla. Drop these into your M1 Tracks folder.

"Seropian MP3s" contains 8 original Marathon MP3 Tracks by Alexander Seropian, stereo enhanced.

"Tobacco MP3s" contains 8 remixed Marathon MP3 Tracks by Thomas Barth, better than originals.

"MuShoo MP3s" contains 1 custom Marathon MP3 by Mike Schapiro. It also has 2 original Marathon MP3s played backwards, resampled by Raul Bonilla.

Aleph One SDL/MAC is required.
M1A1 for SDL/MAC also required.

M1A1 Screen Shots v1.2

Randall J. Currie — Jan 28, 2002

A collection of 25 screen shots in JPEG format from M1A1 by Raul Bonilla. No Readme included.

The Dragon v1.0.1

Nathan Orion Fulton — Jan 28, 2002

Three net maps: Stuffed Tomatoe, Stuffed Aubergine, and The Dragon. 4-8 players. (Anyone who knows where I got the level titles from gets a cookie.) ;-)

Cerberus Demo v1.0

Ned — Jan 22, 2002

This is techically the second demo we've released. We just scrapped the original material once we decided to use different texture sets. This is the first level of the scenario. It uses some originals, but mostly textures from the Orphanage, the majority of those from the great scenario that is Rubicon. Hope you enjoy!

MMR: His Temporate Mind final

oogaBooga (Mike Finley) — Jan 20, 2002

This is probably one of the most successful MMR maps to date. For those of you who don't know what MMR is, it's Marathon Map Roulette. An activity in which 2 or more people get together on someones hotline server and take turns adding a set number of polygons to a map, and then pass it to the next person until it looks complete.

HTM supports all game types, and is aimed at much larger groups, like 4-8 players. Lava textureset w/night landscape


Me (ooga)
Nathan "Orion" Fulton


The Yota Saga, Part 8 V1.0

Goran Svensson — Jan 18, 2002

Installment 8 of an ongoing series. This one has some caveats. The third level has a baddie which can be taken down with one kind of ammo, and one kind only... and you have VERY FEW ROUNDS to spare. The first time through (well, okay, the first time I actually figured out what I was supposed to be doing), I ran out with one nasty to go... and that's enough; I had to start over, since my saved game was already low on ammo. (I had attempted to shoot through an opening that was blocked; the firing animation looked like breaking glass to me, so I fired again. Two wasted rounds... that's all it took.) Except for this glitch, though, that last level is hard, but a lot of fun. The first two levels are shorter, and with less fighting... but pretty nonetheless. Lots of tricks, as usual. As with all the Yota segments, the readme for this one warns that you should use 8-bt sounds... but the author has since created a 16-bit sound installer for all the Yota chapters (except the first 3, which use the standard Infinity sounds file).

Yota 16-bit Sounds V1.0

Goran Svensson — Jan 18, 2002

A Sounds patcher for the Yota Saga maps. The first three segments of this series used the Infinity Sounds file, but all subsequent installments have used a custom Sounds file. This patcher, designed to be applied to a virgin Sounds file, replaces all old versions, and provides 16-bit as well as 8-bit sounds for the series.

DMMRK-Sands Serif vb2

Team Unpfhorgiven — Jan 17, 2002

Second beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Sands Serif. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 01/14/2002 or later and MarathonMOD.u dated 11/04/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

MInf.utx 01/14/2002 01/14/2002

Team Unpfhorgiven — Jan 17, 2002

This is the 01/14/2002 version of the Marathon:Resurrection texture package MInf.utx. This version incorporates the textures used in the map MR-Sands Serif.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

Team Warfare v1.0

Joe Auricchio — Jan 15, 2002

6 levels (well, one, with 6 variations). Two teams of VacBobs (green and blue), and two health options (normal, and pretty weak). You can start as a neutral player (nobody hates you until you start killing, but the blues hate the greens, and vice-versa), or on a team - action gets pretty frenetic with the final couple of options. A few bugs, but quite playable... see how long you can stay alive on the VacBob levels (without hiding)!

Snowdog v1.0

Goran Svensson — Jan 15, 2002

Very cool - realistic (falling) snow. A single-level map, more to show off the snow than anything else (though the map plays fine, as a bonus) - requires Aleph One. Check this out!

The Legacy Sampler v1.0

Raul Bonilla/Hamish Sanderson — Jan 15, 2002

Two and a half years ago, Hamish Sanderson released Trojan: Legacy, a rather odd but extremely interesting little project. Today, Raul Bonilla (the man behind the Marathon 1 to Aleph One project) releases the Legacy Sampler for Aleph One. There are a few differences (the overhead map works, the HUD is different, terminals are green, not blue, The knife from Trojan has been incorporated), but for the most part, this port is faithful to the original, and plays quite well. Give it a whirl... and then go back and play the original (which, unfortunately, no longer installs on MacOS > 9.0 - one of these days, I'll build a new installer for it). The maze section is brilliant.

[osX] Map Pack Four v1.0

eko — Jan 15, 2002

Visit http://osx.beyondunreal.com/maps/ for details.

[osX] Map Pack Three v1.0

eko — Jan 15, 2002

Visit http://osx.beyondunreal.com/maps/ for details.

[osX] Map Pack Two v1.0

eko — Jan 15, 2002

Visit http://osx.beyondunreal.com/maps/ for details.

[osX] Map Pack One v1.0

eko — Jan 15, 2002

Visit http://osx.beyondunreal.com/maps/ for details.

The Craft v1.1

Martin Antell — Jan 15, 2002

A 12-level romp. Mapmaking ranges from very good to acceptable. The storyline is pretty simple, and missing a term or two (I missed a couple) won't hurt you very much. Gameplay is good, old-fashioned carnage. Kill stuff... kill lots of stuff. There's plenty of ammo, and sometimes you have a bunch of bobs to help you... but lots of times it's just your job to kill stuff faster than it comes at you. It gets harder near the end, too... I'm looking forward to seeing John Sumner's vidmaster films of this one. It's bundled with an older version of Aleph One (for MacOS 9) - but I didn't have any major problems using the current version. (If you DO decide to use the bundled version, be aware that it's older than the 3D model code added a bit ago - if you have models in your Aleph One folder, the bundled app won't launch.)

UnrealEd Reference WIN v1.0

eko — Jan 15, 2002

This is the UnrealEd Reference in windows help format.

Unreal Ed Reference Mac v1.0

eko — Jan 15, 2002

This is the UnrealEd Reference in Mac .SMI version.

Stormy Weather v1.0

oogaBooga — Jan 14, 2002

A simple simplici7y map (meaning it has but 7 polys). Sound's a little funky (there are a couple of polys with no sound, leading to some jarring transitions), but it's got decent flow for a tiny map - be careful, the elevator leading out of the moat isn't as responsive as you might think (it's easy to get spanked down there if you think you're coming up..).

The joy of violent movement v1.0

Todd Proctor — Jan 14, 2002

The first half of an entry that never made it into the Tempus Mapmaking Contest. Movement's pretty linear... but you should be busy enough that you don't even notice. Action was pretty much non-stop... but not so hard I wanted to give up. Nicely laid out - the eye candy is quite good (makes you feel a little better waiting for Gates of Fenris)... mostly, this is just a great adrenaline generator. Give it a run!

Bottle Cap v1.2

Nathan Orion Fulton — Jan 14, 2002

I saw this really weird design on the inside of a bottle cap, and thought it would make a cool net map. This is what came of it.

You Can Run... 1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 12, 2002

Double-level map - the bottom is a pillar-filled arena with lots of hiding spaces. The top is a ring around the outside, with teleporters and stairs jumping between the two. Dark. Unmerged.

Yadda Yadda Arena 2.5

Svenneves — Jan 12, 2002

A huge open arena, with raised corners, a central sewage pillar (for climbing), and some outside passageways. Probably better with larger groups. Unmerged.

Tilo's Second Solo Map 1.0

Tilo Probst — Jan 12, 2002

A relatively short romp through an alien spaceship. No oxygen (but a couple of rechargers), plenty of ammo for the targets at hand. Get to the end. Pretty straightforward - only one place gave me a little trouble (because I was careless). Worth the download, if only to play some new stuff for a bit.

Tilo's Net Drafts Pack 1.0

Probst — Jan 12, 2002

Three levels, not really complete. (They're not playable, anyway - no weapons/ammo/baddies, really.) They were made to inspire mapmakers, according to the author - and there's some interesting stuff here in level design. Check 'em out, see what you can make of 'em!

Tilo's First Solo Map 1.0

Probst — Jan 12, 2002

Hard to know what to say about this one. It's more of an experiment than anything else. Mapmaking at times is beautiful... but there are a number of problems with the map (some delineated in the readme), and finishing it can be very difficult. (I never did find a save term, so when I got stuck in a poly well into the map, my only choice was to quit and start over... very discouraging.) Still, there is quite a bit to look at here - if you're building maps, this is probably worth a run-through, just for ideas.

The Stadium (SM) 1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 12, 2002

Big open (dark) pit, lots of running rooms on the outside, more rechargers than you can shake a stick at.

The Pit 2001 v1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 12, 2002

Complicated, funky spaces, lots of stairs. Takes a little while to get used to - figure out where you are. More than enough ammo and weapons for a huge game - tight enough (once you get used to it) for a small one.

Tilo's First Solo Collection v1.0

Probst — Jan 12, 2002

This was FUN. 8 or 10 levels, depending on how you count... beautiful mapmaking. Some of the levels had a flow problem (hit this switch, run over here, look for a newly-opened area... run BACK over here, hit this other switch, lather, rinse, repeat), but overall, this was acceptable - the levels were just very nice to look at. Lots to kill, lots of ammo to kill it with. Terms were translated from the original german, and can be a bit difficult to follow (especially since they (for the most part) rely on words, not pictures, to get you from point a to point b)... but again, this isn't critical - when in doubt, kill stuff and throw switches. Give it a look - mapmakers, there are lots of cool ideas here; players, there's a chunk of fun carnage here.

Sylvain's Netmaps v1.0

Sylvain — Jan 12, 2002

5 levels, created a couple of years ago by a mapmaker who disappeared off the net. These are being released by his primary beta tester, under the assumption that it's a crime to waste good Marathon levels. (And good they are - most have an organic feel, with lots of curves, and a huge amount of vertical complexity.) Some funky physics stuff on some of the maps - but generally, very nice (large) maps for bigger groups.

Spokes of Carnage v1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 12, 2002

A two-level wheel. Plenty of ammo and weapons, easy cover. Movement (due to the small size and the teleporters) is very fast.

Sparks in the Engine Room ? v1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 09, 2002

A pit with wild lighting- does a good job of hiding snipers on high. Watch out for that ammo cache! Unmerged.

Siam 1.0

Hamish Sanderson — Jan 09, 2002

So there's this guy, see? His name is Hamish Sanderson, and he's done a lot of messing with Marathon. And in April of 2000, when bungie.org ran a mapmaking contest called Simplici7y, he decided to enter it. But there was this problem - his map, while very cool to look at, didn't work very well. You could run through other players in places, and shots would stop working after a while... he tabled it. A year later, he dusted it off, got some poor fool to help debug it and playtest it, and dumped out on you, the unsuspecting public. It's pretty amazing for a 7-poly map... would definitely have won an award in the contest, had it not been a year late. Cool scenery, great flow, nice weapons tweaks, and a couple of surprises add up to a pretty fun map. Try it out. (More than 2 or three players and it's just a suicide fest... but what do you want for 7 polys?)

Schwepps v1.0

Obsidian — Jan 09, 2002

A solo romp - keep on your toes, and hunt for that chip. There's a crucial passageway obscured by a fake wall - this, by itself, makes the level far less enjoyable for me, but if you overlook this, it's a decent run.

Rock & Roll v1.0

Anders Persson/Hugo Forss — Jan 09, 2002

Two maps - the first is a single room, a simple arena with some higher points to shoot at the hill from. The second is an expansion of the first - the original room has fancier lighting and more weapons, and the whole map gets a second area.

Redux NetMapPak v2.0

ATMOS Software Productions — Jan 09, 2002

27 maps, ranging from very, very good to... um, well, playable. Made over a number of years by a group of 4 people (and refined along the way), this collection should provide your crew with some serious netplay action. There are descriptions (and credits) for all levels included - start with the Favorites pack, but don't end there. (The Frandall pack is the oddest of the bunch - but that's not always a bad thing.)

Oken-egnaro v0.7

Tachyon — Jan 09, 2002

A single-level ship, emphasis on carnage. The enclosed physics model ramps EVERYTHING up, almost. There are no terminals - just kill stuff. There are a few secrets - finding them is up to you. (Suffice it to say that if you don't finish with the Flamethrower, SPNKR, and shotguns, you didn't find them all.) Watch those enforcers!

Obsidian's Collection v1.0

Obsidian — Jan 09, 2002

9 maps, ranging from really fun to really irritating. Lighting could use some work, but gameplay is pretty good. Heavy reliance on 5D - maps like Hall of Illusion are really enjoyable because of it. A couple of vacuum levels, including one that's actually a maze - if that doesn't drive you nuts, nothing will. All in all, a collection worth playing. All maps are unmerged.

Narrowly Missed v1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 09, 2002

A large central arena, with a maze of corridors around it. Lots of rechargers (though most aren't safe, unless the groups are small).

Magic Waters v1.0

Dave Pellerito — Jan 09, 2002

This map was originally submitted to the Bungie Mapmaking Contest in 1997. It was included here because of that... but it was one of several hundred maps that hadn't been looked at. The author discovered it here in September, 2001, and sent in a new readme for it - which got me to finally look at it. Lots of long water channels, a few secrets - plus plenty of places to jump out and snipe from. A bit too big to be a lot of fun with large groups (two of us had trouble finding each other sometimes). Comes with a small sounds patch that adds a new siren sound.

Laboratory 1.3

Svenneves — Jan 06, 2002

A target practice map. You get lots of weapons and ammo, and access to a circular arena - you can let any number of any kind of nasty in that you want, via a set of (protected) switches. Sorta fun to try and get the jugs to wipe everything else out... Unmerged.

Hostile Takeover 1.0.1

Chuck — Jan 06, 2002

Well, here's someone to keep track of! Concept of "Corporate America" in Space as Terminals speak of/depict our typical screwed-up, downsized, can't get it today, it's out-of-order and on and on Company. Laughed so hard this description writer almost fell off the chair! Thank goodness for some very good humor and an excellent and very much fun to play scenario. Ten levels with the last, well, you'll see! Mr. Simciak tells us he took two years to complete and the preciseness and attention to detail shows it. Not too many secrets here, pretty straightforward mission BUT you absolutely should download this Map! It's a Good One! Version 1.0.1 has some minor bug fixes over the previously posted 'Final' version - nothing major.

Herman's Network Maps 1.0

Herman Ulltin — Jan 06, 2002

6 of Herman Ulltins best network levels. Most of these are large and can be played KotH, EmFH or KtmWtB. Some of these levels have been released already here at the archive, but most of them have been reworked. Some very good large net levels here for your next carnage fest.

Hard Target 1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 06, 2002

Good for KOTH - the vertical scale is great enough that SPNKRs are nearly useless for hill-sniping from above. The downstairs is interesting, as well...

Gumdrop's Fleamarket 1.3

Gumdrop — Jan 06, 2002

8 maps - a real grab bag. There's tight, there's open, there's bright, there's dark... you name it, it's probably in here. Quality ranges from so-so to quite good. A couple of physics modifications - the water action on Man of Salts is particularly enjoyable. Definitely worth a look.

Fire Brigade 3.0E

oshiki Komeda — Jan 06, 2002

This map, in a smaller form, was available on the Testing Grounds for quite some time... and one of the levels was submitted to the Simplici7y contest last year. Here, you'll find 21 levels (15 normal, 6 secret), with generally difficult gameplay. Mapmaking is so-so... but most of the time you'll be trying hard to stay alive, so you won't be looking too closely at the scenery. Lots of secrets - and too many of them are critical. Worth a run-through, though!

Evil Walls 2001 1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 06, 2002

Pretty funny - there's an invulnerable bob in the center of the map, firing rockets in a loop, periodically. You can't hurt him, and you can't survive the rockets... so stay out of the way! Makes for an interesting obstacle course...

Drak's Netmap Pak for ? 1.4.1

Drakkar Azura — Jan 06, 2002

7 levels, created a while ago and tested on the Testing Grounds but never in included in the Archives. Submitted by Scott Noblitt, in an effort to get good maps released. I KNOW I've seen the first map before, but I can't for the life of me remember where. These were originally built for the now defunct Hadar's Alliance scenario. Flow is generally quite nice - emphasis is on fast movement (even the hallways are wide). Plenty of ammo.

Circular Dismemberment v1.2

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 06, 2002

A tiny arena with a raised ring around the outside. There's a 2x recharger in the center... but it's pretty hard to use without being SPNKed. Unmerged.

C-Files v1.0

Cyle Gage/Isaac Michaud — Jan 06, 2002

Hmm. A 21 level solo project... no save points, no terms. (Mostly because they didn't know how to put 'em in.) Lots of square/almost square rooms. Keep an eye on the map - the exits from each level are sometimes only visible in map mode.

The Bouncy Map Pack v1.0

Tilo — Jan 06, 2002

A pair of experimental levels - they're not really playable, since there's little or no ammo or weapons... but there are Q3A-like jumppads to look at, and permission from the creator to use them. Worth a look if you're building.

Aguanaise v1.0

M.G. Randall — Jan 06, 2002

A single-level solo map... decent layout, but too many blind and deaf baddies. Will give you 15 minutes of fun on Major Damage...

A Time To Kill... v1.0

Shannon Murdoch — Jan 06, 2002

Central arena, raised hill, lots of sniping spots, LOTS of ammo. Go for it.

11th Hour v1.0

Will Starck — Jan 06, 2002

A big, wide-open arena with some cool tight passageways around the outside. Teleporters everywhere... you'll probably have to play it a few times to get the hang of what brings you where. Sizewise, would easily fit 6+, but weapons seem tight for 4 or 5.

Marathon Jigsaw v1.0

The Jigsaw Group — Jan 05, 2002

8 solo levels (and a couple of net levels) - this is a very nicely laid-out project (and quite difficult in parts). Mapmaking is very high-quality, though there are some minor annoyances (at one point, you're required to make a series of jumps from ledge to ledge - miss one, and you have to start over... and over.. and over; in another instance, you'll find yourself inside a beautifully constructed building maze - but the beauty wears off after you've been wandering through the same corridors for 30 minutes; and so on). Overall, flow is great, though, and the gameplay will keep you wide awake. Definitely worth playing.

SwapPolygons v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

A Chisel plugin that lets you swap any pair of polygons - very useful for bringing high-numbered polys down to the beginning, to make them easier to reach in the teleporter menu, for example.

Staircaser v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

A Chisel plugin that allows you to auto-create staircases (finally reproducing the Script effect of Phforte 1.x!). Straightforward, simple - it does one thing, it does it right. Check the readme for minor caveats (mostly common-sense stuff).

Split Line v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

Building a map, and reailze you need to add another polygon to the side of an already-filled poly? Dang, you have to delete that filled one and rebuild it... WAIT! This Chisel plugin allows you to split that FILLED poly line! Way cool.

Permutator v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

This is a Chisel plugin that allows you to set the permutation field of polygons, which specifies what certain poly types do. Yes, Forge lets you do this... but Forge limits you to 'reasonable' values - and Jason has come up with some pretty dang useful 'unreasonable' ones. A simple example: Automatic exits and teleporters are basically the same thing, but with different permutations assigned. Exits use negative numbers to specify levels (-2 is level 2), but teleporters use positive numbers to specify poly numbers (2 is poly 2). Flip the sign, and reverse the effect... and suddenly, conditional teleports are easy. Set a level to 'repair', set an automatic exit to a negative value... and that auto-exit will act as an intra-level teleporter... but ONLY if the repair is completed. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Partial Move v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

A Chisel plugin that allows you to horizontally move everything within a specified rectangle of the map. (If you started building too far towards one edge, you can now pull it back.) This differs from the existing 'Better Move' Chisel effect in that it's not applied to the entire map, it's applied to only a subset (hence the name). Pretty slick...

Light Delta v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

A Chisel plugin that allows you to add to the normal light intensity for a given light, without changing that light... vastly reducing the number of lights needed. (The demo map included shows 11 distinct lighting effects... and it uses exactly ONE light.) It only works on walls, and a wall can display only one value of the ambient delta field... but if you're building complicated levels, and have run into lighting limits... check this out.

Destroy Singularity v1.0

Jason Harper — Jan 03, 2002

Another cool Chisel plugin - if you've created a map in Forge which has too many lines connected to a point, you'll find you can't delete the point without crashing Forge. If you don't have an older backup... you're in big trouble. This plugin gets you out of it.

"Acid Jazz" for Tempus Irae Final

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Jan 02, 2002

"Acid Jazz" was originally created for M2 on March 06, 1996 by Fusion/Pfhyde (Zach Norwood).

It's been converted for use with Tempus Irae.

A very cool, "organically"-designed indoor and outdoor arena with lots of stairs, four levels, a water trap, and some really *outstanding* gameplay.

The name "Acid Jazz" is definitely an apt description. A very old map, but one that's currently as great in actual gameplay as it was in early '96.

And now it's all shiny-new for Tempus Irae. Actually,...it looks pretty "Acid Jazzy" with Tempus, indeed.

Take home a piece of history...

"Acid Jazz" for Inf./A1/Evil Final

Beer Can (Aluminum Cylinder) — Dec 31, 2001

"Acid Jazz" was originally created for M2 on March 06, 1996 by Fusion/Pfhyde (Zach Norwood).

It's been converted for use with A1, Infinity, and Evil.

A very cool, "organically"-designed indoor and outdoor arena with lots of stairs, four levels, a water trap, and some really *outstanding* gameplay.

The name "Acid Jazz" is definitely an apt description. A very old map, but one that's currently as great in actual gameplay as it was in early '96.

And now it's all shiny-new for A1, Infiity, and Evil.

Take home a piece of history...

The Yota Saga Pt 7 V1.0

Goran Svensson — Dec 29, 2001

Installment 7 of an ongoing series - you NEED the shapes patch from Part 4 (supplied in this download) for this to work. Two levels, this time... but the first level is mostly story development. (Be careful about shooting on this level.) It took me a while to figure out how to get off the first level - the last terminal is NOT intuitive. (Keep tabbing - you'll find it.) Once again, filled with eye candy (lighting/shapes tricks) - the chain-operated door is pretty cool. Play it through!

Voyager 7 v1.0

Scott Noblitt — Dec 28, 2001

This was my submission for the Simplici7y contest, so it only has seven polygons.

It's a vacuum netmap which might be fun for two to four players.

Unfortunately, there are far better netmaps out there. Still, if you're on a slow network, playing phoneline or IP netgames, or want high carnage rates with your small group, then this level may just be for you.

Have fun!

Scott Noblitt

Don't Disturb the King v1.0

Scott Noblitt — Dec 22, 2001

Don't Disturb the King is a Marathon 2 netmap I whipped up during Thanksgiving Break. While creating it, I din't pay much attention to gameplay. Instead, I focused on making a playable King of the Hill map which utilized both floating polygons and on/off teleporters.

The resulting map is quasi-playable. For King of the Hill, the map works fine. Unfortunately, other game types suffer dramatically from this emphasis. Don't get me wrong, it's far from unplayable. Just don't expect it to be the most thrilling map you've ever played.

However, if you really enjoy King of the Hill play and don't mind playing vacuum net levels, then this level should give you a surprising amount of enjoyment with its twist on the game - protecting yourself from incoming teleporters by flipping a switch.

One last note - I'd recommend downloading this even if you don't intend on playing it much. It's worth the look just to see the incredible application of floating polys with three viewable over-under textures. Yes, that was bragging, but you really should take a look. Oh, and please rate this map. I've found the rating system to be a very informative and effective tool. Unfortunately, few people use it.

Thanks for reading this,

Scott Noblitt

DcBob´s Map Pack v1.0

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Dec 21, 2001

This is a little collection of netmaps that i have been storing on my HD for some time now, so ignore the creation date cause i don´t remember when i did this. This map pack includes the maps:
- Dogfight Netpack (9 level netpack)
- The Great Temple Of Madness
- Jungle Tech
I dont remember the names of the maps in dogfight netpack but this netpack is not the same version as can be found in the archives at b.org, this version has 2 minor bugs fixed. I hope you enjoy my creation.
***End Of Transmission***

Carol of the BoBs v0.7

Jesse Tribby — Dec 21, 2001

In the spirit of Marathon 2's Jingle Bob, I present "Carol of the BoBs". This is a token of my appreciation for Bungie games, employees, and fans. It took about a month of free time to extract the sounds from my best friend's Mac, convert them to a PC friendly format, create musical scales, and then put together this song. It's not perfect ... but Happy Holidays nonetheless.

Just wait until I get my hands on the Halo sound library. MUAHAHHAHAAAA!


-Jesse Tribby (Jester)

P.S. Thanks to Joltacks for letting me use his Mac.

DMMRK-House of Pain b3

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 19, 2001

Third beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-House of Pain (w/KotH). This release fixes an unlit texture. Requires the texture pack M2.utx dated 08/11/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 11/04/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMRK-Route 66 b4

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 19, 2001

This is the first public beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Route 66. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later and MarathonMOD.u dated 11/04/2001 or later.

DMMR-Wrath No More vb9

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 19, 2001

Nineth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Wrath No More. This release added the 3x health, which spawns infrequently at random locations around the map. Many thanks to Hobeaux for tweaking the bot-pathing and Jay Faircloth getting the textures just right. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later and MarathonMOD.u dated 11/04/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

MarathonMOD beta1.1.1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 19, 2001

This package contains the just the actual mod (MarathonMOD.u & MarathonMOD.int) from the Marathon:Resurrection beta 1.1.1 release.

DMMRK One Hit Wonder vb4

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 19, 2001

This is the first public beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-One Hit Wonder. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later.

DMMR-Carnage Palace Deeee-luxe vb3

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 19, 2001

This is the second public beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Carnage Palace Deeee-luxe. This release fixes the problem of players sometimes getting stuck in the PSNKR shaft. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

Marathon:Resurrection beta1.1.1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Dec 16, 2001

This is the beta 1.1.1 update for Marathon:Resurrection. This update requires Marathon:Resurrection beta 1.1 to already be installed. That's how kept the file size below 20MB. If you're really disappointed that the download is so small, please feel free to download beta 1.1 (also available on this site). It's a teeeny bit larger than this 20MB.

There are no major new features, but many bugs and annoyances have been fixed, and few maps have been tweaked or added:

If you are killed while invis you no longer have the invis skin for the rest of the game.

You can now kill an invincible person with the fusion pistol.

The HUD score display now truncates player names to 11 characters.

You can longer recharge your health while feigning death.

You can no longer toss weapons.

Extravision fixed.

Hypervision now does something worthwhile.

Fixed a problem in MaraKOTHHill that cause 'Accessed None's in non-KOTH play.

Modified the map select code in all three games to not append '?game=blah' to the map name if it is already there.

Modified the staff to shoot a different projectile when wielded by a player or a bot. New projectile is faster than the standard one. Hopefuilly this will make a slightly more useful weapon in net play.

Modified the staff to swing in a wider arc.

Added a MarathonHealth class and Marathon1xHealth, Marathon2xHealth, Marathon3xHealth, and MarathonO2Powerup powerups. Since the models are not yet available they are drawn with the original sprites.

Added default Health=150 to MaraSkelPlayer and MaraSkelBot for use by health powerups.

Grenade and SPNKR double explosions fixed.

KOTHHill errors in non-KOTH games fixed (I think).

Fixed green bob pants texture.

TOZT no-ammo-use exploit fixed.

SPNKR/AR grenade explosion tweaked.

Grenade trajectory tweaked yet again.

Weapon reloading can now be interrupted by switching to another weapon.

Although probably noone but another scripter cares, I finally tracked down an "Accessed None" in the MarathinThingFactory that has been hanging around for at least a year.

FOV forced to 90 on login and logout, made necessary by Extravision (Extravision changes player FOV setting).

Fusion water damage now done by projectiles in postbeginplay to actors in same waterzone (previously by fusion gun, checking actors in range and in water)

Increased fusion projectile water damage too. They use default damage values now.

Better magnum net code.

Dimmed the HUD textures so they look better transluscent.

(Hopefully) fixed serverside player skin error in SkeletalPlayer.

New Maps:

Fixed maps

The Yota Saga, Part 6 v1.0

Goran Svensson — Dec 14, 2001

Installment 6 of a pretty good ongoing series. This one's focused on jumping. Grenade jumping, primarily... but you NEED rockets in at least 2 places. Gravity has been dropped just enough to make it all work nicely... I had a blast (literally). Special effects, as usual, are well-used - I especially liked the implementation of the Battle Cat's Split Poly technology. And there's a section, near the end of the level, that couldn't be done in Infinity - there are just too many lines in view. (Very cool floors, though.) A film is included, if you get stuck - I didn't look at it, but the readme says it shows the best way through the level. This series continues to impress!

Depot Sherlock Plugin v2

Dr.Ballâ„¢ — Dec 05, 2001

Welcome to a wonderful feature of the Liandri Depot!

[This feature is strictly MacOS 8.1 or higher users only]

The Sherlock Plugin's ability lets you search all of the network archives with the ease of Sherlock. Once you punch in a word or date, a results window comes back with any file that has that word, or was posted after that date.

For each item returned, it shows a good chunk of information about the item you clicked on. Also included are various direct links to the item itself, the creator's profile page, and sometimes links to read the reviews (if the item supports them)!

Due to some limitations of the Sherlock system, it is not obvious how to use a date search. The way you use it, is you just type in a date in the format of M/D/YYYY (four digit year), and anything that was posted ON or AFTER that day will be returned! It's great if you want to see what was put up since the last day you had checked. If you put in a word, then it will obviously not do the date search.

(this Sherlock plugin works fine in Sherlock2... Sherlock2 does not contain any extra features that the plugin would benefit from)

Site Specific Plugins:
Each Sherlock Plugin of the FileBall.Network is set to access a particular site. That site is displayed in the plugin's name, and also returned in the search results (in case you select all FileBall plugins and do a search on them, allowing you to do a multi site search for creators and other interesting tidbits).


-The Staff at FileBall.net

Archive Sherlock Plugin v2

Dr.Ballâ„¢ — Dec 05, 2001

Welcome to a wonderful feature of the Lh'owon Ar'kives!

[This feature is strictly MacOS 8.1 or higher users only]

The Sherlock Plugin's ability lets you search all of the network archives with the ease of Sherlock. Once you punch in a word or date, a results window comes back with any file that has that word, or was posted after that date.

For each item returned, it shows a good chunk of information about the item you clicked on. Also included are various direct links to the item itself, the creator's profile page, and sometimes links to read the reviews (if the item supports them)!

Due to some limitations of the Sherlock system, it is not obvious how to use a date search. The way you use it, is you just type in a date in the format of M/D/YYYY (four digit year), and anything that was posted ON or AFTER that day will be returned! It's great if you want to see what was put up since the last day you had checked. If you put in a word, then it will obviously not do the date search.

(this Sherlock plugin works fine in Sherlock2... Sherlock2 does not contain any extra features that the plugin would benefit from)

Site Specific Plugins:
Each Sherlock Plugin of the FileBall.Network is set to access a particular site. That site is displayed in the plugin's name, and also returned in the search results (in case you select all FileBall plugins and do a search on them, allowing you to do a multi site search for creators and other interesting tidbits).


-The Staff at FileBall.net

The Yota Saga, Part 5 v1.0

Goran Svensson — Nov 24, 2001

The fifth installment of a work in progress. This one requires the shapes and sounds released with Part 4 - grab that if you don't have it already. You're suddenly on a pirate ship... and all the baddies are pastel. (Don't think for a minute that they're wusses, though - they'll kick your butt if you let 'em.) Lots of 'find the next switch' puzzles - level construction is pretty nice (you get teased with open areas before they're actually open), but be careful - the ending's a doozy.

The Yota Saga, Part 4 v1.0

Goran Svensson — Nov 04, 2001

Installment 4 of an ongoing series. (This needs to be played in order.) This one's 3 levels... but the first one's pretty short.) Take your time with level 2... there's a LOT to discover, even though the threat factor's pretty low. (I'd say nonexistent... but kill a few bobs, and you'll be in trouble.) Level 3... well, all I can say is he did a good job. Go play. (In case it's not clear: I had a great time playing this map. I don't want to spoil any of it for you.)

M1A1 v1.2

Raul Bonilla — Oct 25, 2001

A port of the original Marathon to Aleph One. This is a total overhaul of the original version of M1A1 - there are two secret levels, new textures, new scenery, new landscapes. The primary impetus for redoing this was to remove the crashes in the OSX version of Aleph One caused by shooting at a Looker with a magnum or the assault rifle. The latest readme is online, so you can see what you're getting into. The newly reworked alternative mp3 tracks (47.4 mb) from Chibi-Usa are compatible with this scenario.

Ad Infinitum v1.0

Garrick — Oct 13, 2001

Ad Infinitum is a circular based (sort-of) netmap for two or more players though I would suggest three or more. There are two versions of the map - Light and Heavy. The Light version has less powerful weapons and aliens while Heavy has all the guns (exept for the flamethrower) and big aliens.

Hope you enjoy!!
(I certainly enjoy playing it, but something makes me think that I could have a biased opinion.)

DMMR-Wrath No More vb8

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Eighth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Wrath No More. This release moves the textures (and tweaked them a bit) to the MInf.utx file (yup - that's why the file is literally 30 times smaller than the last version) and fixes (or at least lessens) the bot running-in-place bug and generally makes the bot-pathing better. Many thanks to Hobeaux for tweaking the bot-pathing and Jay Faircloth getting the textures just right. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

M1.utx 07/22/2001 07/22/2001

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the 07/22/2001 version of the Marathon:Resurrection texture package M1.utx. This is the version of the texture pack included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

MInf.utx 07/17/2001 07/17/2001

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the 07/17/2001 version of the Marathon:Resurrection texture package MInf.utx. This is the version of the texture pack included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

M2.utx 07/22/2001 07/22/2001

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the 07/22/2001 version of the Marathon:Resurrection texture package M2.utx. This is the version of the texture pack included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

M2.utx 08/11/2001 08/11/2001

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the 08/11/2001 version of the Marathon:Resurrection texture package M2.utx. This release contains upgraded 512x512 versions of the textures used in MR-House of Pain.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

MInf.utx 08/08/2001 08/08/2001

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the 08/08/2001 version of the Marathon:Resurrection texture package MInf.utx. This version incorporates the textures used in the map MR-Wrath No More as upgraded 512x512 textures.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

MaraSnds.uax 06/17/2001 06/17/2001

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the 06/17/2001 version of the Marathon:Resurrection sound package MaraSnds.uax. This is the version of the sound pack included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

MarathonMOD beta1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

First public beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection .u (code) and .int files. These are the versions of the file included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMRK-Waldo World Arena vb1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

First beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Waldo World Arena (w/KotH). This release adds the KotH Hill. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 007/22/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMRK-BeyondThunderdome vb1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

First beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Beyond Thunderdome (w/KotH). This release updates the preview pict and tweaks the lighting and adds the KotH Hill. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMRK-HouseofPain vb2

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Second beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-House of Pain (w/KotH). This release raises the map ceiling and changes the lighting scheme from twilight to late afternoon (around 5:15pm ;-} ) and adds the KotH Hill.. Requires the texture pack M2.utx dated 08/11/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMRK-Nonameyet vb11

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Eleventh beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Nonameyet (w/KotH). This release fixes some textures, adds lights and sounds to the shield chargers, and adds the KotH Hill. Requires the texture packs M2.utx dated 08/1/2001 and MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.


Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Fourth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-The Great Nothing. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.


Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Fifth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Everyones Mortal But Me 2000 (w/KotH). This release fixes some textures, adds lights and sounds to the shield chargers, and adds the KotH Hill. Requires the texture packs M2.utx dated 08/1/2001 and MInf.utx dated 08/08/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-E=MCWhatb7.zip vb7

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Seventh beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-E = MC What ?!?. This is the version of the map included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-WrathNoMoreb5.zip vb5

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Seventh beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Wrath No More. This release updates the prwview pict and tweaks the bot pathing a bit. Requires the texture pack MInf.utx dated 07/17/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-What Goes Up, Must Come Down vb2

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Second beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-What Goes Up, Must Come Down. This release adds a preview pict. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-Mars Needs Women vb5

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Fifth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Mars Needs Women. This version adds the invisibility power-up. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later and the MarathonMOD.u file dated 08/12/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-Carnage Palace Deeee-luxe vb2

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the first public beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Carnage Palace Deeee-luxe. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-E = MC What vb8

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Eighth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-E = MC What ?!?. This release fixes the bug where shotguns would keep spawning until they had filled up the map. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later.

You may not reproduce and distribute copies of Marathon: Resurrection without the express consent of the author or Team Unpfhorgiven.

DMMR-Mars Needs Women vb4

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

Fourth beta release of the Marathon:Resurrection map MR-Mars Needs Women. This is the version of the map included in the July 25, 2001 Marathon:Resurrection beta 1 release. Requires the texture pack M1.utx dated 07/22/2001 or later.

Marathon:Resurrection beta1.1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Oct 12, 2001

This is the full Marathon:Resurrection beta 1.1 release umod. You may not re-post this file elsewhere without the explicit permision of Team:Unpfhorgiven.

Fixes include:

BABs skins now work
Bots are much smarter
Custom server browser tabs for all MR gametypes
SPNKR explosion sound now correct
Akimbo WSTEMs are now about perfect
Improved player & weapon physics
Invisibility looks much better
Player health now closer to the Marathon original
The shotgun shell pick-up is now properly red :-)

New additions for this release:

An html manual (installed the UnrealTournament\\Help directory).
New models for all the power-ups
New maps
New gametypes : Team Every Man For Himself & King of the Hill
New Textures

Contained in ths release are the following files:

maratune1.umx (6/9/2001)
MaraSnds.uax (6/17/2001)
MarathonMOD.int (8/28/2001)
MarathonMOD.u (10/8/2001)
M1.utx (7/22/2001)
M2.utx (8/11/2001)
MInf.utx (8/8/2001)

Marathon Fell Vid Films v1.1

John Sumner — Oct 09, 2001

NOTE: This replaces version 1.0 that was posted a couple of days ago. I was able to vid the level "The Face Below the Puddles" today. It is the only new film in this version.

This package contains vid films for 26 of the 35 levels of the Infinity scenario Marathon Fell. Fell is perhaps the most difficult scenario i have ever played and vid. It is very well constructed, extremely challenging, and immensely fun to play and vid. I highly recommend it to everyone. Regretfully, I was not able to vid all 35 levels. If there is a common theme as to why the other 9 are beyond by ability (or patience) at this time, it is mainly due to the lack of available weapons on those levels. Even so, I do believe a few of the remaining 9 are vidable. Hopefully someone will be challenged enough to give it a try.

Hell Pfhor You Vidmaster Film v1.0

oogaBooga (Mike Finley) — Oct 08, 2001

This is me vidding my favorite Rubicon Vidmaster level, Hell Pfhor You. It contains two films:

Hell Pfhor Them: This is my vidmaster film, not much else to be explained. TC, most weapons used.
Quick'n'Dirty: A simple explanation for those who don't know how to lower the 'table' at the start of the level.

A more detailed readme can be found with the files.


ULynx v1.0

Captain Kewl — Oct 04, 2001

ULynx is the world's first UWindows-based Web Browser. Visit your favorite website without leaving the comfort of Unreal Tournament.

ULynx Home Page

Vilcabamba Vid Film v1.0

John Sumner — Oct 03, 2001

This is a vid film for the one level Infinity scenario Vilcabamba. It is one of the most beautifully textured levels i have ever seen. The enemies are not what make this an enjoyable level to play and vid. It is the textures and the puzzles that make this an awesome Marathon experience. I highly recommend this scenario to everyone.

Vilcabamba v1.0

Daniel Thomas — Oct 03, 2001

A one-level scenario, complete with new shapes and sounds - the author completed this almost a year ago, but then disappeared. It's easily up to the quality of his other Marathon work... but he had discussed adding more terminals. He never got to that... but we didn't want this to get lost, so it's been packaged up in an easy-to-use installer for your playing pleasure. The Marathon marine meets Lara Croft. This one is all puzzles - see what you can figure out!

Marathon Jigsaw Special Level v1.0

John Sumner — Sep 30, 2001

This package contains my vid film for the special vidmaster level "Where's Bob when you need him?" from the Infinity scenario Marathon Jigsaw. I found it to be very challenging and quite difficult. A detailed Read Me is included with the film.

Marathon Jigsaw Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Sep 29, 2001

This package contains vid films for all 8 solo levels of the Infinity scenario Marathon Jigsaw. I found this to be a very enjoyable and challenging set of levels. They are all very well constructed, definitely hard in places, perhaps a bit unfair on TC in a couple of situations, but absolutely worth the time for anyone that enjoys Marathon. The package contains a detailed Read Me.

Zealots Physics.sit 1.0

TheZealotQ (Jeff Carlson) — Sep 28, 2001

Zealots Physics Read Me

I have had a few people test this model, and they said it was good enough to publish, so here i am. This physics model was designed to take a different look at the way the marathon world could be, while still retaining a balanced and orthodox design. The weapons function pretty much like their predecessors, but look different and do different things differently. This model was the first i ever created, and has undergone more revisions/testing/rebuilding than is plausible. I have tested it extensively on everything from durandal to god knows how many versions of aleph one. Course that led to some issues too... I think it will run fine on any version of durandal or aleph one, but you could prove me wrong. One problem in testing was lack of testing maps, so i made some. As a result i question the balance of this model, and am very interested in making it balanced, so i expect some feedback. But enough about the long and painful creation process- it shan't bore you any longer. I know you want to know about the GUNS. note that all marine guns still run on original ammunition of course aliens guns are another matter...

The second fist has been modified to throw little gobs like a flickta would- but they bounce some too. The globs do very little damage, but like the first fist, the faster you run, the more damage you do. Course I would still use the first fist if you want to do more than just toggle switches or get a critters attention. And yes, i know it is blasphemy to tamper with the shotguns/fists, but...

Big energy pistols with fast firing rate and slow projectile - very hard to balance.
i tried long and hard to make the pistol raised high enough to look like it has a long magazine-cause it does. More rounds than default pistols, something like +2 each. Fires under and through liquids and in a vacuum . looks like fusion.

Fusion pistol
i have had a few problems firing primary and secondary simultaneously-you might get an error if there isn't enough ammo for both. primary rounds are bigger than default, secondary rounds are colorful too. more rounds per clip, but i never got secondary fire to work use more ammo like in marathon- fires faster tho. looks like a flamethrower.

I wish i had a different graphic for this one, so it repeats itself in the flamethrower. more of primary rounds are green with an impact, and i think that they do more damage. secondary rounds are pretty and seem to have less of a damage radius. grenades are shared with another weapon... MA75B looks like the MA75B.

The holy shotguns were meddled with, mainly the ammo and projectile has changed. now you can see the pellets as they pierce your enemies. they fire underwater. looks like shotguns held a little high.

more flame! more rounds! drags you through groups of enemies, so backtrack to stand still. no science there, simple carnage as long as you hold on. i tried to make the flamethrower obscure vision less too. looks like MA75B.

+1 round. makes enemies fly much more-payoff is less explosion graphics sometimes. different projectile and trail. sad thing is that the game won't let you wield 2 of them at same time, has them backwards no matter what i tried- bummer. The SPNKR is more fun than ever to fire into groups as u can see them fly apart. less recoil, but still looks like a SPNKR.

the original flechette covered ones' screen and obscured vision. no more tommygun, now it is energy that pushes people back, supposed to look a bit like a stream- so more rounds. projectiles wander and look funny and hurt. useful for shoving people to their watery grave. looks like flechette.

alien shotgun
supposed to be the handheld juggernaut. primary fire melts enemies. secondary fire melts masses of enemies with special ammo. i really like the new sounds. primary fire has less rounds, but u never waste them with the secondary fire. the gun never disappears, so u can roast with secondary fire. you might be able to care multiple clips, but i forget. still stolen from enforcers tho. made it more shotgun-like at last minute, so i dunno how balanced it primary fire is.

finally copyright Jeffery Carlson, 2001. Email me at TheZealotQ@aol.com for any reports or quesions about using my physics in a scenario... copyright bungie 1997 for all bungie content.

The Yota Saga, Part 3 v1.0

Goran Svensson — Sep 28, 2001

The third of 20 levels, to be played in order. The two-week schedule has been bumped up a bit - apparently the next chapter is gonna take a while. This one's quite a bit tougher, puzzle-wise, than the last two. (Baddie-wise, too.) Lots to kill, not all that much to do it with, and lots of places to fall down. Several of the critical switches are in unlikely places - if you're totally stuck, look around in map mode, and you might see likely alcoves. (The map's quite dark - at least one switch needed to be shot totally blind, at least on my computer.) This one'll take you a bit longer than the last two...

The Yota Saga, Part 2 v1.0

Goran Svensson — Sep 23, 2001

The second of 20 levels, to be played in order. (The plan is a release every two weeks - he's on schedule.) Again, ammo is sparse, and again, mapmaking is quite good. Puzzles aren't too tough, though monster placement has moved strongly in the 'Rear Admiral' direction - lots of ambushes. The 'boss' battle is a rough one - though I discovered after I was done that there was an easier way. (Pays to read the readme...) All in all, a rollicking good time! Looking forward to chapter 3.

The Yota Saga, Part 1 v1.0

Goran Svensson — Sep 08, 2001

The first of 20 levels, to be played in order. (The plan, at the moment, is to release one every two weeks.) Straightforward gameplay, new AI (could use a spellchecker), nice mapmaking. Too many baddies just standing around (though I was happy - the ammo's relatively sparse, so the fact that I could see baddies before they saw me made life a bit easier)... but a good start to a long scenario. Here's hoping that the rest of the chapters follow the plan!

Mobium v2.1

oogaBooga (Mike Finley) — Aug 28, 2001

There are 21 maps in this map pack, all of them Netmaps. They have been tested to make sure certain game types work, and I have fixed most errors, but as always if you find an error, email me.

Most of these are original, though there are a few that are not. The case being: Two are "Pain&Hate" remakes, a demo level (multiplayer) for Damage Incorporated.

Another unoriginal map is the Carnage Palace Deee-Luxe map, one which I personally went through and textured and lighted as close as possible to the original, and I think i've got it perfect.

The others are either completely new in all senses, or just inspired from other maps.

The following are maps that were supposed to come out for the Beyond Aurora project:
Kame House
Here Comes the Hotstepper
Novacane Hurricane
The Church of the Glistening Prongs of Tfear
All of these are mine, though some help was given by friends.


Evil Co-op TC Films v1.1

Sidoh — Aug 27, 2001

3 films, done co-op on TC. They are : Mr Bill Meets Mr Gumby, Parathymeter, and A View From The Edge.

Origin of Species Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Aug 24, 2001

This vid package contains vid films for all 14 levels of the Marathon Infinity scenario Origin of Species. This is one of the most challenging scenarios I have played. Several of the levels were very difficult to vid. A few of the films were produced in May 2000, while the rest were produced within the last few days. A detailed Read Me is included in the package.

The RTMS Guide to UT Weaponry v1.0

Benji-99 — Aug 24, 2001

RTMS Weapons
Harpster-2001 (Submitted by Benji-99)

UT v436
RTMS v1.1
Bonuspack 1


High Velocity Update. v1.5

JDH — Aug 22, 2001

Arena with hill in the middle elevated bunkers in four places and four sniper triangles(room shaped like a triangle). Low floor and high rim to run on completes the level. Have fun!

Marathon Infinity Theme (House Remix) v1.0

Sandman — Aug 22, 2001

Marathon Infinity Theme - House Remix
Original track by Power of Seven (http://www.mp3.com/powerofseven)
Remix by Sandman

I originally did a breakbeat/dub remix of the Marathon Infinity Theme that was posted on the Lh'owon Ar'kives Marathon archive a while back. Although the song got a fair amount of downloads, I received many complaints and low ratings commenting on the fact that it was too repetative. I also personally felt that the breakbeat didn't match the song very well, and altogether it wasn't the remix that the Marathon Infinity Theme deserved.

To compensate for my first poorly-made remix of this song, I designed another, more interesting House track that was both dancy and good for Marathon games. With a slower beat and much more variety, I now feel that this is the remix I should have originally released.

It's fun to play this song either for dance music or in Marathon games - I find both work pretty well. Have fun.

- Sandman (sandman@sandmanmaps.cjb.net)

You may distribute this track, but only in its unmodified form along with the ReadMe.

Co-op TC Evil Films v1.0

Sidoh — Aug 19, 2001

A co-op film of Mr. Bill Meets Mr. Gumby of the Marathon : Evil scenario. Its on Total Carnage with 2 players.

Dasani total carnage. v1.5

JDH — Aug 17, 2001

An arena with sniper ledges, a hill in the middle and four rooms where most of the ammo is. It's like a M1 arena.

The Jdh Files! v1.5

JDH — Aug 17, 2001

4 levels phrood is a little smaller version than thrud, Aschan in a arena with bunkers in all four corners, spaceship is a level that if you run around the whole level it looks like a spaceship, duh! Are you observant? It is a level that has a building in the middle with boxes in it, teleporters, and a platform to get you to them. Have fun.

Large and small network maps. v1.5

JDH — Aug 17, 2001

5 levels 4 are ideas I just made up for the sake of having more than one map in this download. The main one, "The Pit", in based on an M2 solo level room and I made it foR network play. The level is kill your television.ENJOY!!

Do you like the carnival v1.5

JDH — Aug 17, 2001

A level with teleporters and platforms to get around, sniperboxes for suprising passerby's. Boxes to fight in and plaenty of ammo enjoy!

No ammo Roads To Sol... v1.0

John Sumner — Aug 14, 2001

This vid package contains two films showing how to complete each path of the Marathon 2 level "All Roads Lead To Sol..." using no ammo. The film that takes the path to the normal exit was produced in the summer of 2000, while the film that takes the path to the secret Bungie credit terminal was produced earlier this year. As is well known, it is impossible to complete both paths within the same film. Both films proceed in the same way until the 2x recharger near the large cache of Shotgun shells is reached. There the strategies change. In either film, no ammo is used at all.

Mendoza 13 v1.0

Kraken7 — Aug 09, 2001

A fairly small arena-like map with a terraced pit, a central tower, surrounding walkways and sniper points, and underwater passageways that provide access to flood and lighting controls. Un-even elevations and lots of stairways/ platforms provide opportunities for mid-air combat.

Inspired by the twisting stairways, quiet pools, and an oddly organic courtyard of Notre Dame's Mendoza School of Business.

The Mendoza 13 map file actually contains 2 levels; the second level is identical to the first, except that it has about half the number of aliens (for better network play).

I hope you like it- any and all coments greatly apreciated.

Sidoh's Rubicon Vids v1.0

Sidoh — Aug 09, 2001

64 Vids films by Sidoh using the Marathon Rubicon files.

Escape!! Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Aug 03, 2001

This package contains vid films for all 7 levels of the Marathon 2 scenario Escape!! All of the films were produced in late 1999. It is one of the most enjoyable scenarios I have ever played! I found all of the levels very challenging and a joy to vid. The 6th level is a vacuum level and will have you crying before you successfully finish it. The 7th level is enormous, very challenging, and produced a vid film in excess of 2 hours. I highly recommend this scenario to anyone looking for a good Marathon test. This vid package also contains a detailed Read Me.

HB vs. SN Films v1.0

Scott Noblitt — Jul 31, 2001

These are three network films between Mark Levin and me. To seemingly everyone's surprise, we played the net games over the internet with NetLink (yes, it is possible.)

They are kind of fun to watch because all of them are good games, with several leader switches and good moves.

Oh, and they don't require and 3rd party maps, as they all use the standard Infinity "map" file.

Operation Vengeance Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 30, 2001

This package contains vid films for all 13 solo levels of the Marathon Infinity scenario Operation Vengeance. They were all done by myself in March of last year. This scenario is one of my all time favorites. Very challenging and very, very fun. All 13 levels are a blast to play. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Marathon at it's best. The package also contains a detailed Read Me.

UT Package Tool v1.6beta3

Netdevil — Jul 29, 2001

Tool to peek inside UT packages.

UT Skin Maker v2.5beta3

Netdevil — Jul 29, 2001

Program to make easily UT skins.

TUTPackages unit v1.8

Netdevil — Jul 29, 2001

Delphi unit for reading UT packages.

The Black Series Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 28, 2001

This vid package contains vid films for 14 of the 15 solo levels in the scenario The Black Series. Eleven of the levels were vid by myself in late 1999 and early 2000. The remaining three levels were vid yesterday and today. The only level I was not able to vid was the level "Bishop Station". Unfortunately, that level is beyond my abilities at this time. The package contains a detailed Read Me.

King of the Hill (KOTH2) v.010203

Captain Kewl — Jul 25, 2001

King of the Hill originated as a network gametype for the Marathon series by Bungie. Unlike the Unreal KOTH, the object of the Marathon KOTH is to stand on an actual "hill" -- that is, a designated area -- somewhere on the map. The winner is whomever manages to stay on the hill the longest.

The original KOTH mod for Unreal and KOTH2 for Unreal Tournament were written by Patrick "GorGor" Cyr. Current iteration maintained by Jason Yu. KOTH2 requires KOTH-specific maps which may be obtained from Frogblast: The Ventcore Project.

KOTH2 Website

Marathon: Resurrection beta1

Team Unpfhorgiven — Jul 25, 2001

Marathon:Resurrection Website

This release contains the following:
MarathonMOD.u (07/24/2001 version)
MarathonMOD.int (07/24/2001 version)

DMMR-WrathNoMoreb4.unr (Yeah!)

M1.utx (07/22/2001 version)
M2.utx (07/22/2001 version)
MInf.ut (07/17/2001 version)

MaraSnds.uax (06/17/2001 version)

Marathon Evil Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 23, 2001

This package contains my vid films for 12 of the 16 Marathon Evil solo levels. Several of these were done last year, with the remaining done within the past month. I regret I have not been able to do all 16. Unfortunately, the remaining levels are beyond my ability at this time. Some of the levels in this package are among the hardest levels I have ever vid, especially the level "Parathymeter". A detailed Read Me is included in the package.

Fb-Everyone's Mortal But Me II v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared as part of the game Marathon by Bungie Software. This version of the map requires a machine with a lot of ooomph and a high-end graphics card is recommended. This map is a DM version of KOTH-FbEveronesMortalButMe][.

If you've played the original map, you will notice that certain, ah, liberties have been taken with this conversion. I'm planning on doing an 'exact' conversion in the near future -- be on the lookout for it.

Map Author: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Alderian Connection Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 21, 2001

This package contains vid films for all 5 levels of the Marathon 2 scenario The Alderian Connection. They were all produced within the last month and are among the longest films I have ever done. Each one is roughly 1 hour or longer. In fact, the film for level 5 runs approximately 2.5 hours. The extreme length of each film is primarily due to the size and complexity of the levels of this scenario. Even so, this is one of the most enjoyable scenarios I have ever played. Each level contains everything that makes Marathon fun, i.e. plenty of ammo, weapons, a 2x recharger, and lots of enemies. At times, some of the situations can be frustrating (especially the vacuum level 4). All in all, I highly recommend this scenario to anyone wishing for a tremendous Marathon challenge. The film package also contains a detailed Read Me.

Fb-King of Pain v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map first appeared in the third installment of Bungies Software's Marathon Trilogy: Marathon Infinity. It was created for Marathon Infinity by the world renowned map maker "Frigidman".

This map is a smaller tighter and higher carnage rating version of "House of Pain". This map also feels a lot better on the eyes with better structure and detail.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

KOTH-Fb-King of Pain v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

It took a while but I finally managed to work out a lighting effect that to my knowledge is unique. When you're on the Hill the floor underneath just the area you're standing on lights up red. This map implements true (Marathon-style) king of the hill with the help of Gor Gor's cool KOTH mod. True king of the hill is scored by time on the hill area - not frags. You will see a timer display on the left edge of your screen. Whenever you are on the hill the numbers will turn red and begin to accumulate time. The scoreboard is ordered by time on the hill, although frags are shown also. The game will end when the max hill time is reached. See KOTH.txt for info on how to setup a KOTH server and start a KOTH game or go to Gor Gor's web site at http://www.geocities.com/kobuster/koth
On this map the hill is the off-colored strip across the center. This map appeared in the game Marathon Infinity by Bungie Software.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Return To Crete v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map was created for the 5-cubes contest that occurred mid-year 2000. Unfortunately, I had to run off to my vacation before I could complete it and missed the contest deadline.

"So," I asked myself, "what to do with this map now that the competition was over?" Shelve it? Make it five times its original size and change the feel of the map altogether?" After careful reflection, I decided to add bot support to the powerups and (on a whim) the skybox.

Due to the height of the walls, the bots just didn't quite get how to get up to the top.. the translocator would bounce off the wall until I moved the JumpSpot up into the air. In so doing they suddenly didn't know how to use the jumpboots. Worse still, when trying to leave the upper areas the bots would attempt to translocate to the raised JumpSpots rather than take the paths that i built for them. Exasperated, I removed the pathing for the bots to get to the powerups, it just wasn't worth it.

(I hate having to accomodate bots. I typically spend more time either fixing bot support or removing evil BSP holes. When, I ask you, will these traumas cease?)

The map was still just the five cubes and the 'sky' wasn't cutting it. Added another cube -- the skybox and made it look significantly better. So, if anyone out there want's to host a six-cube + five 2D-shapes contest, I'm ready!

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Mars Needs Women v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map first appeared before the game Marathon was even released. A late beta of the was leaked and it rapidly spread across college campuses and Mac- based office networks around the country, It was rumored that the leak was eventually traced to some drone in a marketing company working with Bungie, who was then fired. The beta contained three single player levels and one network map. That map was Mars Needs Women. Mars Needs Women is probably the most- played of any network map on Marathon - or any other game.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Grendel's Happy Cookie v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared in the Coriolis map pack from Double Aught as a follow-up to the game Marathon Infinity by Bungie Software.

After the failure of the UESC Mining Company's Tau Ceti expedition, the company was never able to recover and finally went insolvent a scant nine years later. At this time the Liandri Company was considered only a second tier competitor to the UESCMC and was not generally recognized as anything other than a regional industrial concern. However Liandri sensed opportunity in the demise of the UESCMC and snapped up as many of the liquidated assets as it could afford. The prescience of this move can hardly be debated considering Liandri's ascendance to the system-wide position of dominance that it holds today. Among the assets acquired by Liandri was the Grendel Station.

Located on a small (~5 km diameter) asteroid in a stable trans-Mars orbit, this station was long the subject of strange whisperings. Rumor had it that the station was designed to conduct illegal experiments into computer rampancy - an effort to develop, and more importantly to control, self- sentient artificial intelligence. These rumors were borne out when the Liandri engineers arrived at the station to inspect its facilities and discovered the records of the project leader, Dr. Doug Zartman. Referred to in polite circles as "brilliant but misunderstood" (and as an "insane evil genius" in others) Zartman was largely shunned in scientific circles for his ideas about computer AI. Apparently Zartman was able to convince the UESCMC to fund his illegal experiments and proceeded to build the Grendel Station.

Since a rampant AI requires a planet-sized network to sustain its growth, the Grendel Station was designed for two main functions: to contain a massive computer network in a small volume, and to provide power for that network. Thus Grendel is composed largely of open space. The Liandri engineers were never able to understand how Zartman was providing power to his computer network, and thus they were never able to fully dismantle his power grid.

The strangeness of the architecture led a few individuals to the end that the design was alien in origin. These individuals claimed that an extra 80 quadbits accompanied the Marathon warning signal that was broadcast from Tau Ceti. Supposedly these extra 80 quadbits are the schematics to the network. Unfortunately this avenue could not be pursued to any great extent, as the extra data disappeared from all public communication nets soon afterwords, in a massive net crash know as the "Duality Crisis." With no data to support those few individuals that aspired to the alien tech idea, the extra 80 quadbits were quickly forgotten by most. As a result, when the Grendel power network was discovered by Liandri INC., it was considered a quaint if very frustrating piece of engineering. Although sensors and visual observation were able to indicate massive amounts of energy were being utilized within the power grid, Liandri engineers were not able to utilize, or shut down the grid. The massive buildups of energy that randomly discharged in the area, were rather unsafe, and Liandri engineers feared an explosion or worse should the power grid build up too much energy. Static dampeners were placed within the building's walls to absorb the worst of the discharges and large pools of cooling fluid were utilized to prevent any heat buildup.

For several months Liandri engineers studied the power grid, but found that the extrememly damage resistant facility was also tamper resistant, and largely gave up in ever knowing its secrets. Liandri, seeking some compensation for an otherwise useless facility, has finally refitted the building for the Tournament. The open arcs of electricity through the area should prove entertaining for the spectators.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Sands Serif II v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared as part of the Coriolis Loop map pack from Double Aught Software for the game Marathon by Bungie Software. Along with Wrath No More? this was my favorite Marathon net map.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Duality v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

Duality was always one of my favorite Marathon Infinity maps. It had cool architecture, cool gameplay, and lots of shotguns. Well, the shotguns couldn't be added, but I hope I captured the essence of Duality.

This map was the *very first* map that I ever attempted to create when Unreal 1 came out nearly two years ago. I wanted to learn the editor and decided that this would be a fun way to learn. The first iteration of the map had the scale a bit--off. The stairs in the lower section were so tall that a player had to jump from step to step. That was an interesting learning experience :)

Thanks for all the support from those in the community. It's been really fun/frustrating making the maps as I am a perfectionist without any time to actually be productive. There will be a lot of folks that will be very irritated that I changed bits of the map to suit my fancy. I hold to
philosophy that by bringing the game into a modern engine, to take advantage of its features -- slopes, curves and so on. Some things change as a result. I'm sure that if the original Marathon mappers had a more advanced engine they would have done things differently too--so get off my case already ;)

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

KOTH-Fb-Route 66 v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

The point of UT King of the Hill is to dominate a location on the map for a period of time. The concept is similar to Domination, but there is (typically) one Hill and it's an every-man-for-himself to be King. The first player to reach the time limit wins (or the player with the most time on the Hill wins, if the map times out or if a frag-limit is reached). This is completely different from the Unreal 1 version of KOTH and is far more hectic as all the players attempt to dominate one location.

The Hill in FbRoute66 is in the center of the map, amid the columns.

This map comes with the mod needed to play King of the Hill, so there is no need to download the KOTH2 mod.

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

KOTH-Fb-Melatonin v2.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared as part of the game Marathon by Bungie Software. There are three flavors of this map to date: Unreal, KOTH Unreal (KOTH is a special new King of the Hill where players must be in a certain location on the map, the "hill," for a duration of time in order to win. since everyone is trying to get on the hill, it's usally good, chaotic fun) and Unreal Tournament. If we can convince GorGor to finish the UT Mod for KOTH, there will be yet another iteration of Melatonin :) There is a remote possibility that I may do a Melatonin][ with more levels, more kickers... but don't hold your breath :)

This map comes with the mod needed to play King of the Hill, so there is no need to download the KOTH2 mod.

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

KOTH-Fb-Duality v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

The point of UT King of the Hill is to dominate a location on the map for a period of time. The concept is similar to Domination, but there is (typically) one Hill and it's an every-man-for-himself to be King. The first player to reach the time limit wins (or the player with the most time on the Hill wins, if the map times out or if a frag-limit is reached). This is completely different from the Unreal 1 version of KOTH and is far more hectic as all the players attempt to dominate one location.

The Hill in FbDuality is the big pool at the top of the map.

This map comes with the mod needed to play King of the Hill, so there is no need to download the KOTH2 mod.

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-House of Pain ][ v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared with the game Marathon II: Durandal by Bungie Software. This map scales well over any number of players. It works well even with only two players. It seems you tend to grab a weapon and head to the center. As the number of players grows some people tend instead to stay in the outside track.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Wrath No More? II v1.1

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared as part of the game Marathon Infinity by Bungie Software. Along with Sands Serif (Good Looking) this was my favorite Marathon net map. If you stand under the square yellow thing in the ceiling you will be healed up to 199 health if you can manage to stand there long enough. The shield belt appears infrequently on the little ledge in the wall sort of opposite the water from the heal zone. To get there go to the opposite side of the map and lift jump onto the roof from the lift in the water, then jump across. Also, in part of the map the gravity has been tweaked to allow you to jump from the high ledge over to the ledge where the heal zone is (this was a key strategy in Marathon net play). To play the signature sound go onto the roof or shoot at the sky above the heal zone.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-E=MC What?!? ][ v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared as part of the game Marathon by Bungie Software. It is a squarish arena with square pilars evenly spaced about. The carnage and death in this map is quite high, and gets seriously crazy with more than 3 people.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

KOTH-Fb-House of Pain II fc1

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This is a King of the Hill version of the marathon map House of Pain II. This map comes with the mod needed to play King of the Hill, so there is no need to download the KOTH2 mod.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

KOTH-Fb-Beyond Thunderdome II v2.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

A King of the Hill version of the Beyond Thunderdome marathon map. This map comes with the mod needed to play King of the Hill, so there is no need to download the KOTH2 mod.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Beyond Thunderdome II v1.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared with the game Marathon Infinity by Bungie Software. It
was a remake of the map Thunderdome from the original Marathon. To get to
the amplifier, the superhealth, or the sniper rifle you will need to learn to
lift jump. The net play on this map can be kinda slow with only 2 or 3
players - after that it heats up pretty fast.
To play the signature sound shoot or lift jump at the ceiling.

UT Mapper: Wolfchild

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Route 66 v2.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map had been one of NaliCity's and PlanetUnreal's Picks of the Week for Unreal maps. Since Unreal Tournament came out, I've been itching to convert it so that folks out there can groove on it some more :).

Fixed the "dead spot" that had somehow escaped my notice before. Added lens flares, screenshot, music, and converted the weapons/powerups to UT format to complete the conversion. Also, embedded the mountain textures into the file so people wouldn't have to have the texture pack in order to play.

To the guy that put his hard effort into converting it for me: Thank you very much, sorry I had a more current version :\\ otherwise, I would have used yours. (can't remember the name)

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast: The Ventcore Project

Fb-Melatonin v2.0

Frogblast — Jul 21, 2001

This map appeared as part of the game Marathon by Bungie Software. There are three flavors of this map to date: Unreal, KOTH Unreal (KOTH is a special new King of the Hill where players must be in a certain location on the map, the "hill," for a duration of time in order to win. since everyone is trying to get on the hill, it's usally good, chaotic fun) and Unreal Tournament. If we can convince GorGor to finish the UT Mod for KOTH, there will be yet another iteration of Melatonin :) There is a remote possibility that I may do a Melatonin][ with more levels, more kickers... but don't hold your breath :)

UT Mapper: Hobeaux

Frogblast Website

Sons of Ludd Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 19, 2001

This package contains vid films for all 8 levels of the Infinity scenario The Sons of Ludd. This is one of the most enjoyable scenarios I have played and I highly recommend it to everyone. Five of the films were done by myself early last year. Only recently did I revisit this scenario and was able to complete films for the remaining 3 levels. Not surprisingly, these 3 levels are the hardest of the 8 to vid. The package also contains a detailed Read Me.

Mac UT 436 Update

Epic — Jul 19, 2001

This is a fully tested release (not a beta) for the retail version of Unreal Tournament Mac.

This update will work with any previous version of Unreal Tournament Mac (400,405B,413, 425, or 425a). It includes all of the fixes from the previous updates.

PC UT 436 Update

Epic — Jul 19, 2001

This is a fully tested release (not a beta) for the retail version of Unreal Tournament PC.

King of the Hill (KOTH) v2.1

GorGor — Jul 19, 2001

KOTH is a new "King of the Hill" game type for Unreal Tournament. It differs from the "King of the Hill" game type included with Unreal in that in KOTH there are actual hill areas that players must occupy in order to score points and win the match.

KOTH Website

Assault Bonus Pack

Eavy — Jul 19, 2001

Large pack of new assault game type maps. Comes with an enhanced assault mod that adjusts various aspects of game play.

The mod is not required to use the new maps with though, so if you do not like the "new assault" adjustments, you can play the new maps old school.

UT Bonus Pack 4

Epic — Jul 19, 2001

The Christmas bonus pack from Epic.

UT Inoxx Pack

Epic — Jul 19, 2001

Large pack of great maps to use in your fragging fun.

Get this now, to save you the download time when you connect to a server that runs many of the maps included!

UT Bonus Pack 2

Epic — Jul 19, 2001

Small bonus pack of a couple CTF maps and a umod of mutator additions.

Although small, its a good thing to have as most servers run with some sort of combination from all the Bonus Packs (unless its a server dedicated to a larger TC).

UT Bonus Pack 1

Epic — Jul 19, 2001

Very large pack of stuff for UT. Maps, mutators, skins, textures and sounds.

This is a must have collection to add to your base install of UT (along with all the other bonus packs as well!)

Siege of Nor'Korh Vid Films v1.0

John Sumner — Jul 17, 2001

This film package contains vid films for each of the 6 levels of the Marathon Infinity scenario "The Siege of Nor'Kohr". They were done in January 2000 using the Marathon Infinity application. A detailed Read Me is included within the package.

Wake up. Time to die. v1.1

Joe Mahma — Jul 12, 2001

A small-feeling net map designed for small groups, up to 4. Weapon placement was fixed and the rechargers were removed to make it harder to hold the building/hill. The annoying "water-pop" effect was fixed, and should look much better now. The shallow pit in the center of the building is used as the net game hill.

Now, who knows where the name comes from?

M A R A T H O N : The 3D Animated short v1.0

Ernie — Jul 03, 2001

M A R A T H O N : The Animated short

What it's all about:
This is the result of half of a semester of work in my high school 3D Animation/modeling class. To create something unique, I decided to create a short movie taking place in the Marathon universe.

This movie is a animated short, about a 1 min and 1/2 long. It features the Cybernetic Marine we all know and love, along with a familiar friend.
One guess, rhymes with, uh... "m'ore". ;-)

To my surprise, I completed it!

Help for viewing:

If you are viewing this AVI file on a IBM, I don't think you will have any trouble, since it is compressed using the Indeo 5.0.4 video compressor. The codec will most likely download automatically from Microsoft.

If you are on a Macintosh under OS 8 or 9, you will need to download the Indeo Video plugin version 5 from versiontracker.com. It can be found here:

Please note: As of yet there is no Indeo Codec support for Mac OSX yet. Sorry. To view it, boot into Classic, and download the codec from Versiontracker.

The file you can download here IS an avi file, but compressed in a .zip format due to the format the evihcra.com file posting process requires.

Thanks goes out to:

I'd like to thank Frigidman for the use of his Marathon Marine texture, and my assumption that the M:Open Source people won't break my knees for using their textures from the texture enhancement project in my animated short. ;-)
The music was made by Digital Droo. (Amazing stuff, buy his CD's at mp3.com:

All that other information:

I still have all the source models and textures I created to people on the net if there is a demand for them. Rhino, a NURBS based modeler (www.rhino3d.com) was used for all the modeling.
All animation and rendering was done in 3D Studio Max, version 3. All post effects (titles and all those bell and whistles) were done in Adobe Premier.

Have fun,
Ernie (ernie@bungie.org)

Wake up. Time to die. v1.0

Joe Mahma — Jul 02, 2001

Small-feeling net map supporting up to four players on "every man for himself" or "kill the man with the ball," but best with 2 players. The screenshot shows the courtyard (where the ball and two rechargers are located), and there is a large outer ring which is ankle-deep in water.

Joe Mahma

Terminal Carnage v1.0

doughnut — Jul 01, 2001

This was originally my submissiong to Bungie.org's Simplici7y Competition. The object of this competition was to create a map with only seven polygons. This is what I accomplished.

It's not very good and, obviously, didn't win. I'm only submitting it to the Marathon community for... Well, I can't think of a good reason right now but I'm sure I'll think of one later.

32-bit Fusion Bolt Sprites v1.0

MrVacBob (Alexander Strange) — Jun 23, 2001

A set of 32-bit fusion bolt sprites for Aleph One (they're actually just Strata 3D lens flare effects). If you start freezing or getting white rectangles instead of sprites or textures, visit source.bungie.org for help, complain to marathon-devel@lists.sourceforge.net or sacrifice a live goat by the full moon.

The Under Ground v1.0

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

this is my 10th map. it has 8 players and 4 secret passages. and is has a center hill and ball.

The Mall v1.0

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 9th map. This map has 4 stories. The
1st story contanes the hill and 2 stair wells that
lead to the 1st 2 sniper towers. The 2nd story is a
teleporter destination and it has 4 small rooms
that have 3x health contaners and this story has
4 secret passages 2 of them lead to the 2nd 2
sniper towers. The 3rd story contanes the ball.
The 4th story contanes 2 teleporters to the 2nd
story and a big lava filled piston room, on top of 2
of the pistons there are invicibility powerups but
be carfull because the pistons will kill you.

Medieval Times? v1.1

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 8th map. There are
6 secret room/passages in
this map. 2 have 3x energy
powerups 2 go between the
main room and the dark
hallway. 2 are conected to
the sniper towers. The big
center room contanes the hill
and the ball.

Space Ship 51 v1.2

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 7th map. This map has 2
secret rooms contaning health,
weapons and teleporters linking them
together. This map also has 4 'hidden'
hallways that link to the outermost
hallway on the map. This map does
not have a hill but it has a ball in the
very center of the map. If anough
people want a hill on this map, i' put
one on it.

Space station v1.3

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 6th map. This map has a hill
and a ball in the center of the map. It
also has a 'weapons room' on the left
side of the map and a bathroom on the
right side of the map. This map has a
secret wrap around hallway that
conects to two rooms conected to the
main hallway.

A walk in the city v2.1

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 5th map. It is a big room with
realy big pillars and a outer walkway that
is cut out of the pillars on the outside
edge of the map. this map has 6 sniper
towers, 2 that overlook the hill. Each of
the other 4 sniper towers can see 2 of the
other sniper towers. this map has a
central hill surounded by lava.

Laboratory v1.1

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 4th map. I made this map because
i was bord. This is a target practice map ,
there is only one player but it is still fun to

Warehouse v1.2

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 3rd map. There are 4
players in this map. The key feature in
this map is the 'bob box' in the main
room, if the door is opened there will
be lots and lots of carnage.

Rivers N' walkways v1.1

svenneves — Jun 22, 2001

This is my 2nd map and is still my
favorite. This map has 4 players.
There are 3 secret underwater rooms
and 2 half submerged walkways.

Alt.Penance More Will Do v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Jun 13, 2001

Alt.Penance More Will Do

It's been brought to my attention that because of the liquid that comes with the texture set used in this map, the submerged sections of the map were completely black and unplayable when using the original Infinity engine (I have been unable to duplicate this). This version replaces some of the problem media with good ol' green sewage which is hopefully a little bit easier to see in when submerged.

This map is for those who had problems with the original media or really just don't like trudging through the life-sapping Pfhor sludge.
Click here if you want the original version.

Xenophobia v1.5

Khral — Jun 12, 2001

This netmap consists of 6 starting locations. Available netplay modes include solo, every man for himself, and kill the guy with the ball.

Big place. Tall pillars with lights circling a central arena. Two hallways, an upper and lower level, wrap around the north side of the map. Basement waterways, complete with glowing canals, wrap the bottom half of the map. Ball located in central arena.

Xenophobia was created by Muhsin Miski (Khral).


Marathon Infinity ©1996 Bungie Software Products Corporation.

Halogen v1.5

Khral — Jun 12, 2001

This netmap consists of 4 starting locations. Available netplay modes include solo, every man for himself, king of the hill, and kill the guy with the ball. Bonus 2-4 major blue pfhor fighters for solo carnage.

Various winding stairways and hallways packed into a sewage plant. Complete underground view of sewage pit for aesthetics. The hill and skull are located on the east elevated sewage pit. 1x charger located west; on the thin ledge.

Halogen was created by Muhsin Miski (Khral).


Marathon Infinity ©1996 Bungie Software Products Corporation.

Sea Monkey Milanesa v1.6

metamucilax — Jun 09, 2001

Four Ruby Net Maps for solo or net play for 2-6 people. FPS has been kept low and all modes of net play (Ball, Hill, Every Man) are possible.
1. Nicotine Bingo (Rubicon original.)
2. Spam Trance (Rubicon original.)
3. The Bum's Rush (GoF import. First time release.)
4. The Grim Ritual (A remake of a Minf map, which was a remake of a TI map.)

Kill Pfhor!Kill Anger! v4.2

ori — Jun 06, 2001

Kill Pfhor!Kill Anger! is a map designed to get rid of those angry built up feelings because you had a bad day or whatnot. Its just supposed to be a lot of pfhun, without having to think to much. There are a few different areas, and its mainly desingned for NetPlay but can be used as a single play just as well. Now heres a basic listing and brief explanation of the different areas-

Main exploadabob Chamber-
This area is full of assimilated bob and vacbobs for youre exploding pleasure. Blow 'em up, get hit by 'em and fly around, whatever you wanna do. One of my favorite sectors.

Lava Pool(to be filled)-
This is a large empty red bin to begin with, but can become quite dangerous when you play with buttons...

Target Range-
In this area there are several dormant drones that await whatever you have in store for them.

Hardcore Pfhor room-
In here youll find a very excited warrior who may be a bit more of a challenge that usual, but fun to go head-to-head with.

This is a net area mostly, for running around on the hills and capturing the top.

Talk to Trashcans v1.0

ori — Jun 06, 2001

This is a map that can be used to enable talking to scenery or things like that that are standing against a wall. This technique doesnt use shapes files, but if using shapes is all right with you i suggeset checking out chris komaki's MKT tutorial so you can put invisible terminals anywhere

Lightning v1.0

ori — Jun 06, 2001

This map has a light effect with a statleless cycle through differently timed short flashes of light with long periods of darkness in between, and thunder sounds timed with the lightning. For use as a model for whatever you wanna do with it.

Marathon Infinity-Theme Remix v1.0

Sandman — May 26, 2001

Original Marathon Infinity Theme created by Power of Seven (Bungie)
Remix by Sandman (DJ Malek)
A thundering breakbeat remix of Power of Seven's Marathon Infinity Theme with heavy bass drums and fast acid synths.

The original Marathon Infinity Theme with its unique electronic sounds and beats inspired me into creating a full-length eight minute remix. So here it is, eight minutes of pure thrashing break-beats, bass drums, and acid.

This song works well when playing Marathon - just leave your MP3 player running in the background while you blast away approaching aliens with your assault riffle. It's awesome to play netgames to this music as well.

Have fun!
- Sandman (DJ Malek)

You may distribute this file, but only if proper credit is given and the file is used only in its original StuffIt (.sit) format along with this included ReadMe and the unaltered MP3 file.

Penance More Will Do v1.1

Matt Ramquist — May 24, 2001

Originally developed for the Chimera scenario. Retextured for Marathon Rubicon.

(v1.1) Fixes some bad textures (Thanks, JD). Removed some duplicate items. June 12, 2001
(v1.0) Initial release. May 24, 2001

Note: It's been brought to my attention that because of the liquid that comes with the texture set used in this map, the submerged sections of the map are completely black and unplayable when using the original Infinity engine (I have been unable to duplicate this). This does not affect the Aleph One engine so you should be fine if you're using that. Those playing with MR Infinity should either use the map view when submerged or click here to download an alternate version with different media.

CK's Playground (M1) v1.0

Code Master — May 20, 2001

This is the first map that I made that was any good. It is a very small map originally made for Marathon 1 that I later ported to Marathon 2 and Infinity. It only contains my two favorite weapons: the double pistol and the fusion pistol requiring skill in dodging and aiming. There is also very little ammo so you had better be good with the fist(s)! Anything falling into the center becomes trapped, but can still hit others in the feet. The textures in Marathon 2/Inf just aren't the same as in 1 so it looses some of the atmosphere, but at least the water in the center is real.

CK's Playground (Infinity) v1.0

Code Master — May 20, 2001

This is the first map that I made that was any good. It is a very small map originally made for Marathon 1 that I later ported to Marathon 2 and Infinity. It only contains my two favorite weapons: the double pistol and the fusion pistol requiring skill in dodging and aiming. There is also very little ammo so you had better be good with the fist(s)! Anything falling into the center becomes trapped, but can still hit others in the feet. The textures in Marathon 2/Inf just aren't the same as in 1 so it looses some of the atmosphere, but at least the water in the center is real.

Machina v1.0

Code Master — May 20, 2001

This was my first map made with Forge, and is quite weird. I tried to make a very dark factory of sorts but I kept getting errors about too many transparent polygons so I had to simplify things a little. There are two sides to the map: one with 2x health and the other with more weapons and sniper/ambush places. I played around with the 'transports in' tags and trigger polygons to create some cool effects.
Flickering lights add what I like to call 'atmosphere', and it goes well with the carnage that piles up rather quickly when played on total carnage!

Lyceum v1.1

Code Master — May 20, 2001

Lyceum: (li-se'-am) n. orig. a place in Athens where Aristotle taught his pupils; [Gk. Lukeion] This level is one of the funnest levels I have played. The lack of assault rifles makes the launcher and the shotguns very desirable, but don't get caught trying to get the spanker! The level allows easy movement and lets you see what's going on almost all the time (so you can see all the kills and spills!). Colored sides make team bases to play as teams but real team play is not supported. In each base is a health dispensor, but watch your back while recharging. And don't tick off the Bobs!

Toren Vs. Simon RAMBO v1.0

aragorn — May 14, 2001

Now this is a fun level to watch. This is Toren and I killing each other on physics "ramboXXXIII". This is funny because once one person has a good shot at the other, the other person is either dead, or takes considerable damage. I like to use the pistol, and Toren got the fusion. The problem with fusion is that on good hit and your dead. Grenades were especially fun.

If you don't know how to change your physics file, this is what you do: 1) make sure the physics file "ramboXXXIII" is copied into your physics folder. Go into the marathon disc, open anvil, open sample models, and drag the file to your physics folder within marathon infinity folder. 2) Open marathon infinity. select "preferences", "enviornment", "physics", "ramboXXXIII". 3) Run the film.

Toren vs. Simon w/ Aliens v1.0

aragorn — May 14, 2001

This is yet another film with Toren, only this time we're on a different level and with aliens. This level is a little more interesting, and Toren killed me more.

Toren vs. Simon2 v1.0

aragorn — May 14, 2001

This is another battle with Toren, though it's not as long.

Toren vs. Simon1 v1.0

aragorn — May 14, 2001

This is a fun film to watch because it shows me blowing my opponet away most of the time with a rocket launcher. Toren doesn't play marathon as much as me.

Cyborg Central v1.1

Garrick — May 06, 2001

There are two maps with this Pack

Cyborg Central - A large area map good for Multi Player carnage. Two variations - Light and Heavy

The Level of Lighting - Just an interesting idea that, in the end, worked quite well. It's sort of incomplete but it might end up being the start of a solo one day.


Escape!! v1.01

Scott Noblitt — May 04, 2001

Orbital Arm wrote -
Escape is a 7 level scenario set after the events depicted in Marathon 2. Featuring large, complex maps and a detailed storyline, this one will keep you busy for hours. The map design is impressive, with huge, twisting, complex levels. The puzzles are difficult, yet not frustrating; exploration keeps the player from frustration, and there is always something new to see. The levels are filled with scenery and visual ambiance. A must have!

The game features some of the largest, most complex maps ever seen in W95 Marathon 2, so have fun. Also, some new PICTs should help liven the terminals.

Download is in .ZIP format.

Orbital Arm Six v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Apr 29, 2001

Orbital Arm Six

by Matt (Low-G) Ramquist

This is a Net Level for use with Aleph One. It has long-line of sight to outdoor areas. The whole level takes place aboard a space station. There is a fairly large arena where the main fighting takes place, a smaller observatory deck to look out over the space station and a really cool elevator that gives another scenic view from beneath the space station (and takes you to some nice goodies as well.)
The level itself is only about 400 polygons so it should play pretty smoothly even during intense multiplayer action.

Coop Attempt 3 v1.0

aragorn — Apr 27, 2001

This is yet again another attempt at cooperative play. We did much better this time, though my sister still gets in my way. In several places i took damage when i could have dodged it because my sister was in the way. We had a little trouble on the third or fourth level; i don't remember which. My recomendation: kill all crocks when in coop mode.

Please write me a review on this file, i would appreciate it.

Coop attempt 2 v1.0

aragorn — Apr 27, 2001

This here is our second attempt at coop play. We only got through a few levels, and did worse in some situations. Enjoy our folly.

First Coop Attempt v1.0

aragorn — Apr 27, 2001

This film features my sister (dragonus maximus), my dad (bone chiller), and me (divine winds), and our first attempt at marathon 2 cooperative play. This film is amusing in spots because we all have different styles. I tend to me more aggressive than i need to be, my sister tends to stir up all the aliens, then make me kill them, and then get in the way when i'm killing them. My dad is a decent player, but seems to hold a grudge against the "run" button. He knows his way around, though, and tends to be our tour guide on most levels. We got through about the first 5 levels, but it took us over an hour. I'll think you'll find this film both entertaining and amusing. Please rate this file. Thank you.

Bachus' Net Extravaganza v1.0

Bachus — Apr 26, 2001

This pack contains 6 maps:

Juggers of the Jungle v1.1
Carnage Among Enemies v1.1
BOBs of the Hill v1.1
Pillars 'R Us v1.0
Midnight in Hell v1.0
Freakin' Intense v1.0

They range from small and fast maps to large and fast maps. To tell the truth, these maps have never been tested in multiplayer before. At the very least they make for good practice maps. Since I'm incredibly vain and egotistical, I'll go on the record and say that BOBs of the Hill and Freakin' Intense are more challenging on Total Carnage than Battlecat's Hell Hole.

If that's not a testament to carnage then I don't know what is.

MR NetMaps Compilation v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Apr 24, 2001

This is a Compilation of all my Marathon NetMaps that somehow or another were not wiped off the face of the earth after many a Hard Drive crash/reformat.

1. NetHell (Original) v1.1 - The first Marathon 1 map I ever made, recently converted to Marathon Infinity. This differs from 1.0 in that exploda-BOBs have been reset to appear normally instead of Teleporting in front of you. Personally, I thought the teleportation looked better but others didn't appreciate exploding without warning.

2. NetHell 2000 - Sequel to NetHell originally made for Marathon 2. Basically a big arena with a few twists. For some reason I didn't put in a seperate hell level for this map.

3. In The Dark We Live… - Another Net Level originally made for M2. Has remained unchanged except that a few minor polygon/line errors were fixed through Forge.

4. Citadel - The First Map I made using Bungie's Forge for Mi. A very cramped... errrr.... cozy KOTH-type level.

5. Temple Of Dreams - A neat little level with a suspended tunnel and a central hill. Physics have been altered so that BOB is not your friend. On the bright side, now you have a good excuse to shoot BOBs and take their ammo.

6. Hamster Maze - The second map I made for M1. Fighting takes place aboard a small space station with a big spiral staircase. Why would a spacestation have a spiral staircase you ask? Ummm, because Pfhorte used to make them automatically for you of course.

7. Wind It Up! - Dual Arena level. The two arenas are linked by several teleporters.

8. Phoebus TDK - A more polished arena netmap made for Mi. The SPNKR is well guarded but not difficult to get.

Comrade Hüff's Tea Party v1.0

ToastMonkey Consortium — Apr 20, 2001

A 17-level nethop map with a seriously cool intro level. Most of the individual levels have been released in some form... many have changed pretty radically, though. It's built around two "hub" levels, so that smaller groups can actually play without getting too lost, but larger ones can spread out. Built with Obed for Win95 M2, it's actually not playable under the mac version, due to the long line of sights and transparent lines. Luckily, it works beautifully under Aleph One, available from the Marathon: Open Source site. Get this map for its grandeur alone.
-Claude Errera

This map was created by Pushkin and Moose-Factory @ th' Toastmonkey Consortium. The Aleph version of this map is known as ToastMonkey Presents, which currently is the same as this version, though that is soon to change as we modify the aleph version to beter utilize alephs features as well as the infinity texture set. But currently both versions are the same. Now, words from the maker(s):

Have fun with this one- it's been a while in the making, and still is a work in progress- though this will be very close to what the final version for M2 atleast will look like (maybe some minor ammo placement tweaking). Many maps have been included to provide any type of concievable battlefield you could wish for- and you'll find some cool concepts and many maps that we've released prior to this.

While this is technically a nethop, it is mainly centered around one large hub level (Comrade Hüffs Tea Party- which to my knowledge has only been released in this nethop). Within that level are many hiden terminals and exit polys to jump to the other levels, but those are mainly little secret bonuses. Otherwise you may acces the other maps like you would any other netpack with the level jumpin' code.

-Moose Factory

Please rate and/or review this map! We'd love to hear some feedback. Thanks!

Lumpy Milk v1.0

doughnut — Apr 18, 2001

A small canyon with the Hill in the middle. There are 2 obvious ways to get to the Hill, and one way that you'll find hard to defend yourself from... A teleporter.

There are no secrets here, so everything is out in the open.

You might find yourself tempted to go for the bigger guns, but remember there might be more important things you should be worried about... Like Hill or Ball time.

Special thanks to OogaBooga who was kind enough to texture and add light to this map.

MCTF v1.0

Have Blue — Apr 17, 2001

This pack allows you to play Capture the Flag under Marathon Infinity, including new flag sprites and a real working scoreboard. Also included are files and instructions for making your own CTF maps.

B.org Map Roulette: Devil's Haircut v1.0

Bungie.org Map Roulettes — Apr 16, 2001

I can't believe this took 6 hours:)

It's a lava/nighttime arena with various ups and downs, with neato split poly fx and lava, lighting... the works. Baddies are included, and plenty of ammo for almost any group.


Joe Mahama

Roulettes rock! This is an open activity so anyone can join. We usually go on pete's server, but plan it on hotline (hl.bungie.org). Ask someone for the guest account so you have chat privs.

Happy hunting!


Note from Kira-Baka:

To get Hotline, (the prog needed to goto the server) goto: BigRedH.com.

Symmetry Simplici7y v1.0

techno — Apr 15, 2001

A map created for the "Simplici7y" map-making contest held by Bungie.org in may of 2000. The rules of the contest required all submissions to be exactly 7 polygons. This map was one of 7 runners-up. The map is a small, triangular arena with a raised Hill in the center. The physics have been altered so that the kickback of the rocket launcher will not push you off the hill.

If you try Symmetry Simplici7y and like it please come back and rate it.
Please send any feedback to Charlie_Olson@mac.com

Petri's Map Sack v1.4

Petri (Peter Cooner) — Apr 15, 2001

A Marathon Inf Net pack with varying sizes large to small. Seven maps playable as: Team KOTH (2), normal KOTH (1), Carnage (7), Ball (3). If your playing Marathon over the internet you should definitely check this out for the map "Doh #Bungie."

Roulette Pack One v1.0

Bungie.org Map Roulettes — Apr 14, 2001

This Pack was created by oogaßooga and Kira-Baka.

Two small maps. If anyone would like to join our little group, simply email any one of us. (though your best bet would be to contact ooga, he's on most of the time:) )


NetHell (Original) v1.0

Matt Ramquist — Apr 13, 2001

This is an 8-player(recommended) net level with a twist. While seven players start out in my scenic Battle Arena, the eighth is exiled into hell. Why not just commit suicide you ask? Because hell is escapable, and for those who dare ascend you may either: 1) transport yourself to the main Battle Arena 2) Find satan's secret control room or 3) do both. I won't tell you much about control room except that gives you some cool powers to use on your friend/enemies in the arena.

2001 Addendum

Architecture and silly notes were preserved to show what a geeky kid I was when I made this level. Textures and media have been updated for compatibility with Marathon Infinity/Aleph One.

Please send me any netgame films recorded while playing this level, I would love to see them.


P.S.- for solo players who want to test the Hell part of the map just hit Command-Q to end the current game then hit "new game" from the menu to respawn from a new location, repeat until you start the game in a small room (entrance to hell).

Hell Hole v1.3

Voted the map most like a corneal paper cut.


Version 1.3

By: Gary Simmons
the Battle Cat

Hell Hole is by now an old friend of mine and I am getting pretty good at playing the game. I have learned lots of tricks and even how many shots of each ammo will take out a particular monster. It is now second nature to shoot just enough ammo and not even look to see if they have died because I know they are spewing innards out their nostrils. Version 1.2 is no longer challenging enough and it is way too cramped for me. Time to break out Forge and give it another go. Version 1.3 is one of my favorite incarnations of Hell Hole.

This is a complete "toss the original and redo". Each column and passageway is 3 world units wide, giving the most open area possible without a too much distance error. At least so I thought at the time. The height has gone from 3 WU to 5 because I saw heads

  bonking on the ceiling and in this game altitude gets respect, well, at least MINE. Every side has a return elevator from the Blood Trough which speeds up the action. This time I really did speed up the blood drips. Due to the immense size there are mondo mas aliens added. I came to the stark realization that there is only one item per poly teleported in so I added as many polys as I could without errors so as much ammo as possible could be added at the same time. Later I realized what an idiot I was. The Mosh Pit is now the weapons pit, go there the first thing as it is the only place to arm yourself. There are no weapons, aliens, or ammo allowed in the Blood Trough or Sniper Alley, snipers, enjoy and sharpen your skills, the rest of us melee/strategy types can oink out in the central portions of the map.


Back in February of 2000 I submitted a screen shot of some particularly nasty act of Hell Hole V1.3 mayhem to the MacAddict magazines "Screen Shot of the Month". Hey, guess what? They actually used it! It might have been the "Artists Statement" section of that feature that gave me the idea for my new Internet handle, "Symbol Thingy, the artist formerly known as the Battle Cat". Might have been, not sure about that but hey... it could have happened! Anyway, the screen shot graphic I submitted is the one I use as a "splash screen" graphic for the Hell Hole V1.2 page even though it came from V1.3. Don't try to figure it out, just understand that I am an artist, MacAddict said so, and because of this I must therefore be very deep and and and mysterious and there are just going to be some things you will never understand about me. Things like why I save my nummies on the window seal and call them "The Snooterific Inner-Children of my Humble Nose Mother". See? I'm deep. Anyway you can snag the "MacAddict Screen Shot of the Month" featuring my Marathon screen shot below. You should send in your own Marathon screen shots, they are very easy to do in Marathon. If you see something very cool happening in a VidMaster attempt, net game or a net style game like Hell Hole or playing against the BOBs in the Battle Cat's World Tour then you just save the film. Play the film back to where the cool thing is about to happen, use your film slowing key to slow it and when you get close you can advance the film one frame at a time. When you get to it, pause the film by slowing it to a stop and take a screen shot. You can use Snapz V1.0 or above or press "Shift 5" to allow background processing in Marathon and take a Macintosh system screen shot using the "Command Shift 3". Send your screen shots to letters@macaddict.com and show them that Marathon is still alive and kicking!

Hell Hole v1.2

Hell Hole

Version 1.2

By: Gary Simmons
the Battle Cat

OK, now I got the hang of using the map editors. I get a little better with my monster selection. The idea is to have a level that will let you play a new game each time you start a new game. The weapons and the items and the monsters all appear in random locations. Hell Hole was always meant to be more than just a practice level, it was supposed to be a help to people wanting to test a physics model or a shapes patch. All the weapons are represented here and most of the monsters.

The high-pitched, incessantly whining users


nag the crusty snot out of me so here is what has changed... now go gargle blood and die. I added a return elevator to the North side. Many of the aliens hang out and fight each other in the Mosh Pit, fixed it so they are more evenly distributed over the map, now they don't hang out in the pit, and using some reverse perverted logic made the Mosh Pit an actual pit even though it is not a mosh pit anymore. Added a Hunter. Converted 4 Major Projectile Fighters into Major Fighters, making the map a bit faster. Made the outside corridor 1/2 world unit wider by stealing room from the Blood Trough

Time to send the spacesuit to the cleaners again

How to Look Combat Fresh and "Marathon Cool":

These instructions will guide you to the perfect look of having just been in serious combat and are fresh from the killing fields.

  • Mess your hair up with a weed whacker then light off a cherry bomb on top of your head.
  • Smudge your arms, face and neck with lit charcoal.
  • Rip your face and clothes with a hand held piece of barb wire.
  • Chew on a short, fat, unlit cigar butt. Remember to spit little pieces of it when you bellow orders.
  • Break your nose with a brick, let it set laying on it's side.
  • Set your pant leg on fire, put it out with a fire ax.
  • Crawl on your belly through a muddy, croc infested marsh with your zipper down.
  • Jump out of the back of a pickup truck at 25 mph while holding a big armfull of bottles, cow brains, and 16d framing nails.
  • Jam a 6 inch long jagged shard of rusty pig iron into your butt cheek leaving several inches protruding and tape a lit cigarette underneath it so it looks like it is shrapnel that is still smoking.
  • Steal a body from the morgue and sling it over your shoulder. A cool effect would be to pump a few rounds into it first. At this point hitting vital organs is not importent. Hey, he/she/it is dead... come on, give it a rest...... AW HELL, go for it!!
  • Hold a chicken over your head and cut it's head off letting it drain over you. The chicken will complain about this so get it drunk first. An animal rights activist may complain about _that_ so let the chicken go and hold the animal rights activist over your head and cut HIS head off. This will also save you the trouble of stealing a body from the morgue.
  • Pack heat. Something really needlessly big bore. Crisscross bandoleers of ammo for it over your shoulders.
  • Remember to grimace and flinch and twitch a lot. When speaking, jabber as loud and as fast as possible and try to wave your arms around a lot.
  • Look in a full length mirror, adjust the corpse if needed, check to see if your butt shrapnel is still smoking.

Now go out to that social function, job interview or net game. You will impress the hell out of everyone.


Out on furlough for "good behavior while muzzled and chained to a wall in solitary confinement" is our resident cartoonist, Erkki Toukolehto (alias: Ice Felon X Dog Pak). Mr. Ice Pak has produced a graphical guide book for the only known fashion tips ever distributed by the irascible Battle Cat. You will quickly notice that these cartoons are probably the most stupid, immature, disgusting, adolescent, cruel and violent cartoons you have seen in a long time. My kind of cartoon Charlie! Now if only they were demeaning toward women he would have perfection. Give him more time (unlike the parole board) and he will get it right. Enjoy if you will these visual aids courtesy of the Battle Cat. Yes me boyo, you just got aids from the Battle Cat. People, you MUST wear a condom while viewing these graphics! Girls, these graphics are compatible with the Barbie Fashion Plate Paper Dolls Set available in most department stores. Just print 'em and clip 'em out and you will have Barbi or Skipper looking Marathon cool in no time! Course it will help if you wad her up and bap her with a ball ping hammer, light her on fire and blow a couple holes in her first. Well it looks like Erkki is hacking the electronic house arrest leg cuff that is locked around his ankle so, with no further warning and for your advanced education in the glamourous, fast paced world of high fashion...

Erkki's Marathon-Cool fashion tips guide book! 

Marathon-Cool Fashion Tips Cover Page

Marathon-Cool Fashion Tips Guide Book page 1

Marathon-Cool Fashion Tips Guide Book page 2

Marathon-Cool Fashion Tips Guide Book page 3

Marathon-Cool Fashion Tips Guide Book page 4

Hell Hole v1.1

Version 1.1

By: Gary Simmons 
the Battle Cat

This is your brain on Hell Hole
Excedrin headache #7

This is where it all started as this is my first map. I don't consider myself a mapmaker, I am a player (OK, so I'm a mapmaker now). The point of this map is to be way too damn hard, to help you stretch and learn to fight. Use "Hell Hole" to warm up before a net game or a tough level. There are no puzzles, no secrets, no cheesy circuits to plug in, just head to head non stop carnage till you die. When you live too long, set your difficulty up a notch. When Total Carnage gets too easy, split the map, add some more monsters or whatever and remerge it. When that gets too easy blind one eye with a soldering iron, nail your hand to your face, and play sitting on a lit camp stove while your little brother smacks you with a whiffle bat.   Ordinarily I used to populate a net map with aliens and weapons using editors and then use that to practice fighting to the spleen-squirting, brain-splattering, metal-twisting death. I thought I would create a map from scratch with Forge, making a simple room of my own design. The original "Hell Hole." Version 1.0 never made it off the operating table and version 1.1 was never released... until now! See what started it all! This is the version that was converted into "The Holodeck" level of "D-Day." Fast, fast, fast like a greasy photon, these mean streets will lay your smoking carcass out in a leaky body bag in record time.

The Cheat codes for Hell Hole:
(These codes will work the same for all 3 versions of Marathon)

  1. Hold down the alt/control/tab/shift/esc/pg dn/break keys while typing "BoyItsHardToTypeLikeThis" - All the monsters get a Melvin, (You know a Wedgie, a High Toner, etc.)
  2. Tab "OhhhhGeezGroanSquirrrrrrrrrrt" - 5 lbs of Exlax is teleported directly into the monsters stomachs. Wait 30 minutes then pay a visit to the restroom with a SPANKR.
  3. Tab "AwwwDangItComeOnAndy" - Sheriff Taylor lets you take the .44 magnum bullet out of your shirt pocket.
  4. Tab "WheeDoggiesKindergardenKicksMyTushie" - God mode, except you are just a false god and only idiots like yourself ever seem to ever worship you then after eons of totally screwing up an otherwise perfectly good planet: Jesus returns, whups your stupid candy ass, and dropkicks your PC into a dumpster.
  5. Tab "Make$50000Instantly" - The monsters favorite newsgroup gets spammed. Sayyyy... you know, come to think of it, maybe that's what the monsters have been doing to alt.games.marathon!?!?!
  6. Sing, "LookingForLoveInAllTheWrongPlaces" - Monsters mustaches become caked with crap.
  7. Tab "WhyCantWeAll*sniff*JustGetAlong?" - Peace is declared. You settle down on the Pfhor home world with a pretty little Blue Fighter with a cute butt and delight in the news that, during the night, she has laid a clutch of eggs in your ears.
  8. Tab "DOH!!" - You suddenly accidentally kill yourself with a SPNKR. Bummer.
  9. Tab "OkSoImAWienie" - Your mother will slap your face, push you out of your chair and finish the game for you.
  10. Tab "BungieDoesntCareTheyJustWantOurMoney" - Matt Soell will come over there, slap your face, push you out of your chair and finish the game for you.
  11. Tab "GeeWhizIWishIWerentSoLame" - A Purple Trooper will push you around in a wheelchair, fight all your fights, find all the secrets, accomplish all your missions, and give you all the credit on prime time national television. "Uhrr uhhh ah er!"
  12. PC, Control/alt/del -- Mac, Option/command/esc - Wins the game instantly.
  13. Tab "DeniseRichards" All the heads pop off of the monsters dicks giving you a tremendous tactical advantage.
  14. Tab "GeeWhilikersIReallyMissPong" - Every monster has a fatal coronary, Durandal and Tyco apologize to you in a flood of tears, all the secret doors violently fly open, every circuit chip comes bounding up to you like lonely frisky puppies, you are cheerfully handed 1,000 rounds for every weapon, you are respectfully awarded the wave motion cannon with your name boldly engraved on the watcha-ma-doodle, and adoring-screaming-groping cheerleaders carry you on their shoulders to the closing screen where a big fancy shiny gold medal is ceremoniously pinned to your chest by the president of the United States of America. Oh yeah, you also get a book of coupons, and a free night's stay at a Motel 6 in the Middle Eastern 3rd world country of your choice. I recommend Iraq. Bring an MA-75B Battle Rifle and fire it up into the air a lot while shouting "Death to America!!". You will be VERY popular. Trust me.

cyensniper.sit v1.0

cyenobite — Apr 10, 2001

This simple alteration, lets the standard pistol, fire with the same damage (if not more) of a missle. This is a great file, to add for creating "sniper" type games. Just bunker in, a room, or dark corner of a map, and pick off the un-suspecting. Another change to the weapons, is that the machine gun grenades act like "mines". They have a Slow trajectory (so they won't last forever), but these work great down a long hallway, and just wait for someone to run into them.
This physics file was created to go along with my network maps under "cyenV1.38"

CyenV1.38.sit v1.0

cyenobite — Apr 09, 2001

These levels were designed around 3 people on a network game. So the levels are fairly small. Look for hidden doors.
These levels also work great with an altered physics file, to have the standard gun, modified for a one shot kill.
expect kill rates to be in the 30-50's for a 12 minute game.
Warning, do not mix these levels with caffiene!

S'phorn Cross v1.0

S'Phorn Cross is a net-map for Marathon Infinity. It was originally made by eNJay, and was very popular for its size and complexity, despite that fact that it didn't go over the visible polygon limit.

It is a large arena style map with a small, open hill and surrounding windows and ledges to attack from. It is great for playing with anything from 2 to 8 players, due to its unique architecture.

Very fun map which I (Phish) updated in the past few days to make it look slightly better :)

S'phorn Cross was made with Bungie's Forge for Marathon Infinity.

Shishk-a-bob Mi v1.1

Locucious — Apr 08, 2001

This is another version of Shishk-a-bob that plays on Infinity. I had to tone down the graphics a little, and reduce the number of polys for it to do this. Still plenty fun, though.

Luminous Pfhishing v1.0

Luminous Pfhishing is a map for Marathon Infinity. I havn't played Marathon for years, but back in the good ole' days this was a favourite.

Very fun map which I updated in the past few days to make it look slightly better :)

Luminous Pfhishing was made with Bungie's Forge for Marathon Infinity. Thanks to eNJay and mad.max for testing it with me. (Yes, you did test it. Years ago. Remember?)

geranimo DETHH jump! v1.1

private hudson — Apr 06, 2001

Geranimo deth jump is actually a special gimmick preview version of a netmap from an upcoming kickass infinity scenario TC19.
Erkki has been making maps since infinity came out. It's all about quality.
Lotsa respect to the ones who will play this map with their friends. Send the films to tlehto@netlife.fi

-infinity sewage texture set
-suits well for all group sizes
-good flow
-carefully designed & tested.

WARNING: netbob infested map. lethal ordinance airborne continuously. monsters placed in the map are for netmap training purposes only. do not whine about dying all the time!

Chisel: Better Cleanup v1.0.1

Mike Trinder — Apr 05, 2001

Distributed with previous versions of Chisel is an effect called 'Cleanup.' This effect has at least one bug at the time of writing: whilst it removes the correct number of lights from the map, the lights left behind are not the correct ones, merely the first lights in the map. This means that it only works correctly if the last lights in the map are removed. Enter 'Better Move Level' which fixes the bug, and adds two new features:)

As of Chisel 2.1, this effect replaces the original Cleanup effect. If you have downloaded Chisel 2.1 or greater from this site, you don't need to get this again.

Chisel: Media Munger v1.0

Mike Trinder — Apr 05, 2001

Media Munger is an effect for use with Chisel 2.0 or later that can remap the media in any Marathon 2 or Infinity map to any of the types available. It works on unmerged maps, but its alterations are removed by the merging process, so simply reapply to the merged map.
It is perfectly possible to crash Marathon hard using this effect. Each media type references a specific medium texture (from the various wall collections) - if you can see the surface of a medium, then you must have that wall texture collection loaded. Similarly, the splash effects played when you fire into a medium/enter it are in the scenery collections - if you fire into a medium you must have these loaded as well.

Chisel: Write Rotator v1.0a2

Mike Trinder — Apr 05, 2001

Write Rotator File is an effect for use with Chisel 2.0 or later that can output any Marathon 2 or Infinity map in the format used by the Freeware program Rotator. This allows you to view any map as a three dimensional wire frame model, somewhat similar to the map used by Descent. It was written to produce a few terminal images and animations quickly, but mostly for the fun of it.


Rotator is a freeware application by Craig Kloeden. It is an extremely fast three dimensional wireframe viewer capable of displaying many thousands of lines per second on a PowerMac. It can be obtained from the official Rotator ftp site at ftp://raru.adelaide.edu.au/rotater

[Addendum: take a look at Loren Petrich's Marathon Map Exporter which has far surpassed what this effect can or was intended to do. I have stopped development on this effect in the light of this excellent program. Not that this effect is not useful, but... MikeT 3rd September 1998]

Lift Test v1.0

Mike Trinder — Apr 05, 2001

A quick hack to exploit the Platformer Chisel effect. This map consists of two rooms linked by a platform that is open on all four sides. This map is totally indebted to the amazing map hacking of Jason Harper.

Cinemascope v1.0

Mike Trinder — Apr 05, 2001

Cinemascope is a useful application that can fool Marathon 2 and Infinity into displaying terminal pictures that are twice the normal width. It was developed to implement the terminals in Trojan - Legacy. Marathon expects terminal pictures to be 307 by 266 pixels and will normally stretch or compress images to fit this rectangle. Cinemascope will muck about with your pictures to allow you to use and display images that are 614 by 266 pixels, giving you an image that goes right across the terminal with any terminal text drawn over the top of its right hand side.

Green Dream v1.2

oogaBooga (Mike Finley) — Apr 04, 2001

GRRR!!! I'm so mad.. I was using I.E. and after doing EXTENSIVE descripting it crashed... I'm using netscape from now on.

Anyways— 10 maps. Here are their names(I ain't gonna write info on em, nuh-uh you can just find out for yourself this time:P) :

Complexity Scytho Martyr Desperado
Ambition 2
Fatum Iustum Stultorum Redux
Lepers in the Toilet Area
Prelude to Ferality
Squared Circle
a crazy concoction of colors
Reason with Your Mom[spork]

So come to your own conclusions:P

Thanks goes to:

Kame(for moral support)
Kira(for trying)
Doughnut(for fixing kira's mistakes:P)
Have Blue
Patient Zero
Jagermeister (i think)
ALSO MAUGLIR:) sorry i forgot the first time around

Ah well, I won't bore you with pointless facts.. Go. Vid. Wield superior firepower. Endure.


Pete's Pmods v1.0

krel — Apr 03, 2001

Glue...This physics model glues everyone to the floor, no one can move but you.

ZeroG-Gernades...This one prevents gernades from falling, they will keep moving untill they hit something.

Napalm Powered Flashlight... This is just what it sounds like, a napalm powered flash light. your flashlight is in your fist, and don't get to close to anyone(unless you want them to fry).

Trigger-Happy-Fighters...This one's old. The red and blue fighters can shoot at you with the wepons you know and love.

StarFleet Issued Photon Gernades...What do you think? You throw them with your fist.

StarFleet Issued Phasor... Again, what do you think? You use it with your fusion gun, first is low power green, second it high powered gold phasor fire.
Walking Doom...Walk into people and wach them explode!(This was supposed to make every one kamikazi, but it didn't work out too well)

Funny Little Napalm Powered Pistol Shaped Lighter Thing...Ya know those pistol shaped lighters, well this is one, just it's napalm powered.

Broken Drones...The drones are BROKEN!! they can't fly.

Drone Poop... Poopin' drones, they poop. Whatja' you think they did?

Messed-Up-Fighters... All the fighter's colors's are all swiched.

Invisible Gate...Make your own invisible fence with the secondary weapon on the ar-75 assult rifel.(great for network games)
steroids...Remember in doom? well here's a steroid punch.
shotgun...what do you think(sawed off/nonsawed off)
some others too

black surge v1.1

private hudson — Apr 03, 2001

Hill and Ball now fixed!

Very small lava netmap with A-rifles, shotguns and rocket launchers. Will propably work best as a koth map for 3 skilled players. symmetrical design, small arena-style map.

4 small ledges with starting locations and assault rifles. hill is in the middle. under the hill is rocket launcher room, shotguns are everywhere. First player on the hill gets a free 3X powerup but it won't appear again. If you nail someone with the SPNKR, he'll most likely wind up in a lava pool (don't worry they're hard to fall into accidentally and are easy to get out from).

full contact in-your-face combat. the whole map is fitted in area 17 X 17 world units wide.

mr. Spade's Office v1.0

private hudson — Apr 03, 2001


ok check it out and send me your films.
it's only few KBs....

Ode To Pombero v1.9

metamucilax — Apr 01, 2001

O.T.P. v1.9 contains 11 heavily play-tested net maps designed for 2 to 8 players. Flow is unimpeded and play is gushy fun. Included is “YooKeeBang”, a KotH missile-munching favorite.

Marathon Rubicon AO 1.0

Rubicon — Mar 31, 2001

The highly-regarded Marathon Trilogy by Bungie Software has long held a near and dear place close to the heart of every mac gamer. With its complicated story and timeless gameplay, Marathon's laurels are much deserved. Over the course of the six years since Marathon 1 was released, the game's fans have worked long and hard on countless efforts to extend the life of the game beyond what came in the box. Teams of artists, mapmakers, sound gurus, and others joined to create masterful scenarios and total conversions for the Marathon engine, hacking together their own tools for modifying the original games.

With the advent of Marathon Infinity, Bungie's comprehensive content-creation tools for the engine were released. Scenario makers everywhere rejoiced, and highly motivated artists began constructing custom scenarios of scales that eclipsed even Bungie's original games.

Enter Rubicon.

Four years in the making, Rubicon is the is the largest Marathon scenario project ever created. To give some sense of the magnitude of this scenario, Rubicon features:

-360+ new textures
-Over a dozen new characters
-Tons of new scenery
-8 new weapons
-More solo levels than any other Marathon scenario to date

...all wrapped into a nonlinear plotline that can be traversed in any number of ways, featuring different endings based upon a player's choices over the course of the game. Randy Reddig, the texture artist and a mapmaker for Bungie's original Marathon Infinity, called Rubicon's visuals "...the nicest I've ever seen come out of Marathon." If you've ever played any Marathon game, Rubicon will reignite your love for the series.

Head to the website for more details.

Marathon Rubicon 1.0

Rubicon — Mar 31, 2001

The highly-regarded Marathon Trilogy by Bungie Software has long held a near and dear place close to the heart of every mac gamer. With its complicated story and timeless gameplay, Marathon's laurels are much deserved. Over the course of the six years since Marathon 1 was released, the game's fans have worked long and hard on countless efforts to extend the life of the game beyond what came in the box. Teams of artists, mapmakers, sound gurus, and others joined to create masterful scenarios and total conversions for the Marathon engine, hacking together their own tools for modifying the original games.

With the advent of Marathon Infinity, Bungie's comprehensive content-creation tools for the engine were released. Scenario makers everywhere rejoiced, and highly motivated artists began constructing custom scenarios of scales that eclipsed even Bungie's original games.

Enter Rubicon.

Four years in the making, Rubicon is the is the largest Marathon scenario project ever created. To give some sense of the magnitude of this scenario, Rubicon features:

-360+ new textures
-Over a dozen new characters
-Tons of new scenery
-8 new weapons
-More solo levels than any other Marathon scenario to date

...all wrapped into a nonlinear plotline that can be traversed in any number of ways, featuring different endings based upon a player's choices over the course of the game. Randy Reddig, the texture artist and a mapmaker for Bungie's original Marathon Infinity, called Rubicon's visuals "...the nicest I've ever seen come out of Marathon." If you've ever played any Marathon game, Rubicon will reignite your love for the series.

Head to the website for more details.

Moon Games v1.2

doughnut — Mar 31, 2001

This was my first map that I released. We enjoyed testing/playing it. I've included 2 films of our play testing adventures into the magical lands of carnage.

There is nothing complex about this map, it's all what you see is what you get. The only way someone can hide from you in this map, is by hiding around a corner. So remember to go into every room with a fresh clip

4 way games were enjoyable, but there were moments where some of us were doing nothing. I'd suggest games from 6 people for ultimate enjoyment.

Pathways v0.5

Matt Ramquist — Mar 31, 2001

Pathways is a huge level with a large outdoor section. It will probably keep getting even larger in future revisions. That being said, you will need a reasonably fast computer (iMac 233 or faster) to get a decent framerate and 3D hardware acceleration wouldn't hurt either.

Pfhive Pack

Justin Burns — Mar 18, 2001

5 levels, focus is on vertical movement. Everything is fast - hesitate and you're lost. (Elevators, for example, generally visit a level for a second or two - time the jump-off, or head back to where you started. Once you get a feel for the layout, it works quite well... but at the start, you'll get shot a LOT by people chasing you.) Check 'em out!

Some More Lh'owon v1.1

Scott Noblitt — Mar 18, 2001

Some More Lh'owon is the 13-level sequel to my Levels of Lh'owon netpack. All types of gameplay and games of up to 8 players are supported, although some combinations of games and number of players work better than others.

All of the texture sets and weapons are used. They've been designed with Marathon 2 in mind, but work with Infinity too. Also, aliens are included, so disable them if you don't want them.

Inf - > Aleph Converter v1.3

Trevor Smith — Mar 17, 2001

A tiny applescript app that does one thing (and does it right) - it converts any Marathon file to Aleph One format (maps, shapes, sounds, Infinity files, Evil files, almost anything goes). Far more convenient than ResEdit. v1.2 adds folder/disc drag-n-drop and compatibility with all 3rd party scenarios. v1.3 now converts entire folders, instead of just one level deep.

Last Survivor of the Nostromo v2

oogaBooga/Randy Reddig — Feb 28, 2001

A couple of years ago, ydnar offloaded the last of his Marathon detritus, a very impressive (though slightly unfinished) map called Last Survivor of the Nostromo. Recently, oogaBooga decided to polish it - better lighting, better weapon balance (okay, forget the 'better' - it now HAS weapon balance), more starting positions, some baddies to mess with. The original was a thing of beauty in a 6-person netgame (well, after customizing weapons and ammo)... this one is better.

Jerkcity 1.5

oogaBooga — Feb 14, 2001

6 levels, on the small side. You know, I'm getting tired of saying nice things about this guy. Who the heck does he think he is, consistently turning out top-notch netmaps? Okay, go ahead and play these, if you like good flow, and nice architecture, and plenty of weapons and ammo... but don't think I'm gonna be happy about it. (Dang, those red weapons are fun in netplay.)

Return to Marathon v1.0

Antonio de Llamas — Feb 14, 2001

In March, 1999, Antonio de Llamas released a single level preview for an ambitious project he'd undertaken - Return to Marathon. You were returning to the Marathon, abandoned after centuries of use, and things were not what they seemed. The response was tremendous... and now, finally, the Return to Marathon team brings you Return to Marathon v1.0. Three levels of spooky, semi-familiar surroundings... incredible terminal art, tons of new creatures, new weapons, plenty of eye candy, a suspenseful storyline... it's not easy, you'll have to work to get through it. This is not for the faint-of-heart... but the adrenaline rush you got when you first played Marathon is back.

Marathon Fell -SDL- v2.0

Ben Potter — Feb 13, 2001

An Aleph One/SDL conversion of Marathon: Fell.

Converted by Craig Caroon.

To learn more about Aleph One/SDL or Aleph One/SDL for Windows, visit the respective pages.

In April 1999, Fell 1.0 was released, and it was a pretty impressive debut. The work of predominately one person, Fell was an extremely playable, engrossing scenario. Now, 7 months later, Fell 2.0 is released. This is Fell 1.2 with 11 new levels added to the end. Tempus Irae textures are used beautifully here... a tribute to both sets of creators. This one is big, but it's fantastic. It'll keep you trying again, and again, and again, until you finally find that right technique to pass this part, or that. And this, I think, is the test of a good scenario-when you run into difficulty, do you want to hang it up and go home, or are you finding yourself saying, "just one more try..."? If the latter, you know you're playing a winner. And Fell is a winner. And if you're stuck, grab the Fell v2.0 Spoiler Guide!

Devil in a Blue Dress -SDL- v2.2

Marathon Map Makers Guild — Feb 13, 2001

An Aleph One/SDL conversion of Devil in a Blue Dress v2.2.

Converted by Craig Caroon.

To learn more about Aleph One/SDL or Aleph One/SDL for Windows, visit the respective pages.

Grendel Manqué v2

Jason Parsons/Gabe Rosenkoetter — Feb 03, 2001

An upgrade of a 5 map collection - it's 15 maps now. Emphasis is on lighting and special effects - maps are very pretty to look at. What I wrote for the first version still holds - Mostly geared to smaller groups (all are playable with 2 players, although most will support more). Well thought-out... even the plainest has a purpose. Definitely worth a look. (And if you're looking, check out the author's map page... a bit unusual, but quite interesting.)

Blunt Hop 1.5

oogaBooga — Feb 03, 2001

A 7 level nethop pack. Every single one of these maps is worth playing on its own (well, okay, the vacuum level's sort of a pain in the ass), together they total a monstrous netgame potential. Every gamestyle is supported, and every playing style can find a home here. Check 'em out.

Rocket Launcher

Heath Gibson — Jan 27, 2001

A square level, with a bunch of fake walls, and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of rocket packs. Internally, the level is called 'Die', which is relatively accurate - you can't always see what's coming at you, because of the fake walls.

Meerkat Wrecknophobe 1.1

oogaBooga — Jan 27, 2001

3 more levels from a master. One is simply a fun bit from a RED solo map, but all three are really playable - you'll spend most of your time getting blasted by friends, and very little time trying to figure out where to go next. Those RED weapons are just built for carnage, aren't they?

Waterfall Arena

Heath Gibson — Jan 27, 2001

A square arena, with a trough around it... and a water elevator to bridge the gap. Obscene numbers of objects/baddies complete the picture.

Restored A1/Infinity Shuttle

Dispatcher — Jan 19, 2001

A replacement for about a third of the infinity textures, using the M1 and M2 counterparts. An interesting effect... try it out and see. (Suggested for Aleph One, but works fine with Infinity ,as well. Textures haven't changed in size.) It's proposed as an early step in the Texture Replacement Project - start with the most colorful and detailed textures in the Marathon series, and you should get a more pleasing final result.

Portal of Sigma Demo

Simon Dupuis — Jan 19, 2001

A one-level (okay, two if you count the intro room) demo of an upcoming scenario. Portal of Sigma is a Big House inmate, and a promising one. The mapmaking in this demo is gorgeous. Terms need a little work, and the gamplay is rather linear... but both of those will change in the final product - he leads you where he wants you to go... it's a demo, after all. After playing through the level, the first word that came to mind was 'clean'. I think you'll like it.

Blinking Launcher Patch

Alcladq10 — Jan 19, 2001

This is pretty cool. It adds a small patch to your SPNKR shapes - when the launcher is capable of firing, it blinks green. When it's not (because it's between shots, or reloading), it blinks red. It works, it doesn't get in your way, and hey - it's tiny. Check it out!

Purple Torch 1.3

oogaBooga — Jan 14, 2001

3 levels, all with fantastic flow. These maps just get better and better. Unholy lets you play netgames in Ian's disgustingly alive hive-like textures... Whiskeyclone is a simple (but hard to dominate) street scene. Singe offers some pretty fun scenery... ick. :) Definitely worth a look.


Erik H. and Mike F. — Jan 14, 2001

24 levels, some simple, some more complex... all quite playable for small to medium groups. Emphasis is on movement... and it works well. With 24 maps, your net group shouldnt' get bored too quickly...

Aero 1.0

Al Spaceman — Jan 02, 2001

This is a small netmap for Marathon Infinity, best suited for two players, three at most (it has only been tested by two players). Its architecture has been designed so that players can perform cool stunts and jumps so some different skills come in handy; not just who aims better. I've included all weapons except for the .44 (didn't find it necessary) and the fusion gun (the fusion gun is boring).

Aero won the Map of the Month award for January 2001 at marathon.bungie.org.

Assault Island

M.L. Kirby — Jan 02, 2001

A large map, playable either as net (without the included physics model) or solo (with it). Map's not merged for easier swapping. A large castle, with a moat around it. Secrets are all over the place... many ways in (though most will require hunting). In solo mode, green stuff (troopers, hunters, etc) are on your side. Find those recharge canisters quickly...


Don Carson — Jan 02, 2001

Created in 1997, but never added to the Archives, this walls collection is a pretty amazing example of what you can do with black and white. Textures are cartoonish, prelit... Disneyesque. (Not utterly surprising, since the creator has worked for Disney for quite a while.) These were used (in a modified form) in Hamish Sanderson's Mill2... it would be great to see them used again.


Loren Petrich — Jan 02, 2001

Otherwise known as Marathon 1-2-3 Converter, this tool will convert M1 data files (maps, shapes, sounds, you name it) to Aleph One format. It's more than just a simple translator - when you tranlsate a map, you also get the MML files needed to make it work as the original. Source is included.


Trevor Smith — Dec 27, 2000

Very clever- amazing it hasn't been done before.This one's a lot of fun. It is what it sounds like - you (and your opponent) are the paddles, missiles are the ball. The missiles can't hurt you... but if you miss one, the crusher that it triggers can... A blast.

Got Curves? 1.02

Nathan Orion Fulton — Dec 27, 2000

A very pretty map, one that takes good advantage of Aleph One's lack of line-of-sight problems. A very curvy map (surprised?) with (pretty amazing to me) not a single platform. And flow is STILL pretty good! Small weapons in abundance, larger weapons nicely held back. (And you have to work a bit for that SPNKR...) Nice for medium to large groups.

MKT Tutorial v.1.1

Chris Komarnicki — Dec 27, 2000

A 6-level (well, a few more, but who's counting) map containing tutorials on making a slew of cool effects in Marathon. These range from trivial (more realistic smoke contrails via a single change in the physics model entry) to seriously complex (swinging doors, breaking windows, exploding walls). You even get tasty bonuses like a real laser sight and a working flashlight (this is too cool for words). It's all described in easy-to-follow language, and shows off some of Chris's amazing Killing Time artwork. Absolutely worth a download, for all scenario makers. Upgrade adds curved archways, far better breaking windows, and better weapons modification information, as well as a prettier package.

Lush Supersuite v1.2

oogaBooga — Dec 27, 2000

7 levels, ranging from huge to tiny. Some take inspiration from Bungie levels (you'll know by the name), some are entirely original. All are well-constructed, and provide nicely for heavy carnage. One shows what happens when an insane person gets ahold of Chisel. This pack should be good for groups of all sizes.

Chokin' on the Splinters v2.0

oogaBooga — Dec 19, 2000

A multilevel, familiar-feeling map... but you haven't seen this before, at least not in this form. Lots of tight spaces, good flow... but also easy to get trapped, easy to find yourself in a corner. Plenty of weapons and ammo, but this map would be tight with more than 3 or 4 players. Definitely worth a look for smaller groups. v2.0 removes all the tight spaces, really opens up the flow. (Seems my comment about it being easy to be trapped was interpreted as negative... it wasn't meant that way; v1 had nice flow, though it was necessary to think about where you were going if you were being chased. v2 doesn't have any problem at all with this - movement is hardly restricted at all. Different styles - both were nice. v2 seems to fit more with the author's vision, however, and gameplay is quite fast. :) )

Space Survival -SDL-

Jorge Salas — Dec 19, 2000

An Aleph One/SDL update of Space Survival v2.5.

Converted by eko.

To learn more about Aleph One/SDL or Aleph One/SDL for Windows, visit the respective pages.

Cathode Ray Photosynthesis v1.0

ToastMonkey Consortium — Dec 04, 2000

An enormous map, with at least 3 distinct levels, all cleverly linked. Absolutely an Aleph One map... huge viewing distances, lots and lots of polys. For all that, getting around isn't too bad (as long as you don't get stuck underground). Trap your friends in the waterways, then drain 'em! Nail 'em as they come through the only way out...
-Claude Errera

This map was created by Flat-Man @ th' ToastMonkey Consortium.

Arthur vs. Makbeth 1.5

DcBob (Johannes Gunnar) — Dec 03, 2000

A huge map, several large, open areas connected by tight, twisting corridors. Lots and lots of baddies for solo play - maybe too many for net play (they all regenerate) - you get baddie jams in hallways. Otherwise, an interesting level - some fun strategy stuff can be done.

Worked a little bit on layout and made some hallways a little bit bigger so it would be harder to get stuck or confused.

Benad's Net Games SDK v1.2

Benoit Nadeau — Dec 03, 2000

Now THIS is intriguing. This is a developer's kit for making cool net games like Rugby, Capture the Flag, and Defense. Up to 8 teams are supported. Inside, you'll find a modified version of Aleph One (because the netcode in the current release is 'broken', apparently), a modified version of the venerable Pfhorte 2.0 (plus source code), some small demo maps, and sketchy directions. It'll be very interesting to see what gets done with this! V1.1 fixes a small bug that allowed a ball to appear on a base if you died on it. V1.2 adds a copyright page, refixes that bug that 1.1 was supposed to fix, and adds a few maps to the distribution.


oogaBooga — Dec 03, 2000

Wow. One netpak, 77 levels. Yep, that's right, 77. Mostly pretty good ones, even... some novelty stuff, and at least one that really needs Aleph One (the last one)... but mostly very playable levels. 77 of 'em. THIS MAN IS INSANE! Get the pack - it'll keep you busy for a long, long time. (I can almost forgive a 1+ meg readme with this many new levels.)

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